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I am a lesbian and I have been with my partner for five years. When I first watched this video, I was upset. That line, the way she said it reminds me of the jokes I heard in high school. People asking me if they can catch the “gay” or making a joke. It hurt. I don’t think she understands how insensitive the “joke” was. The apology sucked more to hear because she brushed it off. But live and forgive. I hope that she has learned how insensitive her flirting was. I also want to believe that anyone can change for the better
I guess that's the thing. The fact that we all believe the apology to suck, be inauthentic, and to be a lie (where she acted like she was mocking people who would say such a thing but she would never say such a thing), just shows that she didn't learn anything.
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I don't get their flexing on the price of what they buy outside of the theme parks. If someone really wants to know Mr. Google can help with that. It screams of, look at me, attention grabbing fools. This is part of the reason we hate them. Complain about a 5 dollar cupcake but drop 2 grand on a sweater. Since we haven't seen the infamous sweater I assume it doesn't fit (Jenn could wear it...maybe) or they returned it. They seem like that kinda people.
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I'm a little less concerned with covid than other people might be, and even I would lay off of these areas in the colder months with a child as young as Jackson. They don't know if he has breathing issues yet. I'm not being dramatic, it's fairly common for kids to have mucus congestion, and that could lead to bronchitis. Maybe an undiagnosed allergy. My point is, he's too young to tell them what he's feeling. I sincerely do hope that they stay home more often in the winter. Let him play with those new toys that he got for his birthday.
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Everyone’s favorite retiree, “Ellen Smith,” sure has been quiet lately. She must be on holiday somewhere. Then again, there haven’t been as many disparaging comments on the past couple of videos, so Ellen...oops, I mean Jenn, must be working overtime to get rid of any before they gain any traction.
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MooMooSharoo is quite active in other Disney vlogger threads, especially UK ones and clearly watches them. I highly doubt Jenn watches other vloggers to that extent
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I only caught a few glimpses of them opening mail, so I might be off here: I got the sense that Jenn loves her own voice/opinion so much that she'd ramble on to the point that they'd rarely get though half the pile of fan mail when they live streamed. It then became a chore she didn't want to tackle verses fun and acknowledgement of the fans who support the channel.

Tossing it all in a pile was akin to how Tim would build out giant piles of rubbish in their yard (and now in the garage because the HOA will fine them for a cluttered yard).

It screams of uncaring, but also of depression, on the part of both Tim and Jenn. I've been fairly sure Jenn has been battling demons for years, but never realized until now that there's a chance Tim has been too, and it may be the reason he chose to quit his job and go full time with YouTube. It may also be why they keep buying needlessly expensive items, not so much to flex, but to prove to themselves that they're fine and perhaps to put a bandaid on the depression.

Well this isn't creepy at all

Is Jenn is way bigger than Tim? not in height, but in width? He's a pretty broad dude too. Oh hunny. Please, please, please put down the frappe and back away. We're only doing this for your own good.
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Another UK vlog watcher trying to guilt and police on this thread...these past days I’ve been thinking its KrispySmore but I’m not so sure
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I’d never heard about any of the things you stated .. I watch the vlog about them apologising for past behaviour which I admit shocked me .. however they apologised, I’m no psychologist so I presume rightly or wrongly their apology was sincere
The apology was damage control and nothing more. They were hoping that if the videos along with FRE's were deleted quickly TDC would not get wind of it all.

Unfortunatly Disney saw and it was either Josh D’Amaro or Jeff Vahle who withdrew Disney's support of the Trackers and anyone like them.
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While I don't miss their stupid home vlogs or hour long mail vlogs, I have to wonder how their die hard fans could ever justify their total lack of appreciation for what they sent them. Who in the hell takes years to open mail? I was looking back at an old vlog and had to turn it off when they mentioned it was someone's birthday and acted surprised when it was over 2 years ago. But hey hope you had fun turning 8....2 years ago. The entitlement is real!
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YES! I think you hit the nail on the head and perhaps I wasn't as clear / specific in my earlier comments about meeting them in the park as I could have been.

Aside from a story here or there I heard / read about Tim being somewhat of a dick (and who knows the validity of that comment), the great majority of stories are that he is decent to talk to. I think the big variable in these interactions is if Jenn is involved.

For example, if T&J met someone, I'd bet Jenn would say something about them derogatory when they walked away - it's in her nature based on how she's already proven herself to be with her snarky, nasty comments on Twitter, instigating fights, calling for people's heads, making fun of people, etc. He, on the other hand, would just walk away and probably not think much of the interaction beyond the interaction itself.

I also agree that, even if he whores them out to gain #hosted or freebies from companies, if the channel was still just Tim doing things, it'd be 1,000x more watchable. Give me series like he did of the Disney resorts any day over whining, complaining, fake smiling, and constantly interjecting-herself-into-everything Jenn.

Edited to add: I also have to wonder that, aside from a handful of "do you know who I am" type hissy fits I heard about when Tim had to stand in line with the rest of us "ordinary" people, I really have to believe that whenever they complain to CMs or TMs, it really is instigated by Jenn as well!
I was just about to say I had to wonder if the complaints would have happened if he wasn’t with Jenn. It became clear when touch of chi commented how petty Jenn is while Tim only filmed. Also: an insecure partner brings out the worse in a person.
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Granite dog

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Lmao. Either this is a genuine question, or it's one of us sneaking a comment in. Either way, this is hilarious. Just straight up asking why her forehead is brown 🤣
Even though I am banned by the Slackers, apparently can still give a Thumbs up/down in the Comment section. I gave it a Thumbs up to the comment and also a Thumbs up to the Comment saying that it was "sun damage".
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Honestly after everything has come out about Jenn, I am concerned that he will grow up thinking it’s normal to gaslight and control in a marriage/ partnership
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Yup - known fact that sugars (or even just carbs like potato) + fats will lead to bloating.
She's needs a dietician to help her figure out how to eat and cook for her family properly even if her dickless husband keeps trying to make them eat garbage. She has the option of saying no to his bad food ideas. Eating out every other night can kill you silently as you have NO idea what they're pumping into that food or where it's from.
How difficult is it to bake some chicken? They even have a grill and live in FL, I’d be grilling every night! They have a crock pot, google “Healthy crock pot recipes” you’ll get 1,000+ hits. I don’t want to “cook” tonight so I picked up a rotisserie chicken (wholesome no antibiotics blah blah) and stuff to make a salad. My toddler will eat some chicken with whatever veggies I steam for him. I just don’t understand why one of them won’t go to Publix and do actual adult grocery shopping. Takes me 15 mins to look at the sales, make a meal plan for the week then my list. Then an hour to do my shopping and put it away.

For being so paranoid I find it funny they’d rather someone pick and touch their groceries and have them delivered. When my brother, his wife and their toddler had covid earlier this year he couldn’t get any groceries delivered bc all the spots were filled, he also couldn’t leave his place. My mom had to go to the store and leave it outside their front door.
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Adam the Woo posted a fun video today with Tim making an appearance. And Tim was quite normal and likable - but I see the TT obsessed stans have also taken to attacking their critics on other YT channels as well....sad
In the off chance that Cindy and Ellen aren’t Jenn in disguise, I love that their panties are all in a bunch over us talking about how disgusting we think their beloved Slackers are.
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Im happy to have found this thread... I really enjoyed their videos in the past. Found the Universal videos helpful for planning our trip last January. But I started to see through the bull.. the mail stacking up, livestreams that seemed like we were bothering them. The two that finally broke me was Jen sitting in the back seat with poor Jackson still (kid doesn’t get a minute to just process without having to loooooove it) and that god awful “little buddy” shirt and the creepy comments of people wanting one for themselves. Honorable mention goes to the umbrella stroller.
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Ok I have never seen that, and I have never and would never say anything like that, at that I’m shocked!
Honestly, watching that made me cry for how insensitive they were, and possibly still are. Jeez I'm a wus... I'll own it.

(In my defense I've been crying on and off all day over a family member passing away, so yeah.)
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I know slightly OT and I can't remember if this was posted before (I think it was???)

Anyways - for those not familiar- start watching @59:32. It's a perfect example of who Jenn really is.

Listen how she tells him that he didn't pick the right article to read and "see- this is what you do" (as if she always says this to him).

Then she says "this is going to be the worst part of the podcast because you're not a fast reader. Which is fine because it's not bad to be slow reader but when we're doing the podcast..."

"Why don't you realize that...why do I have to tell you..." (about NASA "hiding" stuff)

Then since he's ever so slightly disagreeing with her, she says that he just wants to fight with her, blah blah blah

And then Tim made comments about how "you always say" this and "you always do" that as in negating his feelings or opinions about something.

THAT is the REAL Jenn. A bitch, who wears the pants in that relationship.

Can someone remind me what Tim’s job was before YouTube?

It used to be surmised that he worked at the Orlando Science Center. I think when I lurked on Guru, a co-worker logged on and said he was cool to work with and Jenn - surprise! - was a bitch whenever he'd see her.
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She would look fine if she'd learn to dress for her body and stop pretending she has the body from 2 years ago.
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VIP Member
I don't get their flexing on the price of what they buy outside of the theme parks. If someone really wants to know Mr. Google can help with that. It screams of, look at me, attention grabbing fools. This is part of the reason we hate them. Complain about a 5 dollar cupcake but drop 2 grand on a sweater. Since we haven't seen the infamous sweater I assume it doesn't fit (Jenn could wear it...maybe) or they returned it. They seem like that kinda people.
He just wore it for the third (?) time ever in yesterday's vlog. What a great investment it's been.

Sorry, I don't watch most videos so I'm probably off by 2, we need a SweaterTracker channel to keep track of the Tracker's Gucci sweater.
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