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Also something WDW Couple are in that mix and I cannot stand them at all. Josh from WDW Couple is a whiny little beyotch. Lost all respect for him and unsubscribed from them when he was in FRE's comments whining about being picked on.....get over yourself!
I stopped watching after Josh got ribs from a F&W or F&G booth (pre-pandemic, I forget) he was using a trash can for a table, which we’ve all done, but he knocked them off the plate and onto the top of the trash can then ate them anyway.
Fucking nope. Check please.

I feel like Dim would probably still eat them too, but Jenn would do that strained face with the “LLLLLLL” noise she makes. Idk how you’d spell it, but I’m sure someone knows what I’m talking about lol. Maybe they’d complain for new ones.
There’s a pizzeria on the Wildwood boardwalk here in NJ that has a sign saying they’re not responsible if you drop your pizza or a gull steals it.
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Clean lines are a girl's friend.
Exactly. Clean lines.

And also solid colors. Nothing patterned. Nothing like a Metallica t-shirt or umpteen Disney shirts.

Say, if you wear a solid color navy blue fitted top (which would be slimming), pair it with a navy blue cardigan. That way, the eye sees one color and a streamlined silhouette. And everything doesn't need to be oversized, Jenn (aka spirit jerseys are a no-no for your body type). It just makes you look bigger.

Ok I have to comment on the whole depression thing. I agree with love the kitz. Those are all the signs of depression and it has probably been going on for over a decade. Hear me out: she has shown signs of it in her past videos- the staying home, the lack of cleaning, not going/ skipping out on work. I think she was better about hiding it from the camera, but those little signs were there. I have a cousin with bipolar disorder and she is similar in traits to Jenn(minus being a bully). She doesn’t have a job, stays home most of the time, sleeps in, and go through periods of not brushing her hair. She however goes to therapy, take her meds, clean the house, volunteers at the shelter a couple of days a week, and practices yoga. She said she may never get a job because of how much anxiety it creates. Long point being, I don’t think there is anything wrong with staying home and not having a job. Some people are happier at home, and that is okay.
I hear ya though, I'll say that they've always just lived in messy homes. Even pics of Tim in family homes showed a bit of a mess. Stuff everywhere. I think they just don't put emphasis on living in a clean and orderly home.

And Jenn didn't just always stay home. She used to have jobs. She was normal. She's go out drinking. She'd party. She wasn't a wallflower. It was in the vlogs for years.

I truly believe she uses "anxiety" and / or a bad situation to play to her benefit and advance a victim mentality for Tim to wait on her hand and foot.

Could there be some underlying depression all along? I guess so, yeah.

But couldn't that be said about pretty much everyone? 🤷‍♀️ I'm sure we're all not shitting rainbows every day. :ROFLMAO:
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Do they even realize that while Covid doesn't affect children nearly as much, children can still SPREAD IT? They're such absolute idiots bringing that baby to the parks as much as they do, especially now that we're hitting 10k+ per day here in Florida.
COVID might not be deadly to children but I certainly don’t want to take my infant to the hospital or even just to get COVID tested if we even thought it was a possibility. That test is uncomfortable for adults. My baby won’t even take a bath or let me use the snot sucker without howling. Why do people keep saying it’s not a big deal if babies - and Jackson is still a baby- get COVID!
I think they stopped going to the parks and got super serious about COVID when it served them (yay some time off from our already slacker schedule). And now that it serves them to go to the parks again and have an excuse to cover up Jen’s pregnancy, they are going again but not riding rides.
In the AK video Jen literally said their first stop at a Disney park is always to go to the bathroom. Seriously wtf. Did these people never hear “always go before you leave the house”? The last place I want to go during COVID is a public bathroom at a theme park if I won’t even go on rides!
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Nothing they do makes sense. They cant stay in Target for longer then 10 mins because that would increase the chances, yet going to a theme park every day for a while now wont increase the chance. So Target potentially dangerous, packed theme park not. Got it.
I admit that I was hesitant to go back out when things started opening back up again here in Orlando (this was back in May or so) but then I realized that as long as we're all trying to do our very best - and going places that require masks, are practicing social distancing, have hand sanitizer everywhere promoting sanitization of hands, etc. - then we need to try and get back to as much normalcy as possible.

That and I do not want to see people out of work because no one is going to the theme parks, no one is going to the retail store, no one is going out to a restaurant, etc. I've done all of that since then and every situation I've had has been a positive one (knock on wood).

I think that the Trackers just lose me at the hypocrisy of being utterly hysterical to a point on one hand and so lazy and lax on the other.

Also, from a diff post, chemical services and haircuts normally include a blow dry. She’s still prob gonna be out $300 between olaplex bonder treatments & glaze up charges.
Yeah, that was my post. I remember now. I guess I just am amazed at dropping that $ (both hers and Tim's haircuts are not cheap) and then complaining about random things under $10.

And you KNOW she's going to buy whatever they recommend and they're going to sell her a load of products. LOL
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I found it amazing how many times they would vlog and Jenn would talk about how they ran out of food in the house.

I don't understand how 2 WFH adults, who make good $$$$, can consistently have an empty cupboard.
They haven't run out of food. They've run out of food they want to eat (ie: sugary carbs and ready-to-make meals).

Whoever forever ago said they're just two teenagers playing grownup is spot on.
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Michael Kay hiding in the closet whispering “give her the two finger point Tim!”

just makes me think when they weren’t dating and the hurricane forced them to stay inside all weekend that they just got severely drunk and Jenn was like you’re mine now
Oh my god, RIGHT?! I remember when my boyfriend and I (back when we still liked T&G), watched their "how we started dating" video. When they admitted to being roommates first and then getting together during a hurricane, we both looked at each other and laughed! So its a relationship based off of Jenn pressuring Tim to be roommates (he didn't think it was good idea)... and when the power went out and there was NOTHING else to do... yall hook up... what a fairytale beginning 😆
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That's very possible.

We all know Tim is absolutely no saint (and does some interesting crap when it comes to getting #hosted) but we ALSO know he wasn't the one starting Twitter wars OR on Twitter - calling her mom names, complaining about deliverymen / repairmen being sexist, bitching about random things to start stuff, and just being downright awful. We know she was the one that started the whole thing over the Universal IG photo. And we know that he wasn't the one talking down to her or cutting her off every two seconds during that first and utterly painful to watch podcast. That's all her.

I really think that she does think she's the shit, especially with her new hair back to blonde. You can just tell something shifted a bit with her that's been boiling up for some time. She's totally insufferable and not an entirely nice person on the inside. I truly believe, like someone mentioned awhile back, that she verbally abuses Tim day in and day out, and he just takes it because he's more of a pacifist and we know he always said she was out of his league.

Everyone having a similar opinion of Jenn - even former stans who have found this page say the same thing - cannot be wrong!
I used to enjoy Jenn's presence in the videos., even found her kind of attractive (in the pink hair, bright red lipstick days) I thought they played off each other well when they were at home, when home vlogs were a rarity and a fun break and not the absolute norm they are now. But I feel like I probably had some stan blinders on at the time. I didn't think Jenn's twitter tirades were that bad, that it was clearly other people's fault that they dropped friends like flies, etc. I even excused the Gucci sweater as "oh they give so much back, they are allowed to splurg." But after Jackson and the start of the pandemic it started to lift. I remember seeking out GG's thread because of the open mouth thumbnails because no one in the comments seemed to think it was disgusting and wanted to see what more critical people thought. And that just completely removed the blinders.

Looking back now all their shittyness is super visible to me that I ignored because I was a fan. Jenn constantly picking fights looks hella petty now. What the fuck happened to all those people they used to hang out with? Jones Family, The Holy Moley, Disney Double Dose, etc. The only people who seem to be able to stand them is Nicole and Jim, and Adam. And I think Adam will only hang out with Tim, don't think Adam and Jenn are fond of each other. And their content now is so fucking boring and fake squeaky clean. You can still be family friendly but have some edge to your content. Even Disney pushes that limit sometimes.
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Blinker (change of direction)
preface: I do not claim to be an expert on relationships

Do you think that this is an arranged marriage? One of those if we aren’t married by 30, let’s tie the knot thing?

They aren’t very affectionate towards each other.
• I don’t see hand holding
• loving glances towards or with each other
• interactions where they are doing things together (ie. putting away groceries) or helping each other

It’s like they, in pre-school terms, are doing “parallel solo play”.

Of course we only know what they have shown us of their lives.
I doubt it's arranged. Tim is infatuated with Jenn, however to Jenn Tim is just a means to an end.
Their relationship is very much akin to Melania swatting DJT's hand away... maybe eve more so.

There isn't a muscle to be found on him anymore is there?
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I first started watching the channel back in 2017 when I was planning our first Disney trip before we even moved down to Florida. I specifically remember wondering who Jenn was the first time she popped up in a video, that's how rare she appeared in them. Once I learned more of their story, I actually didn't mind her too much, mostly because her voice reminds me a lot of my cousin's (and my cousin is awesome), but she was also very sparingly in the videos, and whenever she appeared it was more of a "Guess who's with me today!" sort of vibe. I enjoyed that so much more.
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She always came across as turn-on-a-dime bitchy but she wasn't nearly as weenie-whiny (sp? LOL) as she is now with things. Or being around Tim all the time.

She used to do vlogs on her own. She used to go out and mow the lawn and vlog about it all sweaty. She used to jump in the car - solo! - and vlog about where she was going, the places she was stopping at, the errands she had to run, going to / from work. She used to prancercise through Universal. She used to dance and get drunk and sing crazy at Senor Frogs. In short, she was annoying (to me, at least) and acted stupid sometimes (a schtick) but seemed more real, more fun.

I think that she has learned to play up the submissive, woe-is-me, and / or anxiety edge when it suits her and enjoys being "taken care of" by Tim - as in driving, doing things for her, waiting on her, so to speak. If he doesn't do what she wants, she just brings up the anxiety and that is a catch-all to getting her way. And we've discussed how he said previously how she was out of his league. (and now she's got Jackpot as an "excuse" to use...sad to say).

I think she's got Tim wrapped around her little finger far more than he has her wrapped around his.
Over on GG a person mentioned seeing Jenn (within the last few years) driving around Orlando - along with now owning two cars ... I'm willing to bet she is driving but they are lying about it... shocking I know #lyingsackofcraptrackers
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This is Tim who wanted to film inside the spa on the Disney Cruise he went on, and Jenn had to talk him out of it.

The slackers will film at Water parks and hotel pools. PMM for example won't show you the pool if people are in it to respect their privacy.

Food PMM shows him taking 1 bite but no chewing. Slackers will show them stuffing faces.

When you watch a few other bloggers really shows the lack of manners and respect Slackers have for CM and other guests.
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Chatty Member
Thing is, she can still do something about it!! She is in the parks every day, that's a decent walk. With healthy food, a good sleep and a bit of effort she could make a great improvement. Would do wonders for her energy levels, skin and weight. Sheesh it's hard, we all know that, these first steps are the worst. We're pretty much in lockdown here, she doesn't have that excuse. Weather will be lovely in Florida just now. No excuse! Jackson eating. He's at a very formative stage. Get these good habits instilled now otherwise all he's going to learn is but expensive, eat crap, make demands and film it all.
I was down 30 pounds since June(gained back about 10 after not following my diet too strictly since thanksgiving, but I’ll be back full go in January) and I don’t have the opportunity to walk miles around a theme park every day. They(and Michael Kay) could easily do it by cutting out or severely down on the sweets they eat every. single. day. I also feel like it would make an interesting series showing what they are eating and how many miles they walked that day and show us progress.....but for now they are “so excited to try some treats” everyday and feel like that’s what their audience wants to see to change
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I wonder why they continue to buy all these snacks since we all know all they are going to do is complain about them....nothing at Disney’s booths are worth the money according to Jenn and the portions are too small, maybe MKay and Jenn should link up and go to rainforest for some ribs or TRex for giant portions, that’ll probably be more up to her standards
TTT places quantity over quality when it comes to videos.

Frankly, they are lazy and unimaginative. They think that just because they are in a Disney theme park/DS that is enough. Since they refuse to go to any indoor attraction/activity that just leaves eating food outside. Jenn’s next favorite thing is complaining.

Note: they are not that concerned with COVID if they shop at World of Disney, Universal’s Tribute Stores and walk all around DS, at which I hear social distancing is extremely difficult to maintain.
H Y P O C R I T E S!
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How did they spend all that money on a trip with upgraded seats to Tokyo, but not do any research or to go that far and not explore the city for more than a few hours? The same thing with D23, to squander an opportunity to go to that event and be completely clueless. That’s not laziness, that’s some next level arrogant bullshit.
What is hilarious is how much Jenn loves seafood and sushi. She could've experienced some killer food in and around Tokyo, but they did next to nothing that wasn't Disney related.
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