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Jenn and/or Tim have finally learned something and they got it from you all! They're keeping Jackson in FRONT of them for the pics. Not that the boy looks very happy being strapped down into a stroller... can't wait for him to be all over the place.
I don’t understand why they still strap him in like that. I stopped buckling my son’s shoulder straps when he was able to sit up on his own.
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Granite dog

VIP Member
from the Stan..........."Luv you guys content and I hope it keeps getting better and better! ".

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don’t hate to ask!! We aren’t taking advice from Jenn but more so seeing something on her terrible frumpy butt and then doing it better 🤣💕

here ya go! Fits TTS in my opinion. I’m 5’5” and 150 lbs average frame and wear a size small. I could do a medium but then it might feel a little too oversized!
Hope this helps! It’s on SUPER sale too!
I already thought of several ways to wear this sweater. Work, hanging out. So cute
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I already thought of several ways to wear this sweater. Work, hanging out. So cute
its a GREAT staple piece. 100% cotton...washes up like a dream...feels super comfortable on the skin. I feel like it’s cool enough for warm days and still a great layering piece too
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Well-known member
I'm still trying to figure out these staycations. Especially the last two.

Beyond the reasoning of "because we can," there has to be something else driving these. They can't continue them into the New Year lest they lose a bunch more stans for pushing all of this flexing in their faces.

I mean, I can explain away the stupid "bucket list" flexing at the beginning (i.e. poly, CC, treehouse) = Disney! Notice us!

I can even say the AMI thing was #hosted.

But I'm not getting the one-night stay at BLT. What was the point?

The one-night stay (we think) at Marriott on John Young? That one is not a Disney property; it's 10-20 mins. away with traffic, dependent upon what route you take. (side note: if they ate at the NYE buffet, which they probably did, it was $95 pp for adults!)

There HAS to be a reason for these. Why live in that house if all you're doing now is staycation after staycation? Sell it and buy a condo or something (the pool is not cared for, it seems).

These can't all be for Jackson to have a good time and "experience things." That's would be a blatant lie. He won't remember ANY of this at this age. Nor can they alllll now be explained as "bucket list" at this point. They're locals; essentially, if they have the cash, they can do it anytime.

But it's the AMOUNT of staycations that I'm trying to figure out.

These two have to either be "running" from something OR trying to fix something...and those two things may be one and the same. :unsure:
Did they put out another staycation vlog? I see you all commenting about one for NYE but I never saw it on their channel. Did they take it down?
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Why can they not let Jackson stand while waiting for things like the train to Rafiki’s planet watch? She always has to carry him.
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“Baby’s Toy Haul?” You mean presents for your sons first birthday? Clickbait assholes.

I hate to ask, but have you got a link for the sweater?! I loved it too 🤷‍♀️
don’t hate to ask!! We aren’t taking advice from Jenn but more so seeing something on her terrible frumpy butt and then doing it better 🤣💕

here ya go! Fits TTS in my opinion. I’m 5’5” and 150 lbs average frame and wear a size small. I could do a medium but then it might feel a little too oversized!
Hope this helps! It’s on SUPER sale too!
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I really thought that they were going to be great parents. There was a video just a few years ago where Tim was at a place (Busch Gardens??) that had animals. It was really a good informative vlog. Anyways, Tim (whom I believe really enjoys science) was having a discussion with one of the handlers. The animation, knowledge and passion that Tim showed made me think he would be a good dad. Patiently teaching his child about animals.

It is possible that they over researched things too. It’s been an interesting journey with all the various baby items they’ve bought (and complained about) and feeding methods like baby weaning.

I don’t think they really considered how hard it is to raise and support a child. It takes a lot of work and the parent has to be selfless at times. Tim and Jenn don’t want to do this. They want their “fun” lifestyle. So Jackson gets dragged around and becomes like a tag along.
Ding ding dang you nailed it

their lifestyle...they aren’t willing to adjust their lifestyle to accommodate Jackson’s development

I bought some of THE DUMBEST shit for my son and ya know live and learn but the one thing my husband and I definitely did was change our lifestyle to nurture our sons development

once again we aren’t perfect parents but we try our best

Sooooo WAIT a few months ago...they couldn’t even eat lunch out because they had to RUSH home for Jackpots nap

Christmas Eve, they spend ALL DING DANG DAY out without a single care for Jackpot being strapped down all day
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What are they going to do when they can’t stuff Jackpot in that walker? I’ve said it before- before you redecorate your house- CLEAN IT & BABY PROOF IT!
Reality viewing.
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Yeah that’s what they said. A brand that no longer makes towels even. In my opinion a lot of their furniture they don’t show on camera as much (these days) is very mismatched and hand me down seeming stuff. They really only show off new purchases. And then leave the old thing on the floor for forever. I remember when they moved into this house they posted later about changing all the blinds to white instead of brown. The brown ones were sitting on the floor FOREVER and are probably still on the floor somewhere. 😂
Some of those old towels from the 1980s or earlier were pure cotton, velour soft, made in USA stuff you won't find anywhere outside of flea markets these days, if you're lucky. If that's what T&J have and it came to them in brand new condition I can see why they used them for so long. I'm kicking myself for "upgrading" away from the ones I inherited (in brand new condition) to new towels and using these old ones for the pets who've snagged them up royally. Should have just bought new towels for the critter club.
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Some tell us, but they play it down and we have to read between the lines. Frankly, most folk don't pick up on the subtle hints, myself included.

The Dis team is pretty good of telling it like it is. If you can get past their team drama, they're not too bad.
Well, Fiasco is horrible, but the rest was pretty good. (Disclaimer: I've not watched a DIS review since the start of 2020, but I saw Fiasco was doing the shopping one this week, so he's still there.)

Timbo and Jennypoo here love to complain, I think they might tell us IF they were bold enough to try anything new that wasn't a burger, hotdog or carb. Then, if we can get past the closeups of them jamming food down their gullets with minimal chewing (thank god as it's been known to be open mouth) there's the problem in every review they try to do of them using the same terms a thousand times over.
Fiasco is the worse. He contributes nothing to the show. Always wearing that hat backwards like he's in high school or about to cut the lawn .I'm sure the only reason he's still around is to replace Dustin as a little boy toy eye candy for Pete

To be fair to Fiasco, there are at least some schools out there that don’t teach cursive, so if someone told me they couldn’t read cursive, I’d be willing to believe that’s what happened. (For the record, yes, I can see how Fiasco can come off as ignorant)

Speaking of Charles, I’ve always kinda wondered if there was more to his departure from the DIS than they let on.

My apologies for my off topic comments. I tried searching for a thread about the DIS & couldn’t find one.
Did anyone see the vlog where Fiasco said he couldn’t read cursive? He can’t read past about a 6th grade level. It’s so annoying to watch him & listen to his ignorance.
I'm surprised he can read period. He's just Pete's boytoy when Sean isn't around. And omg Sean's voice really grinds my gears. I want Dustin back ! Craig Ryno and Deni are the best tho

To be fair to Fiasco, there are at least some schools out there that don’t teach cursive, so if someone told me they couldn’t read cursive, I’d be willing to believe that’s what happened. (For the record, yes, I can see how Fiasco can come off as ignorant)

Speaking of Charles, I’ve always kinda wondered if there was more to his departure from the DIS than they let on.

My apologies for my off topic comments. I tried searching for a thread about the DIS & couldn’t find one.
Yeah, he's a dork dufus. I just think he tries way too hard to be quirky or funny or something to "fit in" with the DIS cast of "characters" and fails miserably.

I'd rather have him than Charles Boda who - on one occasion - got drunk, drove at a high rate of speed, crashed into a telephone pole, and resisted arrest, and another time stabbed his same-sex lover with a kitchen knife, evaded police, and needed to be tased to be arrested.
Charles always reminded me of that weird kid in school. That kind that was always alone talking to himself or something. He just came off vampire-ish and creepy. I like Dustin better

I like when Dev did his live streams in the very beginning of his channel. That’s when I started watching him. I was turned off by his channel for a while when he was still figuring everything out, asking for donations and being too transparent about he channel. I watch these for entertainment and to escape. With that being said there has been improvement so I’ll continue to watch him (not my #1fav but I respect his hustle) I’ve actually talked to him a couple of times over IG and he was very nice and friendly. I can promise you if you ever sent a DM to TTT they wouldn’t even glance at it.
Dev is such a monotone cry baby always crying about something

That is what I thought. Fiasco is brutal.
Pete Sean Fiasco John and Kevin are all smooshing 😆

Yeah...the entire Disney community is a mess, especially the blogging one. I watch Tim because that’s what I started with and although most of the content has been lacking, there is an entertaining video every blue moon. I used to like Dev, but he’s an asshole and is having an identity crisis. I like Adam, but he isn’t always a theme park channel. I only watch The DIS for Ryno, if it isn’t Ryno involved, I don’t even bother. Super Enthused & Paging Mr. Morrow are pretty good channels but can be a little boring sometimes. Theme Park Express is pretty cool, but he can complain a lot. It really depends on what you are looking for but the vlogging community has lost appeal. Honestly they are all kind of shitty and entitled.
Do you ever watch Earsome Emporium or That crazy disney lady?? Earsome always credits the Trackers as the king and queen of disney blogging and 2 of her inspirations 🤭
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Chatty Member
Oh dear! Jenn is not very crafty. Doesn’t know the difference between a knitting needle and a crochet hook! Or is she just fishing for comments?
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I was going to say, from what I’ve observed or what they’ve chosen to show us...Jackson is EXTREMELY mellow. They really lucked out honestly

as much as I adore my son...he was a nightmare infant and I was horribly unprepared for it. He was colicky and grumpy and constantly awake. It actually made me second guess having more children. He’s wonderful and mellow now but damn infancy was a SHIT SHOW

Jenn I cannot wait until Jackson can tell you where to go, and where to stick it🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is exactly how I feel. I also have a 5 yr old that was so colicky and high needs as an infant and baby and he never slept. That first year was simply about survival for us. I couldn’t imagine taking him all over Disney without it being a disaster. In retrospect, my son’s toddler years were far easier in comparison and now he’s the best little boy. So when I see how mellow Jackpot has been I can’t help but think they’re in for a rude awakening. They really have had it easy up to this point and I’m here for when it changes. 🍿
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Just got back on my diet after not following it since thanksgiving, I might have gained most of the weight I lost back lol but I’m ready to lose it again!

That’s a good point about the haircuts, I know everyone’s different but I can’t justify going to get my hair cut that often....and I get the $12 hair cuts lol

Jenn gets her fair share of jewelry and random items too....and I’m willing to bet they paid big money for editing software that Jenn swears she needs when she could get by with the cheapest basic one but to your point a lot of the “impulse” expensive buys are always shown to be for Tim and decided by Tim
They've been using Adobe Premier for years and are probably on an older license they don't need to re-up every year. I'm positive they've not sprung for After Effects as neither Jenn nor Tim would know where to start with it.
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Did either one of them go to college?

And what’s their backstory?
High School friends?
Then roommates later?

Just want to have my facts straight. 🙏
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They've been using Adobe Premier for years and are probably on an older license they don't need to re-up every year. I'm positive they've not sprung for After Effects as neither Jenn nor Tim would know where to start with it.
To be fair, I don't know shit about AE. I know Premier pretty well but I work in live for a reason. Can't stand editing.
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Regina Phelange

Active member
Oh yes, I agree - it really is case by case.

Totally agree with you on PCD and Kay (especially that strange creature that is Dave Kay).

The thing about PMM is that, while I'm absolutely sure he's a nice guy, I don't wanna hear from people / stans how he DeSeRvEs all these things - or DVC stays - simply because he's "nice."

The stans say the same about the Trackers and Michael Kay.

Hell, we all could say we ALL deserve a staycation every other week but these folks are doing nothing but getting in the good graces of some generous stans gifting them things (even if it was going to expire and it's a write off). The ol' Disney-vlogger-being-the-equivalent-of-a-saint-therefore-we-must-bestow-gifts-upon-them mantra gets old.

And, indeed, I give props to Josh for his photography / videography work. Sometimes I think it looks just as good as the stuff Disney churns out with their own teams. I guess what sours me on them is his attitude of explicitly dropping publicly that he hates doing vlogging - yet expecting people to show up and support it (enough for him to pursue the new gig while Taylor continues as an RN). How do I know that doesn't crossover into other aspects of one's work life if that's the case...and I hire him?

I had been following All Ears for eons now, way back when Deb first started it. That was my absolute "go-to" for Disney info back in the day. LOL Nice shout out to Deb! :)
I know it’s hard for a lot of people to sit through a RSTV1 life stream but to be honest, I think they are the hardest working vloggers. They are “in character” for 4-6 hours straight with no breaks. They need to be on all the time and watch what they say at all times. They respond to fans constantly while walking around in extreme heat, going on rides, adjusting camera according to where they are, and again NO breaks.
Their live-streams and good to have on in the background which is how I usually watch them. I just really give them props because trust me filming for 4-6 hours straight is not easy. I’m sure sometimes they wanna be like “fuckkk it’s so hot” but they are always on point. They also don’t open up their personal lives to constant criticism so I think they’re doing it right. That’s just my opinion!
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