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I’ve only watched them on and off over the years, usually in the run up to a Disney holiday. The ones I’ve enjoyed really were hotel visits and some of the restaurants (I’ve used them as research) and a few where they have gone out and about in Florida. They went to a nature reserve once I remember I liked. To me they are a tourist based vlog and I think people want to see actual Florida and inside knowledge stuff.
I don’t want to see someone in their home ordering bloody takeaway or whatever.
They desperately need to figure out their target audience. The home vlogs were becoming increasingly common this year due to shutdowns and numbers-wise, they appear to be wildly unpopular. Similarly, their AMI stay (which they even cross promoted on Instagram) wasn't even hitting 75k views for a channel with 800k+ subs.

They're stuck in the trap right now of being a 'travel' vlog that doesn't go anywhere outside of 50 miles frequently, a theme park vlog that doesn't show rides or go into very many locations,a family vlog that is increasingly showing their struggles of first year parenthood, and a food review channel with hosts that don't know how to describe dishes, pronounce menu items or eat on camera.

I think they've about hit their capacity for growth as their channel currently stands. Subs are increasingly dwindling, views are way down. They are at risk of pushing away a substantial amount of their subscribers if they continue with this mediocre content. I mean if they are still feeling 'unsafe' about going on rides until a substantial amount of the world has taken the vaccine, you're talking about another 8-12 months of home vlogs and food reviews.
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Has anyone seen the latest Mr Morrow. Nate generally seams over the moon that a company sent him a $100 bottle of water. He takes his time to explain what it is and takes him time with a fancy glass to drink it and try to explain how it tastes.

Could you imagine the slackers doing that. I think not. They would probably down the water and claim they prefer Dasani and never inform us it was sent to them.
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Tiffany Ann seems to have disappeared too! No activity on the fb page either. And Ellen Smith isn’t on the fb page either which is find hard to believe for a ‘fan’
Give Jenn a break, it's so hard to keep up with all those pseudo-identities with just two phones, an ipad and a computer.
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Now she Ellen/Jenn is stalking people on FRE. Just more evidence that it’s Jenn. What an asshole. She needs to focus on her kid and his lack of development. Maybe even get off YT for a while. I’m sure she is here stalking too. the fact that her stans ask the Slackers questions and she answers for them makes it obvious it’s her. HEY JENN why don’t you just answer your stans?! You ask them for their comments but you don’t really care do you? why don’t you respond to Ellen and ask her to stop answering for you, since she is some 57 yr old retired lady from North Carolina, she could be some male pedophile with a criminal history that you don’t even know. And as someone with a child on You Tube you really should be more careful. But you don’t seem to care. Way to go Jenn!!
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Jackson turns 1 year in a few days.
So many questions.
So few answers.

Why are T&J so focused on “haters” instead of the stans that are drooling over him and leaving creepy comments that are crossing the line.

Why is Jackson....
• not self feeding?
• eating solid table food?
• where are the fruits and vegetables?
• why has he not progressed to cruising, if he stands? (my theory, his vestibular system is delayed in development due to non physical movement. ie. sitting strapped into a stroller all day at theme parks doesn’t allow free play)
• why does he have to self advocate for basic needs? ie. clawing and chewing on his water bottle to get the top off. Reaching for food items to bring it towards himself so he can eat. Mom’s too busy talking and ignoring him.
• why is there no joy, excitement, wonder and curiosity in his life? There is no sparkle in his eyes.
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I think if they’d stop calling Jackson Buddy and Jenn would stop saying do you loooove it I’d hate them less.
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I took early childhood education back in the day and although I no longer work in the field I do know that any activity you get them to do (like crafts) should be inclusive and open ended to help development both physically and mentally. Yes, of course when I worked at a child care center it was nice to make a craft with a child's hand print for the parents but 9/10 times we would just give them a piece of paper and some finger paint and let them go to town, let them choose their colors, how much paint.. Gives them a strong sense of independence and problem solving abilities.

Watching Dim do the finger prints while Jack$on was clearly not having it made me so frustrated, and not only did he do it for one but THREE. He is also so rough with him even just when he was telling him to stop touching it at the start.. So annoying.

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I received an email back asking that I use the webform to report them, rather than sending the local Tampa FAA office an email, so I went ahead and did what they requested, including his full name, home address, and links to the videos in question.
ok tattlelife im going to need you to install a HELL YASSSSSS button so I can support good deeds properly
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Now that I look closer at it, I think that's Sparkly and Jim in that pool in the thumbnail because I remember seeing Sparkly in a black two-piece before...which means the Trackers sneakily brought their two "besties" to Bali Hai for the partner resort tour too :rolleyes: and to go in yet another pool and private beach for free.

He violated Part 107, because I'm sure he would have told their stans ad nauseam if it had the license.
I just rewatched and I do see Tim on the top deck of the beach house remotely controlling the drone, so that means he flew it from the beach house, over public roads, over other peoples' private property, over people on the beach (who likely had no idea they were being filmed and had no opportunity to provide or refuse consent), etc. etc. This is an egregious violation. I don't often get this upset, but I'm taking this quite personally as a drone pilot myself and honestly he's such a moron.
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I struggle to watch them since they’ve had the baby because it just makes me sad how they treat him sometimes. He’s a baby not a puppy and yet they confine him to that stupid play pen, they even take it on holiday with them for God’s sake, is he going to be stuck in that when he’s 10?
He needs to explore and he needs to take risks to learn from his mistakes, poor poor baby.
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They didn't explain who they were and I have never heard their names before. The one lady by herself was Claire and I forget the couples names. Just seems odd you would have friends there that no one has ever heard of and not your own brother and kids. I can see maybe worrying the little girls would run around and get near people (I doubt they would), but they were with them all day at DC and they were seen being RIGHT near Jackson. So makes no sense to me at all. I knew the numbers were off before and wondered. Glad he at least had his parents there.

And why the limit of 10? That's not a Florida law. And they had blankets set out as though they were having more. 3 extra sets of blankets in the yard for no reason at all it seems.
Oh I totally agree with you on the fact that you couldn't invite FAMILY over and make it 11. And yes, there's no Fla law.

I honestly think the self-imposed rule about 10 was just to make it look good for the friggin stans and then Jenn also wouldn't have to have Adam's kids over to take any attention away from Jackson for his bday vlog. :rolleyes: You know she's petty like that.
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and I know it’s been said but Jenn saying she’s thankful for all the extra time she’s been able to have with Tim and Jackson because of the virus....what was Tim doing before the virus? Would he go film the parks then go see his mistress or practice pain management with a friend for the rest of the day? Would he park in the target parking lot and stay away from Jenn for a few more hours? We know Jenn wasn’t going anywhere if she wasn’t with Tim so how much extra time are they really having with each other now? Could you imagine if her forcing her company on Tim everyday at the parks leads to a divorce? She doesn’t do anything and would be at the mercy of the court to keep getting large amounts of money from know she wouldn’t be able to start filming things on her own or go back to work in the retail world she has trashed.....but I digress
That's an interesting thought.

I wonder if he would leave for the day for umpteen hours yet Jenn would watch the footage and estimate the length of time he actually was in the parks (we all know he would leave at the first sign of rain, so you could kind of tell the hours of the day based on where the sun would be in his videos). He could have said he was just walking around without filming...but...hmmm....

And regardless of the pandemic, you're right. They would have spent a lot of time together just by the nature of his and her "jobs" (using the terms loosely).

Like others have said, I also believe she wears the pants in the relationship. She always seemed to. He would frequently say (way back in the day), that she was out of his league.

She would tease him about leaving him (i.e. old-time watchers probably remember the couch-measuring debacle where Tim actually looked legitimately like he was about to cry when she told everyone he was single now - and left it in the final edit).

He also got into it with her in one of the original podcasts where she was basically pooh-pooh'ing his opinion and he said quietly (so as not to push her over the edge, I guess) that she always did that to him and they went back and forth (and even the stans commented that that argument made them uncomfortable!)

I think that she knows what buttons to press on Tim to get her way. Think of the driving situation. One could see it has him having control over her, but I really feel that she plays the meek and mild victim and enjoys being waited on hand and foot (so to speak) with always having a "driver" at the ready (and blames it on the anxiety, etc.) She knows that letting Tim drive her everywhere gives him a sense of being "the man in charge" while she doesn't have to do any "work." (literally or figuratively, and she can't ever work again because she "doesn't drive" and must keep up that ruse....) So it's a win-win for her.

HE has much more to lose and SHE has much more to gain if they separated. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Ok so I think I’ve realized something about T&J that really irks me

they are practically void of human emotion which I think translates directly into their parents skills...or lack there of

The video where they sold their old (first?) home came up as suggested and as Tim is walking through the empty house saying “goodbye” he’s referencing how tiny it is and being more derogatory than anything about it. Like I get it you are moving on up to a DEEluxe McMansion but do you have no soul?

when my husband and I sold our first home together I wept in the driveway, in the uhaul on the way to our new home, and then for about a week afterwards. It held memories and was the home we brought our son back to. Anyway, I just feel like neither one of them gets sad or emotional for the right reasons

does that make any sense?
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It's Day 2 at their expensive #Hosted Beach House.

They are getting breakfast at some make your own donut place.....because they needed a dozen donuts. Tim so happy to tell us it only cost $14 for a dozen custom donuts.

We get some really bad editing out of TIm and Jenn.

They show us the donuts, and then there is a time skip ahead where they tell us about the donuts.

They apparently didn't vlog anything for numerous hours.

Jenn with the phrase "This is a working vacation"

All the while it's the afternoon and Jenn is still in a bath robe.

Tim apparently calls Brookies "Bookies" he says he forgets the R a lot of the time.

What Jenn likes is that they are so close to the beach if they forget something they can easily come back to this enormous house to grab whatever they forgot.

Another time skip, they are back from the beach and CM Jim is cooking for the Slackers....

Jack$on is trapped inside his play pen because heaven forbid they let him explore and just watch their child like a normal parent.

It looks like Jim and Nicole are in physical pain having to watch the Slackers "miracle baby"

Tim has the genius idea of dropping the Go Pro off the house with a handmade "parachute"

I don't know why they did it, because the footage they got looked absolutely garbage.

Another time skip, it's now the afternoon of the next day. They are going for lunch and listening to "tips" from their viewers.

They were going to get pizza but the pizza place had no one wearing masks so they had to change plans.

Jenn tries to get Jack$on to eat and hold his toast, it doesn't go well.

Jenn got calamari and grouper because she never gets to have seafood y'all

They berate Jack$on for trying to grab food saying he's being a chaotic monster. NO YOU DIMWITS HE'S HUNGRY AND WANTS TO EAT FOOD BUT YOU ARE TOO BUSY VLOGGING AND STUFFING YOUR OWN FACES.

Tim confused as to how the "jail" worked at AMI despite the fact the bars/doors have been removed. He's like there is no roof and bars on the windows and no how did they keep people in "jail".

Jenn with the question "Would getting bitten by mosquitos sober you up?"

The Slackers show their time management skills by missing the be fair to Jenn the time of the sunset does change everyday bwahaha.

We got boring drone footage of Dim and Dairy Queen holding Jack$on on the beach.

Some time later now they are eating dinner....Remember how they wanted pizza? Well turns out they made pizza at home from their Publix order.

Jenn was very nervous about the wind...She felt like she was going to blow away. It would take some mighty gust to get the Dairy Queen up and off the ground.
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Did she actually say this???
Yes. People are missing loved ones who have died, others have lost their job and are struggling to keep the bills paid, some are experiencing a flare up of mental illness due to the disconnect of human interaction...Jenn is thankful.
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Thank god for this thread. I just became a father 3 weeks ago and all these parenting tips are so helpful! I'm picking up all the feedback from the Slacker videos on here. Its been the most exhausting but best feeling ever! Keep it up guys!
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Jackpot is always being controlled. I understand protecting your children but jesus

Dim was practically holding him back the entire time they were on the beach. Let the kid have some freedom

don’t even get me started on that “playpen”. They are the epitome of lazy parenting. They aren’t concerned with safety, they don’t feel like chasing him around which is what they should be thoroughly enjoying at this age.

when our little guy was that age, chasing him around the house was our favorite activity
Key word there is controlled.

If they were concerned with protecting him they wouldn't plaster his face everywhere, they would back off his filming time when stans are saying majorly creepy things AND when he visibly is upset filming. They would actually remember to feed him and give him water (a shocking concept)...

They would rather control him like a pawn and milk those closeups for all they can get. I would be SO uncomfortable if I found out my parents had plastered my entire childhood on a vlog for people around the world to comment on.

If their house is just SO unsafe that a toddler can't be trusted to explore....maybe babyproof the house a bit more? Or gate off certain rooms that ARE babyproof and let him explore. Not a parent here but I feel like they aren't called baby gates for no reason.....
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9:30 I like to think that the entire Disney community think that the trackholes are ridiculous.
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