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I can't imagine how passed I'd be if I were Tim's parents. I mean, we've heard they aren't completely in 100% good health, and they took their time and energy to wrap each and every hand picked present for Jackson... only to find out the parents opened them for him?! I'd be so mad. What was the point of wrapping? Could have just brought them down unwrapped if that was the case. I 100% believe this was Jenns idea and Tim just went along with it as he always does to avoid a fight.
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It's Home Vlog Time....they can say it because Jack$on is napping.

They still have his damn Birthday Backdrop still up.

They are going to build a Cookie House, they intended to do it earlier, but they lost track of time with their "hectic" lifestyle of gorging on sweets and visiting theme parks to complain.

They are looking at the instructions before doing's like they finally learned to get everything ready instead of building on the fly.

They broke their piping bag because it wouldn't be a Slacker video if they didn't screw something up.

This is sped up footage with voice over on top....this entire segment is hot garbage....they record voice over footage and JENN IS EATING WHILE RECORDING THIS!

These are 2 adults, and the House they made looks like something little kids or tweens would put together.

What did Mommy and Daddy make? A house built on lies and shit!

We get a camera cut and apparently their entire house is collapsing in on itself.

They went out to Brunch at the 4 Seasons....

Someone is in the front seat with Tim while Jenn films in the backseat...So much for the theory there isn't enough room for Jenn to sit in the front. with the car-seat in the back.

Tim got a steak quesadilla, Jen got tuna tartare because she never gets to eat seafood...ohh wait that was just their appetiziers.

Tim also got Eggs Benedict and Jenn got the Breakfast Burrito...their "friends" got the Cuban Sandwich and the Traditional Breakfast....Well it can't be Jim and Nichole because their "friends" didn't order Vegan.

Tim talks about the Golden Oaks HOA....he says it's 15k a year....that honestly doesn't sound very outrageous for houses that start at multimillion dollar price tags.

We get a cut and it's back to the house...

Tim bends over trying to pick up Jack$on and his enormous dumper nearly falls out of his 2 sizes too small jeans.

We get footage of Jack$on in his play pen....err prison circle.

They are going to the Night of a Million Lights with their Cousins and Tim's Family tonight.

It's adorable how dapper Jack$on looks....only if Jenn made the same effort for herself she may not look like a Dairy Queen/Frumpy Whale

We get some footage of Tim's Dad...I'm guessing because we can see his walking stick because he's blind.

They rented a scooter for Tim's Mom.

Tim and Jack$on ride a swing ride...Jack$on appears to enjoy it.

Jenn then asks Tim 5 minutes later to tell "us" about the Scooter they rented for Tim's Mom....WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE THIS IN IF TIMBO ALREADY DESCRIBED THE THING????


It's Christmas Part 2 as they got so many gifts from Tim's Family for Jack$on.

They are opening all the gifts beforehand to decide what to give to Jack$on versus giving to Jack$on at a later date.

Jenn fishing for a sponsorship from V-Tech gushing about how much she loves the toys they make for kids.

Jenn saying Jack$on got Blue's Clues Handy Dady Notebook "He's never seen Blues Clues, I think he would like it." YOU DUMB DAIRY QUEEN, HE WAS IN LOVE WITH THE PLUSH BLUE TOY HE GOT FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!

They show us more toys yadda yadda.

Poor Tim looks absolutely beaten down and exhausted in this outro. The man doesn't just have bags under his eyes, he has duffel bags under his eyes.
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My dad always used to tell me "If someone has issues with a lot of other people, they are likely the problem"

This reminds me of Jenn so much. Doesn't speak with her sister, not sure about her grandma (sorry if she passed and I just don't know), issues with Tim's whole family, issues with Adam the Woo and countless other friends that have come and gone.

Whatever happened to the friend named "Kita" back in the day? Likely met the same fate as the others. I am surprised Jim and boring lady have lasted as long as they have, likely not much longer since they can't provide Disney benefits since the lay off.
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you really can’t relate to what it’s like to have a young child now with phones & tablets, etc
That’s the great thing about this thread. We have people in different phases of life who share their POVs. What their experiences are might be different than yours, but it can potentially give you a better perspective and understanding.
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As much as they don't want to admit it, a Trump presidency most likely did more positive for them financially than a Hillary presidency would have.
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Whew lot to unpack with the last vlog. These things are going up later and later but hey when you sleep for 12 hours and then edit for 12 hours, that’s what happens I guess.

Maybe I’ve been watching these goons for too long but the repetitive speech is SO ANNOYING. Greatest hits bingo: I feel like, delicious, yeah? yeah, well so, do you love it???

lol @ Jen saying she felt accomplished and then trying to engage with Jackpot on camera and ask him questions that aren’t just “do you love it?” Almost like they read this forum :unsure:

The towel discourse, omg. Imagine being so dull that this is the best thing you can come up with to engage with your audience.

and wow wow wow, the story with the poor little boy asking to record the outro that he practiced. So let’s assume this is real (which, the story is sus so that’s a big assumption), why the FUCK wouldn’t you just record the kid anyway? They’d already said that they would go back to their dumb catchphrase eventually, so couldn’t you just record the kid and explain it might not show up for a while? Instead of sitting there and being all “we’re so saaaad”? So stupid.
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Guarantee once Jackson starts talking, they'll record him saying the outro and just use that for forever.

I'm copyrighting this idea so when they steal it I can sue them.
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I wonder if Tim has thought about quitting the channel this past year. I know that a baby is a lot of work, which explains why he (more notably than Jenn in my opinion, but it could be his eye bags) looks more tired than normal in a lot of these videos but he also doesn't have the same spark like he used to in the old vlogs. Meanwhile you have Jenn basically soaking all of the attention up (whether it's her as the thumbnail, every vlog including her, etc...) and enjoying it. It just feels like the Jenn show at this point and it feels wrong considering it is Tim's channel and Jenn has her own. Of course, I doubt that Tim would quit because of the $$$ rolling in but just making vlogs when there's no passion behind them anymore just seems so... exhausting.
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it seems like Jenn put more energy into finding those towels then literally anything else for the past year😭 and still couldn’t find them lol

I finally got around to watching Super Enthused video about Wine bar George and it’s so amazing compared to TTT. The fact they didn’t show any wine pairings or restaurant atmosphere and took the most expensive item on the menu to go, I’m not surprised why they haven’t been hosted since.
Jackie posted a hosted video from The Boathouse today, and not only was it more informative than anything the Trackholes ever post, it took Less time than theirs...and she has a beer, even some history about that particular brew!
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Dear Trackholes,

Between the raging wildfires, the surge of Covid cases and the destructive earthquakes, haven’t we suffered enough? No one wants you here.

Love, Los Angeles
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The Slackers are at MK for their last "Disney Trip" of 2020.

Tim is curious to see how busy MK is because Universal hit capacity 30 minutes after opening.

Tim wants to see if they are still doing Christmas stuff. Jenn wants to see how long the wait times are, because she wants ride a few rides with Jack$on.

Tim tells us it's 2pm and 72 degrees outside, Jenn complains she's cold.

Of course they finally put a hat on Jack$on when the suns rays are at their weakest of the year.

You can tell their Covid-19 fear went away because as they enter under the train station they make a point to go under the same arch that people are coming out of, instead of using the one to the right which no one was using.

Their first stop of the day? Starbucks because they need a sugary treat!

You can hear Jack$on complaining in the background because he's being ignored.

Tim is shocked about the Tomorrowland Terrace serving food from Columbia Harbor House....

Tim complains about the line for Jingle Cruise because it the line went all the way back to the Adventureland Bridge.

LOL the Spring Roll Cart is closed, another Tracker Failure.

LOL THEY GET STUCK IN THE QUEUE WITH THEIR STROLLER! I thought it was common knowledge that you don't bring your stroller into ANY QUEUE? THAT'S WHY THERE IS DEDICATED STROLLER PARKING!!!!! Be easy on them guys they aren't a travel site or have been to Disney hundreds of times or anything like that at all.

We get a bunch of random footage of decorations Timbo likes.

Jenn tells us about Kwanzaa.

They were quoted a 1 hour wait, Jenn complains once they waited an hour and weren't on the ride.

Jungle Cruise footage yadda yadda yadda

They are leaving because Jack$on needs a nap....

Jenn shows us their "friends" they were waiting with, and oof their kids a bit big (age wise) to be using a stroller.

Jenn says her "friend" has all the up to date information on park hopping that is coming back....because they aren't a new site.

Tim asks Jenn about the doesn't bother her, it bothered Timbo because it made filming hard.

During the outro it's just Dim and Ginn correcting each other because someone HAS TO BE RIGHT!

Their time to help outro is to help furloughed cast members....I guess their staycations aren't doing enough?

What is hilarious they talk about how many people and families will be affected by this, but they don't bring up Jim or Nichole at all.
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Why can they not let Jackson stand while waiting for things like the train to Rafiki’s planet watch? She always has to carry him.
Why can't Jenn just stay at home with Jackson and give him a quality childhood? He won't remember any of these constant trips to theme parks but they are possibly causing harm to his development.
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It has occurred to me that it is now time to divorce my wife. She is forcing me to watch the Tracker Christmas morning. This should totally be an acceptable reason and will be filed under spousal abuse. She insisted that we watch it (while eating nonetheless) even though I told her about it and even warned her about Jens feet. I'm the victim.
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Respectfully, I disagree somewhat here. Personally, my issue with the way the Slackers handled the BLM conversation was that it was about THEM. They were called out on their racist videos so they went into damage control mode. The "now it's time to help" is their cutesy way of diverting attention to feel-good charities without doing much work themselves so they can feel better.

I think it's okay, even necessary, for political conversations to happen in these spaces. The ability to avoid politics is in itself is a huge privilege, staying silent when these huge, important social movements are happening is damning as well. What irks me is the performative garbage the Slackers did, awkwardly posturing about their outro as if it means anything.
I get your point but I really don't come on these boards or watch Disney vloggers with the intent to hear anyone's political commentary. ;)
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Kevin Chanowski2 days ago
I officially just had my first "Tracker Dream"...we shared a gondola ride and I ended up getting invited back to the house for a private tour and hang out session ! It was so detailed and vivid...I woke up and realised I fell asleep watching a nonstop YouTube playlist and could hear their voices from the videos as I was waking up. So....#1 Thank you for the hospitality 😂 #2 I promise I'm mentally stable 😂 and #3 Maybe one day we can actually share a gondola ride 😂❤

I'm behind and just now catching up on messages here, but get a load of this terrifying drivel from the staycation checkout video
I have serious doubts about #2.
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yeah I figured. You just get the vibe from the few times you see them (more so in older vlogs) that they are kind and genuine. And honestly I feel like Tim could be the same had me met a different partner.

I always told my husband than Tim has a kind face and I stand behind that...I just think he’s been exposed to the kryptonite that is Jenn for too long and now he’s really stuck with her because of Jackson
I honestly believe Tim would be a better person had he not dated Jenn. He would probably still be at the science center regardless if he had a YouTube channel or not. From what I understand, Jenn really put the pressure on him to quit as soon as they made enough.Whoever called Jenn a succubus nailed it on the head
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My eyes must have deceived me, I swore I saw someone in the passenger seat. I will say it is odd how later in the vlog the front passenger door is open as they getting ready to leave the 4 Seasons, but no one sits up there.
LOL. OK. I didn't see anyone either. And I had a really scathing comment written up and posted about Jenn's lies too! :ROFLMAO: (that I had to delete LOL)

I went back and tried to identify the people in the reflection at the table but couldn't pinpoint who it was. I think I saw a man with glasses and perhaps a woman with a pointed nose who was making "dancing" motions with Jackson at one point. Or ...maybe it was another guy too?

Is it me or does it seem they read here? We agreed what utter hypocrites they were to running around Disney Parks on Christmas Eve courtesy of their Club 33 member friend as well as pointed out that Jackson's Christmas was the, shoes and more shoes. It was also pretty pathetic that they then maintained they couldn't see the relatives on Christmas because they had to be socially distant. But again, they didn't seem to mind mingling with thousands of people on Christmas Eve at the parks, whilst getting their VIP treatment yet seeing family on Christmas, nope, that's just too risky for the hypocrites. I got the vibe that today's home highlighting the relatives going to GKTW after Christmas was them responding to questions, comments and complaints about their silly priorities.
Yeah. I think showing Mom and Dad at GKTW (and also the pic of Mom and Dad on the shelf) were subtle messages to us. :rolleyes:

I still hold firm that Tim's parents are good, decent, and giving and generous people.
Tim's dad is hilarious in some of the older videos. Reminds me of my own father.

Jenn, on the other hand?

YOU are a bitch, Jenn.
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Please explain how he is delayed because he seems fine to me. Are you a medical expert who knows such things? If not, I wouldn’t comment.
Yeah, I agree. I'm not 100% sure if he's delayed, nor do I think he's autistic as some have said (I think that term is thrown around willynilly too often these days, personally).

But I DO think they are doing a HUGE disservice to him by dragging him to the parks every single time. There can be no other reason other than Jenn doesn't want to miss out on any "fun" Tim is having. (and if she's afraid to be home alone w/ Jackson, grow the fuck up already)

They cannot tell us that it's so Jackson can have fun. Jackson won't remember ANY of this. This is ALL for Jenn.

And she is missing out on awesome mommy and me time she could have at home - alone - with Jackson - bonding! - and creating a little schedule for him to feel safe and secure with (i.e. set feeding time, set favorite show time, set play time, set nap time, etc.)

If anything is delayed with Jackson, it's his use of his hands to feed himself, as many have said. But, even then, I'm sure he's going to catch up.

He really is a sweet baby and they are so blessed that he is healthy and has such a great disposition. I wouldn't go so far as to ever say they don't love him (specifically Jenn) BUT I DO feel that he often just seems to be a prop in their vlog, and that saddens me. :(
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It was all day long - started shortly after Trump's speech at noon EST.

Not just at night? It was pretty much done by nightfall. (or did I miss a nuance here?)

Edited to add: I really hope they don't touch that subject, TBH, as I think it'll touch a nerve w/ many of their viewers just like it did last time.
UGH. I hate politics. That's why I try and stay out of getting too invested in politics. :(
Jenn has remained quiet this year, which is odd. I am sure she will run her mouth on the 20th about how her life is now full of rainbows and unicorns though. Forgetting the fact that they became wealthy, bought the McMansion and all the other crapola that has made her life take a huge turn for the better financially, all under Trump's administration, but she will act as though she has suffered so for the last 4 years and now the terror is over.
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