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If they ever end up having another kid, I wonder how they'll handle it if the kid isn't nearly as laid back as Jackson. If they can hardly handle one kid at the parks, who knows how they'd do with two!
I can attest to this. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our son...he is 5 now

however he was the most demanding, exhausting, overwhelming infant/toddler. I loved him to pieces as an infant toddler but I was constantly wondering what I was doing wrong because he just wasn’t “chill” or relaxed

he has made my husband and I constantly second guess having another only because of how intense he was

that is NOT the case with Jackson, you can totally tell he’s a very happy and easygoing little man

Filming will always be their top priority.

Jackson is like their pet. A prop to show off. At times he is an afterthought. Remember when they went out to DS for dinner and Jenn forgot to order him food? They ended up ordering him the meatballs they ordered for themselves as an appetizer. But when the appetizer meatballs arrived they made him sit there while they stuffed their faces in front of him till his order came out. 🤬

I perceive that what is shown on camera is staged for our benefit. ie. making the veg. muffins and force feeding the dry crap to him. (see he’s eating healthy). Having him walk back and forth between them. (see he’s starting to walk)

Something is off. They don’t appear to be doting, madly in love with him parents. I mean BJ is their “miracle baby!” Maybe it’s just their personalities. 🤷🏻‍♂️

What we see is manipulative myopic parenting. They control everything!
• THEY feed him. Baby food no less as He turns 1 year this week. Limited self feeding opportunities.
• Playtime in his “cage/play zone”. (Does he get this daily?)
Where they have to be next to him and dictate his play experiences. No alone time/ solo playtime (obviously supervised from nearby) for BJ!
• dragging BJ everywhere, every day! Where all he does is sit, strapped into the stroller eating carbo filled “snackies”
my husband dotes on our son probably too much....and he isn’t a miracle baby for us.

my husbands first priority in the morning is to see him and the second he comes home it’s all about our dude. It’s always been that way...

i don’t get that vibe from either of them as parents...

Dairy Queen puts on this fake “mommy’s little buddy i love him do you love it?” Schtick
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I'm very sure Jenn never had a miscarriage otherwise she'd be head over heels in love with Jackson.
She also lied about being infertile. If she had been diagnosed as such and was willing to tell the world, then she would also have gone into detail about "trying", which she never did.
I was raised Catholic (albeit Irish ☘ Catholic which means we church on major holidays and sometimes Sundays then we tell you to piss off monday-Saturday😂😂😂) but I’ve since become an atheist.

However, I would never jam my thoughts or beliefs down anyone’s throats, to each their own.

Anyone want to wager that maybe Mayor Jim and Timbo enjoy spending time with each other on a deeper level and the wives are just accessories 🤔🤔🤔🤔
I was unaware "Irish Catholic" was the proper term, LOL. That was us, except we were there every sunday, ignoring the mass, cursing the number of times we had to kneel and stand, wishing we could sneak a game into mass. I gave up on them and turned agnostic when I realized Confirmation meant I had a choice and yet I was given no choice.
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And then there's Allear's Molly... she seems to have a new (properly fitted) mask for every episode she records, and ears to match 🤣
I know some people don't like Molly, but she's super entertaining. The Thanksgiving episode was top notch from the team.
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Not sure if I’ve added the image properly, but comments like this make me feel very uneasy- I’m not sure if want random people talking about my child on forums. It’s one thing to comment on their actual YT channel...
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With the way Tim damn near butchered that steak I think we should be glad we didn't have to see footage of them botching up a turkey.
He just wanted to make sure it dead, dontcha know?

In today’s Epcot vid, Jenn is deluded, thinking that Jack$son is luuuuving it. Jeez keeping it real here, but that is one unimpressed “Buddy”! Also WTF, is this “about 3” crap?
Jackson always looks so miserable and I always feel so bad for him. RE: the ”about 3” thing - back when Tim filmed his “tour“ of the Poly, he was showing off (I believe) the pool area and declared that there were ”about three” cabanas. The reality was that there were exactly three cabanas, all three of which were right in front of his face when he made that proclamation. Jenn seemed to think that was hilarious and the two of them periodically make that joke. I think I’m remembering that right.
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So either people are psycho enough to get into a gated community to harass them over having a baby or she is flat out lying about it. Protesting a pregnancy? I can't wrap my head around that.
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Chatty Member
I agree as well.

For as much as we comment on their current (and past!) behavior, at least in the older videos, they were their AUTHENTIC selves on camera.

Now they're just 100% fake all the time and show a carefully edited version of themselves in each and every video. Including doing and saying things to generate the results they specifically want, whether it be sympathy, attention, drama, martyrdom, or comments to help the algorithm.

We all know they're the same people when they turn off the camera. The stans are the ones who believe otherwise. :rolleyes:
I know right! They’re just so predictable, same thing every day!
Tim.....” good afternoon from the ......whatever...parking lot, we’re here today to try some holiday treats”
Jenn..” Yeah, I’m super excited “
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First off- I have been a long time lurker of this forum. I have been debating back and forth for awhile about posting here, until I saw several cms replies on this board. So here goes- my friend was a friend of Jenn’s back until 2018. I would hang out with them, mostly at the parks. I was “friends” with the trackers from about 2016-17. The trackers- mostly Jenn have controlled the narrative about their friends, so I thought I could at least give another side to the story.

I am going to narrow it down a bit since I don’t want any of y’all to read through a large post.

1) Jenn is manipulative. Hands down. She is very good at getting what she wants.She comes across very sweet when you meet her. She will act like she cares for a couple of weeks, and one day she will call you for a favor or complain.

2. Friends stick around her and Tim because they think that people take advantage of her, or her husband rags on her to much. That’s what she has told all of us at least. My friend did not want to end the friendship because she was worried about her.

3. Jenn can’t go for a long time without Tim or someone by her side. During the several hhn s I would go with my friend, Jenn would be fine for ten minutes and then would freak (yes freak) out about where Tim is.

4. She talks shit about everyone. One evening when we were at Universal, she was making fun of someone she called a friend because they blew her off that night. It wasn’t just “I can’t believe she didn’t show”, it was more her taking personal shots at her friends life. Yes she makes fun of Tim too

5. She constantly corrected Tim when I was around.

6. Tim can be rude and a theme park Karen at times, but he is nothing like she portrays him in the videos.

7. For those of you who wonder why anyone won’t talk about how those two really are- they are avoiding the drama Jenn will likely bring. Anyone that speaks out against her. I mean like a phone call talk for hours until the person agrees with everything she says.

I think I will end this long post for now but I think I highlighted the main points. I am just sick of those two using my friend and others until they serve their purpose.
Thanks for sharing this inside info! I long for the day where the die-hard fans finally see who these two vile human beings really are.
It makes me nauseous every time I see the comments commending them for being so wholesome. They won’t be able to keep the façade up much longer.
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And that was a lie too. There were thousands of delighted congratulatory Tweets and one or two honest comments that she must have sat reading for hours to find. All that positivity discounted for a couple of not that bad ones she could have ignored. And the one that set them off was a reply to a friend saying something like 'poor kid'. Not sure if Jenn was even tagged in it. She did that a lot too. She went for someone who referred to her in a Tweet as something like the pink haired female tracker in an exchange with someone else. She must sit there and think of keywords to search Twitter
Yep. Jenn wasn't tagged in it.

That was the whole thing that led to the back-and-forth with Maria and Amy. It was a guy (can't remember his name) who said it in another separate private conversation about hearing the news, and he said "Oh, God. That poor child" (which, I reckon has some truth to it at this point). He was friends with Maria and Amy.

Jenn found out about it (somehow... probably like you said, she was LOOKING for stuff!!!) and that's when Tim initially came on and tweeted something stupid about how (paraphrasing) "you can say anything about me but don't you dare say something negative about my wife and child" blah blah blah. I think it even had a typo in it, if I'm remembering correctly, so it kind of lost the dramatic effect! :ROFLMAO:

Then, the stans were all in a tizzy over just who could be saying such "hateful" things about their beloved Trackers.
Uh. One dude. That's who. And it wasn't even outright hateful, per se.

And then that's when Jenn trotted out the doozy of a whopper about people showing up at their house and family members' homes (plural, no less!) LESS THAN 24 HOURS after a preggo announcement and that she just can't handle all this hate in the Disney vlogger world and she's getting off Twitter. :rolleyes:

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Chatty Member
First off- I have been a long time lurker of this forum. I have been debating back and forth for awhile about posting here, until I saw several cms replies on this board. So here goes- my friend was a friend of Jenn’s back until 2018. I would hang out with them, mostly at the parks. I was “friends” with the trackers from about 2016-17. The trackers- mostly Jenn have controlled the narrative about their friends, so I thought I could at least give another side to the story.

I am going to narrow it down a bit since I don’t want any of y’all to read through a large post.

1) Jenn is manipulative. Hands down. She is very good at getting what she wants.She comes across very sweet when you meet her. She will act like she cares for a couple of weeks, and one day she will call you for a favor or complain.

2. Friends stick around her and Tim because they think that people take advantage of her, or her husband rags on her to much. That’s what she has told all of us at least. My friend did not want to end the friendship because she was worried about her.

3. Jenn can’t go for a long time without Tim or someone by her side. During the several hhn s I would go with my friend, Jenn would be fine for ten minutes and then would freak (yes freak) out about where Tim is.

4. She talks shit about everyone. One evening when we were at Universal, she was making fun of someone she called a friend because they blew her off that night. It wasn’t just “I can’t believe she didn’t show”, it was more her taking personal shots at her friends life. Yes she makes fun of Tim too

5. She constantly corrected Tim when I was around.

6. Tim can be rude and a theme park Karen at times, but he is nothing like she portrays him in the videos.

7. For those of you who wonder why anyone won’t talk about how those two really are- they are avoiding the drama Jenn will likely bring. Anyone that speaks out against her. I mean like a phone call talk for hours until the person agrees with everything she says.

I think I will end this long post for now but I think I highlighted the main points. I am just sick of those two using my friend and others until they serve their purpose.
thanks for confirming so many things, one would think that if you make all your money by putting on a fake persona in front of a camera that you wouldn’t treat everyone who knows you outside of the cameras like shit....I mean it would be a shame for their cash cow to die because they are honestly shitty people....oh...wait
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I'm very sure the literature is right there in the box unless you're ordering one from another country to be shipped in. (edit, correction: we cannot order drones not intended for use in the US as our communications are different here than other countries. The registration info was in the box. Also, the searchable database may not be up to date... so there is a 5% chance he registered.)
I know years back when I was buying chips for an rc project even my chip came with instructions for registering with the FCC to use them. The FAA deals with more life & death facing issues than the FCC... they wouldn't mess around.
I think he said something about still having the older model and I assumed that means he's had it a while. Also, ignorance isn't an excuse is it. He should have done his homework first. Sucks when you put in the work to do it properly and some dickless Muppet makes cash off an illegal flight. I hope he gets his weird ass kicked.
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I guess my issue with them attending the parks is they only seem to be going there to eat. There are plenty of places they could do that without going to the parks what a great opportunity to showcase smaller local places... but no, they’d rather take a space from someone that might actually make use of being there.
I’d like to see them go to places they can interact with Jackson more. Zoos, children museums, playground parks, libraries, mommy or daddy and me classes, etc.

Ignoring your child’s psychological, emotional and cognitive growth is not a good parental strategy 😡.
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It's a shame thar Claire from Disney Double Dose isn't actually Jackson nanny. She is sweet, kind and as a former teacher she woukd be great for Jackson development. Taking your kid to Disney and filming him every day is not good parenting. I hate seeing him stuck in his stroller, not even up in a high chair and part of the table eating. Kids learn by mimicking and if he's not seeing what is happening, he won't learn. They are awful parents. Terrible. Hoping she's not pregnant again.
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View attachment 319619
I sure do miss10 seconds ago, when I hadn’t seen this.
Good impression of a cow: just a milk machine for Jackson you guys.
Claireabella Cow has more style and grace.

Ok, I've dwelt on Jenn's inability to function as a member of society too much today. Time for a breather. Back to planning a (safe) family gathering for thanksgiving. Something we know J&T won't be having.
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What I meant in Point 6 is Tim is literally a team park Karen at times. He complained if something isn’t right. Namely food. He would go up to the counter and complain to a manager at Hhn over a overcharging him on portions. He can be rude to anyone since he has to get the perfect close up. However, he isn’t the asshole that talks down to Jenn or verbally abuses her as claims
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Well-known member
Soooo, no kids, no kids at all for the poor kid's party? With the way they always have him up under them or around other adults he isn't going to know how to interact with other kids once he is around any.

ETA: Maybe with the toy computer he got he can get an early start on showing his dimwit parents how to actually edit videos lo
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Of course she has ‘they can do what they want’ - yeah if they werent showing their whole lives on YouTube maybe...
Exactly - under other circumstances, I’d agree they can do whatever they want and everyone else should mind their own business. But that went out the window the minute they chose to put their business on YouTube.
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and I know it’s been said but Jenn saying she’s thankful for all the extra time she’s been able to have with Tim and Jackson because of the virus....what was Tim doing before the virus?
Rumor was he was hanging out at gay bars. Many here say Tim is not gay (or perhaps bi?) so that rumor doesn't quite make sense to me. But why in the infamous "is gay contagious" video did Jen stay home? She seems to burn bridges quickly so it might have been a simple thing like she didn't like whoever the party was for.

I agree that Tim exhibits some controlling behavior (and I don't like the way he deals with Jackson sometimes) but I truly feel Jenn and Tim's relationship mirrors my parents. Toxic.
That "loving intense stare" he does at her when they are sitting on the couch? I think that is more a "don't mess this up I don't want to do another take or have to constantly correct you" stare.
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