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VIP Member
I am in the sparsely watching boat. Watching segments of vlogs that others have highlighted. It still gives me a view of who they are as people and how they interact with each other.

Neither is amused that Jackson is walking. This means more work for them as he is not content to sit strapped into a stroller all day.
They now have to be “parents” and supervise his whereabouts.

I don’t get the impression that Tim is very hands on. Other that jamming food in Jackson’s mouth and harshly man handling him to place him where Tim wants I don’t see much more parenting contributions on Tim’s part.

This leaves Jenn who is not enamored with Jackson (the miracle baby). He is like a pet. There when convenient, but usually ignored by her when she sees food. She does the basic caretaking of him. But she brings nothing to the table intellectually.

Both are near 40. Yet they act like two teenagers playing house. Jackson is a real boy who is dependent on them. Love him, teach him and nurture him.

Jackson deserves better than how you are treating him, T&J!
Totally agree. Any attempts at him parenting are staged for the camera only. When it goes off, he's done.


VIP Member
I was a bit shocked by your comment as I remember her looking super thin. Has she gained weight due to the theme park diet too?
I think she looks like she’s put on weight. I wouldn’t say she’s super thin...but I’m also not fat shaming and saying she’s obese. Just thicker and I am shocked when she says she can’t finish small portions


Chatty Member
The editing is so sloppy now and has been for a while.
We don’t need a full ride POV.

also, there’s no way Jenn doesn’t read this page. Lovely to see the”It’s time to pay lip service” was about the cast members.
The editing has always been poor and sloppy. School kids doing Media studies edit better than Jenn. The videos should take no more than 2-4 hours to edit. As its just cuts and poor ones at that.

I guess the full ride POV wastes a few minutes and makes the video length longer. So more adds.
Nope - it’s definitely longue 🤣

(Pronounced long, btw).

I noticed on FB ‘fan’ page earlier that someone mentioned that Jenn had not always been particularly ‘kind’ on Twitter, and they jumped on her like a pack of dogs! I think the whole post got taken down (I can’t find it now) but they were vile...and these are the same people complaining that FRE and ‘gossip’ pages are vile!!
Yes it was removed. First her comment was removed then the entire post. I commented on that particular one in agreement with her. But the mods definitely did not have any the stans knowing about these sites. Probably because they know we are speaking the truth


VIP Member
Oh yes, I agree - it really is case by case.

Totally agree with you on PCD and Kay (especially that strange creature that is Dave Kay).

The thing about PMM is that, while I'm absolutely sure he's a nice guy, I don't wanna hear from people / stans how he DeSeRvEs all these things - or DVC stays - simply because he's "nice."

The stans say the same about the Trackers and Michael Kay.

Hell, we all could say we ALL deserve a staycation every other week but these folks are doing nothing but getting in the good graces of some generous stans gifting them things (even if it was going to expire and it's a write off). The ol' Disney-vlogger-being-the-equivalent-of-a-saint-therefore-we-must-bestow-gifts-upon-them mantra gets old.

And, indeed, I give props to Josh for his photography / videography work. Sometimes I think it looks just as good as the stuff Disney churns out with their own teams. I guess what sours me on them is his attitude of explicitly dropping publicly that he hates doing vlogging - yet expecting people to show up and support it (enough for him to pursue the new gig while Taylor continues as an RN). How do I know that doesn't crossover into other aspects of one's work life if that's the case...and I hire him?

I had been following All Ears for eons now, way back when Deb first started it. That was my absolute "go-to" for Disney info back in the day. LOL Nice shout out to Deb! :)
Re: Josh from WDW Couple
I met Josh at one of my RunDisney races. Thought it would be a quick hello, but he stopped and we had a nice chat.

I’ve always had the impression that he loves the technical side of vlogging. As has been proved with the photographic quality of his work over time and their starting the JTRmedia company. It’s the being in front of the camera that he is uncomfortable with.


VIP Member
Someone is in the front seat with Tim while Jenn films in the backseat...So much for the theory there isn't enough room for Jenn to sit in the front. with the car-seat in the back.
OK. I had made a comment about Jenn's lies biting her in the ass but then I went and watched the vlog (ya forced me to do it! :ROFLMAO: ) to try and see who it was in the car.

Where was the person in the passenger seat? I didn't see them. Can you screenshot it?

Tim talks about the Golden Oaks HOA....he says it's 15k a year....that honestly doesn't sound very outrageous for houses that start at multimillion dollar price tags.
In 2018, I remember it was quoted at $25,000 annually.
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Regina Phelange

Active member
Also I finally suffered through the Christmas Day video...
At around 34:00 they begin blabbing about the movie soul and Jen says “my purpose in life is to be a mom”

well holy shit you better step it up darling because if that’s your purpose you SUCK at it
Not to sound like an awful person but maybe she now claims that she’s meant to be a mom as an excuse for the fact she doesn’t work, drive, clean or make any sort of contributions other then “editing”. I’ve done a vlog before with hours of footage and it maybe took be 1 hour to edit the video so her complaining it takes 8+ hours is a lie

She needs a bop in the head. Even if she were the best mom in existence, which she never will be, what would she do when Jackson reaches the age he doesn't need her anymore? Is she planning on dying on that day?

ETA: Years back, I seem to recall Jenn in the kitchen making eggs, as usual, and her rambling on about being a good wife to Tim being her purpose in life. Well, we all saw how that turned out.


VIP Member
I can’t understand why Molly still wears lipstick under the masks. I wear no makeup ever but especially during covid it seems so gross to have lipstick on under your mask.

To trip someone seems a bit much for me personally. Just wait... diabetes and heart attack will get Michael Kay soon enough. His Everglazed video is straight up comedic cringe.
Meh it wasn’t a full blown face plant just a shuffle and off balance be frank he was already flailing about sticking his 2 fingers in everyone’s business and wasn't watching where he was going. It was much deserved because he’s an asshole
I think when Jackson gets old enough Tim will love taking him to places like the Science Centre where he used to work. I can see him doing messy science experiments with his son and enjoying them. Unfortunately I can also see Jenn hovering over them trying to elbow her way in, repeating Tim's sentences or talking over the end of them that way she does when she's trying to bring Jacksons attention back to her. I wonder if we hadn't been in covid times, woukd she have taken him to toddlers groups, baby yoga etc?

Jenn reminds me a lot of my late Mum. She gave up work when pregnant with my older sister and never worked again. Don't get me wrong, we had a great childhood coming home from school to a warm house, snack and someone helping us with homework. We had time for clubs, house was always clean and organised. But my Mum was lost when we grew up. She had no real sense of true fulfillment. She was often depressed, especially badly when going through menopause, and my Dad was her everything. It's a lot to expect of someone. It's not healthy. She gad no work to talk about with friends, all her experiences were shared with us or Dad, there was nothing that was hers. I wonder if Jenn feels the same and that's why she made a weak attempt to resurrect her JennDoesShit channel. Its all a bit sad, sadder still that their stans think that dragging Jackpot to the parks everyday makes them great parents.

Jackpot, remember this word, you'll need it.... Emancipation.

I think you really nailed it here with this assessment. You can tell how insecure Jenn is about herself because she doesn't have anything that is hers. She should really get a hobby (something other than watching trash TV). I can understand how it can be easy for some stay at home parents to fall in to the trap of loosing their identity. She needs to cultivate a sense of autonomy instead of elbowing Tim out of the way in fear of being loved less. So cringe.


VIP Member
I pulled an "Ellen" and went to read if there were any interesting new-ish comments under the Christmas Eve vlog. These types of comments just prove that so many of these delusional stans make comments after reading the title or the summary and without actually watching the vlog. :rolleyes:

Giancarlo Sanchez Sanchez19 hours ago
how were they able to hit ALL four parks??? Last I checked park hopping isn't available till January


Chatty Member
Solid point. I used to let my little guy just chill in his crib for a bit. If he wasn’t hysterical I wasn’t rushing to his side
Mine too and they are great sleepers. One better than the other. But my oldest sucked her thumb too. She loved her bed and sleeping. The other did fine going to bed and sleeping all night but she gave up naps way too early. The older one was still taking one in kindergarten. All are different but I think Jackson is so laid back and easy and they could so easily train him to sleep better.


Well-known member
Funny how, at least from the bit I did watch, they didn’t sound unsure of their facts about stuff in their universal videos like they usually are in their disney videos


Well-known member
My guess would be sometime around July 2022 if the birthday backdrop is anything to go by.. that could literally be torn down and put straight in the rubbish, 2 minutes. A tree takes actual work to take down you guys, it’s hard.
It’s definitely time consuming. But how many extra rooms do they have in their house? I’ve heard of people just storing the tree AS IS in a storage room. Why don’t they just leave it upright in a room they don’t use like Jen’s office 😂

I don’t see Jenn complaining when she buys expensive Disney sweaters, staycations, jewelry, and an expensive house. I think her thriftiness is just like her anxiety- for the viewers sympathy. If she is thrifty then I am a unicorn! 😂😂 also there is no way they don’t have debt I just don’t think they are financially savvy enough to pay cash for a car. I do think you have a point Charm about Tim being the impulse buyer

Only when she thinks a Disney dessert isn’t worth $5.50

at exactly 10:00
JennBo: “I don’t really have a big sweet tooth”

JennBos suffocated Muffin Top: *muffled and gasping for air* “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT”

Wow I forgot they used to show friends besides Jim & Nicole 😳
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One time on their Twitter Feed I started a Self YouTube Vlogger Home Tour Idea. Much like you can do in Hollywood for Public Figures. Needless to say the post with their address on it didn’t last long.
I asked everyone to be courteous and to only take pictures when driving by.
I got the idea from a Tracker Video with ATW where they filmed Jake Paul’s place.