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VIP Member
"What does the ECHR have to do with the European Union?

Nothing. The ECHR was launched by the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is older than the European Union and not connected to it."

I think patients have an expectation of privacy whilst in the hospital and a right not to be concerned or to potentially have their images or voice(s)/private conversations in adjacent areas or medical information on charts or scheduling boards potentially captured, videotaped and broadcast over the internet by others without their consent.

Why should other patients/staff/concerned visitors have to be worried about this at a time of deep crisis in their own lives? No one is being cared for in this ward for a hangnail.
Thanks for the info on Europe vs. the EU with regard to that convention.

As for video-taping rights in one's own area, this obviously divides opinions. What you say is correct and I do agree with it, but, also, what about Tiffany's rights to tape in her own area? When there is such a conflict, people need to resort to following the rules established by the hospital itself. If the rules permit video-taping in one's area as long as other people's images are not recorded, then Tiffany is in her full right to be doing what she does, even if people think otherwise and if other conversations are recorded. (People could also speak in more muted voices so as not to disturb others as well.) If one is in an establishment that permits video-taping in one's area, then one needs to be aware that conversations could be captured as well, and speak in muted voices or just not say anything that one wouldn't want recorded. Of course, people have other, more serious concerns in the hospital. However, rules are rules, and if recording is permitted during visiting hours, one is in one's right to be doing so.


Sorry but I don’t agree with you at all. Her filming on the ward with nurses and being followed with the camera was 1) stopping Tiffany actually getting on with it because she kept turning to talk to the person filming her and 2) it was causing more of a commotion than needed.

even when we are in our bay with the curtains closed we are very aware when stuff is going on outside the curtain. I really disagree with Tiffany’s behaviour at the moment and would not personally tolerate it.

remember patients in there are very unwell with a horrible disease and may not have the energy to speak up for themselves in these instances. Most patients have the understanding to not start talking on the phone when on a ward if I’m honest. I would never take a call on one, I think it’s unfair, there is enough noise going around without listening to someone’s chatter.
Your points are, of course, all valid. However, the nurses are all grown up, and could also kindly and politely have told Tiffany not to be filming at this or that time and/or place. If Tiffany's filming was so disruptive, it then should have been an obligation for the nurses to restore order, don't you think?
You are also completely correct when you say that patients may not have the energy to speak up, which is yet another reason why nurses who feel that filming is disruptive should be making sure all rules are being followed.
What you would do in such a situation is very noble, but, not everyone will act in the same way. That is why rules are established, and people do need to be following the rules while also being able to exercise their rights. If rules need to be changed because people are complaining, then rules should be changed following the proper channels to avoid arbitrary decisions by the staff.
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I don't watch now but I do, obviously, come here.
There was a young girl in Australia, Natasha I think her name was, think I saw it in the paper.
Anyway, she passed away recently but her journey compared to Tiffany's was inspiring. So open and honest about everything happening to her.
Actually I think her story was what prompted me to stop following T.
Also Nicole Coopy who was in Australia (unless that's who you mean). She was selfless and advocated for other cancer patients.
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Well-known member
So if you don't have insurance in the US what happens? Here, if you are entitled to it, all treatment, from GP to ambulance, hospital, specialists, scans etc are free, whether you have the money to pay or not. We can opt to pay ('go private') and get a much enhanced experience in terms of comfort, access to treatment etc.
Most have insurance of some form or another, through employer or Medicare/Medicaid (public insurance - if you qualify). The coverage varies with different plans. For the truly indigent (i.e. no income, homeless), I think the hospitals get reimbursed from public funds, but not totally sure.

For people that aren’t in any of these groups, you can be stuck with huge debt for sure. For a while it was required that everyone had to have some form of insurance, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore. You can buy insurance on your own but it is pretty expensive.

It does leave you feeling pretty insecure about getting sick and losing your job.
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Are you a nurse for the NHS and are you speaking on behalf of all nurses?
Nope, don't live in the UK. And no, nurses who don't want photos can obviously refuse but that's just grumpy old ones normally. I work with premature babies, and you bet most of us happy young nurses are more than happy for parents to take a pic of us holding their baby when they go home!! Bonus points if they offer to give us a copy! I've been filmed giving immunizations, doing cares for babies, getting them out for cuddles, bathing them, all sorts. I think it's wonderful that parents can keep these beautiful memories.
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I thought the same, it's almost like she is a different person. Is it Matt, or the cancer that has made her turn into an adult toddler?
I agree. Mmm a good question. She behaves like that mostly around Ha but I guess she is always like that now. She is babied by all of them. Maybe we just notice her awfulness more now because she puts out 3 videos per week so it's very hard to miss.

I still don't particularly like her old self, she was just as vapid and superficial as she is now but back then she was more authentic and spoke in a normal voice. Today she is putting on this sickly sweet angel persona who prays for her subscribers in cars 🤮
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She really should. Does anyone remember when was the first time she mentioned being on the waiting list? It's been months.
Also, she would be offered mental heath care as part of the post pelvic exenteration recovery.
Months & months. She first mentioned it around the time of WW and after hundreds of followers kept asking her about it, she reiterated (not happy Jan) that she was on a waitlist and would go when her place on the list came around. Obviously not high on her list of ‘must do’ … not as important and the red flashing light!
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Do you know that age recedes with lynch and genetics syndrome, if your grandma had cancer at 80 then your parent will get it at 70 and you will get it at 60 ( not always the case but most of the time it’s like that and could be a reason why young people have colorectal cancer, that’s what geneticists say in France).
A family friend's grandmother in Ireland died of ovarian and/or uterine cancer in her late 70's, and I believe it was diagnosed in her late 60's to early 70's. The mother, who lived in the US, of this friend got breast cancer in her mid to late 50's, had a double mastectomy out of precaution (Only one breast had the cancer.), then died in her early 70's when the cancer recurred elsewhere. Now, about this friend, who lived in the US: She, herself, was diagnosed with lung cancer (though, she never smoked) when she was 50. She passed away less than 6 months after diagnosis. (Her father lived to be in his mid-80's. Curiously enough, she passed away about three months after her father died of 'old age'.) Perhaps this friend's lung cancer was not the primary one, but a metastasis from possible breast cancer, but I do not have the details on that.
The cancers in this family could have been hereditary. Also, there is a clear age progression from older age (the grandmother) to younger age (the friend herself).

Another unrelated case regarding a known genetic cancer: The mother died in her mid-40's of a rare form of cancer in her back. She had three children: two girls and one boy. One of the girls died of the same cancer when she was in her early 20's! Both had lived in the US.

Are these examples of 'genetics syndrome' that results in regression of age of onset of cancer?
I always wondered why, in the above cases I mentioned, the newer generation got the cancers at a younger age.
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So is she the woman ('girl') T mentioned was there as well?
Not really possible. Tiffany went home at the start of January. Petra had surgery 6 days ago?

Although I agree with what you write above, I beg to differ about the 'devout' adjective, as 'devout' implies 'practicing'. She may be a believer, but she doesn't seem to go to mass other than on Christmas eve and on her birthday. (Maybe she goes to mass on an occasional Sunday, but she has not mentioned it.) Nevertheless, if she were so 'devout', she wouldn't be having s*xual relations outside marriage, and certainly would not be living with a guy outside marriage. A devout Catholic follows all of the Catholic precepts, not just going to Christmas eve mass and putting up a Christmas tree (the latter having nothing to do with religion itself---quite the opposite, actually. It is a remnant of paganistic end-of-year rituals.)
The patient Tiffany met at the hospital is actually a 'Tiffanythinks family' member, or at least that is what Tiffany stated in one of her hospital videos. Tiffany did not say that the woman she met was a you-tuber.

There is a confusion between laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery. Dr. Shahnawaz Rasheed uses a robot to aid in pelvic exenteration surgeries as well as in other surgeries involving the colon. Nowhere does it state that in order to use the robot, the surgery has to be laparoscopic. There are videos of a robot's 'hands' performing surgical manipulations in a very-open pelvic cavity of a patient. This is not laparoscopic, but robot-assisted surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery is when several relatively small incisions are made in order to effect the surgery. When 'en bloc' resection as extreme as Tiffany's has to be performed, it cannot be done laparoscopically because too much needs to be removed and rerouted, and that cannot be done through small incisions. However, the DaVinci robot could have been used in parts of her surgery because her main surgeon does employ that robot in various surgeries.
Tiffany has sexual relations?

I havent watched the video in full. I hovered over it and skipped.
Conclusion = If a doctor or nurse saw Tiffany navigating corridors doing that bird impression? She is well enough to be discharged home as soon as her drains are removed.
I think considering this surgery was discussed as the 'mother of all surgeries' labelled as 'brutal' etc. Tiffany has faired very well indeed. I have seen patients struggle in hospital with knee replacements longer.
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Kick out the royals? Buckingham Hospital?
Haha Jen! When Covid hit here, there was lots of discussion about how hospitals would cope with covid positive patients, if the pop up hospitals would stay around etc. I made a comment somewhere about converting Buckingham palace into a temp hospital and it caused a big song and dance. We think alike!
In all seriousness though, 2 of our local hospitals have been shut down. Its such a shame seeing A&E departments closed, mental health and maternity units gone completely. Hospitals filling with hospice patients because hospices are full. Elderly patients are 'bed blocking' because they live alone and can't be discharged home safely.
Ideally we could do with private rooms for patients, but having hospitals to be able to do that comes first.
For those that struggle with a ward and know they would struggle with a ward. They could go private which would guarantee a private room.
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Chatty Member
she has definatley gone private. I had a baby and we had our own rooms. But wasn’t painted pretty colours with all extras. Why doesn’t she just admit it? No way nhs give rooms like that 10 minutes after asking to move
You can have nhs treatment and just pay for the room
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Yes if it was a standard surgery, she has a big cut there. That is true but I think robotics are still kind of novel and maybe she was not a good candidate for it?
Yes I think the plan was robotic ( mind you, thus is reading between the lines that Tiff puts out there) but I get the feeling her cancer was to advanced so they had to do it the standard way.
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Chatty Member
I'm not going to her channel at all either. Doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. A bit anticlimactic at this point since we all know she must be fine seeing as how she's now uploading and dragging out her hospital stay videos almost a month after being discharged. I'm glad she seems to be healthy enough to edit and upload, although who really knows. I suppose her subs will find out about it a month from now.

Has anyone had a look at the # of dislikes on her videos lately, has that improved since she began her hospital series?
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Nope, that is not a sandwich, that is a monstrosity. A real sandwich for me is cheese and Branston pickle 😋.
Ewww those sandwich things, did he take em in on xmas eve and T eat them on xmas day? And don't forget the present Matt gave T, a navy blue box that of course reminded T of what? Its any shade of blue. Surprised she doesn't try patent all shades of blue
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I have bad feelings about this. If her results showed NED.. surely she would be celebrating and tell us right away. Surely she wouldn't have isolated herself for the month following?? Maybe I'm looking into it too far. Probably.
Not sure what you mean if her results showed NED? Tiffany will need a scan for that and that's usually 12 weeks post surgery. Way too soon for scans
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Chatty Member
@ladyt7087 tagging you here :)

Regarding our discussion?

Here is an example from today. A subscriber asks if T is in hospital?
T replies " @JadeG&BlueParrot I am home now my darling - these are pre recorded videos from when I was in hospital (I am still recovering) View attachment 1931465View attachment 1931466View attachment 1931467View attachment 1931468View attachment 1931469

Calling a complete random subscriber online 'darling'. It draws them in and keeps them coming back.

T tells Maggie

4 hours ago
@Maggi love youuView attachment 1931471View attachment 1931472View attachment 1931473

Is T really this stupid???

"If there are cancer cells on the margins then its gonna mean more chemo, more radio and I am not gonna hear 'you are cancer free". Is she actually expecting any doctor to tell her she is cancer free? Even is her scan shows no evidence of disease, it isn't going to mean she is cancer free.

So todays video. Tiffany wants to hear "you are cancer free", but she might not get what she wants, so the solution is to cry.

Now I know this will upset a few but I do think T needs a bump down to reality. If she deals with realitys of life it will shape her, make her stronger and it might be the making of Tiffany.
That is also to blame on tv shows. Watch the following clip at 6:17. I thought that the BBC was a bit more carefully.


According to online analytics, TT will reach her 100k milestone in 29 days.

Then we are finally get rid of these endless stupid vlogs about nothing. She has her golden ticket so please let this mediocre sh*t stop. 🙄
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mayday mayday

Well-known member
Interesting. Do you know what a F.I.S.H study is. Recently noticed on my husbands med record that his tumour was sent for a F.I.S.H study but not been mentioned to us what it is
Hi Saydee I'm gonna butt in to say that maybe the docs are looking for the HER2 neu amplification,
which would qualify your husband to receive immunotherapy. The HER2 is considered amplified if the FISH ratio is over 2.0. Maybe they are looking at a clinical trial that uses the HER2 as an inclusion criteria. I hope the results lead to your husband being able to receive additional therapies !!
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Tiffany had way more out than Jessica....actually she had the traditional total ab hysterectomy with the addition of omentum and I think many lymph nodes. That scar she described was much larger than most so it was more extensive but still left enough and as mentioned I guess things just fill in. But what her surgery went like 9 hours or was major and very "hectic" I am sure! No question Tiffany's surgery was about as big as it gets and thus recovery will be much longer. Before Tiffany's vlogs I did not know a surgery of that magnitude was even possible.
Nobody know what Tiffany had removed unless I have missed a video of Tiffany explaining what she 'had out'.

[QUOTE="LeonorG, post: 13656147, member: 360945"

Regarding fluff, I don't see what Jessica included as fluff. Yes she mentions what she takes to the hospital but it's brief and some of it is informative. Tiffany's fluff has no meaning, it's just fluff.

It's to make money, which is why the squatty potty was mentioned and then the amazon commision page updated today.
I'm just curious as to why T gets flack for her merch and affiliate links, and posts suggesting she should take a leaf out of someone elses book when that person is doing the same thing, but is more experienced at it.
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