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Absolutely all of the above. I have a friend who posts the worst crawling happy birthday mummy posts when she isnt on social media. I dont understand how it works, do you screenshot the comments and likes and send them that? Maybe you could just send a card instead? Also most ppl comment to be polite...
Same! I’ve never understood it. I don’t bother putting anything up because I’ll usually see the person or at least call or message them privately and there’s times where I’ve felt like a bad daughter/granddaughter etc for not making a big public song and dance on Facebook or Instagram. I find it so bizarre? Who does it benefit?!
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I get really annoyed with people who have multiple accounts but post the exact same thing on all of them. For example one of my friends I’m friends with on Facebook and follow her on Instagram, she then set up an account for her small business so I supported by following that but now she doesn’t even post business stuff, just the same quotes across all three accounts. I should unfollow but I don’t understand why people do this. Actually come to think of it I follow Alice Liveing and I do really like her but she often posts the same pictures to both of her accounts 🤷🏻‍♀️
Can you mute them? Follow still but they are unaware you don't see their posts.
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I follow a couple of resident pages for the two local towns and why anyone posts anything on there is beyond me.

On one page they immediately get jumped on. Someone posted saying some youths had purposely ripped the wing mirror off her car, all captured on CCTV. She was posting to let others know and also to see if she could get an ID. The poor woman got dragged by what seemed to be grown women saying "how do you know it's kids, kid's can't have fun anymore, how dare you film kid's, weren't you ever a kid" etc.

On the other page the local meatheads immediately comment saying things like "oh it's xyz (tagging their mate" or "back to xyz (again, their mate) for the weather".

I find it absolutely pathetic.
Are we neighbours?! I can’t believe the shit that goes on my town’s FB page. It’s awful 🤣
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Girls I went to school with thinking their an influenza with 2,000 followers and a “gifted” highlight with loads of shite they got given and doing polls on their stories like anyone gives a fuck. What are you doing 😭😭😭
Influenza? So have flu? Too many of those influncers but it seems to be the "in" job to do, sitting in car or standing in car park wearing boohoo or primark's clothes. Each to their own but tedious af.
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Because the NHS has now started prescribing Cambridge Diet/LighterLife as a treatment for obesity, I have seen a lot of counsellors/dietitians/personal trainers etc on social media who criticise these companies as a scam and cash grab - then try to use it to promote their own, expensive services. You can't complain about the diet industry being greedy when you yourself are exploiting people's insecurities to drum up business. Recently one of those programmes that compares diets aired and included Cambridge Diet, a woman on Twitter was spamming the hashtags for the show and constantly tweeting at any accounts mentioning it. She claimed to be a counsellor specialising in eating disorders and said that more than 75% of people with a BMI over 30 have binge eating disorder. I don't know if that's true but it was pretty blatantly clear she was trying to panic people who'd watched the show so that more of them would become her clients, I find that equally as despicable as anything diet companies do
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I keep getting these cringeworthy insta videos recommended to me - usually an extremely skinny young woman in athletic gear showing off her stomach at different parts of the day for ~realness~, to show people that bloating is normal. It's hilarious because they never look visibly bloated, and at best it's an attempt to show off their body to fans? The people in the comments act like they've just seen a video of someone walking on water, naturally 🤡 I also get recommended videos of said girls in athletic gear dancing around and pulling stupid faces in order to look 'quirky'. Who does this appeal to??? (apart from the obvious)
It's so so cringy. Ugh.

With the bloating ones I've seen the other extreme of that where they actually are bloated to the point they look pregnant and say that's normal. No, sorry getting extremely bloated after a meal is not normal digestion
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I always wish I could see the posters face when people have a go at them for it. They actually think everyone is going to be as furious as they are. Deb has one reply to her status it says “hope you’re ok” 🙄
Just went and checked both groups that the post was in and surprise surprise both got deleted 😂
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My nan shares lost dog posts that are either really old or the dog was lost miles and miles away from where we are. For some reason she always includes her full postcode on the post and I don’t know why. So instead of just typing ‘shared’ she will put ‘shared de98 5ke’?????🤷🏻‍♀️
This has made my night 😂😂😂
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New to the forum (slightly obsessed) I used to really enjoy social media but it's driving me insane these days. So much fake, pointless crap. I'm all for people making money doing what the like but it's getting ridiculous. 20 stories a day about pyramid schemes. Each one edited to fuck to show of their perfect lifes are and how much money they make from their amazing overpriced products.
Welcome and vent away!
I love this, just put what is pissing you off it's great! It's like therapy 😁
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VIP Member
This has probably been mentioned but people who share missing pet post. Especially from miles away or abroad. Like Felix the cat hopped on a plane from the states and is hiding out in Essex. Idiots.
Hahahahahaaaa, I have a FB friend like that. Shared a post about a missing mutt in Scotland, or somewhere. We are in Bournemouth lol 😀😀😅
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That is disgusting I don’t doubt there’s probably a fair few tall tales on Go Fund Me.
Bizarrely, she’s the second one I’ve followed that has done this

Here’s the other. Robbed her grandparents who had raised her of their life savings.
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Chatty Member
Might just be on my Twitter feed but I'm sick to death of people referencing that Daniel Craig 'ladies and gents, the weekend' video - especially when it's just a video of them saying the line to the camera. I genuinely don't understand how it's funny after the first time, and it's downright cringeworthy 😭
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