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What I don't agree with is a child's death having to become a 'brand'. It is absolutely devastating that Jaxon has passed away and would wish that on no mother, she must feel so lost without him.

She said something along the lines of that the brand is the only way to keep his memory alive, I find this tasteless, many children have died and is that to say their memory has gone because their parents aren't selling merchandise with their names on it??

I think she needs to come off Instagram and grieve for her son with her friends and family ( who we never heard about before by the way) and in her own way. As much as many of us enjoyed watching Jaxons progress and how lovable he was, none of us personally knew him and she is going to end up starting the grieving process all over again if the brand does not go well and sales don't take off.
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Daddy Cool

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While her grief is very raw and awful to see I agree with you guys. She was talking not long ago about not being able to interview/be fit for work and thought she was going to lose her house if she couldn’t work? Then is able to go on holiday and potentially set up a business? I do understand she doesn’t feel she could be a nurse again but I do wonder how she’s financially supporting herself right now
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She doesn’t realise that your loved ones only live on through you, in your thoughts and deeds. Inside your heart and your mind and in every life event and every decision you make. You take the good things they showed you and taught you and try to incorporate those into your life.

Jaxon didn’t care about holidays, we all saw that. He didn’t care about elaborate parties. He didn’t care about bouquets of flowers. All that isn’t him at all. You don’t send your three year old bouquets do you?

She hasn’t realised that he is only really ever going to live on in her and his dad, has she? And that it’s ok if only she thinks about him and remembers him. That’s enough.

I think, genuinely, she has no idea how to generate income without him. Every plan she had was so deeply tied up with his disability.

Remember the Stauffers? They wanted to adopt a disabled child who was disabled enough to generate sympathy, but not so disabled that their quality of life was affected. That all ended well too, didn’t it.
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You know what, I really don’t understand this shop. Well I do, it’s for her to gain money on the back of her sons death. But if she really wanted to keep Jaxons memory alive why not set up a charity? Give back to people in a similar situation to her, especially with all the help she received from various charities. She often talked about how there was little information out there or people to go to when she received Js diagnosis and blah blah blah so why wouldn’t you put your all into helping other people? Ahhh I know because she can’t gain financially off that. She rather set up a silly shop selling dirt cheap tote bags and crap for a ridiculous price. And that just shows you what sort of person she is. When you think she can’t stoop any lower she just does.
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Chatty Member
@Sendparent here you go, you must have missed It: “agree with this unfortunately, I have watched over the last few years and I truly believe that munchausen by proxy was what was happening”
I said I hadn't missed anything, I saw that. They say "I truly believe'', not that its fact, people are allowed to have an opinion. It also doesn't say they believe that's caused J to pass away. Nobody on here wants to risk this thread being shut down again, it took ages to be allowed a thread on her in the first place, it was then closed and has now been reopened, it should stay open, she is going back to earning a living off her child & followers and if other parents who have lost children have threads then she should be no different.
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For the new comers, our Kaths target audience isn't the SEN world. Isn't parents who have children with severe needs, who are eligible for care, where their parents fight for them every day. Fight through the exhaustion and try and fight the barriers that are in place. Her target audience is the parents of neuro typical children, the parents who couldn't and don't want to imagine feeding their child through a tube. The parents who don't have to battle with consultants daily, they are her easy target because they think they get a sneak peak of what life would be like if their child had additional needs, and they feed their hard earned money to her purely out of guilt thag they are "lucky".
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I just wanna know how Js dad is doing. I know it’s absolutely no one business but she used to slate him to high heaven and we all know he was more involved than she made out. He’s lost his baby. His boy. 🥺
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It’s safe to say she is vile and I do hate to say those words because she’s lost her son but I feel lessons have certainly not been learnt …. J deserved so so much more than he got from kaytee . He was such a bright beautiful clever little boy he really was and looking back now it was clear his needs was not met and he was in fact neglected . The day she discharged him for her birthday I knew as a mother I just would never do that but it’s kaytee she does not care it’s her own needs before his . When you have a child you out the child’s needs before yours always but she never did . j was in school she had NO job so had all day to herself why he was at school she had absolutely no exscuse to carry oncrying for carers because she did not need them . J was very good walking with his frame and playing with toys he had a special bed safe from falls so he didn’t need carers at all . as a mother myself to a child with needs giving medication takes all of five minutes even the peg feeds are not time consuming she had absolutely no reason to stop medications or feeds because she claims to have no time !!!

now her argument about needing carers was pathetic she had them overnight why she was partying that is not right at all … she then would spend all day why j was at school and with carers just sat in her car drinking Starbucks doing stories on Instagram with a full face of makeup now what mother has time for that !!! Claiming to be a single mother fighting for more hours ( as if four nights wasn’t enough ) !!! Moaning about not getting enough money yet everyday having Zara and gym shark orders coming

and don’t get me started on her discharging Her poorly son a week before his death just so she could go partying for her birthday and Thorpe park . As a 30 year old mother to a disabled child who had had what she said was his worst night ever to just bloody leave him to party is disgusting !!! A week before his death and that’s the kind of mother she was . So to any new members just remember all this before you fall for her crying on insta !!!

j Is no longer here and this mother is cashing in on his death selling merchandise. Now everyone grieves different but this Is beyond sick in my eyes . Can you imagine how his father will feel if he seen a stranger in Tesco wearing a T-shirt with his dead child on . I mean it’s obvious she neglected j but does this mother have any heart at all or feelings if how his farther might feel in all this . Shame on anybody who bought from that page because it’s disgusting . Why she’s on a retreat for the last how many weeks with her full face of make up cashing in on her sons death who is sat at that poor boys graveyard certainly ain’t here

rant over …
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shes in that bad of a place she can use her £45k go fund me money to fly to Morocco.. who does that

And also if she can show her life on Instagram to the world then the world can talk about it on here 💁‍♀️
Not in a bad enough place to not go and get her nails done, start up a business with website etc, not in a bad enough place not to go on holiday.
If you’re happy to plaster your life on social media, prepare for it to be picked apart. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂
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God this thread gives me anxiety. Was she really doing all this while her child was alive. Makes me feel ill. Alot of ppl have alot to say about Ashley Cain and the loss of his baby. But my god this is another level. Nobody could say they mistreated there daughter or ever put her at risk. It's scary 😓
Honestly read the previous threads if you get a chance.

A few standout issues for me:
The feeding school where she literally starved him
Changing his meds
Declining treatments suggested by specialists as she thought further exploratory tests were needed first
Demanding he be released from hospital prior to the hospital suggesting it
His PEG site
The hot tub
Stopping the blended feeds as it was too much effort
Filming him choking on vomits
Claiming he was vomit free until CHC reviews came up

It is endless
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There was also mention of a mortgage etc after J passed. I understand she wants to keep the house they both lived in, but we've said it before. It's adapted specially by the council, there are families out there that could benefit from her home. She should never of had the right to buy it, and how is she still being considered when she has no steady job or income?
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Chatty Member
I’ve been waiting for her thread to be reopened, so much about her leaves a bad taste in my mouth! Her son was fresh out of hospital and she swanned off to Thorpe park with her friends, who leaves their poorly child? I nearly lost my son in the middle of august due to DKA from undiagnosed type 1 diabetes, I cancelled important hospital appointments so I could be with him, and she couldn’t even give up a theme park trip tonne there for her poorly son? The brand is disgusting, exploiting your child is awful but exploiting your child in their final days and carrying it on after their death is just, there truly is no words for it
This is exactly what I thought and I'm glad it's not just me...he was discharged from hospital (which she pushed for as she had her 30th birthday celebrations) and she dissapeared to Thorpe park then she dragged the poor boy into London so she could celebrate her 30th straight after he was discharged from hospital then a week/10 days later the worst happened. I'm sorry not everyone will agree with that but the poor boy didn't need to be taken to all those places straight from being discharged from hospital
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Oh I'll think she will have another child, it's something she's always been open about, she's also mentioned that she had the fear she would have a "healthy" child and how would that be fair on J.

I think if she was to go on to have another child and they were born completely healthy she'd turn into a travel mummy with insta funding her lifestyle and she'd base it on she was doing it in Js memory and making sure his new sibling saw and experienced all the things they never could together.
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I will probably get banned and abuse for saying this but she is hiding the reason because she knows she is to blame in some aspect.
Maybe not even directly to blame but she clearly feels a lot of guilt that she “should have seen the signs” and she left him and fucked off out to party, then he spent his last days in hospital.
Adult or child, unwell or not, you’d kick yourself forever knowing you could have been there and chose not to be.
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Chatty Member
Continuing after this thread was locked out of respect after J passed away

Continuing as she has started to post affiliate links and sponsored posts and due to interest on several threads
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This is why social media is toxic.

On one hand, it’s great. It’s great to raise awareness about different issues. I.e the awareness Ash and Safiyya raised around childhood cancers, leukaemia and the stem cell donor register. Amazing.

On the other hand. Totally inappropriate to share images and videos of a deceased child in the chapel of rest so publicly. If you want to share these moments do it in a private group that consists of your family and close friends. Totally inappropriate to share images and videos of parties and fireworks in a cemetery. So disrespectful to the other families who want to visit their loved ones. Though this has been said countless times on here.

Making a brand which is basically merchandise of your deceased child. I have no words. You make a brand when you want to earn a profit. If you don’t want to earn a profit do what Ash and Safiyya have done and create a foundation. A non-profit organisation that makes grants to other organisations, institutions or individuals for a charitable purpose.

I’d have more respect for the woman if she went down that route for a foundation to support SEN parents and carers and bereaved families. But sadly no. Just 10% of a profit donated to a charity at the moment.

It’s obvious. She enjoyed the insta life. She enjoyed the ads. She enjoyed the money. Now, she’s stuck and has no idea how to get the ads back.

I wouldn’t wish her situation or losing a child on anybody, but she really needs professional support, and advice on finances. I know plenty of parents who have lost their children and as soul destroying and devastating as it is, they have all returned to their jobs to provide for themselves. Social media is not the answer.

Rest in eternal peace J🌈
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I’ve been watching K’s stories with mounting disbelief since J passed away. I can not even imagine what it must be like to lose a child and I pray to God I’m never in that position. Though in the past I have certainly added to posts questioning her parenting and care of J it didn’t feel right to comment on things that have happened in the past
BUT i feel her current behaviour has well and truly brought her back to a place where things need to be said.
!. The Colours, his colours, the wearing blue and lining Trent Bridge (this by the way is only 10 mins from my house it was odd to see) I can never remember him having any connection to rainbow colours she certainly never dressed him in bright colours and his room was nothing short of bland.
2. the ’candid’ shots of her working from a luxury pool, hotel room in Morocco, never seen anything so staged in my life ! Not only did she get someone to take them but she then posted and tried to pass them off as oh I didn’t know the camera was there bollocks!!
3. A website selling merch for your son who has passed away is nothing short of odd and the T-shirt’s which feature him with angel wings are nothing short of sickening.
4. The grave is just awful, create something like that in your own garden or in a park at a push but in a space that is shared by other people who go to remember loved ones and spend quiet time in remembrance or reflection is beyond believe its tacky and disrespectful to both J’s memory and the people who’s loved ones are laid to rest in that space
5. The trip to Cornwall with family (Who were apparently) her rock but we’ve never seen or heard of as it didn’t suit her narrative to have support from anyone else except for the paid for carers
and finally what exactly IS happening with the funds from the website?
Sorry rant over but I just needed to say it
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Ohhh man, I wish I had found this thread before I ordered from her site 😅 I feel like a proper mug now, supporting her.
i only got a tote bag- I liked the affirmations, and totes are always useful. I was going to use it for work but i think it’ll probably break before I even get there. It’s such bad quality and Jaxon- who this is all supposed to be for- has his name in teeny tiny blurry writing right at the bottom. It’s definitely not as great as everyone’s making it out to be!
I guess on the plus side, £15 is a relatively small price to pay 😳
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