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Although I agree with what you write above, I beg to differ about the 'devout' adjective, as 'devout' implies 'practicing'. She may be a believer, but she doesn't seem to go to mass other than on Christmas eve and on her birthday. (Maybe she goes to mass on an occasional Sunday, but she has not mentioned it.) Nevertheless, if she were so 'devout', she wouldn't be having s*xual relations outside marriage, and certainly would not be living with a guy outside marriage. A devout Catholic follows all of the Catholic precepts, not just going to Christmas eve mass and putting up a Christmas tree (the latter having nothing to do with religion itself---quite the opposite, actually. It is a remnant of paganistic end-of-year rituals.)
The patient Tiffany met at the hospital is actually a 'Tiffanythinks family' member, or at least that is what Tiffany stated in one of her hospital videos. Tiffany did not say that the woman she met was a you-tuber.

There is a confusion between laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery. Dr. Shahnawaz Rasheed uses a robot to aid in pelvic exenteration surgeries as well as in other surgeries involving the colon. Nowhere does it state that in order to use the robot, the surgery has to be laparoscopic. There are videos of a robot's 'hands' performing surgical manipulations in a very-open pelvic cavity of a patient. This is not laparoscopic, but robot-assisted surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery is when several relatively small incisions are made in order to effect the surgery. When 'en bloc' resection as extreme as Tiffany's has to be performed, it cannot be done laparoscopically because too much needs to be removed and rerouted, and that cannot be done through small incisions. However, the DaVinci robot could have been used in parts of her surgery because her main surgeon does employ that robot in various surgeries.
I think she mentioned going to church on Sundays before. But anyway, to me she is "devout". She prays and rambles about god a lot. She used to clutch a rosary and blabber about it in the car.
Yes I know the distinction and that you can have an open robotic surgery. I just meant that perhaps she did not have robotics involved as she did not confirm it in her reply even though the commenter also asked about robotic surgery. She just said "standard". But then she loves to not inform people ...
When 'en bloc' resection as extreme as Tiffany's has to be performed, it cannot be done laparoscopically because too much needs to be removed and rerouted, and that cannot be done through small incisions. - You are right, that makes sense.
Petrina is not a youtuber (the lady we mentioned yesterday). She documents her cancer on IG. See I've missed Tiffany mentioning meeting someone in the hospital as I skip a lot.
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Chatty Member
I swear I'm not! I actually looked up that video when Ratty asked cause I knew in which video the infamous conversation took place but I did not know its title. But that's one of the very few videos of hers that I have actually watched almost in full (with minor skips); I usually don't manage more than a couple of minutes.
I find a skip through the video transcript usually conveys the salient points, such as they are.
I only watch the videos if there is something that needs investigating like when we were trying to pin point dates. Which is crazy, is it not?🤣
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TIffany: "How much would you pay for these chicken nuggets?"
Matt: "I don't know, it's not the best chicken."
Tiffany: "That's what i thought too, the gluten-free part is good, but the chicken isn't. I'd give it 5."
Matt: "Ha!"
Yes HA! … I almost inhaled my rice bubbles off my spoon watching that exact part. Those two are a match made in heaven. I was waiting for Elodie to arrive … clowns 🤡!!!
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So if you don't have insurance in the US what happens? Here, if you are entitled to it, all treatment, from GP to ambulance, hospital, specialists, scans etc are free, whether you have the money to pay or not. We can opt to pay ('go private') and get a much enhanced experience in terms of comfort, access to treatment etc.
If you go to ER you get or not.
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Well....I had to google and if urban dictionary is correct, then I would never be using front bum to describe anything :ROFLMAO: Where is this commonly used?
And the comments are still going, would hate to be her clean up crew today, what a shit show!
I am English, and I have never heard ‘front bum’. ‘Front bottom’ was and is used… it probably started in some sort of of comedy sketch and then caught on.. I haven’t heard it used for some time now though
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You guys are smart as hell and write so well!

Tiffany says in that at home vlog that she didn't get a colostomy but an ileostomy and that she was preparing for a colostomy bag. She says that when they opened her up they saw cancer in the whole colon and the scans prior to the surgery also showed that. In addition, prior to the surgey T made it sound that the whole colon would be removed. Why was she then preparing for colostomy?
It indicates that they told her it likely will be a colostomy bag. Perhaps they told her that only a part of the colon will be removed and when they opened her they saw that the whole colon was full of cancer so they removed all of it hence the ileostomy (attached to the small bowel). But anyway it surprised me that they were seemingly planning for a colostomy bag.
as I recall it early on pre discussion of W and W it was rectum and nearby organs including vagina etc. They as time went along and reevaluated it was SOME colon and the rest and then last scans and the reality was all of colon.
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Can someone explain to me why Ts blood pressure is fluctuating from time to time? Today's vid was filmed 10 days post surgery. Just wondering why this is a continuing problem?
My only thought is perhaps a side effect from the pain relief? My mum had surgery a few years ago and was incredibly sensitive to the morphine, couldn't even sit up without the room spinning 🥴 Once they took her off it she came right pretty quick. Maybe?
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I think what they mean is you have a private healthcare system - so your private healthcare is the same as ours (in terms of rooms etc.)

After a couple of terrible experiences with the NHS, we have, as a family, made a vow to ensure we all have private health cover. The difference in care is insane, and the experience is much better.
Couldn’t have agreed more! I grew up and lived in States and very much used to the private healthcare I had there so once I got married and moved to the UK, it took me less than a year before I realised that the NHS wasn’t the right choice for me and my family! We then went private and I can honestly say the level of care in every aspect is fantastic and the most comprehensive plan by the best providers here are still cheaper than the ones offered in States. I pay less than £100 a month and had the best treatment in one of the world’s best hospitals in London even though it was during Covid!!
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Oh, I feel quite unwell now. I don't know what it us but they both give out such weird, ick-making vibes.
And to Fluffy/Froggy - of course she has them, do you really think she hasn't, 60 days post surgery? She should almost be at the start of her next treatment round.
I feel sorry for all those asking if she has received their gifts, and the ones asking for an address as their parcels are stuck with carriers. Not a peep from her about that.
Ahhh I see the issue for some. Many couriers won't deliver to a PO BOX address. An actual address will be needed to forward it to Tiffany and I guess she doesnt want to give it out, otherwise she would have done that from the offset.
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Is your comment still up Unicorn? Fluffy is back!
Let's not be angry with Fluffy, because Fluffy knows the truth that Tiffany does try to maximize her earnings by posting more rather than less videos, as Fluffy had earlier hinted at on this forum. Fluffy is just employing natural 'fluffo-macy" (diplomacy 'à la Fluffy'). Maybe by asking less, we might get more information. Maybe the more people ask, the more apt she is to drag it out.
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heh, I can imagine her talking to Matt about his pee pee but not right now! Too much else going on there.

SO, I have been AWOL since page 11 of this thread and she's still showing hospital videos and hasn't given any hints about her front bum bits? Is her bladder behaving better do we know? Ah well.. Off to dig through the stacks,
Absolutely we still know nothing. Nothing about the front bum situation, nothing about the bladder situation ( many people are asking about it) we don’t know if it’s better, we know nothing about margins and pathology results or when are the next scans, we basically know nothing except that she kept the bladder and has an ileostomy ( we know nothing about it or how it behaves) that she cannot sit for very long and that she is recovering and getting better. What we do know is that today is the end of the hospital videos so the videos should be more in real time … People in the comments want that and ask for that, and obviously almost two months after surgery people want to know about the margins / lab results ! So will we learn a bit more about it today or Sunday ?
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Don’t blame her at all for wanting her own room. I would too. Being on a ward is absolutely horrible.
i would have been arranging a loan to pay for a private room if that is what it took You cannot put a $$ sign on some peace and quiet to recover.


What an utter self-entitled turd she is. Always tossing and turning to make it go like she wants it. A very unpleasant and rather disgusting type of a woman.
There are also other patients on that ward who have also the right to recover peacefully and not to be bothered by a egotistical person who pretends to be Almodóvar.
If it bothers them that much then they could have asked. I say it just does not hurt to ask. I have been amazed throughout life that a simple request to move a seat or whatever it is can improve your situation. If the answer is no so be it.
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Tiffany thinks #20

I hope I’m not being too rude but most surgical patients this far along enjoy a shower and hair wash. In hospital it’s hard with drains and such but once home even with sutures can have shower. That hair ! It makes one feel better to be fresh and groomed. IT’s encouraged.
Am I out of line?
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Chatty Member
Scratty see the circular picture on the insta profile? When its highlighting as a rainbow colour on the outer edge of the circle, it means there is an update (post) click on the circle.
Yes, I did that, but hadn't realised what the line at the top does. Even so, I'm more of a text-based Ratty, I find all the flashing images a bit hard to cope with.

Or that you have to hold your finger on the screen to stop it moving on. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Yes that pretty much is the difference. Petrina is stood upright in her home 2 weeks on. T was walking slowly with Matt and Amma for effect 2 weeks on.

Cancer of the unknown primary is very difficult to treat :( It's just awful. Yes puzzles, that question is always a burning question "what if". Hopefully in the future tests will be become more available.
I understand that its important not to jump the gun and for them to try treat basic things first, but at the same time I feel too many patients slip through the cracks.

Petrina can do her hair after 2 weeks - Just Sayin Tiffany!
Tiffany lives in a bubble. It’s the positive strong mindset of others that gets them to places they want to be! Tiffany swans around and wallows in being sneaky to win emotional support that will turn into dollars. She really puts her camera first; the others are putting their health first and fighting for every inch. I don’t think Tiffany knows anything but how to regress to look and act like a child.
It’s sad to think she’s laughable, but in reality she is.
Jenny and Petrina are fighters and pushing the hard yards to survive. Tiffany is snacking on fatty shit and lying low to rest. Rest after major surgery means getting good sleep and taking it easy after a rigid pattern of increasing exercise every day!
Let’s see where this girl ends up, but quite obviously she’s not as strong and determined with her health as she is with her little camera. I’m surprised she doesn’t have a pacifier!

Tiffany's surgery is brutal but the HIPEC surgery is even more so. It is called the mother of all surgeries. It's for cancers in the abdomen. I learned how it's done from this interesting article about a man who had it done for his cancer of the appendix:

I saw this too. Brutal but he is one determined guy!
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