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Chatty Member
They flat out don't care- they can say they have a nanny- all it is for is for bragging & look at us- sorry but that's how I feel. I was a single mom that (don't faint anyone) raised a great son, who is a successful graphic design artist. Hell, I was lucky to have two nickels to rub together but I prevailed & made it work... Them on the other hand..... sorry but they're so in over their heads that they don't have a clue. It's all about the money and wanting to feel entitled- sad thing its affecting that sweet little guy on so many levels.... he looks tired & so sad..
Corrected my spelling... fingers got away from me.. (y)

The Tim Tracker #79 Floatbees in the front & floatbees in the back- never buy regular floaties again, only available at TTT, LC
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Too fun, many of terms have stayed in the family. Jobby was a new one on me though, nor did I have a clue how to spell "gaun yersel'" LOL... I always thought it was "Go on yourself!" (silent f) same exact meaning.
Lol we have so many slang words, it's funny when other people just look at us like whaaaa 😂 I remember a friend said they had a American coworker who had wanted to name their kid jobie, she had to be told what that meant here to save that poor child 😂

Gaun yerself is one of the many ones that have a few different meanings depending on how it's said, it can be a type of well done saying or go for it
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My gawd I literally zoned out the entire universal video it was so boring. I like watching new merch vids from the various parks but I wanna see THE MERCH. Know what to save up for and what not. YAWNNNNN

I thought yucca was pronounced “yuck-a” not “you-ca”…sylLAbles and English is hard
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It was discussed today on the DisUnplugged.
Even Pete thinks this trip is pandering exclusively to the ultra rich.

Do you think Stanny Lynn will still be with them July 2023?
If Pete could afford it he'd be singing a different tune.

I don't think it's being marketed for people of money. It's for people who happen to have money and no common sense. I'm sure that for less than half that one could fly 1st class and set up your own meals and tours. I didn't read Disney's release, does it include all meals? drinks?

(I removed comment about chartering your own plane, I have no idea how much a transcontinental chartered plane is but we have a good idea of what it is to fly 1st class internationally with several vloggers out there who vlog nothing but these and the lounges.)
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Chatty Member
I couldn't quote this on the last page, but wanted to say... there are many, many folks with college degrees and advanced degrees who can't write worth shit. I have seen so many in my professional years of working - it is quite sad. These two have no excuse 'even if' they only finished high school, though. There are plenty of people who didn't go to college that write better and have a better work ethic than many college grads. Tim and Jenn just don't represent intelligent people regardless of degree status. 😀

"Jenn claims she went to college but I see no signs of that in her writing, research or work ethic."
I was going to make a similar comment. D’s get degrees in the USA folks (depends on the Uni what quality’s as pass or fail). I was ALWAYS the person in group projects who asked to put group papers together because people — for as much as they text/email/type — can’t fucking write.

I’d be rich if i fined groupmates in College and Grad School who agreed to write full-on sections for group papers and one asshole would submit a single page of BULLET POINTS, no references, nothing and not understand that isn’t a finished paper. Dinnefer would be that teammate.
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Wasn’t that churro thing already announced? If so, why is this dumb twat only relying on these two for news?

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We have always let my neice choose if she wants to nap, some days she does an some she doesn't but she's never have 3h naps every single day so I just assumed maybe if the kid was used to 3h everyday naps it would be better to reduce times an wean them off before stopping them all together, just seems a bit much to expect a kid to take none when they are used to 3h
I'm just curious - I cannot recall - does your niece live with you and your dad?

(honest question; I know you mention your niece a lot, that's all)
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Funny to think that there's finally somthing out there to top CUNTcierge an these two have wasted so much money on those trips plus are on the decline with their channel that they won't be able to do this, can just imagine the whineing an bitching gin will do BuT diM I NeED THiS DoNt YoU lOVe MeEEeeEEeee
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I may be in the minority here...but should Jackson be learning to swim at 2.5 years?
After all, Tim is a swim instructor.
I was shocked that the pool was so clean AND they were actually using it, but happy for J$ at the same time.

Jackson really needs to be water safe at the bare minimum. He is too dependent on his floaties.
I had always thought by 2 he would be mostly OK at swimming because it seemed in the beginning when he was really young they were constantly in the pool an dim was going on about how to teach him, but it all died off as quickly as giving him healthy foods as well as letting him eat himself

I don't watch most of the vlogs so I don't know if they have a gate round the pool or not but at the very least they should have somthing round it, even with swimming lessons kids can still take a while to learn so some will still need floaties for that little longer but at the very least water of all kinds should be completely closed off to young kids at all times unless supervised regardless if they can swim or not

A toddler drowned in a pond not far from me, parents would just let the kid play in the back yard because as they said it was "just a pond"
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When is the last confirmed sighting of their nanny? The cruise? Maybe they are just giving her more privacy or maybe she is gone. Lol
It was speculated that Nanny caught covid on the cruise. I did not understand the reasoning behind this thought, but does this theory still stand up?
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I'm not sure if most people do this, but my kids have always prepped for HHN by watching any movies/shows the houses are based on. They've already announced a Halloween house (which Tim fails to mention in his vlog because it was filmed almost 2 weeks ago) so Halloween is already on their list for this year. So, while I agree the average goer might not get some references, those who are serious HHN fans pre-game.

The Stranger Things houses (I think there's been 2) have always been very popular. One year, they even opened the house during the day for Passholders. Only the Stranger Things house. So there's a huge following there.
Yeah, I've gotten notices about two so far. Halloween / Michael Myers and then Universal Monsters: Legends Collide. DH is super pumped about the Halloween one. I'm all about the scare zones (loved Gorewood Forest last year) and am excited to hear about what they're going to be... and also, the food. 🤣

And yeah, Stranger Things has been in the parks for some time. I think dating back as far as 2018? And I know 2019 as well bc I remember all the merch.
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The only way to get diabetes is to inherit it. If there are no occurrences in blood relatives for several generations (including aunts, uncles, and cousins) on both sides, Jackson will probably avoid it. There are several adoptees on Tim's side and there may not be much of a blood family history. Jackson is probably just not getting enough water, especially in a Florida summer and then all those salty foods.
Authority: I am not a doctor, I don't even play one on TV. I do have diabetes Type II, mitigated by a drastic weight loss starting in 2009. I have second-degree biological relatives, an uncle and a niece, with Type 1. My MIL, God rest her soul, had Type 1; DH was pretty much a sitting duck. Before we were even diagnosed, we were told that any child of ours had a 25% chance of getting the disease, one of the reasons we elected not to have biological children.
Genetics are a huge factor along with diet. I had a maternal great uncle who had it and my uncle also it, but my maternal grandma did not. I know I've been tested several times when I was a kid just because my mom was paranoid about it. My paternal grandmother on the other hand had it-no family history of it, that we know of-but had terrible eating habits. She was bed bound for several years and was having Coke with like every meal.

And as far as Stanny being engaged that is an interesting development. I figured she'd be out as soon as the debt was paid off. It wasn't that much of a judgment either if I remember correctly. I really can't see them retaining anyone long term in that position with probably what the Snackers want them to do.

Ugh, yeah, CPS isn't going to do squat if they feed them a diet of steady beige food and being a prop on a Truman-esque YT show. As awful as the Snackers are, children who are actual in care of the department usually have it way worse. Florida has a reputation as having one of the worst agencies in the country too. I wouldn't really wish for any child to be in their care. I really wish that child labor laws would catch up with influencers. I hate how they constantly expose their child and are essentially ruining his childhood so the Snackers can continue not having to work at Wendy's or wherever. Seriously, I doubt Jen could even get a job at Wendy's or any retail or fast food place at this point. Dim "might" have a career selling shady used cars or reverse mortgages if YT ever went down the drain but that's about it.
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Or an air fryer! I’ve made a lot of decent stuff in ours. Most recently a blackened Cajun chicken. And now we eat that once a week because it’s so good. Only takes 20 mins.
That sounds delicious! I’ve made some pretty great things with our air fryer too! But that’s still too much work for the lazy slackers, they might have to check it more than once! 🙄

Oh it gets even worse: they have TWO Wish cruises booked! One is either July/August and the other one is either September/October which is Halloween-themed (Dim said he got half off another cruise after their original Wish booking was cancelled and had to be rebooked for a later date).
How much are we betting they will stay cuntcierge on both of these as well, maybe not in the Roy O suite but I don’t see them going back to a regular non cuntcierge stateroom after the last 2 cruises.

Destini honey you might want to get your eyes checked, I see nothing that resembles a dog, looks like a normal Florida afternoon storm rolling in to me!

I'm still so flabbergasted at how they do the bare minimum to get by. Twelve years they've been doing this "job", and they're just so awful at it. When they finally tank, Tim's going to have to get a really high paying job to support that lazy lump of shit he's married to. She will either refuse to get a job, or she won't last. Maybe she could dust off her sandblasting skills and head back to the jukebox factory. She'll have to work a late shift, though, since she can't get out of bed before noon.
I do believe the whole reason she because a blob is because of something that happened at the retail job she had a long time ago, I could be wrong but she definitely wouldn’t go back to work after not working for this long… and Dim would do the bare minimum I bet to support her and J$, he’s also too lazy to get a good high paying job.
I want to ask but I’m also scared and kinda sick to my stomach… where is this? And why is this a thing?
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They both used Stitch Fix in the past and it didn't help - if you refuse to give them your true size the clothes still look like shit.
I really do wonder if one or both have some form of body dysmorphia. I do feel like Jen rapid weight gain is probably at least partially due to mental issues. And since Dim likes to buy things in the lady's department I wonder...
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Chatty Member
Does the house that sleeps like 10 people not come with enough toilet paper either or do they just normally need this amount for 5 days due to their colon-wrecking diets?

View attachment 1340998
My son and his in laws stayed at a vacation home here in Florida and there were 5 bathrooms and only 3 of them had one roll of toilet paper and they were required to buy more
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It seems to be aimed at the more elite an celebrities but chances are it's too long a trip for people of that status to be committed too, most celebs an elite have their own holiday homes they will go to that they have the freedom over how long they will/can stay, it's feels very much like a gimic for people who's managed to get a crazy payout like inheritance/lottery that have no idea over the value of money an will blow that without thinking, but in reality how many people out there are like that, I doupt enough for this to become a thing permanently

To do it yourself I'd imagine you could for like half that price tag
Perhaps for the travel and lodging accommodations, but a normal person just can't show up to go shopping at Mickey of Glendale's and what not, that's what Disney is charging you for, those those curated experiences that you just can't normally experience.
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Someone way more talented than me should edit up that Aura ad in their video but put in references to TimBo riding on a turtle nest beach at night and JennBo asking if gay is contagious.

I think this is a fantastic idea. I can do the edit but i've not really got time to look for photos for OUR Aura Frame.

If you guys could maybe link some of your best pics I will make the advert.

Best way to do this is maybe quote this post with your pictures?

Thanks. :p
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At first I thought that woman meant they put braces on her 2.5 year old, and I was like, ok, liar. I know they say prolonged binky use is bad but my 11 year old never even took one and needs braces.
I never used a paci and my teeth were snaggle city. I had braces twice (because I was an asshole and never wore my retainer) from the age of 11 until 16. My dads teeth were really crooked so I truly think genetics play a part in this. The kid will probably have Jenns weird popsicle teeth…poor kid
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