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She’s honestly thick as shit. When she brought the wee girl home last night (and unless both her sisters still stay at home that was more than 2 households at that lunch 🙄) she said Kyle & the boys were “out all day and just decided to, eh, stay out”. So basically they were in someone else’s house all day (not allowed) then decided to stay overnight (also not allowed). It was probably his mum’s. She’s incapable of leaving the house with the kids herself & he seems incapable of looking after them himself. It’s hardly the crime of the century, but it’s not the first time she’s flouted the rules. The worst was visiting that newborn - how could you ever live with yourself if you brought COVID into that house?! She either just doesn’t give a fuck about publicising it, or she’s just thick as shit. Possibly a combination of the two.
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It was horrible to watch. And that carpet is FILTHY 🤢 At least she has emerged out her bed to put a t-shirt & a pair of knickers on the poor wee thing today. Last week she was on at, no joke, well after 11am. All 3 children slumped on the couch on devices, still in jammies, except the girl still in the nappy from the night before 🙀 She said: “Why have you still got that nappy on?” Are you fucking joking? Because she’s about 2, that’s why! You need to take it off as soon as she wakes up - no wonder the poor wee thing is struggling with potty training 🤬 Either that was the first time she’d seen her that day and/or she just hadn’t bothered her arse. So bad for the wee girl’s skin - it was bulging full as well. She’s referenced the rash once, saying it was “dummy rash” & it just looked “awful” 😿 Firstly, it’s not dummy rash unless the middle boy uses a dummy as well, as he’s got the rash in a few of the photos. They need an anti fungal ointment pronto - any health visitor will tell you that poor hygiene and/or poor nutrition has outward signs. Don’t get me started on a vitamin D deficiency - the poor things seem cooped up in there permanently during the week - and the poor dogs. No wonder they’re soiling everywhere 🤢 And as for the sleep tips request 😂 Here’s an idea - don’t let them stay up until after 10pm, which they are able to do because you lie in your pit until 11am most days 🤬 Get them up early, washed, dressed & fed & get them out & doing something active to tire them out. I honestly could’ve cried yesterday when she said they don’t bathe them every day 😿 it was SO hot yesterday & that wee girl went to bed in the same grubby vest she’d sweated in all day & worn to bed the night before. It’s actually appalling. No wonder they’ve got no sense of a routine 😿

The little treasures clothes will be on Tick, when she promoted them last week she said “ oh you can pay the clothes up” She had the hard neck to complain in the car yesterday about how’s she worried about money. The website not my cup of tea but some of the items are overpriced and really tacky.
I was actually thinking about that - if you’re “so worried” about money those clothes wouldn’t be my priority 😿
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To me the most dumb ass is that Genevieve or whatever she is called, for letting every arshole and their dog to come and see the baby, so irresponsible
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Chatty Member
She always posts videos of her walking around that area, we all know the area she stays and then she posts the kids are out in the street playing alone. That just scares me so much as you never know who is watching her
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She wants to show all the Tricias she can get to 20k I would be more interested in showing them I can look after my kids and be a good mum xx
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She has no respect for anything and anyone but herself, can't be arsed to home school her son, can't be arsed to interact with her middle child so gets put on naughty step so she can finish her insta story, shares the kids in their underwear regularly so can't be arsed to dress them or respect their dignity, doesn't care about lockdown/ social distance rules so she can get a pic for the gram. Utter moron and it's her kids that will suffer! All she cares about is content! Spends hours on her YouTube, hauls, shopping, networking but can't get the kids fed and dressed. I don't know if she's thick or ignorant, probably a bit of both.
Yes to this and the most ironic part is that she recently said (I can't remember if this was stories or comments or what) but she said 'my kids are a credit to the amazing work I do with them' 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 What work Aimee??? What exactly do you do with them? Not schoolwork, not many outdoor activities, quality time doesnt count when it's all being filmed 😭😭😭poor kids, poor husband although he must be as thick as she is...
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There is nobody who is on call as much as him, Scottish Power have strict rules about how many hours each employee can be available to work, even if they aren't called out.

He went out and didn't come home, but left the kids at his mums - pretty certain he didn't stay there with them.

He's definitely been sending explicit texts to someone, as she mentioned something when she used his phone - but she didn't actually pick up on it herself!

And he does look like a devious we weasel lol definitely off sniffing out some other options and she would never be any the wiser.
interesting 🧐 I missed the explicit text thing but I’ve not followed her for long (and not for much longer as she’s so dull).
Maybe he uses the “I’m on call” chat to get away from her drivel and that madhouse 😂
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Im confused. Didnt know it was her kids first day at nursery...and...she was in a bath at 3 o'clock in the afternoon with said kid floating about? Huh? Why is she having a bath in the afternoon when she has however many kids she has?
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That’s what I was thinking 🤣 tea total was amazing, she didn’t need alcohol yet as soon as someone offers her a freebie she’s back on it 😴 but yet she has turned down loads because she’s not on insta for the freebies like she said the other day! Tbh I think the tea total was a load of shite anyway and was just her planting the seed to be the next ketone seller, mind when she had the detox drink she was going to share and made her feel amazing the first few days but then she couldn’t commit to it so gave up on that idea. Not sure why she was even considering it after her Arbonne flop. She reminds me of a Rebecca Meldrum! And we all know that didn’t turn out well. I remember a few weeks/months ago she was tagging Mrs Meldrum in the Petition to get tattle down, so just shows what type of person she is to support someone like that!

And don’t get me started on that whispering angel! Saying this wine is meant to be better and then in the same breath saying she doesn’t know because she’s never had it 🙄 same with that brand on wine she’s got, ive saw that doing the rounds and being gifted to all the bigger accounts. To get people like her paying £20+ for a bottle of wine even if you don’t like it all for an instagram pic to be like everyone else. I’ll stick to the echo falls 😂
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How ironic that she's saying there's only one person who if she seen they had a "million stories on" she would sit and watch them, and saying no offence to anyone else. What in earth makes her think that others want to sit through her million stories of her children talking at the table about a baby that cries?! The woman has lost it. No real content except filming every minute of her very average and boring day to day life.
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New member
Cannot even cope with a grown woman sitting naked in a bath and asking someone to take a pic of it!!! Also asking the usual stupid influencer question to drum up engagement!!! Who actually cares!
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I watched a little bit of her You Tube Home Bargains haul before turning off but I don’t understand how she has almost 20k followers on Instagram but only 403 subscribers on YT.... somebody has been buying followers on the gram!!
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Well-known member
I didn’t understand if they baby play park was empty why leave??

She is happy to mix with other families at Troon so she can get a picture for the gram or spend hours in primark so she can do a haul but not actually spend time in a play park with her kids.

She could have took a ball and let them run about. Played games or anything. That park has lovely nature walks. Xx
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The mocktail thing is strange, she was drinking them when she went away to the hotel a few weeks ago, but LOVES the alcoholic gifted cocktails 🤷🏼‍♀️ Probably thinks its a way to get some engagement with people asking if she’s pregnant and on the mocktails!
Totally. If she is pregnant then congrats but probably not. It was the same with the wedding ring thing. Literally no one notices if you’re wearing rings or not. You’re not famous. Not even the biggest Tricia is invested in your marriage. I think she’s secretly choking to have arthritis for a USP / something to talk about.
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I don't care how safe you think the street is because it's a dead end. There are still cars driving up and down, reversing etc, you never know who could be lurking around and she's happy to just let the kids out to play and do their own thing. I know she has a boy older than the 4 year old but it's not his responsibility to look after his younger siblings.
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Sorry but why the fck amongst all the outfits can she not buy Callie a pair of shoes !!! SHES GOT TAP DANCING SHOES ON !!!!!!! I am actually mortified for her
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Said it before but so shocking how little supervision her children have. Agree with the comment above, no idea why she got another dog... I didn’t think she bothered much with the first one.

Always says she only shows her house when it’s messy to show others it’s ok to be like that but most of the time it’s clean. She shows it on her stories morning noon and night and it’s always the same.

Her husband seems to work really hard while she’s lying in her bed not even parenting her children. She also favours the little girl, you never see her playing with her boys.
She’s never off her phone to clean the house 😂😂 constantly covered in shit and pee and she thinks it’s hilarious.

I really feel for her husband, grafting away all day everyday and she doesn’t even go for a wash!

Can’t believe her mum has been FaceTiming her wee boy to help with his school work! Stick the other two infront of the telly for an hour (watching frozen OF COURSE) and sit down with your child and help him with his work!
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