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I’ve been waiting for her thread to be reopened, so much about her leaves a bad taste in my mouth! Her son was fresh out of hospital and she swanned off to Thorpe park with her friends, who leaves their poorly child? I nearly lost my son in the middle of august due to DKA from undiagnosed type 1 diabetes, I cancelled important hospital appointments so I could be with him, and she couldn’t even give up a theme park trip tonne there for her poorly son? The brand is disgusting, exploiting your child is awful but exploiting your child in their final days and carrying it on after their death is just, there truly is no words for it
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The graveside is tacky to me. And I say that from the perspective of someone going to that cemetery to visit a loved one. What on earth is all that fencing and post box and books… it’s bizarre to be honest. I’m all for individual grieving process but how is that allowed? It seems to be a show to ramp up sympathy I know how harsh that sounds but it’s her. the fireworks display wtf
I feel terrible for people going to grieve their children and seeing that mess, or her and her friends sitting eating fish and chips or letting off fireworks
It’s so disrespectful
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His first holiday was to Tenerife. When he was just a few months old she started insisting she needed to take him abroad. She was asking for him to be discharged so they could go to spain, she finally got had him discharged in the Feb but within 2 days he was rushed back in vomiting blood. She rearranged the holiday for June, but he was that unwell he had not been discharged since he was readmitted in February so that holiday was cancelled too. The doctors asked her if she would be prepared to have a smaller holiday, one that wasn't abroad and just a few nights away but she stood her ground and insisted she wanted to take him to Spain as that was, in her eyes, already a smaller holiday compared to where she really wanted to go. Finally it was 3rd time lucky, he was discharged and she took him away with the ex fiance. She changed the destination from Spain to Tenerife, ignoring the doctors didn't even want her to risk going as far as Spain. She made out her need to take him abroad was to make memories with him, but if you was following back then you could tell it was more to do with having a new boyfriend who was minted and wanting to holiday at The Ritz.
"Making memories" but she couldn't even be fucked to do anything for Christmas. She makes me sick. Its all I can bring myself to say about her.
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Just to add, for anyone not up to speed, as well as the appalling ways she treated Jaxon, she also bitched about children's cancer wards. Apparently they're like 5 star hotels because the families who need them have access to games consoles and snacks.
i hate this attitude. It happens a lot in my hospital as the cancer ward have vending machines, WiFi, ipads etc. Yeah they have those things but also cancer!
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He only has “colours” because baby A had orange and all their new webpage is orange and she’s just desperately trying to copy…
she has done literally everything ash/saf did/done/doing.

jaxons pics in her nails (🤢) picking colour schemes, decorating the grave, seeing his face in the clouds everything they have done she has done. And it’s odd how close their deaths were
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Incredibly sad to see j's financial abuse and exploitation continue post death. He deserves more than this. Poor kid. I can't get my around the fact that a mother would sell off merch featuring her dead child. Totally expected from Kathy but still very sad to see.
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Those pictures haunt me. There's also another one of him looking up at the camera and his eyes are so sunk into his sockets, his cheekbones are razor sharp and the skin stretched tight over his face.
How hungry he would of been for months and his mother would just pass him a frazzle.
J had oral aversion for those who don't know why he had a gastrostomy.
The reason she doesn't have a huge following of SEN parents or those with children with very complex health needs specifically.... the majority saw through her. You cannot lie, manipulate and pull the wool over people who actually walked the shoes she tried so hard to insist she did.
It's hard for those who did qualify for carers, who do have children with much severe disabilities and see her moaning she hasn't had a night sleep whilst she's got her slap on, ready for her PT session after she's waved her son off on school transport. Seeing her son do so so so much more than their children but having to listen to his mother make him disabled to suit her narrative.
Shes sick.
The hidden engagement she had, which was ended that evening... the trio to Cape Verde... where again he left them. Always chasing rich men to fund her lifestyle and j got dragged around.
The trip to dubai that funnily enough was funded just after a massive fundraiser injection... the trip she made out she was alone. All her followers lapping up the inspirational photos of a woman on her own with a disabled child.
Oh please! Why is taking a child with a disability inspirational?!!?!!! Why is that something amazing ?????? Her followers are also some of the most ableist people and must think disabled children stay at home locked away.
She took him on a holiday. He was very very underweight so wouldn't have weighed a lot carrying ( even though she would make people think carrying him on her hip was such a huge thing 🙄). He was young, she had help at the airport with luggage and had help she tried sweeping under carpet.
Taking a child with complex needs abroad needs a hospital planned. You need to know where the hospital is, make sure your on the mainland, that you can speak the language .... kaytee never gave a shit about what would happen if he became poorly at the unsuitable places she took him. And a part of me often thinks if he did need to go into hospital whilst on one of those holidays she'd of loved the attention that would of brought from media and her army of arse lickers.
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Sourcing materials, planning and meetings? She makes it sound like she’s working her socks off but we all know everything is being outsourced through the tee mill! Also doubt she’s coming back any time soon when she just posted a story today about being in a new place.
This is really irritating me. People suggesting products to her - ‘great idea, we’ll put it in discussions’. What discussions? With whom? You’re using a white label on-demand printing reseller and are subsequently limited by their extremely restricted product range. They’re not going to add to their catalogue to support your (likely wildly exaggerated) order volume, so who exactly are these ‘discussions’ with?

It would take less than 24 hours to register, fully populate and launch the store she currently has, and that includes all the ‘designs’, if you can call them that (speaking as a professional designer). The idea that this is something she’s been working her socks off on is utterly farcical.
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The more I think about it the more I feel that when J passed the account should have died as well. The account was there because of J and was meant to raise awareness. However, all it was used for was to keep her in designer trainers and fake teeth. She's an absolute disgrace. She is not intellectually stupid she qualified as a nurse. Go out and get a job and stop using your dead son to fund your pathetic over the top lifestyle.
she never raised ANY awareness other than to help herself!
even why her son was sick in hospital she was paying out 7K in solicitors fees so she didn’t loose her carers so she didn’t have to care for him. Soon as something happens she’s on holiday. This is her second holiday since.
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What about other families who have lost a child, they don’t get a go fund me so why should she. I hope it goes to charity to help families with poorly children or bereaved families. She can’t keep it all for herself surely.
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The blurb about the angel t shirt too where she says it’s been asked after. Who the actual fuck is messaging saying “hello can I put a dodgy photoshop of your dead kid on a t shirt please?”
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I thought that was disgusting to mention. It sounded like 'J died yesterday and I've just forked out 7k to fight for his Keiras so I dont have to look after him and I've wasted my money so can people donate so I can recoupe the money lost'. She had thousands already donated to her, she didn't need the public to refund her. He did not need Keiras, she shouldn't have gone to a solicitor never mind pay £7k to fight for other people to look after him, his needs were not immense and did not meet the criteria.
The solicitors fees had absolutely nothing to do with money for a funeral. The fact she was resentful of spending it and wanted reimbursing from strangers is repulsive (the strangers she quoted have no right to ask about how he died) If she did spend 7K it was using his money. Either directly or indirectly. Everything she has is because of him. The house. Her driving lessons and first car were all completely paid for and for his benefit. The second car was J’s NOT hers but she was planning it way before the DLA awarded him the right to a car. Her Instagram fame is because of him not her. All her adds were sold on the pretence of him using the items or her needing them because of his ‘disability’. The TV and radio jobs were because of him. And now her future income is all in his name once again.
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Just when you think she can’t sink any lower she does

for anybody just reading here this vile women subjected her son to years of neglect stopping his peg feeds resulting in him becoming seriously under weight . She then went on to change his medications when he had a very serious heart condition .

many times jaxon was left with carers and often she would turn back uo drunk after nights out . if you think that’s bad she told the whole of social media her child had the worst night ever in hospital but went on to discharge him so she didn’t miss her weekend plans for her birthday she then left him all weekend to go party in London and go thorp park ….. a week later he passed away

this women is pure trash she is the lowest of the low . She has gone on to set up a merch shop selling T-shirt’s with her dead son on with angel wings behind him selling to total strangers all over the internet making money from her sons death !!!!

she’s currently in Morocco living it up not a tear in sight . What grieving mother do you know that looses their son and weeks later is out partying in Morocco dressed to the nines with a full face of make up laughing and smiling ……

she is utter scum and I don’t care what anybody says .

and Kayet I know you read here hun so this is for you . i Hope your utterly ashamed of yourself and one day you will wake up and realise what a utter evil bitch you really are and how much you neglected j , all those times you left him to do everything you want to do . All those times you didn’t make the effort because your a selfish bitch like Christmas when you didn’t even give him toys or a tree . One day karma will hit you
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Her TikTok is disgusting. Just had a look after people mentioning the distaste in her IG posts. The video she has posted to plug the ‘shop’ has video footage on her with him in the chapel of rest. Is nothing private and not for clout anymore.
She needs telling, keep your private shit private ffs! It’s one thing to tell his story but to post that is a whole new level of disgraceful.
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We honestly all knew here that he was headed in a bad direction, and we were heartbroken before he even died. So many of us in the weeks leading up to his death mentioned how we had a bad feeling about what was going on with him, I said it, receipts are here, and that him being taken off heart meds etc seemed to be more about making his schedule manageable than keeping him well.

His death may have been totally unrelated to any of the things we talked about on here, and may have just been a very tragic out of the blue thing. We will never know because there’s absolutely no way on earth Kaytee will ever tell us.

Also, Kathleen, despite being a nurse for a week or whatever, never had the covid jab while Jaxon was alive. Kept saying she couldn’t book one, which we all know is absolute hooey. Wonder if she’s had it now…
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She put J in a hospice so she could go on holiday! I think that was just one of the worst things i remember her doing
Who even does this?
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How on earth did she get a mobility car that didn’t fit the wheelchair in?! WTF! X
This is my child’s wheelchair. He’s much older than J was and his chair is bigger. This is in the back of our MINI clubman. A mini. It will go even smaller if I remove the foot plates. It was a lie. She had the boot space and also the rear seat she could of collapsed as she put his car seat in the front so the back seats weren’t in use. When you agree to the motability you agree to it being fit for purpose for the next 3 years. She knew it was for him not her but didn’t care.


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I don't want to comment on his death. I don't think we'll ever know the story there, and really, unless there was foul play, it's not anyone's business. If that was the case I assume something would have been done about it by now.

I don't have much experience with cemeteries, but I do know the two local to me don't allow anything on graves that lights up, makes a noise, or could break in a heavy wind. They're quite strict with policing it too, and there's often the sad face story in the local papers where someone is kicking off about not being able to decorate a grave like a fairground, despite these bring the rules they signed up to when they bought the plot. I hope she's checked the rules carefully or she may find herself in trouble.

I personally don't think I would be displaying my grief so graphically online, but people do, so maybe I'm the odd one there. It's easy enough to scroll past it. However, it is starting to feel like she's using that grief for financial gain. It's all fine talking about your pain, but when you slip in ads or mentions of an online shop, it starts to feel a bit...unsavoury.
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