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VIP Member
If she gets nowhere with the police, and I don’t think she will
It will make her look extra stupid
She has said somewhere she has told her TT manager too
I think the manager will have more luck getting the page taken down
But it will only pop up again under a different name
What manager? That 18 year old child who sits in his bedroom all day with the curtains drawn pissing in lucozade bottles and booking her ‘brand’ deals with some woman who makes ‘fluff’ in a garden shed? 🤣🤣
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Piss off Aimee!!!!
Stood there all serious listening to the words which he is saying when she is setting her own daughter up for the exact same thing he is talking about !!

Get in the fucking bin you piece of shit !!
Sorry I am absolutely raging!!!!
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These “influencers” need to think long and hard. The amount of times I see that their phoning the police because of hate or like Aimee taking pictures of Harper or people driving by her house etc think to yourself Aimee how have people got these photos of your daughter? How do people know where you live? Because YOU and only YOU have put this all up on social media so what do they expect the police to do? You have that elphaba who cried police every god damn second because people call him out and give him shit on HIS lies yet he’s going to call the police for transphobia 😂 the police seriously have so much more to deal with than these fannies because of things they have done. They would only tell them to come offline but that won’t it’s their “job” but then deal with it ignore it
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Whilst I do feel sorry for her daughter Aimee is the one to blame for every foul name, word, meme made against her . You play with fire you get burnt . Unfortunately when it comes to social media it's the price you pay when you're a lying , munchaushen , narcissistic neglectful cunt .
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dancing flamingo

Chatty Member
All she's done is show us she has a manky window sil 🤢🤣
If you're taking a test at 1-2 weeks you clearly were planning to get pregnant. Most in new relationship forget they are due on which is why you tend to find out later on.
So if the test are true..... which still doesn't add up to me, it was was no accident and she was clearly trying to either trap or control him like the narc she is.
After a few weeks she played the aniexty card and he thankfully put his children first, he clearly didn't pander to her like her parents do so she upped her game and lost on all accounts.
guaranteed if you speak to any of her ex they will all say she's controlling and manipulating and if you speak to her friends she's draining. She's so predictable it's now comical.
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This Is Not An Ad

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Yeah..the video wasn't up long..
They weren't happy that some of us had commented in here about the video re H that they deleted....then said " we are the worse for trolling"😳
How ironic!! 😂😂😂😂 We stick to tattle! That’s the difference. He/she has to come here to steal our sayings and information on Aimless so if they don’t like it they can fuck off! 🤣🤣
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Well. Well. Well. Bet she didn’t think how all this was going to go when she was putting that piece of beef in the oven on Sunday!!!!!
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Bet she's wishing she had kept her trap shut about the " hate page"
Love this for her!
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I know our Wends page is as boring as you can get but in last nights TT she was talking about her driving anxiety and said it stems from a bad car crash she had some years ago
I wonder if she was drink driving then
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This woman repulses me
She is allowing her small child to be used in a hate campaign against her
She is the one who needs a visit from the police and social services!!!
All because this is her job and she is too lazy and bone idol to pack it all in and protect her child by getting a proper job
True narcissist through and through
She needs cancelling and fast
Who is actually protecting that child ???? 😡
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A few commented about it being her ‘due date’ and she’s replied with the good old hearts so she’s insinuating that’s why she’s been on an emotional rollercoaster this weekend 🙈
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From the woeisme page
I wonder if there’s something specific they want Aimee to admit to or if they are just calling out her lies generally
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She’s clearly feeling sorry for herself at the moment and is bored/needs some attention so has decided to make that video about the tests.

This is the problem though Aimee… when you lie constantly nobody knows what to believe!
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