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GREAT Tim found out that there is a new perk for CoNcIeRgE and that it’s regarding shows that they won’t ever go fucking see because they cant film them.

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I've never noticed this, but you're right! They almost never head into those areas of the park. I'd guess it has to do with a few things:
  1. They're not really Harry Potter fans and know absolutely nothing about the series.
  2. It's always fairly crowded in those areas, which makes it hard to film.
  3. The lines are always super long for all those rides and they can't film on them anyway, so why bother.
  4. Perhaps the music in those sections of the park gets copyrighted extra hard and thus makes the video non-monetizable.
Cue visit to HP world in after the Mothers Day CoNcIeRgE cruise
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They can’t put the kid in daycare/preschool because Jenn can’t handle hearing anything that could be considered criticism or advice. As soon as the daycare mentioned the miracle’s fine motor skill and speech delays she would have to yank him out and come up with a story about how the daycare was hating on them because they were jealous of the slackers celebrity lifestyle 🙄
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Holy shit balls. This live must have been the shit of both nightmares and dreams…

I am watching now and Jenn says something about a movie they won’t be able to watch in theatres…



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Well that’s good. I can’t find owner on IG.
Things keep disappearing.

But let's just say her education does not in any way line up with early childhood education (as in toddlers or J's age) or childcare. No listed nanny experience. Her job experience also does not necessarily line up with early childhood education - as a strict and targeted emphasis. Lots of concurrent, short-term / freelance gigs in writing and ESL. Left last-held job in Jan 2022. Looks to be early 30s.

I would not hire her for what she's doing, based on her resume.
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Chatty Member
1st red flag for me is letting him put his hand in the fucking blender.
I know it’s not switched on but he knows the on and off button.
I thought the same thing. I couldn’t believe Tim was allowing him to even touch the blender.

He’s not allowed to feed himself but they allow him to touch and operate small appliances.
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I see those huge splurges on expensive cruises and GSC to attract new viewers is paying off..... Not
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Regarding Tim, he definetly doesn't get enough flak. Sometimes I think he's worse then Jen. You could really see it in the Starcruiser videos. I really do think the two of them feed off each other and bring the worst out of each other too.
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Time to pick this description apart (which is written at a 3rd-grade level with no knowledge of breaking up paragraphs and with almost every sentence having an exclamation point).

Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 2.06.56 PM.png

  • "a relaxing day at home": written as if they have stressful days at home or not at home. Life might be stressful if they were living in reality, but they're not, so calling Ginn's usual every day life as a "relaxing" day is extra rich.
  • "we start the day by making breakfast and then lunch". You can't "start" the day by describing 2 activities that are hours apart (or they are in most people's lives).
  • "we're working with J$ to work on independence": ah yes, this is well taught by two adults who are so dependent on each other and can barely let the kid feed himself.
  • "he's liking being in charge of some of the activities through out his day": they forgot the disclaimer this doesn't apply to what rides he actually DOES want to ride, and it doesn't apply to them dragging him on coasters anyway.
  • "we talk about some DCL news updates": CONCIERGE CONCIERGE CONCIERGE
  • "that's been a fun way to learn new things for all of us!": glad your not-quite-2.5-year-old toddler is teaching you new things.
  • "daddy and buddy play in the pool because the weather has been so great today!": your son has a name. also, you don't live in the arctic circle, you don't need to act as if you only have rare good days suitable for getting in a pool
  • "then we get J$ ready for bed and 'call it night'": and who is we? Dim's the only one who got J$ ready for bed.
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Tim Tracker #73 Donut Watch 2022
Let's add "Poop Bag Watch" to that too 😆

The doggy poop bags (or Dim Poop Bags or J$ Poop Bags or Ginn Poop Bags) are still on the counter. Based on how long things stay on their kitchen counter, it's clear they NEVER clean and sanitize their kitchen counters. The same counters where Dim dropped a thick slice of butter and then put it on his son's sandwich anyway.
Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 3.14.26 PM.png
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The donut toy J$ got at Universal more than a week ago is still sitting on their kitchen counter. That pillow basically cost $25! Let's see how long it keeps sitting there. Will it beat the defective spice rack?!

Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 3.00.03 PM.png
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So, he went to the Ganachery and purchased the $14 Hocus Pocus hot chocolate bomb. It was actually really cute. He then mentioned that the Ganachery doesn't sell the warm milk to demonstrate the cocoa bomb. Apparently he HAD to do it right that second and went to Starbucks and purchased a tall steamed whole milk in a grande cup. Now, we know from the Ft Wilderness vlog that J$ LOVES hot cocoa. LOVES it. Why couldn't he take that home and do it with J$. Oh, because Tim's an asshole.

So he had to find a super safe location away from all the covid germs, so he goes to the Earl of Sandwich to demo the thing. It was then he decided to read the instructions to find that you are supposed to put the thing in the cup FIRST and then pour the warm milk over it. So he decides to just drop the caldron into the cup anyway and hilarity ensued from there. The cup is too hot and he has to put it down on the grate because it's going to overfill on his hands. 😂 Then he complains it's too rich, then he complains it's too hot for hot cocoa, then he says it's the best hot cocoa he's ever had in his life. It's insane.
If he were livestreaming this i could see him needing to do it right away, but this is a vlog. He had to go home to hand off the video to his wife who was then going to sit on it like she were hatching an egg anyway. Why not do it right? Jackson never seems to get to do what he'd naturally enjoy, only what he's forced to endure.

Who was saying Tim is not as dumb as he looks?
You're absolutely right.
He's even more of an idiot than he looks.
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Chatty Member
🤦‍♀️ Does she really believe processed applesauce that's been sitting around qualifies as a fresh fruit? It's more akin to a condement or for people who have tooth issues.

Someone please take Jackson to the produce section of a grocery store and let him choose his own fruits and vegetables.
Then turn the table on Gin & TinyTym and make them eat what he chooses.

I'll bet he would go for colorful fruit and veggies.

Crying heard from the peanut gallery: "But potatoes are vegetables!"
Shut up Gin.
It's funny because his first foods, for a hot minute, were homemade, pureed, veggies. Then, for some reason, they quickly added fruit. Then, it was too much trouble to make, they started buying baby food. Now he only eats junk while being entertained by a screen. Poor kid was never worth the time and trouble of raising properly, and is now the burden of the nanny. Let's hope they don't have another one
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I don't know... It's pretty clear to me that Tim had a crush on Molly, probably still does. Given the opportunity to go 1 on 1 with her... ;)
Molly would laugh off the idea, but I don't think Alan would approve.
To be fair I also have the biggest crush on Molly, she is wonderful and I don’t care what anyone here has to say about her lipstick 😍😍😳😳😳😫
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