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I was raised Catholic (albeit Irish ☘ Catholic which means we church on major holidays and sometimes Sundays then we tell you to piss off monday-Saturday😂😂😂) but I’ve since become an atheist.

However, I would never jam my thoughts or beliefs down anyone’s throats, to each their own.

Anyone want to wager that maybe Mayor Jim and Timbo enjoy spending time with each other on a deeper level and the wives are just accessories 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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Time for an ex girlfriend to come out of the woodwork with the tea.
If Tim had a modicum of decency I would have told y’all to stop with the tiny pee pee talk. He’s a trash human so keep the jokes coming.
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For the love of god, they need to start letting Jack$on feed himself. Tim shoving that muffin in his face was awful

And even the other day, my husband looked up from what he was doing and said “how old is he now”. I replied and he said “he sure doesn’t look or act like our one year old nephew. What are they even doing with him? Does he do anything on his own?”
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I loved that Jackson didn't do the cake smash.. Made me happy lol.

Does anyone else get a super weird vibe from Tim around his "little buddy". Like at the party his drops the napkin which he clearly was enjoying handling, he then reaches for it and in the first second it is clear he won't be able to reach it because he is strapped into a chair for some reason? But Tim watches this whole thing and waits for Jackson to get frustrated and yell and then gives it to him.

I am not a parent but I have tons of nieces and nephews and it is just second nature when they are that little to help them get whatever they dropped especially when it is out of reach. Tim seems to get enjoyment out of Jackson getting to the brink of frustrated all the time. I get trying to let you child be independent of course! BUT TRY THAT WITH FEEDING
Tim is very passive aggressive with Jackson. Always handling him rough. If he keeps up dangling Jackson like on the slide he will eventually dislocate Jackson’s arms.
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Key word there is controlled.

If they were concerned with protecting him they wouldn't plaster his face everywhere, they would back off his filming time when stans are saying majorly creepy things AND when he visibly is upset filming. They would actually remember to feed him and give him water (a shocking concept)...

They would rather control him like a pawn and milk those closeups for all they can get. I would be SO uncomfortable if I found out my parents had plastered my entire childhood on a vlog for people around the world to comment on.

If their house is just SO unsafe that a toddler can't be trusted to explore....maybe babyproof the house a bit more? Or gate off certain rooms that ARE babyproof and let him explore. Not a parent here but I feel like they aren't called baby gates for no reason.....
I even CAT-proofed my house! (not to mention child!) Because you know what things they can get into and you don't want to see them injured - human or animal! That's what NORMAL people do. Normal, unselfish people, that is. Clearly, Trackers can't be bothered. Hence, the "cage" for him.

If I were them, I'd have never shown him to begin with. Maybe a days' old baby pic with the three of them or something - at most. But that's it. Nothing as he grew. And certainly not seconds after he emerged from the womb! There's ways they could edit around him - or even edit home vlogs around him.

But rather than covet privacy and security for their miracle child, they covet the almighty dollar. I guess they named him Jackson for a reason $$$$$ :(
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So they have informed us that Jackson is trying a tomato and they found out yesterday that he LOVES watermelon. Arent these things he could have tried a while ago?? You would think he would have already been introduced to some fruits and veggies.
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What I never really understood is on staycations and when they do go to the park. Why do they put a magic band on Jackson.

Children under 3 don't need a ticket let alone a magic band. It's not a chew toy. so isn't the best thing for him to be putting in his mouth.
Right, why would Disney even issue a 10 month old a Magic Band since Magic Bands are clearly labeled as a choking hazard. Also, they aren't considered a chew toy because they may (or may not) contain BPA. Parents of the year.


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First off- I have been a long time lurker of this forum. I have been debating back and forth for awhile about posting here, until I saw several cms replies on this board. So here goes- my friend was a friend of Jenn’s back until 2018. I would hang out with them, mostly at the parks. I was “friends” with the trackers from about 2016-17. The trackers- mostly Jenn have controlled the narrative about their friends, so I thought I could at least give another side to the story.

I am going to narrow it down a bit since I don’t want any of y’all to read through a large post.

1) Jenn is manipulative. Hands down. She is very good at getting what she wants.She comes across very sweet when you meet her. She will act like she cares for a couple of weeks, and one day she will call you for a favor or complain.

2. Friends stick around her and Tim because they think that people take advantage of her, or her husband rags on her to much. That’s what she has told all of us at least. My friend did not want to end the friendship because she was worried about her.

3. Jenn can’t go for a long time without Tim or someone by her side. During the several hhn s I would go with my friend, Jenn would be fine for ten minutes and then would freak (yes freak) out about where Tim is.

4. She talks shit about everyone. One evening when we were at Universal, she was making fun of someone she called a friend because they blew her off that night. It wasn’t just “I can’t believe she didn’t show”, it was more her taking personal shots at her friends life. Yes she makes fun of Tim too

5. She constantly corrected Tim when I was around.

6. Tim can be rude and a theme park Karen at times, but he is nothing like she portrays him in the videos.

7. For those of you who wonder why anyone won’t talk about how those two really are- they are avoiding the drama Jenn will likely bring. Anyone that speaks out against her. I mean like a phone call talk for hours until the person agrees with everything she says.

I think I will end this long post for now but I think I highlighted the main points. I am just sick of those two using my friend and others until they serve their purpose.
Ha! Hi and welcome down from the lurker rafters. :)

None of what you've said should surprise us other than "she has friends". We've seen through her facade and know she's a manipulative bitch. It's clear she doesn't love Tim, but he's obsessed with her. She just likes the easy life.
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I feel like most of these people are either delusional or thick, or both. Clearly they have no idea about raising children otherwise they would not say that these two are good parents. I think it makes it worse that so many people praise them, they need family members and friends pulling them up over their treatment of Jackson to make them see sense.
I know everyone thinks that alien car thing he got was cute, but I just see it as another way to control him, it’s another thing they can strap him in to, so that he can move a bit, but he doesn’t have the same level of freedom.
yes! All I could think of was WALL•E when I saw that thing. It’s cute, but damn- he needs to move.
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Jenn is on the BLOB lifestyle diet

Binge watching reality shows
Large consumption of foods in her “SEE-food” diet. Especially sugars and carbohydrates.
Omission of any sort of exercise or stretching
Bragging about all her staycations, with their fabulous kitchens. Where she never cooks and eats take out.
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Well rule #1 here is don't tell others what they can or can't post per this link:

However it also says don't compromise anybody's privacy. Is sharing a public Instagram account a violation of privacy? I don't think so. But is it private info to share who is a relative of a public figure? That seems to be a grey area to me. I don't care to know about people outside of who they show in their videos but others are interested in that.
Not trying to censor anybody.
Just expressing that it was T&J’s decision to put THEIR LIVES full blast on YT, not their families.
I respect the extended families’ privacy. And just skip the comments that I am not interested in on this thread.

I appreciate your courteous reply.
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They're the type that would get their friends to plan a party for them with "Spend what you need and we'll Venmo you the money back" and then never do.
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Thank god for this thread. I just became a father 3 weeks ago and all these parenting tips are so helpful! I'm picking up all the feedback from the Slacker videos on here. Its been the most exhausting but best feeling ever! Keep it up guys!
Aw, congratulations! Providing your little one is healthy, the hardest part is waiting for them to sleep through the night. When that day comes you'll scratch your head wondering why you feel so refreshed in the morning, LOL.

Oh, and I never experienced the "terrible twos"... nope. It's the threes you need to watch out for when they're overly assertive about what they want and have the full down "run away" feet to do it with.

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Aside from the complete disregard for their friend and only interested in scamming some freebies...King Klueless Ken and his constant weather talk OMFG
Honestly, I actually like this version of the trackers. They seem way more real and authentic. I enjoy watching horrible people be horrible; it's why I love a lot of reality tv. Whatever the trackers have been doing since like 2018 is just awful and not at all entertaining. They absolutely haven't changed as people, you see that come out in videos all the time. They've just curated these sickly sweet gee golly bumble fuck characters you see now and it's painful to watch.
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I have an idea!! Tim can put all these bulgeless rumors to rest by starting an OnlyFans! Imagine the content!
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Wth is really wrong with these 2??? Party planners for a 1 year old? So busy you can't plan a party for 10? Not worried about covid from those candy buckets? You guyzzzzzzz!
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Hm interesting tea. I believe every word. Im
Sure she’s more vile in person than she lets on. Keep spilling.
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It is interesting that after we talked about how Tim's family never sees the baby that they are making a point of talking about it and now showing it, that they have seen him. I wonder if they let Tim's parents hold Jackson?
My take on it is that they are wanting the presents or cash from their family. They don't do anything that won't get them stuff.

On a side note, whoever suggested FRE do a video on Adam the Woo needs to be commended. He came through and it was great.
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I guess my issue with them attending the parks is they only seem to be going there to eat. There are plenty of places they could do that without going to the parks what a great opportunity to showcase smaller local places... but no, they’d rather take a space from someone that might actually make use of being there.
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