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Great advice from Angelina to Aimee; she needs a wee break 🙄. Absolute bampots all enabling each others’ shit mothering. Get in the fucking bin.
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She's a horrible person and an incompetent parent. It's clear she's never bonded with Jackson, he was just a filler baby until she got her daughter. His needs have consistently not been met his whole little life and now she wonders why he plays up! He wants your attention, but he's never ever had positive attention he's always been an inconvenience to her. She's not had to do a morning or evening routine for a year and before that she was ignoring the kids and Callie was pissing herself so mama would give her a bath.

Did not relate to a single thing she said, poor kids are missing old life, friends, grandparents there daily, they're acting out because they are stressed with all the changes but she only cares about herself and swears at them because she's actually having to parent. And she's having another 💀 rather you than me hun.
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Need to catch up on a few pages “my lovelies”… don’t know if it’s been mentioned but anyone else think she’s a cheeky fucker for saying she looks like a whale now, yet someone compliments her dress and she said it’s Angelina’s… maybe it’s just me…
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Too unwell to go to the panto, or do anything for other people it seems....but managed to fake tan last nite! See if it doesn't benefit her she isn't interested, she's an absolute disgrace 😤 I bet the family end up doing the Christmas Dinner tomorrow, she's meant to be hosting but that's too much effort so she'll have them all running after her arse in her home. I'd feel sorry for them but the lot of them are enabling her rotten behaviour!
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Big Ang looking after the kids again while she fucks off for a bath at teatime on a school night.....
Do you think big ang just feels obligated as she probably sees and hears more, she’d rather just be the safe person for the kids to utilise, as opposed to continuing seeing shaimee rant about them
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Probably because she’s slept right through Christmas Day 😂
More than likely because she didn't actually do fuck all and couldn't sit on her stories pretending she was so hard done by as she was surrounded by family. She'll no doubt try and scramble a cringe worthy reel together, saying how she's so lucky to have her kiddies and family and an orange juice boomerang because we all know she is 'this wee preggo' who can't drink. Maybe even manage a wee photo infront of the cooker to imply she actually lifted a finger, but what won't be visible is Kaiden at the other side of the fridge door, making sure the cheesecake he slaved over has set
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You can imagine how the “talk from their dad“… “listen lads your maw is really struggling just now as it’s been a lot of change for her and in case you didn’t know she’s having another baby and she’s not had her nails done in 7 days so you 2 should actually be looking after her and getting her out the house in the morning, okay? Oh by the way Santa isnt real”

Why does she always think her “kids are at it?”Does it never cross her mind that their behaviour is a cry for help / attention from her because things are NOT OKAY FOR THEM? They have been ripped out of their stable house with their friends in the street to live between 2 grandmas houses - one a building site - no doubt with the fall outs of Aimee and the inlaws and a da who is never there, she’s ripped them out of their school and now 2 weeks into their new amazing insta lifestyle she’s having meltdowns and screaming at them.

how can she be so self obsessed and unable to see how much harm this has done to them all - particularly wee Jackson who was already struggling.Ill never forget how bad that weans speech was just a year ago and she admitted she hadn’t pursued it with health professionals. In the end she was #gifted some private speech therapy from some other insta hun and she couldn’t even see that through.
2 sessions - which she let Callie attend - and she gave up.That wee boy managed to survive by learning since he went to school and she ripped him out of that.So much of his life has looked like a struggle to communicate and she is oblivious to what damage she-is doing to him because she is so wrapped up in herself
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She's at it. Past month or so she's came on stories a mess, greasy hair, manky clothes, lying in her pit.
How convenient weekend she was meant to have baby shower she had nails, lashes and fake tan done guarantee it's not for baby coming it's so she can look good in her surprise baby shower at the weekend.
Her followers are as dim as her if they believe that, I mean they all believe it's her house her name isn't even on the deeds.
Que the ohh my goodness guys I can't believe I got a surprise baby shower 🍼🐣🌈
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And who waits till late on Christmas Eve to make the soup?! It’s literally the easiest thing to make in advance and freeze! I’d have done that weeks ago!
Cheesecake anoll. Honestly about 25 mins and it’s done and in the fridge overnight to set. Never known anyone so lazy in my life she is a complete waster.

Imagine her guests coming and no pudding as she couldn’t be fucked to get out her pit.
Don’t worry Kaiden will be making emergency rice crispie cakes for his guests. Santa brought him his own apron for his kitchen shifts.
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If look on elite direct can see some the products Big Ang for the B*otox. Can be prescribed or not but it's higher price.
So basically anyone can buy this stuff and get a certificate to inject folks face &lips.

Why does she keep going on about how it feels so real now?
It was a planned pregnancy.
You didn't struggle with conception.
You've got 3 kids already.
Fuck off no one cares about your tatty scone grow up.
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I've worked with young kids for years as well as having my own and never once heard a kid bei g upset/crying the way Callie was. That wasn't just being sad her brothers won't play with her, that was 100% learned behaviour. What 5 year old howls on the stairs that they've noone to play with and feel lonely?! Usually they come to tell on their siblings that they are being left out or are bored etc. And I think it speaks volumes that she wasn't seeking comfort from her mum, but was sat there crying. I know it was only a few seconds but still. That was a difficult watch, even by aimees standards. Can't believe she shared that. If she felt she HAD to why not just write over a photo, noone needed to hear that vulnerable moment.
Jackson is only 12 months older than Callie, so she absolutely has someone to play with. But aimee has spoiled her and treated her differently from the boys so she's no common interests and no close bond. And then phoning your pal to bring her girls round, that's exactly why she is the way she is. This is just the beginning of her behaving like this everytime she wants her friends around. Remember she used to pee herself so she could get a bath... You'd hope as a parent of 9 years who's about to be spending even less time with her favourite child, she would have got off her phone and played with all 3 kids together to show Callie she can join in with them. Even set up a treasure hunt around the house to get them to work together or something.
No doubt she'll come on today like so many of you messaged and said you related to my stories about Callie and that's why I share what I do and always keep it real 😴✌🏻

Also ddugs video of her stroking Evanglines ears, why does she post such weird, private videos like this?!
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Even in the interests of “keeping it real” who in their right mind would come online to tell a group of strangers they can’t cope with the 3 kids they decided to have, whilst also pregnant with one more that they desperately wanted? I think I answered my own question there, she’s not in her right mind.

Also singling out one kid, honestly who does that. That’s a conversation you have with your spouse, not thousands of strangers.

She’s actually unhinged. Of course parenting is hard, nobody fucking lied and said it’s not hard Aimee have 4 🤷‍♀️🤣 She should have kept her legs closed because she’s not a good mum on camera so god knows what she’s like off camera! Swearing and screaming at them?


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Yep, the woman who is kid free five days a week still has to pap the kids off to someone else so she can do the present wrapping. Meanwhile other normal mums have to take a day annual leave off work to do it (like I have) or stay up late doing it while kids are asleep (like I have in previous years). Aimee has spent her kid free time this week: going for afternoon tea, napping and driving round half of Scotland getting beanbags.
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I honestly can’t believe what I’ve just watched.

Those poor wee kids are having absolutely none of their emotional needs met what do ever so of course they are going to lash out, push boundaries and just chance their luck.

They’ve been moved to a new home, new school and been left with Aimee when they’re used to having friends and loving family around them. They’re probably unintentionally ganging up on her because all they have is each other as this point.

I could never shout and swear at my kids in the morning time no matter what they were doing, the poor wee things have to sit in a class for 6 hours can you imagine going to school and concentrating when you’ve just been shouted and swore at by the one person who’s supposed to keep you safe.

I hope the kids tell their teacher and appropriate services intervene because this is just disgusting behaviour.

I actually feel so sad for those wee kids. She has 1 job in the morning and that’s to feed and clothe the 3 kids and get them to school for 9 and she can’t even do that for them. I can only imagine the language she’s been using and the names she’s been calling them 😢😢😢😢😢
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So she went cold turkey from anti-depressants but she's gonna wean herself off of omeprazole?! 🤔 😂😂😂 She's all about the drama isn't she. Making everything sound so much more serious than it actually is. She has heartburn!! Which she openly admits is self inflicted every time she videos herself eating or drinking something she says she knows isn't gonna agree with her but shrugs her shoulders and cracks on regardless!!! She needs to film herself putting omeprazole and iron tablets in her hospital bag coz it's a really important part?! It's really not that deep. Half of the west of Scotland is on omeprazole ffs 🤣🤣
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The absolute BULLLLLLSHITTTTTTT that she doesn’t care the gender but that she’d love a wee sister for megamind. Can’t even put into words how full of shit she is
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She doesn’t have any empathy or understanding as to why this happening. We can see why they’re acting out (if they even are). It’s all about her and how she’s feeling.

…and no it doesn’t make me feel less alone, because my kid isn’t acting out. Due to me prioritising her and being there for her, y’know like most Mums do. Not shouting and swearing at them before you send them into school, a new school they’ve only just started where they probably don’t have close bonds or people to make them feel better or to recognise there’s a difference in them. What a horrible start to the day for them. I just can’t comprehend how any of these stories are relatable to any decent Mum.

I bet it’s Callie who’ll get the most love shown to her later, not the one who actually needs it.

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