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It does seem like overkill but I can sort of see where they are coming from with their refusal to eat indoors or stand in long indoor ride queues. The likelihood of catching the virus is much higher indoors and the longer the exposure the more chance you have of catching it. On the other hand this article states theme parks have not been linked to any major outbreaks:
It's just kind of hypocritical.

Because they ate indoors at Whispering Canyon during their luxury Copper Creek staycation. But, at the same time, they were seated so far away from everyone, I bet they made a stink about seating and demanded to be seated way out of the way (which I'm sure the server loved).

Yet they'll go in crowded gift shops where there's no way to manage a 6-foot distancing (I know from the Tribute store, it got so crowded in there at times).

I get the longer the exposure time, but most restaurants are being great about seating you 6-feet apart or more from other guests. And the ride lines are socially distanced and you're often the only one in your ride vehicle (I now rode ET 3x in a row in a course of several months having the entire ride vehicle to myself; heck we had the entire length of cars to ourselves one time on Figment - there was literally no one else riding but us LOL)

I think they're just picking and choosing what to do based on what they think looks good to the stans. Even the stans are asking why the discrepancy at this point.

And I guarantee if the Waldorf comes calling again but this time with an indoor #hosted / free meal, they'll be there. :ROFLMAO:
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Right now they are basically a Food and Jackpot review.
Yep and the channel is hurting. If they could find an interesting way of doing projects, helping with milestones, lessons learned etc in child rearing they *might* gain some growth but unfortunately their content is just not very interesting when Orlando is slow and they're not going on rides or doing things in the area. I think it's going to be tough like I said to keep casual subscribers (foreign visitors who are looking for information about the parks, theme park fans who wan't to keep up to date on ride openings and construction etc) and maintain organic growth when you are a theme park and travel vlog that has transitioned to food reviews and daily life with a one year old.

I would think sending Tim to the parks daily or every other day for food reviews, crowd sizes, construction and going on rides would limit the exposure and keep Jenn and Jackson safe, meanwhile she can vlog at home (and edit) and they could pump out way more content, a mix of Tim in park solo (which seems to be the most viewed content) and home vlogs with Jackson to keep the hardcore Jackson fans happy. That would also give them more time to focus on other things since you'd ostensibly be getting 1.5-2 days of content everyday.
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Theory that Tim started the channel initially to make up for his missing appendage. Like how men in mid-life crises buy Teslas when they don't need them.
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Chatty Member
I can’t wrap my head around these people. Saying they’re insane is an understatement. They all need to pull themselves together. There isn’t anything heartwarming about the $lacker$.
I will be the first to admit that Jackson makes me smile. I love babies and I think he's a doll. But CRYING, sorry but what the hell!?!?
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Yes! I love this age.

T&J don’t know what fun they are missing out on. Jackson will only be this age once.

From the footage they have shown over the past year he seems like a good, easy and mellow baby.

It breaks my heart where he is in his high chair patiently waiting while his food is sitting right in front of him....just out if reach. When he slowly reaches for it and is successful they take his hand off the food and push the plate further away. 🤬
And you can tell that she was miffed he was getting into everything. Her tone was not the nicest.

She referred to him as "a little chaotic being right now" and Tim was pushing his food away from him just like you said!!! OMG.

He was reaching for food, you idiot Trackholes!
He is trying to telegraph to you that he wants to feed himself! And it's OK if it gets messy!

Not sit there watching you yack about your stupid sandwiches and then proceed to stuff your fat faces! :mad:
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He didn't smash the cake as hes never allowed to touch food so didn't have a clue
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Okay, I need to debrief and rant! These idiots never exercise do they! I mean I doubt whether either of them have ever attended a gym, or own any exercise equipment besides their pool, which is rarely used, because it’s never cleaned and they’re too busy. They only ever walk at a snails pace!
Their concern for the virus really has taken a 180. Gone are the days when Tim first ate at Epcot and looked like he was doing something illegal making sure no one was within a 100 foot radius of him. Now they have no problem sitting anywhere, just as long as they get to stuff their faces.
I’m really not one to body shame, but today I need to use the f word..frumpy. Jenn looks awful, wrong choice of clothing with unwashed hair!
They are not concerned for any one else either, they’re just so entitled! When they are looking at merch now, they’re always touching and feeling everything with their grubby hands,(something you’re not supposed to do unless you’re actually intend on buying the product).
So why won’t they still not go on any rides??
And lastly stans making comments like “you guys are the best parent ever” make me mad. I have no doubt that Jack$on is most loved by them, but why does he have to be so exploited?
Actually years ago they made this big deal about getting in shape and bought an elliptical machine which they used twice and never used again. Then there was the Run Disney that Jenn "ran" - I figured out her time - she walked not ran. Way back in the early days they were both thin and worked out regular - that's ancient history. She's actually gained weight since having the baby and he's gained too - his color looks bad, his face is puffy, neither of them look healthy. She's gained about 30 pounds and he's gained probably the same, maybe more - the photo shopping and wide angle lens (makes you look thinner when vlogging) and mostly showing from the chest up hides a lot.
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The resort tours were why we started watching them. They were actually good and well informed. It really helped us plan where we wanted to stay.

FREE ADVICE Jenn, let Tim go back and "redo" some of the resort tours since things have changed. Go into some of the histories of different areas of the parks. Do walkthroughs of each of the 7 lands in MK (ps that'll give you 7+ videos right there!) Do in-depth walkthroughs of the different parts of Universal/IOA. All of this should net 2-3 months of videos without any home vlogs and could net a lot of views! Views equal $$$$
There are so many ways they could work to improve their channel, but giving out advice is like talking to a brick wall, partially becuase they're incapable of producing content that requires any kind of preparation. The other part because they truly believe they're perfect.
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It's just kind of hypocritical.

Because they ate indoors at Whispering Canyon during their luxury Copper Creek staycation. But, at the same time, they were seated so far away from everyone, I bet they made a stink about seating and demanded to be seated way out of the way (which I'm sure the server loved).

Yet they'll go in crowded gift shops where there's no way to manage a 6-foot distancing (I know from the Tribute store, it got so crowded in there at times).

I get the longer the exposure time, but most restaurants are being great about seating you 6-feet apart or more from other guests. And the ride lines are socially distanced and you're often the only one in your ride vehicle (I now rode ET 3x in a row in a course of several months having the entire ride vehicle to myself; heck we had the entire length of cars to ourselves one time on Figment - there was literally no one else riding but us LOL)

I think they're just picking and choosing what to do based on what they think looks good to the stans. Even the stans are asking why the discrepancy at this point.

And I guarantee if the Waldorf comes calling again but this time with an indoor #hosted / free meal, they'll be there. :ROFLMAO:
Doubt Waldorf will come about, but you never know.
• fake Waldorf sponsored baby shower
• TTT racist and homophobic videos
• Bull n Bear pop up #Hosted that Tim played off as he loved his wife so much and he wanted to treat her to a night out. 🤢. Plus he arranged for there to be baby food for Jackson (which he didn’t eat much of).
Of course Tim and Jenn ordered up. Possibly didn’t tip the servers. And failed to fully disclose TTT was #Hosted.

I spoke with the Waldorf marketing person. They are not amused at the video product and the lack of gratitude.
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I literally screenshot the same image to post here. 😂🤣. Where’s the beef?!!!
Great minds think alike! 😂

I think the Ken doll might actually have more to work with than Dim, based on recent photos and screenshots.

Just going to toss the screenshot below...TAKE THE SLEEP SACK AWAY AND LET JACKSON BE A HUMAN BABY. I also can't wait to see what kind of ads I start getting now that me, a childless girl who lives with her dog, searched baby sleep sack and AAP sleeping recommendations 🤔😂

Oh and Jenn? It took me THIRTY SECONDS to find the AAP guidelines for sleeping. Might want to try it sometime...because if I can do it, you most friggin definitely can.


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Who the hell were those guests?? And only Tim's parents came, that is sad beyond words. Where was Adam and his children, Jackson's cousins? Absolutely ridiculous watching grown adults play kiddie games and weird kiddie food...for grown adults.

Tim's parents seem so sweet. I wonder if they have ever gotten to hold their grandson. I bet they hate Jenn.

Jackson is probably one of the cutest babies I have ever seen though! HE is the ONLY reason I watch that nightmare of a show.
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Yup. The days of getting desperate are here. Their channel hasn't been this low in views/new subscribers in years.

Also, the earning rates from advertisements (particularly in the travel category) have been sliced and I'm willing to bet that their income is near 1/3 of what it was back when they bought the McPalace.
So the appropriate move when cash gets tighter is to buy a Tesla. Makes total Tim Tracker sense 😂

It's a home vlog....Jennbo wishes us a happy Thanksgiving on Wednesday.

We get Jenn because Timbo is busy getting his haircut.

Jenn had cheesy eggs for breakfast #ThrowbackThursday

We get footage of Tim and Jack$on "making" presents for Jenn.

Odds are they filmed this at like 1PM because Jenn was still sleeping.

We get a staged shot of Tim holding up Jack$on handing Jenn her birthday present a Jenn saunters down the stairs in her skin tight biker shorts.

I wonder if they'll leave their tree up to March like they did last Christmas.

Jack$on tries to eat the ornaments, I'm assuming he's hungry and they haven't fed him.

Tim bought Jenn some sort of Baby Filing Cabinet thing so she can organize and file away all of Jack$on's random milestones and what nots.

She also got an Apple Pencil.

They try to feed Jack$on those veggie muffins, he lets Tim put the muffin in his mouth, and then he just lets it fall out of his mouth.

They are having Tijuana Flats for Jenn's Birthday plus it's Taco Tuesday.

They also skype with the KrispySmores because they need to prove to people they have "friends"

LOL Jenn...Jack$on isn't finger painting or making anything for you. Tim is using him as a human paint brush.

They bought a new tree because Target had a huge sale on a Pre-Lit Trees.

They may use the second tree upstairs....I doubt that happens because of work.

Jack$on had to move his Play Pen because that's where the tree needs to go.

So instead they put his Play Pen upstairs right near the stairs that he could climb over the fence and fall down the stairs...........

Jenn blames Jack$on for why they didnt do anything last Christmas because they were too exhausted.

There also appears to be a pretty noticeable difference between the audio and the visual as Jenn's mouth isn't synced to the audio.

They are doing steaks this year because all the remaining turkeys were too big.....these people didn't plan or buy anything until THE DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING.


Tim gets home from his expensive overpriced haircut. His eye is looking super wonky....

We get footage of TIm and Jenn passing Jack$on off as he "walks" between them.

Jenn thanks Tim for letting her vlog from home.....
You are the real MVP here - thank you for saving us even on Thanksgiving 🙌
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From the discovery cove vid....from another crazy Stan
Ryan Pagella.....” as usual you two show us how to achieve life goals”
This has left me speechless, I really have no words!
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I wish they would step back and reevaluate their priorities....Jackson.

The most growth a child does in life is in the first three years. One year has past. Jackson seems like a sweet mellow little guy. He deserves better.
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This face says it ALL for me...I’m literally crying laughing

This is Mayor Jim’s face as Sparkly goes in for a kiss under their “mistletoe”

12:15 of her most recent vlog if you guys are out of melatonin or ambien

I’d put money on that last question being the reason. Relationships are a lot of work, Tim might have been starting to stray. Jenbo is that type.
I’m with you there...

But children don’t save marriages more often than not they put more strain especially if the marriage is already in hot water


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VIP Member
The resort tours were why we started watching them. They were actually good and well informed. It really helped us plan where we wanted to stay.

FREE ADVICE Jenn, let Tim go back and "redo" some of the resort tours since things have changed. Go into some of the histories of different areas of the parks. Do walkthroughs of each of the 7 lands in MK (ps that'll give you 7+ videos right there!) Do in-depth walkthroughs of the different parts of Universal/IOA. All of this should net 2-3 months of videos without any home vlogs and could net a lot of views! Views equal $$$$
Yeah, exactly.

And Jenn - stay home w/ your miracle child for ALL OF THIS and take care of your son.

Let Tim "go to work" by himself.
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Love the comments under Ellen's post. Yeah, exactly - if Ellen is just some random innocent stan, how does she know about all these gossip sites and very specific videos of FRE with her in them? Do tell, Ellen! :ROFLMAO:

49 minutes ago
@Ellen Smith then stop responding the way she would...and have an account that is OLDER than a week. Hey Jenn, you might want to rethink how you are raising your kid. He is so far behind developmental because yall put him in a small cage or worse feed him all the time...

AEB2 minutes ago
@Ellen Smith Man! You sure are EVERYWHERE for being a self-described 50-something early retiree who simply loves the Trackers. Who knew 50-something early retirees regularly lurked on Tattle sites, Guru, and now FRE's page? Wow - you are certainly "in the know," aren't you?
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Love the comments under Ellen's post. Yeah, exactly - if Ellen is just some random innocent stan, how does she know about all these gossip sites and very specific videos of FRE with her in them? Do tell, Ellen! :ROFLMAO:
Sunshine49 minutes ago
@Ellen Smith then stop responding the way she would...and have an account that is OLDER than a week. Hey Jenn, you might want to rethink how you are raising your kid. He is so far behind developmental because yall put him in a small cage or worse feed him all the time...

AEB2 minutes ago
@Ellen Smith Man! You sure are EVERYWHERE for being a self-described 50-something early retiree who simply loves the Trackers. Who knew 50-something early retirees regularly lurked on Tattle sites, Guru, and now FRE's page? Wow - you are certainly "in the know," aren't you?
That Sunshine one is me..
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