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Ok, I’ve been lurking for awhile. I almost posted a few days ago when I saw them try to take their strollers through the ride queue. HOW ON EARTH DID THEY NOT KNOW YOU CAN’T DO THAT?? What were they planning to do with the stroller once they got to the ride?

Anyways - this video made me finally have to post. Why would they be surprised the hotel is busy when they are doing their own firework show? Of course it’s going to draw crowds, that was the point. Then complain about the food options, complain about the food they got, blame the food for going to sleep early.

Also, Tim mentioning “I think SeaWorld is doing their show a few times.” Literally, it would take 10 seconds to google that and confirm/give real information.

But the real killer for me is hanging out in the bathroom and then doing their countdown/cheers quietly in the room - why were they not out on the balcony??? They missed the beginning of the show they paid to see and then awkwardly stood inside for the first minute or two. I’m just so confused, I would have been on the balcony the entire time vs. the hotel bathroom??? Then Tim keeps recording the fireworks on the horizon instead of the big show right in front of him THAT HE PAID FOR. What a train wreck.
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Needless to say its gone already. Replaced with this..... I've screenshotted the vlog at the time mentioned. She does look less shit than normal but this is still a bit much!
she had to put her money face on for her fancy rich people brunch that I’m sure they didn’t pay for

Finally suffered through the whole video...

you guys are going to shit yourselves

at 24:22 Jenn comments in a irritated/fake happy way how many things grandma got for Jackson for Christmas and then let’s us all know that while Jackson is asleep her and Tim are going to open everything and store them away for another holiday

holy shit they really have no class
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Dear Trackholes,

Between the raging wildfires fires, the surge of Covid cases and the destructive earthquakes, haven’t we suffered enough? No one wants you here.

Love, Los Angeles
Canada doesn’t want them either; but at least they have no chance of coming here until the borders open. I’m sorry Los Angeles

Canada (Alberta specifically)
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Chatty Member
Did you all read the FB post about the Club 33, Christmas Eve video. Apparently it was taken down. Cory Meets World was also gifted those passes and was CALLED by Disney and made to stop his live stream, so they must have told the Trackers to take theirs down as well. The stans are such idiots. Some great comments on that thread though.

This stan though! Girlfriend needs to get a clue..........

Jessica Brickey Pitzer

If they were flaunting Club 33 privileges I’m not surprised it came down. It’s supposed to be a “secret” and exclusive thing, and Disney is very good to the Trackers. Best not to disrespect them by posting videos of things that aren’t “supposed” to be posted.

As IF this is the only thing the wonderful Trackers have ever done to disrespect Disney!
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When my kids were Jackson’s age we got them a bunch of gifts, the grandparents got them tons of gifts, Aunts and Uncles got them tons of gifts, simply regifting because it’s easier is horrific....especially when you waste so much money everyday and then buy Tim expensive presents, Christmas stopped being about me and my wife when our children were born but it sounds like to them it’s just another “look at our money” day
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Just realized today is the first Friday that the Slackers are doing their charity highlight and they couldn’t even keep up with it on week one. No video out today. I’m not surprised at all.
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They're not thinking like parents. They're too selfish. They want these trips but they're not think about what it means for Jackson he's not sleeping because he's over stimulated and under exercised. His wee mind will be racing to process everything he's been forced to llloooovveee during the day, stck in his chair whilst he's got so much energy to burn off. They're conditioning him to be a slob. Sat on his butt whilst someone else does all the work to entertain him. He won't see any good habits to mimic. He won't learn to cook or self care. Now they think they can carry on with their plans, dragging him around the world on flights (guessing they'll expect at least business class) like a toy with no thought to the current situation. Don't be fooled into thinking this vaccine will miraculously fix anything. Much of Europe won't make it mandatory (UK isn't) and Europe is currently struggling with rising cases. I can't see them travelling in 2021. Plus surely they need to be around for Disney's 50th celebrations, despite not being on the media list (boy I would love to have been there when that meeting/email dropped!!) at this point, they're doing what they want and filming it to pay for it. No plan. If no. 2 comes along, they're done. They are so delusional.
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The Trackers are just so desperate to appear rich and successful that they just flaunt everything overtly positive in their lives, which is in itself a throwback to their white trash beginnings. You can take them out of their beginnings, but they're just the same trashy couple playing with new money
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Chatty Member
Oh,’s going to take them at least 3 years to open your package. These people have got to stop sending vloggers gifts. It’s so stupid!
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Oh my goodness..... We need an FRE video of Figment singing Emancipation instead of imagination to Jackpot 🤣🤣
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I like Jackie! She’s very perky, but I feel like she’s sincere. Her videos are more informative than The Trackers.
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For someone who really went through many years of actual infertility, and was only able to conceive with expensive IVF treatment, their offhand ‘infertility’ announcement without an actual diagnosis, or seemingly any attempt to treat the infertility, has always annoyed me exceedingly.
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So I just decided to bring it back around. Let’s see if any of the Stans take issue with using their own vlog material in a comment.

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All the staycations wouldn’t be a huge problem if they actually did a travel channel....but it’s always a shitty room tour where he looks for usb charging stations and here’s a grotesque amount of food we brought to cook but actually we are going to order more food and complain about it
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Omfg do they ever even unpack?

they are NEVER home

and this isn’t even their job anymore. They hardly cover pertinent information about the properties. They just stay and eat and the Dairy Queen complains they have to go home

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Sure a vlog of the vaccine would get a huge amount of views and would be done! Also don’t you have to have the follow up one 3 weeks later (I’m not sure which one is being given in America and the time scales)
Even if they got the 1st dose of the vaccine, I'm sure they would forget to go 3 weeks later because "they were SO busy and the time just caught up to them". They would then ask Sparkly if she could go pick it up and inoculate them.
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I think it’s absolutely okay to have a product (like a YouTube channel) that provides a service.. like, entertainment, travel education etc.

if you have that I think it’s fine to be hosted as it will increase the companies revenue (in theory)

my issue is when that channel becomes shit or doesn’t actually provide the service of entertainment or education.
I think that, in theory, is fine.

I guess my BIGGEST issue (I kind of hit on this earlier) is when people cross over into stan-dom or wax poetic like these people "DESERVE" all of this and they've worked "soooo hard"... or comparisons like one is just sooo far head and shoulders above the rest... Or comments from stans that anyone who critiques them or goes against that thought is a "jealous hater." No, they don't deserve it. No, we're not all jealous haters. As if.

These vloggers left a regular job. They started filming things. They worked hard (or just put out high volume). Things worked out in their favor. They got and / or get some cool freebies. They kept at it. They're making a living. Good for them.

But they shouldn't be getting accolades akin to as if they're curing cancer or walking on the moon.

Hell, they're all falling all over each other showing the same dang thing every day - there's really nothing original about anything they're doing. It's rinse and repeat coupled with primadonnas and / or quirky personalities that they're each trying to out-do each other with.

It just gets old.
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Wow that Christmas blog😧. I can’t believe Baby J got regifts while his parents got expensive gifts. That $300 Tim spent on the jacket could have been spent on something for BJ. Ya’ll are right. The baby is an afterthought. I am just speechless at this video.
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I didn’t watch their resolutions video, but I remember last year we gave them shit bc all of their resolutions were shallow and selfish. I’m assuming it was the same this year?
Tim wished for vaccinations for his parents as his 2nd grape which I thought was pretty sweet...I think he really loves his mom and dad. To which Jenn replied with an annoyed “yeah”
Other than that yeah they were all vapid and self absorbed
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