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Chatty Member
I find it frustrating and really quite rude with comments on YT, such as “ you two are the best parents ever” , Jackson is so lucky to have parents like you” blah, blah blah. I mean how does that make everyday normal parents feel? You know the parents that work hard with good work ethic, that teach their kids the value of money and that going to a theme park or a vacation is something special, and cooking real food that is healthy is normal and a treat is for special occasions, not everyday. Those stans are brainwashed☹
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It is so sad. Jackson has been denied the opportunity to develop his fine motor skills. As THEY feed him every thing! Now he doesn’t know what to do with food.

At FW they made the point of showing us them giving him a bowl of shell pasta. He sat there patiently and looked at them wondering why they weren’t feeding him. Then he decided to try to feed himself and had crab claw hands (think of the old witch’s hands in Snow White). Jenn made sure to make fun of him for this.

The other day at breakfast Jenn was breaking off pieces of toast and feeding them to BJ. She got tired of this and tried to force a toast piece into his hand. This was foreign to him so he didn’t grab hold of it. Jenn then says “oh, I guess he’s not hungry.” 🤬
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They had Jackson in his car seat sitting outside at his party? Why not let him crawl around the yard? When it's time to eat, they can bring out his high chair. Poor little guy needs to move more on his own!
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I’m sorry though...

Watching Jackson giggle with sheer joy at the Blue Clues puppy he got makes me warm inside. Too bad he won’t have any time to enjoy it with these two dildos dragging him all over the parks every damn day

Dim did exactly what you all predicted, kept forcefully taking Jackson’s hand and placing it on the smash cake. To which Jackson replied with 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 You dad
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COVID is real. I get that. BUT IF THEY ARE SO CONCERNED. WHY DON’T THEY JUST STAY HOME!! Instead of dragging Jackson all over the theme parks.
1000% agree with this. And if they need to make a living off of theme park vlogs why not send just Tim? That reduces their risk. Their vlogs certainly don't make me want to visit any theme parks at the moment.

On the other hand shout out to Jackie AKA Super Enthused her vlog of the same Epcot festival is so much better including going on rides!
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Control, just like you'd do with leashing a dog.
These two are struggling trying to figure out what comes naturally to most parents. I just don't get it.
Yip and raising your kid online with so many 'experts' commenting on every choice you make is a terrible plan. They are probably scared to relax and do something that isn't seen as overwhelmingly safe/cute/perfect etc because they're so sensative to the negative comments. They're trying to keep in the right with their mental stans rather than raising their own son their way. Hence the mess they're making of it. They need to chill, do some reading from reputable sources and spend less time on film, more time on parenting. We all made mistakes, much of my parenting came naturally and some was frankly trial and error. I just didn't have hundreds of people offering me unsolicited advice. Imagine the head f*ck of that? They are going to screw up this child.
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Do I sense a little shade being thrown? Tim posted an Instagram story of Jackson outside of his cage, pushing a walker.
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I know I will be stirring the pot here.
Isn’t digging into the Slackers families getting off topic? Making comments like Tim’s parents seem sweet and good people. Or mentioning siblings. Sure.

T&J’s families never signed up for public scrutiny. Can we leave them alone, please?
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YES! Jenn is definitely PEAR shaped!
Not sure where this came from, or if it is meant to put Jenn down, but there are many beautiful women out there with pear shaped bodies.
Speaking as one who is curvy and proud (we look best in clothes with beautiful tailored lines, rather hard to find with a tiny waist and wider hips), Jenn comes across as more of a blob... meaning we can't tell what she is. Stretch shorts and pants do NOT do her any favors at all.
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Hi guys, just scoped out the comments in their newest vlog from Epcot. There are a few commenters who wrote less than glowing remarks, yet they have not been deleted nor has "Ellen" responded with any type of rebuke. Ex: "stop going to the parks and encouraging this selfish behavior. you guys are smart enough to recognize that florida governing isn't going to help anything and you personally need to take the initiative. this pandemic will never end without everyone cooperating." and "I wish I chewed as Jenn chews". Since it's the baby's birthday, maybe E/J was busy getting stuff ready and had no time to call out the haters from her burner account.
I read that same comment. The only part I take issue with is the "stop going to the parks and encouraging this selfish behavior...this pandemic will never end without everyone cooperating"

I often wonder what this same person would say if the parks shut down for good due to lack of attendance moving forward - adding to the loss of tens of thousands of more jobs beyond the tens of thousands that have already been lost. Look at California and how it's crushing the CMs there being closed.

It sucks. I get that. But would this person rather have literally millions when all is said and done (from travel and hospitality in all facets throughout the Orlando area and beyond) be out of jobs if they didn't gain financially from the guests visiting theme parks? Have them all out of work too - in a trickle down effect? Unable to provide for their families? Homeless living in a motel on 192? Is that "selfish" too?

It's not an easy situation but...we cannot all be holed up in our homes forever.

Edited to add: Not to sound Jenn-ish, but I honestly have had CMs and TMs literally thank my family for coming to the parks...because our attendance keeps them having a roof over their heads.
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Imagine if you're walking peacefully on the beach, and then suddenly a drone falls out of the sky directly onto your or your child's head. Drones today aren't terribly heavy, but anything falling from a couple hundred feet up could easily knock someone unconscious, not to mention sharp propeller blades spinning at thousands of rotations a second, etc. etc.
Not only that, but imagine if someone was in a protection program and was on the shot? Or if a child was in protection for various reasons and was with the foster parents and the real parents happen upon this video. Really the lack of privacy for others was not thought about. However, they don't like it when people video them or take a picture of them without their consent.

Edit: I understand that filming in the parks and accidentally getting someone's likeness in your photo/video, in fact, I even think it's in the terms on the park tickets that Disney can use your likeness. However, a beach is another situation where no one "signs" an agreement.
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I want to really give Sparkly and Mayor Jim credit...I honestly don’t think they are chasing anything

They seem like really kind and good natured people albeit a bit ho-hum and boring. But I would be happy to have them as friends. They really seem to relish doing nice things for the Slackers and of course are taken for granted.

It’s very sad because it’s blatantly obvious that the Slackers did ZILCH for that party outside of tag along while Sparkly shopped and perhaps pick up some pubby subbys.

It’s as if Sparkly has taken over the role of mother, Jackson would probably be better off with her as a mom honestly
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How do the Slackers get away with categorizing themselves as a travel channel? They never cover the basics of travel. Will occasionally indulge themselves with a trip, particularly if it's free, only showing what the experience is like when forced to (thinking of the cruise here). Even before Jackson it clearly was not a resource anyone could count on to plan a trip by, and since the summer of '19 it was clear they were switching all focus away from the parks.

Well, why does it matter what category their channel is in?
The categories determine a number of things such as ability to comment, to monetize and most importantly the ad rates paid per proper view.
Before the covid shutdowns travel channels brought in among the best ad payouts on YouTube. The travel related advertisers had deep pockets and were fighting for the ad space on channels that had the most views. Since the covid shutdowns and travel restrictions the advertisers are playing it smart and keeping their marketing funds controlled. YouTube income has dropped substantially on the effected channels. I'm hearing it is 1/2 of what it was as all the travel companies are hurting. I have not personally seen any numbers to support this but it sounds about right. That's why category is important.

The drop in income wouldn't matter so much if TTT was still pulling in the views and retaining their subscriber base while adding new.
But the views aren't growing at the same rate as the new subscribers. They're loosing the interest of those who had subscribed more than they're gaining new followers.

Alternatively, while the income on Travel has dropped, the shutdowns, health concerns, anxiety and boredom have driven massive number of viewers to channels focused on meditation, gaming, DIY/education and, yup, family. It would make perfect sense that their ad rates have increased accordingly. Again, I've not seen the advertising rate numbers, I'm sure they're out there, but Alpha is a huge marketing company who knows what it's doing and would make the changes quickly.

At this point in time it would be well played for them to change the category from travel over to family. They can always switch back.
Their alternative is clickbait... put "Disney" in every title and hope for the best.

So I never answered my first question, how do the Slackers get away with calling themselves a travel channel? I think it comes down to the fact that most of their fan base was comprised of Disney or Universal theme park fans at one point. Who were the biggest paying advertisers? Yup. Disney and Universal. The cruise industry in general was ramping up ads too. They only cared about reaching people who had interest in travel.
That's all changing. Well, what isn't changing in 2020?
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BUT he said his father is blind and is mother is in a wheelchair.
His father didn't appear very blind doing the fishing but I assume he is legally blind. He did look over to Tim to find out what the gift card was instead of trying to read it but also appears it might have been in an envelope. Then he drops the news he will buy a six pack with it. Most real content in years. Lol
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He is SO rough with Jax. I cringed so hard when they were on that slide and then with those ornaments they made Jenn, he was twisting his little hands all over and yanking them around. And that people see this and DON'T speak up? Even in a self centered way, I would think Jenn editing these videos would notice and not want to lose any perfect parent points but I guess not...
But to them perfect parenting is what they see on Instagram... Ie homemade ornaments for Mummy and Disney trios. They tried so goddam hard with that smash cake with their sh1tty cardboard boat and backdrop just so they could get that Instagram moment. You could sense the frustration when he wouldn't participate. Damn shame. They should have been enjoying the day with him rather than trying to turn him into a performing monkey. But their priority is how good their life LOOKS rather than making it good. They made that choice. Poor Jackson didn't and you can bet their will be more incidents like this because they just don't care. Jenn was more emotional about remembering Bandit than she was remembering Jackson being born. And she committed that to the Internet. Poor boy will no doubt see it when he's older.

The whole little buddy thing is just weird. I don’t understand that tshirt dim was wearing, that was just strange.

I realised as I typed something about her being more emotional about Bandits death than Jackson birth and recall they used to call Bandit 'the baby bean' rather than his name. Jackson is a substitute for Bandit. He's just another dog to them. It's not even a sweet name, like an endearment. My kids both had little special nicknames but so many people call someone Buddy, even strangers. Not sure if they think it's cute but it really isn't.
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