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I went back to rewatch some bits, and one thing I noticed during rewatch is that the little kid Luke at 9:32 wasn't expecting Ginn's hand to be on his shoulder and he reaches up to see what the hell is touching him to brush it off - only then does she drop her hand. And she's like trying to force her giant body into the shot.
Luke is the little boy that the Trackers want J$ to be right now. Never mind that he's almost 6 years old, according to Jenn, he's J$ age. You can especially see this when Tim gets off 7DMT and Jenn mentions that the boys have ridden Guardians and Everest.

I also think it's interesting that J$ has 5 coaster credits, but we've only seen him ride Gadget's Coaster in DL, Barnstormer at MK and Daddy Pig. We all know it's not worth doing if you can't video it. I'm guessing the two other coasters didn't go well? They should be Grover's Rolly Coastys in SW and BG. When my kids were little, we'd ride those things over and over and over again. Same ride. They loved them. If J$ loves them so much and is constantly asking to ride them, why not do those again and again?

I know we've seen J$ ride Little Mermaid and Dumbo. Has he ever ridden anything else? Pooh? Small World? Peter Pan? Buzz? What the hell is the obsession with roller coasters for a 2 year old?
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At around 10:44
Jackson balking
Tim physically pushing him
CM interceding
View attachment 1405343
That is the face of a child that is dreading getting on the ride. Fuck Dim the Grinter for using the DAS of the family they were with. I am a disabled Vet and use the DAS when I go to the park. If I would have seen the Trac using DAS, I would lose my shit on them. I am actually shocked they haven’t tried to get it for JenSporadicAnxiety’s issues. I think most people would blow them up if they did though. “Rent a wheelchair, front of the line” what an asshole!!! #homemovies
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Hey Dim, have you heard Oogie Boogie Bash is sold out? I guess you'll just schmooze with the CM at the front desk of the Grand Californian when you arrive to get passes. Well, maybe after you've complained about your room view, your room size, the line for checking-in, how it's colder than what you're used to, and after you've eaten a couple of soggy churros on the bathroom floor while you try to find hidden mickeys on the wallpaper. And don't forget to pack that itchy ugly DL sweater you wore just once!
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for some reason they think the intensity of the line matters, in this new vlog tim is talking about how dark the line was and he was surprised due to the mildness of his symptoms. a faint line is a positive test, a bold line is a positive test, a goldilocks line that is not too faint and not too bold but just right - is a positive test. when you lie a lot, you use nuance to enhance a lie to give it some semblance of truth so on the surface it looks legit.
The really horrible thing about the way they behave is that their stans are sheep and follow their thinking.

If Timmy feels it's okay to pop a 2 year old on a roller coaster, so will they. If Jenn says a faint line in a test is a negative, so be it.
Through all their censorship of comments so only those that praise them remain, Tim and Jenn have created a small cult of non-thinkers and they're the leaders.
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I've given up on these 2 and havent watched in weeks. But I find it so funny after all the things they've done over the years that their virtue signaling fundraiser is what it took to accelerate their downfall. Losing over 2k active viewers on an already dying channel is going to end up costing them way more than what they matched in donations. That was a very costly decision. But I bet the endorphin rush she got on social media made her feel really good though and was totally worth it.


😄 And now it's time to pay the price 😄
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She just announced she's walking away from All Ears, and I can't help but wonder if even SHE realizes that everyone just covers the same stuff! Although I always enjoyed her and thought she was informative. The Trackers could never think outside the box to come up with "the next thing"...
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I'll add to my own conspiracy theory by pointing out that Jenn did not ride. She wasn't getting on the ride even when J$ was getting on with Tim. She also looked like she was about to die walking up the monorail ramp. It's hot, don't get me wrong, but she has lived here her entire life and should be able to spend a few hours outside without keeling over.
Given that she doesn’t exercise.
She is constantly eating.
Mostly fried, sugar and carb loaded food.
Resulting in her waddle getting worse.
Drinks more liquor than water.
Sits/lays down binge watching BRAVO all day.

It appears she is just out of shape!
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Tim, why the fuck are you SO OBSESSED with your kids height?
Because it’s the only measurable thing J is actually above average in for his age. I’m not trying to be mean to a child, but anyone with any actual experience with a toddler knows this.
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Ginn's reasoning for spacing out (no pun intended) the KSC vlogs was to not have too many "space" vlogs in a row, but I think there must have been some other reason because that makes no sense. "We're going to delay the rest of the KSC vlog which is mostly a hotel tour and Dim whispering what he reads off placards while he pretends to be an astronaut walking encyclopedia because the stans can't handle too much space-themed stuff, but we'll also upload the same redundant AMI shit consecutively for more than a week". Yeah, okay. Sure.
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Dim: "Since I've been quarantining away, that's what I've been watching"

Dude, you've "quarantined" since.... yesterday. He acts like he's been quarantining for multiple days.
How are they so bad at keeping up w/ their stories!??!?!
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Can she not see how bad she looks?? I get Dim not saying anything about her weight gain for fear of rocking the boat and facing the wrath of Gin, but she has to see how much weight she has gained and how terrible she looks. She does look heavier than when she was pregnant and looks like a stuffed sausage trying to break out of it's casing!
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What is up with the party hat today anyway? I see it is (in the US at least) French Fry day.
Tattle anniversary, I think someone said, or French fry day is just as cool.

The Classics collection
Tshirt: Do You Love It?
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So they go to the Grand Flo for brunch and leave their car there to go to MK like true inconsiderate douchebags.
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Did anyone catch that towards the end of the video that both were claiming that THEY were just “testing the water”?

They then go on to making excuses about why J$ didn’t want to ride 7DMT, including the loading area was dark.

Well, it was light enough for this pic of Tim physically nudging J$ onto the train. Thank goodness the CM interceded!
View attachment 1406315
His little face here says it all. He’s scared.
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Every time Jenn pours herself into that Lily Pulitzer monstrosity a runner at the gym bumps up their incline.

it’s kind of like “every time a bell rings an angel gets it’s wings”

Except every time I see Jenns flapping arm wings and ever expanding gut I remind myself to push a little harder that day and have one less snack

To show that the PMM buddy-buddy thing is a new tactic by Tim, he recently followed PMM on IG. He was at 61 following forever, the newest add on is Nate. He likely sees Nate moving up quickly in the vlogging numbers and invites, and probably needed to latch on fast. 😒 They will both use each other, though.
Honestly they are both disgusting vlogging scum. You all know how I feel about the entire lot of them…PMM is no exception
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Even if we go along with this fantasy of theirs in their delusional world of J& supposedly constantly asking to ride the “brown roller coasty” (cause they won’t shut up about it), they could still have said, “well, right now it’s still too hot to spend a lot of time at the parks, so let’s wait a few weeks/months and then we will give it a try! How about we go on Barnstormer again next time we go since you’ve only ridden it once (and hated it)?”

But no, they conveniently left out they only did it because they were able to take advantage of the DAS pass, which is also the only reason J$ was able to hang out with “kids his own age”. Heat be damned or if he actually didn’t give one shit about the “brown rolly coasty” and didn’t seem to be overjoyed with the 2 other kids because he doesn’t know how to interact with them.

They have a habit of making him get comfortable super fast with strangers just because those strangers are either stans wanting pics or other vloggers. “Hold Uncle Holy Covidy’s hand!” “socialize with these two older kids even though you have no idea how to do so and at your own pace!”
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So, it's been less than 36 hours supposedly, he's going stir crazy and is still testing positive. Is he taking a test every hour? Wouldn't you expect to test positive for at least 2 days?
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