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I don't think so. Gin doesn't leave the house without Dim. Can't be while she's in the shower.....
I'm sure Gin has a short leash on ole Dimmy. Doesn't mean his eyes won't wander....oh wait...... :ROFLMAO:
His eyes do wander, when he saw me in an HHN queue his eyes nearly popped out of his head! Lol
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I call her Gin because she claimed to not drink at the time when we kept seeing her glasses of wine.
I like JennyNoShowers, Jennyfaintlines, Jenny3dinners....just Gin is faster to type 🤣
My keyboard always offers JennyNoShowers as the quickspell for me when I start typing Jenn out🤣🤣🤣. That’s how often I use it
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Seriously 😳!

If true I will definitely report that video for child abuse 😡.

There is no way that Jackson is cognitively, physiologically and emotionally ready for the speed and forces of the Barnstormer at 26 months old.
Not giving the Slackers any slack on this one but just offering an additional point of view….

Our son is very TALL…has always been. He’s also always been a ride junkie. When he was tall enough for barnstormer…actually on his 2nd birthday…he SCREAMED and begged to ride it. We didn’t think he’d be tall enough and much to our surprise he was. We must have ridden it 8 times in one day. It’s still his favorite even though he’s now tall enough (48 inches) for bigger coasters.

Now, he loves coasters and we’ve never forced him. It’s clear that J$ is NOT a fan. I don’t understand why they keep pushing these things on him
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Our little buddy” Okay, Karen, someone needs to teach you about boundaries. 🤢

View attachment 1043863
Karen’s probably one of those people who runs up to pregnant strangers and insists on rubbing their baby bumps, or creepily commenting on how beautiful someone’s kids are. She needs a lesson in boundaries, although I doubt it would do any good.
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Yeah, I think he does have some space tshirt they showed before. Also, I wouldn't be caught dead in jorts in an IG ad post...not a great look Jenn.

We jinxed again. Lol - not surprising. 😉
I was thinking the SAME thing about her shorts, but I’m not a shorts person so I thought maybe it was just me. I’m cracking up that they’re in shorts when just a couple days ago they were freaking out and spending hundreds of dollars on winter clothes 🤣

Also, wonder if the nanny feels like she was just hired to be their pack mule and photographer 🤦🏼‍♀️ Because I would at this point!
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The new one just popped up. Another day, another day in the maroon jacket. 😵 please retire that thing and the Harry styles shirt. A closet full of clothes (including multiple jackets) and you wear the same thing over and over. Why??
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I am sure @2020planner will probably have some great screenshots later, but 3 initial stan comments I saw that were ridiculous:

When will we meet the nanny?
It is so nice to see you have time alone as a couple.
Jenn looks so beautiful.

Yeah, I read through them and they were all stupid suck-up comments. Same ol' same ol'.

But this was my favorite - sure to be deleted soon! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

(apologies if someone posted this one already ;) )

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Replying to a post by @Southpaw33 in the last thread:

Can you imagine a TTT themed rental? OMG, the stans would loose control of their bodily functions over a slimy green pool, trash filled house, frying pans burnt to a crisp and the odor of Je ne sais quoi in the air.

Stock the bathroom with hair gel for the men and oil for the women so they can make themselves look like Jenn. Maybe instead of bathrobes, pop in a blue mickey sweater for the men and a maroon fleece for the women.
I am dying at the idea of this! 😂

"And here is the bedroom with the hoarder theme... USPS mail tubs hold your bed linens, extra baby gear in case your nanny couldn't come with you, and take a free favor from the random gift bags of tacky giveaways in the corner!"
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The more they keep this nanny / Jenn #2 around, the more that's going to happen to Jenn #1.

That's why I really wouldn't be surprised if this chick doesn't last long.
Jenn can't stand not being the center of one's universe, even if she treats said person like crap.
Can we call her Jen 2.0 since she does seem to be a newer, better, updated version of the original?
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I literally could only watch this video for four minutes. We know Jackson is there. I thought that this girl was a preschool teacher to teach Jackson preschool, because she’s a former or still is an elementary school teacher. Why the F then would she go with them places if she wasn’t the nanny? I am so sick and tired of their righteousness they think they are so above everyone else and Mrs. Slobola I can’t stand her stupid smile with her teeth I want to slap her. 👎🏻
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Just starting this vlog against my better judgment. Just the entryway alone is HIDEOUS. You guys were right, so tacky and all the wall decor...yuck. I would never feel comfortable staying there. I don't get who is staying in a place like this.
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Another Day out with the 'educator' This time it's Magic Kingdom

View attachment 1038075

So they got the Educator to look after J$ at home and teach him stuff but he still goes everywhere with them but now they also have the educator in tow?
I hope the, at the very least, pay for this poor woman's ticket or Annual Pass. Seriously how shitty of parents do you have to be to bring your child's nanny to MK with you? Good lord.

This poor child is ACTIVELY trying to get away from her grip after Under the Sea... Starts around 9:15, he wants nothing to do with Jenn, and she has to physically keep him next to her to look motherly while they prod him for answers about his ride :mad:

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It's such a crutch of hers! It's like if she can't talk, she still has to insert a sound coming from her mouth.

Dim: now it's time to go get breakfast

Dim: The commode

Dim: Jackson, do you have the sword?

Dim: Not yet buddy, okay?

Dim: I want a divorce

Speaking of being a fake mom, she just haaaaaad to mention she helped insert one of the inflatable bumpers on one side of the bed and she just haaaaad to mention she went to go lay with her prop child when he woke up early, like she's patting herself on the back for contributing. Yes, congrats, for doing your motherly duty and congrats on letting nanny Lynn actually sleep through the night (even though I'm sure she wishes she could just sleep in her own bed instead of weird sports-themed and princess-themed rooms.)



I'm not sure if this comment is trolling or not lol, but maybe Jenn as Shek and Tim as Fiona?
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I actually attempted to watch this bowel movement of a Vlog. This scene right here was so damn cringeworthy. If you go back and rewatch it, just watch that heifer keep glancing at the camera (presumably to ensure she was in the frame), then once realizing she was, phonily touching/hugging the prop. It was so incredibly forced, phony and just plain awkward. She does it several times.

I’ve seen zoo animals with more true affection for their offspring.

I turned it off after that. She is a monster narcissist.
Yep. It’s also interesting to watch her”groom”( I don’t know if that is the right word for this situation) Little J into relying on her for affection and confirmation. He’s always holding her hand, or hugging her, being held by her. I agree with everyone that the minute he starts relying on the nanny over Jenn, the nanny will be gone.
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Dim: we are here, at a house.

Those glasses look terrible on her but at least they hide her caterpillar murder brows. She reminds me of the girls who wear large fake glasses just to look nerdy like it was trendy. Meanwhile I can't even see my hand if I don't have my glasses or contacts on.

Dim seriously needs to not use the auto setting on his camera because the lack of focus is just a giant shit show.

J$'s in the gameroom with the nanny. Ginn opens the door, and the next shot, they've kicked the nanny out and Ginn is pretending to be a mommy. Oof, that chair is not flattering for her body.

Screen Shot 2022-02-05 at 9.23.06 PM.png

J$'s probably wishing he could behead his egg donor with that sword.
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4. Jenn was not necessary with her Google commentary. There were actually times where Tim was - to his credit - giving some decent info, e.g., the tannins in the leaves coloring the water. Then she had to go and Google crap and it just was jarring to see her / listen to her reading off a screen while being filmed. Give Tim back his channel, Jenn. :rolleyes:

Jen has clearly been reading here (of course). During the Aulani disaster, some people critique how they don't give out any information or a comparison of YTers that actually give great facts.

Jen took this critique as "oh we gotta add more facts. We need more information"

I also believe someone mentioned they should be doing more things around Orlando, instead of traveling a over the place. This is why we're getting these "amazing" vlogs

Nanny is there because 1) T&J can't handle J. 2) salvage their image after the van situation. 3) critique of J not being around other kids or going to school 4) Jen was not cut out for this.

I agree with ALL of this!

Even though Dim often provides incorrect information, he does actually have the ability to provide decent monologue narration of his random experiences. That is what made TheTimTracker channel. Ginn not only provides zero useful information, she interrupts his flow and he is left with “yeah” and a bunch of chopped up, annoying, useless dialog. And there is no reason to have buddy in the videos other than exploitation.
When i use to watch, i didn't find her annoying. But then again, Tim would be doing his thing for a series of consecutive vlogs. Then we'd get a random appearance here and there of Jen. When she was on screen.... it didn't feel like this whole trash- Junk-last-min-English-paper of a situation/vlog
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Is it wrong that I kind of hope he does?
I don't get onboard with any excuse to cheat. If you want to date, don't be married.
That being said...odd that Gin hires a version of herself to replace her role in the house as mother and matriarch so she can "live her best life" being free of responsibilities. #YOLO #FOMO #HousewivesofOrlando
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I don't consider a couple of miles of walking on flat land to be a "hike". 🤨

They brought the nanny so they wouldn't have to pretend to give a crap about their toddler while they filmed really riveting footage of dry blurry plants and what they called animal poop but what was actually stuff that Ginn pulled out of her crotch of her leggings.

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