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I’m sensing, with all my special walrusian superpowers, that you guys didn’t particularly enjoy todays TTT vlog? 😉
Haha I actually did! 29 whole minutes of laughing as they address all the points made by Tattle. It’s so pathetic, yet so comical because time and time again, it’s so obvious we give them their home vlog agenda items.
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Time for a new TimSlacker thread, this title is courtesy of @TawdryT

In the most recent live vlog The Trackers put forth they admitted they are hoarders, and that there are apparently way more than just the "Unwell 3" who makes Jenn's fingers work extra hard blocking and deleting comments from their uploads.

We also got juicy gossip that Stanny Lynn was suggested to the Slackers from the company that conned them out of 3000 bucks to "organize" Jenns office, which is funny because the couch looks exactly the same.

Have at it all!
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I agree w/ @HereForTheT3a22.

And for that reason, I hope we can now move beyond Lyn, her resume and its photo, what her parents may think, her (albeit public) past financial issues (which are irrelevant to her current job), etc.

Because this is really ALL Jenn, as T3a22 said.

In the livestream on 4.29, Jenn talked straight from 42:45 to 45:00 about how they found her, how they were looking for a "permanent babysitter," and referenced the owner of the organizing company, her personal connections, and how Lyn is one of the owner's personal friends.

It was only a matter of time before someone put together who Lyn is based on the Trackers' past vlogs with links, and the very public forum known as Instagram plus use of Google, etc. plus Jenn's most recent comments.

And everything that was discovered or shared about Lyn is publicly viewable on the internet by her choice.

In the original vlog from 1.15, Jenn cited they were looking into "in-home private daycare." She said they hired someone full-time.

Jenn said "you're going to be seeing her" and "she's going to be in the videos." @3:40. This denoted her active forthcoming inclusion in the channel.

@3:52 - they're most excited that she's an "elementary school teacher"

They've repeatedly referred to her in vlogs - practically daily.

They've shown her from different angles (or parts of her), including her walking with Jenn off the cruise, reflections of her in sunglasses and windows, etc.

They've made a point to show her meals.

Jenn caught her on camera at Fort Wilderness, if I'm not mistaken.

She was also filmed in a Michael Kay vlog and another livestreamer filmed her with them at Peppa Pig. She's been very openly with them.

And she's gone with them more places than just home, as an "in-home private daycare" hire.

So she's been a fairly consistent part of the vlogs and the channel itself.

Jenn also kept changing what Lyn's "job title" was and the reason for hiring (and subsequently where and when Lyn would accompany them would contradict such roles), so of course people are going to be curious and connect the dots (especially with publicly viewable data). Even the stans want to know more about her.

I don't think Lyn lied or glossed over anything in her interview.

She probably does want to be a nanny / homeschool teacher at this point.

I don't know how qualified she is to be one, as we've discussed, but so be it.

But again, this is ALL Jenn.
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I’m sorry if this has been brought up already. But what is the situation with the Unlisted Caribbean Beach Resort video from 2 days ago that only has 500 views? Does Jenn not realize it’s out there? Or did she just do it totally wrong? Or is she trying to post on the downlow? Doesn’t make sense because wouldn’t they want the views?
She must have fucked up "inputting the metadata" or whatever nonsense she makes up to seem like she's good at youtube. I bet she was trying to schedule videos to post while they're on the cruise and messed even that simple task up.
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This is what bugs me. They sit here and say they don't listen to what the "trolls" say. They say they have to have thick skin, etc. Yet, lately, they feel the need to prove themselves to us "trolls" that they do all the things we say they don't do. (Man I hope I'm making sense. LOL)
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Going back to idiot Ginn for some reason not knowing her blood work results from a month ago- she said she’d know the results by May 4th? Or is that when her telehealth appointment is? She thinks she has to wait for her doctor to know the results?

I’m convinced her results were available right away but since she doesn’t check her email, she wouldn’t know. She probably hasn’t bothered to sign up for whatever EMR system her doctor is on to just view her results. It’s more dramatic to say “gee I don’t know maybe something’s wrong?!” No bitch, you’re just too stupid to function as an independent adult. A lot of these EMR systems are also available as an app, but of course Ginn who makes money from Disney crap doesn’t even have the Disney app on her phone. Her apps probably just consist of Twitter, Instagram, Bravo (does bravo have an app?) and all the streaming apps. She probably doesn’t even have the Aura app to send photos to her oh-so-loved MIL, it’s all up to Dim to do that.

How does she not realize how screwed she is if Dim croaks or becomes otherwise incapacitated??? Does she think the world will be her palm tree forever, where having 2 health appointments and a haircut appt that isn’t even for her is what counts as a “stressful” week????? She sets back women a couple hundred years. But she’s both useless, dependent AND won’t STFU.
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She's still sitting in the gd backseat (and checking herself out. and murdering caterpillars). Your son is 2.5 years old according to your incorrect math Ginn, I think you can freaking cut that shit out. She's not even paying attention to him!!! Does she have front-seat-passenger aNxIeTy now too?
View attachment 1243857

Also she said the Walmart photo employee person got to know her really well. I bet. I'm sure you weren't rude at all to that employee for something out of their control. She said the pictures J$ took with his camera turned out terrible, so that means they have to go back to Aulani.
Yay, I get to use this again!
Because she's got the lead role iiiiiiin
(Thanks again to @Orangebird's talented kid 😉 )
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Um--I know they aren't a late breaking news channel, but Festival of Fantasy returned to the Magic Kingdom on March 9th. That was almost 2 months ago.
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So what have we learned here? Everyone should watch the live shows because that’s when the real Trackers come out and spill the tea on themselves.
Lol. I’ll get the cliffs notes here. And I just have to share…Timmy hasn’t been able
To fix that garage shelf for over a year now…my closet collapsed the other day. Today I installed a whole closet system. I’m a 40 year old female that’s not in the construction field but completely capable of using tools the correct way. This took me 2 hours including rearranging the shelves. How in the ever loving f*ck can he not take half an hour to fix the shelf?!?!!
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In the latest video Tim is scouring DHS for a MagicBand+ because they were mistakenly put on sale for a few hours a day ago. He has to have something no one else has and be 1st! He also mentions the Mouse Droid with pork rinds that is new and says he has FOMO because he doesn’t have it.
That part was so telling. Everyone should watch it. He says he has no interest in having it but actually says he feels FOMO (Hi, Tim!) and kind of needs it. He and Jenn are a case study for sure.
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Holy shit, all Dim does is complain. Complained about Little Mermaid, rode ONE friggin' ride (and the People Mover of all things), ate shitty food as per usual, looked for 4Town merch, almost jizzed himself when he saw the kids robe (I swear if it came in adult he would have bought one), and he didn't even know Festival of Fantasy was back...."Oh, I had NO IDEA" What kind of expert are you?????

"Today we just spent the day at Magic Kingdom and it was SUPER FUN. The lines were long and we didn't get to get on Little Mermaid, but we did get to get on People Mover, that hut dog we had was delicious, the spring rolls were delicious, the cookie...could have been better, it still tasted good, but it's kind of like a generic cookie, nothing really special about it, but, other that that, it was a pretty good day. Didn't feel too crowded, we got to see Festival of Fantasy after a two year hiatus, we haven't seen it for two years. It was great, like, I had a really good day, the weather was great, didn't get too sweaty. I am happy with the day at Magic Kingdom, so, all in all a great day...and with that being said....we are OFF!"

🖕 🖕
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She's sneakier, for sure. When I first started watching them years ago, I thought Tim was a know-it-all ass, and I felt like she would just bend to his will and say things to appease him, but she's changed since then. Or my eyes opened more. Not sure which.
She’s a bitch. And as a woman I try to respect my fellow female…no respect for Jenn. She’s a trash “human being”, if calling her human even applies. I had hope that becoming a mom would change her for the better, nope it just provided crystal clear clarity to who she really is…a selfish, self centered, and arrogant BITCH.

Now Tim is no better…I thought he’d be a GREAT dad but it seems neither one of them really wanted the commitment that comes along with a child. They are both shittier parents than I ever imagined they’d be, but for some reason I cannot help but hate Jenn the absolute most…
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Stanny really hasn't done anything wrong so I hope that no one goes too crazy aside from checking out her public profiles. Her qualifications are there for the world to see on LinkedIn. Can hardly blame her for taking a full-time babysitting job with probably very low expectations. It's not her fault that T&J talk her up to be something she isn't. She was at least smart enough to have them never film her face.
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Jenn said they wanted to put the kid in day care BUT cOvId…. Lies
Day cares are literally one of the places that’s taking EXTREME caution when it comes to covid.
Just admit it, you think your kid is too good to be in a day care or learning center even though they have “prestigious” preschools in the area, and a nice one right down the street from them. I have a friend that has her kids in one of those schools, and the kids are learning Japanese. Better than having a personal baby sitter if you ask me.
Putting their child in daycare would require them to drop him off and pick him up on time, and Dim is the only one who drives. And these two aren’t exactly known for being on time. They can get away with being late with Stanny because they’re busy yapping away on a live show or stuffing their faces somewhere, but a daycare wouldn’t be tolerant of that after the first couple of times.
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Ahhh. The curtain of bizarro Bojanowski world has finally been pulled open more fully!

The train wheels are shaking more! 😂😆😂

Jenn is becoming more unhinged and manic.

Tim is more detached from reality.
First reviewing desserts on the bathroom floor. Now a hot chocolate review on a filthy storm drain grid.
Going around hugging furry animals and princesses. And the young 20ish aged girls portraying fictional characters, both fur and face.

Neither one wants to be an actual loving, caring, nurturing parent!

Bojo world has always been full of lies and manipulations to control the narrative.

The latest caught in the web is Lynn. I have maintained that all her accolades pontificated by Jenn were never confirmed by her. Yes, she may have a masters, but it is NOT in early childhood education (ECE) or any level of education. She does not have a current teaching certificate. And, as was pointed out by @2020planner and @xmasbdaygirl, most likely is NOT first aid and CPR certified.

I get that we are all curious about Lynn. And that those seeking out info on her are not coming from a malicious place. I am hoping that we can stay focused on the purpose we are here “venting/critiquing the antics of Tim and Jenn” and not bashing those that come into their bizarre reality/world.

Yes, Lynn was not hired to be Jackson’s teacher/educator. His lack of developmental progress in her four months of tenure is proof. Lynn was hired as Jenn’s emotional support person and babysitter.

Hey, Tim, how did that work out?
Jenn’s negligence on teaching him to be comfortable around a hot stove. And then her totally ignoring him while she HAD to talk to the camera resulted in him burning his hand. Worse yet is her passing it off that it was his fault AND that burning one’s hand is a passing right of childhood! That it is a reoccurring learning curve event. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Jackson deserves better!

When Jenn first announced that they had hired a “full time, at home educator” for him I thought “finally they have seen the light!”.
That they realized that their travel schedule and life style had caused him to become developmentally delayed and behind his peers on many levels.

Then I saw how they, especially Jenn, acted when outside the house without J$. They were the carefree, goofy, partying childless couple of a few years ago. wth!

Even when he is with them, with Lynn in tow, they are detached from any kind of organic interaction with him unless they need him as a PROP for the camera. 🤬
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Dim got his Gucci boner going again. Let it be noted, on whichever day Ginn intended to publish this vlog, Dim said, "I have too many jackets". In a few months when they go shopping for their nonexistent Arctic Circle expedition, he will once again complain he has no warm clothing.

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Dim says, "J$ has a train whistle at home so I'm going to get him another one." WTF? That's not how it works! #slackerlogic
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Why can’t they make grilled chicken or even beans & rice for him. It’s always pasta & some frozen meatballs. What about cheese & turkey and crackers for lunch with fruit? Or hummus & veggies? It’s same shit every day.
But the meatballs have cArRoTs in them!!! So healthy!!!

Tim also still puts a vice grip on J$ hand when he's painting and holds a jelly bean for him to bite it in half. I think these make smoothies with dad things are completely staged to show what amazing parents they are.
You mean it's not natural to sit on the floor of the kitchen sharing a smoothie (and swapping backwashed spit) while staring at the camera? 😆
Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 11.26.11 AM.png

Shoutout to the defective spice rack and one of the diaper boxes making a cameo.
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Re the burger count - maybe Tim will not show himself eating ANY burgers (on camera) this month, to mess with the Tattle..?
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Back from my non-special non-concierge casino party cruise and I'm happy to say that I did not regret one single thing from my non-nouveau riche cruise. Did you know that cruises have SO MUCH FREE FOOD on them that there's absolutely no need for a concierge lounge? I also did not partake in second and third breakfast because I am not a glutton and have something called self-control which the Trackers severely lack. My entire 3 night cruise cost less than ONE night's stay in any of the Disney resorts and it was absolutely perfect. For a first-time cruiser, you know who was helpful in planning out my trip? Absolutely not the Trackers! Honestly, I searched for the name of the ship I was on and someone had done a really helpful tour of the ship, which helped me get oriented. Provost Park Pass's recent vlog about what to pack for a short cruise was also helpful. Then there was this older British gentleman who does all sorts of cruises who had some very helpful information for first-time cruise-goers.

The Trackers could not put out one single helpful, informative vlog about their experience. Not even one that helps to upsell the concierge experience. They could try, but it will never come close to anything other than some tacky newly rich couple's flex-filled home movie.

Also, big thanks to @MustLoveGoats for helping with the Tim Burger Tracker. Two days into May and we are 0/2. With their cruise coming up I'm sure we'll catch up!
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