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Does anyone know what her job actually is? I remember a while back her saying she had 3 jobs but never seems to be working.
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My gut instinct is that she's just a liar and it suits her to be a victim

I'm not saying she hasn't got other mental health problems, (not the conditions she thinks shes got anyway) but the drinking and laying in bed or on tiktok for hours will just make them worse
I agree ....she only mentioned PND when someone else did the other week...and made it all about her as usual!!

It’s terrible that women don’t get proper support when they have pnd. I’m sorry you went through that.

That being said I just don’t believe Aimee had it sorry to say I think she just likes attention and makes stuff up, just like she didn’t have delusions with psychosis then suddenly she did.
I agree with you entirely!! Just can't help herself 🧐
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Chatty Member
There is most definitely emotional neglect going on. Just because a child ‘looks’ happy doesn’t mean their life at home is good. I do think Aimee would benefit from some additional help, I’ve said this before I don’t think she has a bond with Harper and that’s why she is the way she is with her. SS does sound dramatic but they aren’t there to just take children away. They can support Aimee.

I was a happy child, I was always smiling and laughing. I now have several mental health conditions and have gone through therapy 4 times now (I’m late 20’s for reference). That’s the thing with your parents being neglectful in whatever way it may be, it doesn’t always hit you until you’re into adulthood.
Exactly this. There’s also the fact that children want to please their parents and will act happy even when they might not be or they may not understand that being ignored is wrong and it’s later on in life they are left with issues for being neglected emotionally.

At the end of the day if there is nothing to worry about or nothing to find then social services will go away, but if people are on the cautious side it helps spot neglect that may have been missed if people take the stand of not liking to say anything.
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Wasn't she married before? Would love to know what her wedding was like!
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Is there a way to report a video on TT? It’s made me so angry I really think we should all report it. And poor harper being brought up to think that being lazy and blaming Mental health is normal behaviour
Yes press the share arrow and there is option to report !!
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I often see her old tik toks come up thatbtotsly contradict the drivel she takes now...she has a very short memory!!
I have a Chinese once from our usual take away and the meat was rancid🤢🤢🤢not touched Chinese since so I'm the same!!
Why could she not just have jumped in the shower before sitting festering in yesterday's clothes....scruffy cow🤢
Yeah I'm the same. I've got stuff I still can't eat from being sick in pregnancy. She couldn't lie straight in bed this lass
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I think Shirl is a piss head and I think Aimee is a functioning piss head. She was used to seeing shirl drink when she was growing up, so she thinks her drinking habits aren’t bad.
I think shirl just agrees with Aimee for a peaceful life. If she was a real hair dresser she suggest a good cut of that awful hair. It looks like it would snap if it had a good brush through it!
I am also on the fence with social services, I don’t think she does anything terrible but she doesn’t do herself any favours either! Wash her face, brush her teeth, and don’t give her fizzy pop for breakfast! But Aimee has clearly been given her own way all her life she that’s how she thinks she should parent harper. She’s possibly too hungover to argue with her over a fizzy drink too so just let’s her have it. Half the “anxiety” Aimee feels will be a hangover. Ok she might not have a raging head and being sick, but we have to remember she’s drinking most nights so the alcohol never truly leaves her system she’ll just be feeling fuzzy and anxious before she’s tops herself back up. Just my opinion of course 🤷🏼‍♀️
Lastly, Aimee, your make is still caky 😥
Yep I agree with all of this .I really don’t like her but unless people have info we are unaware of o am unsure why SS have been contacted .There is a difference between being a lazy ,inattentive parent and neglect or abuse .Neither are what any child deserves ,obviously but what do people think SS are going to do past an initial look into the situation ?
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She is soooo rude towards her dads future wife on this live! She also doesn’t know what shade of green the brides dress is or what the other ‘bridesmaids’ are wearing as she’s not got a message them kinda relationship.

Soooo no one likes Aimless?

She’s saying ‘I feel like I suit bright dresses, I like short dresses long don’t suit me’ just suck it up hen! It’s NOT YOUR DAY! If my Daddy funded my life the way hers does hers is wear a bin bag
Got her on silent and I can tell she's whining about something or someone 😡
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What the fuck???
I've just seen her last few videos after her laying on sofa "resting on her lunch break at " "work"
And a cheap fucling false nail sent through the post and a few cans of white claw/getting pissed with Shirley the lush and she's right as rain😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
My blood is boiling and my head bursting.....she's just fucking vile!!
She is vile isn’t she 😡😡😡
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Oh bless ya, I used to work in a pub pre-covid and the amount of times my regulars would be pissing themselves at me because I was just waddling around making random grunty groany noises trying to act like I was absolutely fine 😂. Only ever missed 1 shift because of it though and that was after I was sent home and my boss was like, you're making me feel like my backs hurting just watching you try and act normally (I had tears in my eyes, was holding onto the wall for support and going, no, I'm fine I can stay 😂).
Pahahaha "work from home" think I need a job that gives as much downtime as hers does.
She's just a bloody joke!!!! And not living in the real world!!!
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I have said it before and I will say it a million times, her arse kissing saddo fans are worse than her because they literally have zero brains or they are just totally naive / vulnerable people.
Prob bit of both but they def feed her ego😡
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I’m sure it was the 85 year old neighbor who she was joking about with wasn’t it? Cos he asked her if she found out what the police were doing there. Or have I got it wrong?
It was on her live last night somebody asked her if she'd told her neighbour that she'd spoken to the police she said she hasn't yet then went on to say what was said during the conversation to the police officer who she definitely referred to as male
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She's such a liar, yesterday when she was talking about ringing 101 about the police car she said she spoke to a male police officer she said they were having a little joke about it when she said "I've not done anything illegal" and he "apparently " said "oh thats no fun" , today on her latest tik tok sat outside her drs which I've just realised is my drs 😱, she's saying she spoke to a lady police officer , so which one was it Aimee ? You really do have to have a good memory to be a liar 🤥
Ooh I wonder if it's mine too *back in a mo* 😉
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I've got quite fine hair, but lots of it so it looks thicker than it is (my hairdresser always jokes that she needs to make extra time for when I get it cut because its so deceptive 😂) it's about halfway down my back and I cannot bear to wear it down in winter, let alone summer, for extended periods of time because it just makes me sweat, and it's soooo heavy. Gives me really bad headaches if it's not thinned out. Through summer it has to be washed every other day, if not every day depending on what I've been doing, during winter it lasts longer BUT like you, I feel rank if my hair feels dirty.
Yes! You just reminded that I also get headaches if my hair is too long. I discovered this during covid / lockdowns . She must get them as well!!???

That dress is awful lol looks medieval looking
Ok - I need to see this latest dress !

Rainbow number -No. looks cheap and nasty. Hate the sleeves . They are hideous.

flower frock - looks frumpy on her and yes Aimee - it is too tight
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