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Out the loop

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She’s a fucking cow of a lassie! My wee ones Christmas concert was this week I got away from work to attend as I hate to miss any of these things, she couldn’t see me at first and she looked nervous and unsure but I got to the front and made sure she seen me and the change in her was unbelievable! Aimee doesn’t realise as much as she is a cunt she is those kids safe person and she should have been there front and centre 10 minutes early as his support 😢 she’s a lowlife who should be ashamed of herself.
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She’s deleted the stories - she’s either been reading on here or someone has told her what a spoiled wee cow she sounds like 😂🙋🏽‍♀️
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Ah yeah thanks. Seen those. Hopefully someone else does and just tags her. I see quite a few other insta maws trying to defend it in wee chatty mums post comments. They’re completely missing the point being made🤦🏽‍♀️
The comments got right on my tits. “We only see a snippet of someone’s life” well, no actually, we see everyone’s waking moment, oversharing to a massive degree with no consideration for childrens privacy or safeguarding. If people want to share that much of their lives on the internet then expect people to comment and judge. If you don’t want judged, don’t share. You can expect everyone to like you all the time. It’s quite obvious the post was not aimed at a mum who is using Instagram for provide for her children in a way she might not otherwise be able to. It’s aimed at greedy cows like Aimee who can afford to move house, go on holiday, buy shit loads of stuff for new house/holiday/baby, pay for regular beauty treatments, endless breakfast/lunches/dinners out etc - and still accept a free day out for the family and a free cot that SHE CAN AFFORD TO BUY HERSELF!
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Chatty Member
It can't just be me that thinks callie will be a nightmare when this baby is born. The boys will be great but she will be so jealous
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I can tell you now there's absolutely no way this cow has had the pelvis pain she's been complaining about, that was just another excuse for being a lazy bastard n shite maw!! Not a chance in hell could you drive from killie to the south side and sit in a chair getting nails done never mind toes with severe pelvic pain!!!! When I say I couldn't walk I literally hobbled about in tears just getting to the toilet some days and no way 1 session of acupuncture less than 24hrs ago has been a miracle cure, she's manic she's absolutely high as a kite and she's either found out she's having a girl or found out about a surprise baby shower, no way on earth she's gony sit in a hairdresser chair now when she's been feeling like that and anybody who's suffered will tell you it completely drains the life from you and driving about giving yourself a glow up is the very last thing you want to be doing!

She's a lazy attention seeking liar!!
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Looks like wee Megamind has inherited the Poor Me gene from Shaimee.

Painful watch, those videos. But we knew this would happen when Princess C realised the world does not infact revolve around her.

Roll on the tantrums when baby is born 🙃🙃🙃
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Not C outing her 😭😭

“What’s the point”
“I’m miserable”
“I can’t deal with this”
“Cut it out”

And then the way C talks to K to say if you’re not drinking the tea, put it in the bin. She’s become a product of her own environment and Shaimee finds it hilarious 🙄🙄🙄
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Just rewatched and I'm 99% sure she's deleted the part about 1 child in particular
The bit about the one particularly difficult child is still there. Rewatched it and actually have zero sympathy. Grow and and give yourself a shake Aimee. You are a mother and supposedly an adult. Yeah, kids are stressful but not to the point of sitting howling in your car to strangers online. Honestly if that was me and my Mum saw that shitshow, she'd literally tan my arse
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Given the strep a/scarlet fever situation, you’d think she would be more cautious when it comes to her kids being unwell?
You know she is THAT mum who sends kids to school unwell but doped up on calpol and prays the phone doesn’t ring!
Of course she missed Jackson’s Carol concert - it’s Jackson. Didn’t miss whiny wonka’s nativity though did you Aimee!
I hope social and the school are keeping an eye on her account. Those kids are living with a ticking timebomb, their needs are not being met and by sounds of things there may be an element of emotional abuse. Then there’s the neglect while she lies in her pit

I bet the boys wanted an Xbox!

Honestly she’s really pissed me off the last couple of days. She does not deserve those kids! Vile Kyle needs to man up and encourage her to seek help and provide for his family not just with money!
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Ange has probably decided it was just better to pick the kids up rather than them wandering round on their own accord in this cold icy weather.
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I NEED a tricia meet up because some things about that naternity shoot video just need to be discussed in person. I don't even have words for it yet.
Mon round to my house my lovelies..I’ll put a wee poll up for what take away we should get and just shove my man in the cupboard with his PlayStation 😂😂
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Wonder if she actually claims benefits for her mental health 🤔
Just to add - imagine telling your kids your baby has died, then lying crying day in day out while they see to themselves, uprooting them & moving them to your in laws building site, getting everyone and anyone to look after them, hiding from them on holiday any chance you get, moving them school and home away from everyone, shouting at them in the morning before they go to school, missing your boy’s Christmas concert, then going around telling them you are miserable while they try to settle in a new area, new home, new school - she is a mess!
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She gives no fucks about triggering anyone…who is she trying to kid!!! She’s been plastering her pregnancy everywhere for the last 9 months, constantly complaining and not looking after the children she already has is more triggering to someone suffering with infertility/TTC etc than anything she has spouted shite about tonight!!! She’s taken it down because she looks like an absolute prize prat!!! Jealous of a celebrities pregnancy announcement when she is still pregnant…I mean come on, she’s such a twat 🙄🙄🙄🙄 her stupidity actually blows my mind 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Highlighting that she's jealous of a pregnancy announcement while still pregnant really makes you realise how stupid this woman is. She is jealous because she wants to think of a bigger better way to announce. Wouldn't put it past her to have another baby, be dropping hints for months about being unwell and then just post a photo of a baby, that would bring so many likes and messages although she probably wouldn't be able to keep herself away from her stories greeting about wolfing down a large coke with her McDonald's and then being surprised when she's sick and got heartburn.
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New member
See she didn’t miss a nail appointment today… in this weather and everything 😂 not much shocks me but that carol concert did, it’s not even the fact she didn’t check the backpacks/ newsletter (because let’s face it that’s not surprising) but you can tell she just doesn’t engage with those boys at all. It’s the second last school week before Xmas and she’s taking zero interest in what they’re doing! At a new school as well!! The fact she lied to him is shocking too. I’m all for a wee white lie but “I WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME” is BAD.
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She doesn’t work!! She has no other responsibilities at the moment apart from those kids. I’m sure they’ll get school lunches so she doesn’t need to even sort a packed lunch. All she has to do is get them up, teeth brushed, hair brushed, bowl of cereal/toast, clothes on and out the door. Why is that so hard? Am I missing something?? Lay the clothes out the night before.
If you don’t want to work and you want 4 kids and you can afford it as a family more power to you, that’s great but you are going to have to be organised.

Needs a break 😂😂 she has been parenting on her own for what 9 days?? She needs medication.
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Wow. Even for Aimee, today’s stories are really bad. She’s really shown herself up for being as intelligent as a lump of rock, and as deep as a puddle. She just doesn’t get it, does she?

Zero ability to think of others, or genuinely reflect on her own behaviour. Everything is about attention and validation of her selfish actions.

Incoherent ramblings with a trigger warning for baby loss, while filing her nails and saying the moisturiser she bought without anti aging features was just a moisturiser? I mean, where to begin with that?!?! Going on to say she has friends and family who will never have kids but that doesn’t mean it’s it not ok for her to publicly whine about hating being pregnant, hating every aspect of motherhood, and hating not being pregnant, while she is actually pregnant 🤷‍♀️

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I’m baffled as to what she needs a break from exactly? Missing her sons Christmas concert? More shopping? More eating shite? More spending money? Cos it sure as hell isn’t more parenting! I’ve literally never came across someone who does as little parenting as this lazy cow.
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