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It's almost funny really - she uploaded 8 hospital videos after the surgery (2 hours 50 minutes in total) and didn't say which organs the surgeons removed. She mentioned 3 tubes in her "bum" (2 outside, 1 inside) - does it mean they took a muscle from her thigh for neovagina? Will she ever talk about this?

2k dislikes on her recent video.
No I doubt it. I don't think anyone needs to know if she had vaginal work?
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I watched it....again I have more questions....not familiar at all with RM or NHS...but it that considered a room? Is she going to be transferred to something more private like she had for the C-diff. Is it like this because step down that still have lots of machines going that need to be monitored?
C-Diff patients have to be isolated for infection control purposes. They have priority for a single room as they need their own toilet. For non-infectious patients, especially those nurse in special care - there are usually lots of beds close together for monitoring/staffing purposes. A nurse can look after two patients if they can see both monitors from the same place etc.
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That was a strange comment from her. Initially, I thought she was going to say that she would volunteer at the hospital perhaps to cheer up cancer patients, or maybe bring gifts to give to random people in the hospital. However, when she mentioned doing it during the time she is supposed to be sleeping, what I thought of no longer makes sense because then she would be waking people up. She could at least have finished with her thought and spelled out what it was that she plans to do differently. So, folks, keep watching until next Christmas to find out!! ;)
Next christmas she has forgotten about everything she once said. It will be gonks, christmas trees, decoration and garten centers as usual;
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she looks very underweight, her knees have the bony knobble that anorexics have. Matt deserves a medal living with her cos i can barely watch till the end of a vlog
She is very thin, but I think how her legs look will also be partly down to muscle atrophy from being stuck in bed for weeks. My left leg looked like that after I broke my ankle and couldn't walk on it for over a month.
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Not convinced why Amma would be worrying too much about her EX being in an ambulance … what a strange thought process.
Patient transport ambulances aren’t exactly lights and siren affairs! Who really cares if it’s a train, a taxi, a tuk tuk or a bus … least of all an ambulance. So much time spent repeating infantile sentences and staring into space.
Amma is going along for the ride home with Tiffany …
Matt will be at home waiting.
Priceless !!!
T went on and on about what Amma might feel or think. Amma has better coping mechanisms than you T. For a start she talks to family and friends and does not shut them out and hide and isolate herself. Mind you I didn't snoop anywhere to find that out. You said so in your vlog.
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Question for anyone that might know about this YT practice. I am getting blasted with so many cancer vlogs coming up in my suggested feed. Really don't want to see them...had enough of this stuff....some just keep coming. I see no way to block a channel from popping up. Is that just the way it goes...if you for example follow Krocks or click on TT you will get cancer vlogs coming your way? I am tired of seeing them...i thought they came up if subscribed but I have not subscribed to any. Thanks in advance.
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I think pasta is my favourite food, like if anyone was to ask me 'what's my favourite'.. I'd say it's pasta.

Fuck sakes.
Her vids are as boring as watching paint peel.

I agree. She ALWAYS uses baby voice with him. Always. I don't see a woman with her man, i see a child. Maybe that's why Amma doesn't mind them living together. Maybe they never even had sex.
I sometimes wonder about your last statement too. I just don't see them doing the dirty deed. Lol.
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Yes it's a subjective thing, you just happen to like her voice and the way she speaks and I don't. See I usually love the Northern Irish accent but I don't like Matt and his mumbling and his ideas (the risk and reward crap; doctors are like politicians; you need this surgery to get better, after the surgery you will not have to think about cancer anymore) 😅
Also, I'm usually not that anal about grammar or language mistakes, I make mistakes myself all the time, but Tiffany's irritate me 🤣
Yes I know and I did read your other points and agree with most of them.
Oh no, someone needs to put Matt's face on another Teletubby!
I kind of agree with both of you HA! I like her voice ( but I don’t like the baby voice) her enunciation is indeed perfect in my opinion, and I understand everything when she speaks whereas when Matt speaks well … I am so happy to know you think he mumbles ! Cause sometimes when Matt speaks all I hear is mumblings punctuated by HA … I don’t think it’s because he is Irish ? Maybe he is a mumbling person that’s why I don’t understand him very well ?
I am not sure about Tiffany grammar though, sometimes she says things like « the safest » and then says « the most safe » and as a French I am never sure about those things so it leaves me confused about what is the right thing to say … I would have said « the safest » but maybe you can say both ? Even Tiffany doesn’t know which one to use so at least I am not alone …
Oh good idea, I want Matt’s face on a Teletubby too !!! 🤣
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I never trusted her sudden appearance here and supposed change of heart. After several of us called her out for her hypocritical comments on today's vid, she stopped replying. Probably afraid we were going to post her TL comments on Tiffany's YT! I truly detest two-faced people.
I don't know if she is two-faced or just utterly conflicted. She does seem to be a kind person, I honestly don't think she did anything out of malice. She is the type of person that frustrates me in RL, desperate to see the best in everyone, hates conflict but wants to do the right thing, and unable to see when they are being duped. We all have one friend like that don't we, that you like despite how utterly infuriating they are?
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For anyone thats watched all T's videos....

After she disappeared and people got all upset because they felt 'abandoned' by her. T posted to say that she was sorry she was out of touch for so long, but she had been in critical care longer than expected due to some complications.
Have those complications been discussed yet?
She alluded to needing to get her pain under control
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Disappearing comment alert:
Either Tiffany or the person who wrote the following comment deleted an obvious and quite innocent comment. Here is the comment that was deleted on her video, which is copied from my 'inbox' to show you all:

"Laney 26 replied to your reply on Cynthia Boot's comment

Laney 26
Nathalie Loujein this was filmed months ago

The thread of comments was in response to an inquiry about her results. The above person had corrected me, as rightly she should, because I confused 'Tiffany-time' with real time. My comment is still there, in response to the above comment, which has disappeared. Another person ventured to comment as well, and I responded. Here is the thread, divided into two images because I didn't get the screen capture all in one file.
There is no valid reason why Tiffany should have deleted the above comment, if she was the one who deleted it. Even Tiffany herself has stated that the hospital videos were pre-recorded.
Clearly the majority dont understand what the tests are. No doctor is going to be discussing cancer free.
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Chatty Member
Well I watched this one. I just have no words right now so I'll hold off on that bit.
I have a question about her actual surgery. She has said she had a PE and we are supposed to google it. I read all PE surgeries involve the reproductive organs, and then other organs depending on which version you have. Do they all entail being sewn up/shut rectally and vaginally? Or are there lesser versions where that doesn't happen? And from what I read a PE is for the reproductive organs primarily, I never recall her saying anything had spread there except for when she briefly mentioned the back vaginal wall, I could be wrong? Any healthcare people want to help me understand what she may have actually had done by the only clues we get in the videos since she's obviously not going to tell us anytime soon?
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Those are two possibilities for the increase as well as obesity, but nothing proven yet. It's not likely due to genetics/Lynch syndrome. But being able to figure out the real reason(s) will be tough. Is it food coloring, preservatives, BBQ meats, too much sugar, alcohol, stress? Just please don't let it be coffee. But seriously, if this trend continues maybe one day the younger folks will be starting yearly Cologuard testing at age .. 30? 35??
Colorectal cancer has just officially been citied as the leading cause of cancer-related death among males aged 20-49 in the U.S. A GI Medical Oncologist at the University of Pittsburgh tweeted the news. Second screenshot is a comment about testing.
This article discusses the rise of cancer in younger people:

Based on numerous research studies of diet and bowel cancer, Tiffany's steady diet of junk and processed food might've played a role. I hope she starts to eat healthier and never does another McDonald's mukbang video.


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At work seeing colorectal cancer patients being diagnosed in their 40s and 50s is becoming the norm. Just today I got the biopsy report for a 46 year old with a huge - almost obstructing - rectal tumor. As for T the only factor that was a "complication" was the preservation of her fertility, and she was fortunate enough to be able to freeze some eggs. (why did the term fluffy eggs just pop into my head? 😃 🥚🥚😂?)
Do they have any clue to why this is happening? Sedentary lifestyle, diet?
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Tiffany has sexual relations?
It is a highly plausible assumption that she has in the past: She was dating Tiroy for about nine years, and she did share the same bed as Matt. Most likely that will resume once she is recovered. Meanwhile, there is no engagement ring nor talk of marriage, and this is clearly an outlier in her own family, as per her videos.

Another reason she is not a devout Catholic is because devout Catholics tithe to the tune of at least 10% of their income. According to Google:
"(The word tithe literally means tenth in Hebrew.) Because the custom of tithing is biblical, many Christians and Jews practice it as part of their faith."

Nowhere does Tiffany state that any percentage of her online profits and income is given to a church or even to a charity. Seeing as how Tiffany would probably enjoy being looked upon by her audience in the best possible light, if she did give anything to charity on a routine basis, she would most likely have mentioned it. She did mention making a contribution to the Royal Marsden at Christmas time during a tree ceremony. It seemed to have been a one-time contribution.

I think she mentioned going to church on Sundays before. But anyway, to me she is "devout". She prays and rambles about god a lot. She used to clutch a rosary and blabber about it in the car.
Yes I know the distinction and that you can have an open robotic surgery. I just meant that perhaps she did not have robotics involved as she did not confirm it in her reply even though the commenter also asked about robotic surgery. She just said "standard". But then she loves to not inform people ...
When 'en bloc' resection as extreme as Tiffany's has to be performed, it cannot be done laparoscopically because too much needs to be removed and rerouted, and that cannot be done through small incisions. - You are right, that makes sense.
Petrina is not a youtuber (the lady we mentioned yesterday). She documents her cancer on IG. See I've missed Tiffany mentioning meeting someone in the hospital as I skip a lot.
Tiffany did mention that her mother goes to church on Sundays, and sometimes on other days as well, but it was not stated clearly if she accompanies her mom or not. I think that her mother is a devout Catholic, yet her mother doesn't make a point of openly praying. (In fact, there is a quote in the Bible that says that showing off to others that one is praying is not well looked upon by the 'Higher-up.'....just sayin'!!) Whether religious or not, many people have commented that they think video-taping and posting her little prayers in the car are not in good taste.

Anyway, it does seem, as you said, as though Tiffany purposely does not inform people. I was curious as to how long her operation lasted, but have not ventured to ask that in current comment sections. Informing people of the duration of her surgery would have been one of the first things she would have said, so I thought. (I expected something like "Guess what? My surgery lasted __ hours!!") Yet, I have noted no mention of the duration of her surgery in any of her hospital videos (not that it matters, but it was just to compare with what is stated in the literature.) She had stated that she lost 'a day' in the very first hospital video she posted.

It's called "Tumour has grown!!"
You might be a Tiffanythinks addict if...

You know off-hand the actual title of the video in which a particular scene occurred! ;)
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Who knows? I'm just wondering how she managed to get to that same hospital again only one week after her release from the hospital. Did she go by car or by medical ambulance again? I noted that the ambulance driver told her that the driving time to her house was 63 minutes. I don't think she can sit down for that long yet so soon in her recovery. Maybe she was in the horizontal position in the back seat of a vehicle Matt or Amma drove. That could be dangerous, though. If the vehicle would have to made a sudden stop, she could fall, since the seat belts might not be adaptable for someone in the horizontal position.
AFAIK, If you need to travel to hospital and need a specialist vehicle to do so, the hospital can arrange transport. I do hope she took that expensive seat back that was no use to her.
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