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Chatty Member
At our surgery they give you a slip to take to reception after you've seen the gp and they book you in for it. My dad has diabetes and has to be reviewed every few months, he books these appointments in after every review appointment. You don't just decide you need a blood test!
I meant has she just decided herself that she wants one. As in because she knows everything. I think it’s strange that a doctor has said she needs one and then they haven’t booked her in or given her a form for reception or whatever.

I am just suspicious of everything she says I genuinely think she lies constantly.
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Imagine calling 101 number to waste there time .. I mean if the police was concerned they would be back to her house and knocked on the door. She’s such a drama queen
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I was on tik tok earlier and Aimee came up on my for you page and she was saying people always ask her how she gets so much volume in her hair 🤣She then went on to ‘demo’ herself getting a brush stuck in her ‘bangs’ (lol) .I don’t know when she posted it as I don’t follower her and it’s prob been discussed on here and I just missed it but I actually lol’d🤣🤣It’s the end ‘result’ when she rives the brush out of her mop and there’s this big dint near her foot and then just this bushy frizz flopped over her head 🤣
Tickled me 🤣
I was straight here saying your " bangs" are shit🤣🤣😂but its the "everyone keeps asking me how I do it" that gets me they're not! She was just trying to flog the product that would have been in her shit tok shop probably! Either way, no-one gives a shit about her "bangs" in her birds nest ...she just loves herself😡
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Can you stop having a life please!

Also, did you go to the wedding or were you in the bridal party like an unofficial bridesmaid?
Unlike our Aimless I was an official guest of the actual wedding and the after party! I also didn’t try on 75 dresses ! I found one I liked and stuck to it 😂.

She's saying she can't size up on this latest dress because they don't have the 14 yet in her live she said the 14 would be too big so she doesn't want to order it 🙄
Wonder where the dress is from


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Do you think maybe she never got given the right help after having harper when she says she had post natal depression and the psychosis thing? She did say with that she couldn't bond with her daughter at the time. Ss could definitely help them both with that and maybe they could discuss with her about posting too much info online for their safety. A lot of people hear the words ss and go into panic I used to but when I had trouble with my eldest we had ss involved to help and they really did help us
I think it could be exactly this . I do believe she didn’t get the correct support in place when she struggled having a baby , i had PND it was absolutely horrific, I had no support either was a very difficult time in my life
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Didn't she say she was the sickest she'd ever been in her life when she was on that train to London? 🤣 she is such a fantasist she's dangerous

Haven't watched her drivel about her date, but if that bloke has any sense he will run for the hills and never come down when she's about!
Oh my god she did 🤣
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I'm sorry, but at least 2ft of that hair is dead and should be chopped pronto! What in actual fuck is the point of hair that length? She really should get a grip big time!

Why is nobody telling her how ridiculous that hair is?
Says it all that the tw*t in a hat mother of hers is her " hairdresser "🤔

And her mum is supposedly to be a hair dresser and does her hair for her
Sorry ..missed this comment and just said the same🤣🤣🤣she filmed her doing it a while back and seriously, she was either pissed or didn't know how to hold a bloody comb when putting the foils in....was a proper car crash!!! 🤣

Obviously a reall one, she wears a hat 🤣🤣🤣
And always looks pissed🤣

Does anyone know what her job actually is? I remember a while back her saying she had 3 jobs but never seems to be working.
I do seriously wonder....she " works from home" but was on " annual leave" till harper went back Wednesday....filmed herself all day day after, saying how bad hwr back and how mentally unwell she was.....then yesterday spent all day getting ready for the date with the "boy "
Whatever it is...she's onto a good number and earning shit loads with all the crap she buys....she doesn't know what half of it is when she's opening really winds me up...😡
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VIP Member
Exactly this!
The police turned up at my family home to tell us my sister has died in an accident
She really is the vilest of the vile
Does she not understand people have been given the most horrific news when police have turn up at their house and content like that is extremely triggering
I have commented
Let’s see what type of person Aimee really is
I bet I get blocked
Sorry to hear that but she will probably delete your comment and then make a video xxxx
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I know, why not wait a bit til 9pm when people have got their kids in bed and are sitting down for the evening. She can't wait to get on live.

Dress she's ordering for her Dads wedding. Him and his bride to be want pastel apparently.
That looks so cheap and nasty 🥴
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Someone commented saying she’s giving bunny boiler vibes and was quickly deleted and blocked 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Yes, why would you wanna see someone else eat?? 🙄
And Shirley in the background “it’s always a good idea to have food in your belly before a journey” 🙄🤣🤣
And the camera glitching when she drinks the coffee shows that she’s using a filter 🤣🤣🤣

Yes, why would you wanna see someone else eat?? 🙄
And Shirley in the background “it’s always a good idea to have food in your belly before a journey” 🙄🤣🤣
And the camera glitching when she drinks the coffee shows that she’s using a filter 🤣🤣🤣
Aimless, you could’ve ironed your top before you packed it 🙁

Yes, why would you wanna see someone else eat?? 🙄
And Shirley in the background “it’s always a good idea to have food in your belly before a journey” 🙄🤣🤣
And the camera glitching when she drinks the coffee shows that she’s using a filter 🤣🤣🤣
Aimless could’ve ironed her top before she packed it 🙁


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Someone on the live asked if harpers dad was in a relationship. Her mod said he’s with the girl he was seeing before he got with aimless 🤣

And the way they were with the guy she went on a date with Friday night was terrible. Don’t like it when folks talk about Aimless but was happy enough doing it to the poor guy who hasn’t even done anything wrong…apart from not reply to aimless’s texts 👏🏽👏🏽🤣🤣


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