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I just watched the allotment vlog this morning. Did you see when Jason said that it was his choice as to whether he wanted to be filmed or not? I'm not so sure it is, so yes, see what you are saying 👍
Oh I missed that, I need to re watch.

He's just posted this on fb.WTAF??? 🙈🙈🙈
You know, friends, and even family can be really harsh sometimes.
A simple question can be met with such ignorance, and even spite. It's like some people don't actually want what is best for you.
So I'm sat with Isis on my knee this morning stroking her lovingly. I decided to ask her where she got her fine rabbit's knickers from, as I would love a pair myself.
I ask again, increasing the density of the compliment by telling her that her rabbit's knickers are some of the finest I've ever seen, and I would love to know where she got them so that I could purchase said knickers for myself and maybe even Jason.
Again, nothing!
I called out her ignorance, and was met with even more.
She's now in the back garden lazing in a ray of sun.
We'll speak again, at some point, but not yet.
Not yet!
Anyone else experienced this?
Is this serious? Did he really post this?
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Well yeah, but I think in a way that if it's required for him to do that as part of his job, he just got on with it and got it done. If he refused to do it and made a big song and dance about it, then I think we probably would have had a go at him about it, so good on him for just getting on with it......but he's still a money grabbing bugger.haha
I agree with this, tbf.
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He’s still scrounging even though he has a job! Does he have no self respect!
WTF is wrong with Angharad’s parents paying for their meal.
Do they not realised that they’re being used!
He gave the family 3 of his grotty onions in return - WOW! 🤑
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I really do wonder about some vegans but having taken the time to research I’ve found it’s generally just lazy vegans that really on freezer junk… those that I know that are friends of my son prefer to eat fresh it’s not even that time consuming knocking up poke bowls, vegan stir fries, curries, chilli, noodle dishes galore all can be knocked up in ten to fifteen minutes of course you can make time consuming stuff if you feel like it on a day off but anyone who says they are working and don’t have time to cook from fresh is lying … I managed it for years doing 12 hour shifts etc you just have to prepare ahead and think smart.
Completely disagree. I've said here before, but I've been vegan for 11 years now and I am a total junk food vegan. I work 5 or 6 days per week, sometimes 7 on 12 hour shifts and I have absolutely no time to make anything from fresh - my wife on the other hand has to as she is also Coeliac and so can't have very much of the processed stuff - so if she's making some soup, I'll grab some of that or anything else that's on hand - but I definitely wouldn't have time to do that for myself every day and I wouldn't call myself lazy for not being able to do so. Shattered yes but lazy, definitely not. I also love a yellow sticker bargain for the thrill of the chase. We even bought a brand new freezer to accommodate all of my processed stuff. I'm at the gym every day cause that's my thing as a weightlifter (there's a gym at my work). Now my wife would completely agree with you but don't put me in the same bracket as those two!!🤣🤣 Mind you, my car got written off in an accident a few months back and now I also have a Kia...... Send help!!
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Im actually shocked 😳 you are at the gym everyday weightlifting yet you are fuelling your body with processed shite food, I’m sorry I still stand by my statement maybe have a day off from the gym you could then meal prep and bulk cook and put in that new freezer of yours it’ll be much healthier for you … you obviously care about yourself physically so I just don’t get it 🤷🏼‍♀️
Im retired now but I worked 12 hour shifts on a 7 on 3 off pattern for years and had a hubby, 3 strapping lads and a daughter to feed and apart from the occasional takeaway I put a home cooked meal on the table every night … I used one of those days off to bulk cook and completely fill the freezer from top to bottom…it can be done if you want to do it.
Hello again - yes - I have competed in bodybuilding competitions in the past using two different approaches - bulk meal prepping ultra healthy, nothing processed then secondly, still following a restriction for calories for cutting but where processed food was used as a staple - burgers, sausages and the like - got the results I wanted with both approaches. My own experience obviously but I get a bit frustrated at times when people slate vegans for eating processed food. However the world would be a boring place if we were all the same. I'll train tonight and tea will be a couple of waffles, perhaps some frozen veg - we'll see, and a couple of Tesco plant chef escalopes. Lovely 😁

Well Jason likes the moon shaped ones but Paul wanted that one too, they fell out for a few hours about it but eventually they came to a compromise. Haha. The hours must just fly away in their house

Hell jungle physics .welcome.
It was asked earlier what iit was that made each of us start to dislike those vegan guys. Well, similar to jungle physics, it was definetly the begging and freebies. At first, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. My partner actually commented on it before me saying they are just using people for spree stuff which I initially said that mabye this is what people do on YouTube , us as time went on, I realised that it was never gonna end and Paul showed absolutely no shame in excessively and endlessly grabbing money and freebies from complete strangers. The more he got, the more cheeker and expecting he became. The final straw for me came when their friend at the time, a YouTube called grumpy vegan grandad organised a YouTube livestream marathon to help a struggling animal sanctuary. It involved many you tubers doing a 1 hour live stream each to raise money for the sanctuary and each live stream followed the next, so it lasted all Paul definetly would have been asked to take part but when the live stream marathon happened, he was no where to be seen, which surprised me...and a couple of days later,Paul did his own the vegan queens live stream from his garden which he set up a donation thing for, but not donations for charity,he split the proceeds with Stuart. So he refused to help a sanctuary and a few days later, he was pocketing YouTube donations from his little drag show. It just absolutely underlined his utter selfishness to me. Since then, there is absolutely no denying to myself that Paul’s whole ethos is just pure greed and just out to fill his pockets with as much as he can embezzle from people.

Just saying, I like junk food too, but my partner cooks great food so a bit of a mix for me. However, I am not on YouTube acting as though eating shit is the right way to be vegan. I think when you a vegan you tuber, you’re an advocate for a cause. Paul should be showing that veganism is appetising and something that people should want to try.....he’s not gonna our that with the shite he constantly serves up. I think Paul’s problem is that his constant need for attention is more important to him than his need to promote veganism. He thinks he has to document every bloody thing he puts in his gob.if he comes up with a good recipe, then fine, but just posting chickenless star shaped with burnt oven chips, completely pointless and does not help the vegan cause
I didn't realise that was what the whole Grumpy Vegan Grandad thing was all about. Doesn't surprise me.
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Why does he expect people to care that his car broke down? He ranted on his Facebook profile about it and now he has made a video. If a normal persons car broke down, they do what they gotta do, mabye tell their close friends or family and get on with their lives, they don’t make a YouTube video dedicated to it on what should be a vegan channel. 95 percent of his stuff on YouTube is not even vegan related. He really has to change the name of his channel, it’s misleading. Vegans are being fooled into watching this tripe. My suggestion for a more suitable channel name is....

That narcissistic guy and his suffering husband
Remember when Ashley's (I think it was Ashley, one of his regular financial contributors and grub club member) van broke down, someone set up a go fund me for her. Perhaps Paul was hoping for the same, instead they had to ask Jason's mum and dad for a loan to buy the new one.
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Regarding Paul's junk food obsession. Obviously he can eat what he wants and if Jason is happy fair enough. But Paul does like to remind us he is a qualified health trainer every now and then you are basically putting yourself under scrutiny when you are monetising your lifestyle using your credentials. It's morally dodgy to say the least. Though saying that you would have to be quite odd to look at them two as a lifestyle exemplar and copy it. It just irritates me that he claims to be an expert at everything when he clearly isn't.
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Christ, Fester is promoting oral hygene product in the latest shit show. What an advert he is for dental care with those badly manufactured, ill fitting & stained gnashers. The cheek of the turd!
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What a misogynistic, bitter old queen you are, Paul. So there is no place in drag for women, what about all of the wonderful trans queens, are they allowed in your toxic little world?

I think it's time to hang up your polyester frocks, dry old wigs and take a long hard look at yourself.



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Off topic a bit . Does anyone know anything about this gojiman fella that Paul seems to be enamored with? He gives me bad vibes as does hench herbivore but can't quite put my finger on it. Paul acts very sycophantic around him like he's a bit desperate to get into his good graces 🤔.
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Bandit star

Apparently we are 'morons'. Isn't Fester a complete and utter sanctimonious turd. Clearly he reads here regularly and knows exactly that we see him for what he is, both him and his worm of a spouse.
Why does Fester read here if we are "morons"? Just let us be. He cant help himself 🤣
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Looks like they lost a winning lottery ticket which in a way they did. Haha. There’s no way they would have give it a seconds thought if they accidentally blocked a non payer but blocking a payer is a huge disaster to them. I bet that cock up cost them a few precious quid . Jason will be on jam butties next week
It was quite entertaining watching fester panic 😂.

I didn't realise but YouTube take a 30% commission of each superchat. Ouch!
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