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Wow, that house is so ugly! Holy shit! I will never understand the appeal of these McMansions- it’s just pure ugly excess.

Also, I loved how Tim mentioned that it’s about a 40 min drive from Disney but that’s just “on surface roads” and it’s actually only 13 miles.

Okay, wtf does that matter? How else are people going to get there, a fucking hot air balloon??

They are trying way too hard to make this place seem appealing 😂
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I imagine it goes something like this:

J: "What should we do today? I could go for some lunch. Let's go eat at Wine Bar George and do some shopping"
T: "Yeah."
J: "We can make it a vlog, but say we need warm weather clothes now that it is going to start warming up."
T: "Yeah."
J: "Let me drink this iced coffee for an hour and delete some vlog comments, then throw on a hat and my fleece and we can leave at noon."
T: "Let's do it."
This is so fucking accurate.
I’m controlling and jealous. I always have been and it’s something I work on all the time to try to suppress.

I could NEVER hire a nanny, babysitter, or whatever-er that was cute/attractive. My husband is a great guy and faithful but he also has a penis, a set of balls, and testosterone…there is no way in FUCK that I’m having some hot little piece of nanny ass basically live with us and care for our child.

I am being 100% honest. Im actually kind of shocked that JennyNoShowers would allow this. She’s so desperate to be away from her child that she doesn’t care how cute the nanny is.

But also, I would never hire a nanny because I love being my son’s best friend too much. I would never want to give that up to some other bitch🤣🤣🤣

I bet Dim starts fucking the nanny
Im not sure Dim has the ability to fuck anything

Unless you count him fucking up his life by staying with JennyNoShowers and creating a replicant with her…
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I just started watching this to see what y'all are talking about. Holy crap. You're right. She's MANIC!

But WHO the hell is filming the first 19 seconds?!?!?!?
How is this a "professional" vlogger's work?
It's jerky, off-centered at times, blurry, unsteady, camera whipping around where you can't focus on an image, etc. WTF?!?!

It seemed to be filmed from the front seat (but not by Tim while driving, I hope)


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I'm really disappointed in Dim, hot dog lover, not even knowing the name of Joey Chestnut. I know of him cause he's a local guy, but like, he's the hot dog eating champion for multiple years in a row. Come on, Dim. And Joey Chestnut got to be on the actual Amazing Race.

At least in the blacklight bowling alley room, housekeeping knows where to find the stains that need cleaning:
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This looks so... clean and mansion-y:
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Also, why are they so fascinated with seeing deer?
I'm going to use this opportunity to flex... i actually competed in a pie eating contest with him obviously he won. 😂

He consumed 15 pies or something

I only ate 1 😂

Ya know. I just spent an hour organizing and cleaning underneath our bathroom sinks. It took me 1 hour, by myself to do both my sink and my husbands sink. They are daily large and have one large double door cabinet along with two smaller flanking cabinets and drawers.

I felt good getting it done because it needed it.

I often wonder what the dark corners of the Slacker McMansion look like? Obviously we see their blatant filth and disorder but what about drawers? Cabinets? Dressers?

I also wonder, do they not have any pride in their belongings? It makes me feel so good when my things are tidy and I can find whatever I need ASAP

It takes 30 minutes to reorganize everything and wipe the entire cabinet clean…like why are they both so useless??
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Reminds me of this weekend, my daughter whose on the spectrum told me she was going to organize her dresser top...

She's 7. Rigid and Sassy.

She can run laps around the trackers

was I the only one who heard Jenn mention they looked into having a private chef for their two day staycation? 😂😂 She couldn’t find one short notice and was disappointed.Wow. My gf was walking by as I watched this vlog and the first thing she says is: It’s that noisy bitch from Universal! How old is she?” My gf thought she was in her mid Twenties from the way she acts and talks.
I'm dying 😂😂😂

What's going on with Jen's mouth? It looks strange.

Is she wearing a retainer?
Maybe she started invisalign?
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“Do we bring the lemon pig with us?!”

Do we bring the lemon pig with us.

Do we bring… the lemon pig… with us.
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So, I didn't watch the entire thing (got as far as taking the screenshot of the nanny / Jenn 2.0 on the ferry) but did they make it VERY well known that Lynn(e) was accompanying them to the MK?

As in "...and Lynn is having for lunch, the veggie burger..." or "Lynn is here with us..." or are they trying to pull a fast one on the stans again and the only way the stans would really know she was there was by seeing the reflection in Tim's glasses at the start of the vlog?
They mentioned while they were eating at Tortuga Tavern, Lynne got the black bean something vegetarian option, and showed it. It seems to me that Nanny Lynne is a vegetarian, or at the very least, eats very healthy. She must be horrified at their eating habits.

Someone asked last night about WDW selling APs. They are selling one type of pass, the Pixie something pass. It's just for FL residents and I believe weekends are blocked out. So they could have bought Lynne, or make Lynne buy herself one of those to accompany them on those educational visits to Disney parks on weekdays.

Also, Jenn, I know you read here--can you somehow clarify the spelling of Lynn/Lynne's name? I really hate to spell people's names incorrectly if at all possible and find myself spelling both ways so I can at least be right half of the time. Thank you!!!
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New video: They made a fucking home vlog about J's "terrible twos" - these absolute assholes. They are determined to exploit and expose every detail about this child. 😡

Oh, and they are making a school space upstairs... I posted about that when they hired Lynn and said they needed to make him a real learning space that doesn't involve him on the floor in the kitchen. 👋 They are keeping up the facade of this being a schooling thing and not a nanny thing.
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A stan commented that it was the most beautiful house on the inside that they had ever seen. This gives you an insight on exactly where these stans are coming from. 🤪 What the hell? It was so tacky - the airbrushed painted doors and the fake stones painted on random walls were ugly. It was less tacky than the sports mansion, I will give it that. 😂
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I literally cannot stand these two nitwits telling their child how he should feel or what he should want. They did it before in the one video of them leaving Magic Kingdom I mentioned about telling him he must be hungry and must be tired, and again in this vlog.

J$ you must be tired from everything you did today - No I'm not tired - You are very Tired Huh - No i'm not tired - oh okay.

Just because you can eat and sleep the day away doesn't mean your prop has to as well.
It's must be so confusing to a young child for the parent to do that "oh you must be so tired after all that" an then the kid starts to think wait is this what tiredness is, when they only feel a tiny bit tired or to be like "you must be hungry" an feed them when they don't want it an then they start to get confused over what being hungry means because they are listening to a parent tell them that they must be feeling these things when they are STILL learning what they mean an then what the kid thinks they mean starts to become confusing as the parent is doing this crap to them

Like don't force feelings on them, let them work out their feelings themselves an THEN explain what's going on when they show them so they get a understanding, if the child is clearly tried an getting fussy THEN you ask them if they are tired because they are showing they are
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You know if jennydipshit did have another kid an it was a girl I think I'd feel even more sorry for the girl than I do J, an I already feel bad for how they treat him as a prop for entertainment views an creepy ass stans

But I feel like she would force all this "girly" stuff on the kid wither the kid wanted it or not an the kid would be more mistreated than J with not having a say or any power to what they wanted

People seem to think that having a girl suddenly means they can have pink dresses an do their hair an make up an take them for getting nails done etc, and while yes some girls will put up with it some also don't, I could not stand dresses or shopping an still cannot stand to go shopping, nor am I intrested in getting nails done or the latest fashions or the latest make up trends, I had numerous arguments growing up with my mum as she expected all this from me cause I was a girl so therefore should enjoy makeup, shopping, dresses an nails etc and many times she was told to go fk off an go take my female cousins if she was that desperate

I feel like if they were to have a girl jennydipshit would also expect all this girly stuff an become incredible angry if the kid isn't intrested that she didn't get the "disney Princess" she wanted, they already seem put off because J hasn't turned into the thrill seeker they expected him to be, it would only be worse if the second one didn't turn out to be what they expect it to be
SO SO SO true!! I would never force a particular activity on my child based on their gender. For example, my son LOVES being in Sephora with me. They used to have this machine where you could virtually try on lipstick and eyeshadow and he always had a ball taking pictures and trying on colors with me. Also, the employees LOVEEE to play with him while we are there. He loves going over to the Dyson section and “blowing his hair”🤣🤣🤣

So it’s a happy mix of things he likes to do…save lizards, play in mud, and try on lipstick🤣🤣
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I have only seen Nate and the Trackers do the theme houses. I don't watch Dev, but someone said he did them before? Just seems like copying when he put his out first every time.

They also made a point to say they were the first guests and hadn't seen it before, but Tim knew where hidden buttons were located. 😂
I don’t think Paging Mr.FlopSweat actually stayed in the house. He just deposited his sweat and odor (kind of like Greaseball The Clown) into every room and left.

Jenn is becoming the female version of PMM except slightly less sweaty and red. Laughing at every goddamned thing for NO REASON

I have so many questions. So does she live with them? Their actual house isn’t that big? How do they have sex? Do they wander around their house in pajamas? Does she wander around in her pajamas? If you want to have a private conversation how do you do that with some stranger living with you? Does she make meals for them or just Jack$son? Wouldn’t Jenn feel weird having another woman living in her house bonding with her child? Is it a sister-wife situation? What do they do when Tim is out? That would be weird. I just don’t get it. I mean I understand the nanny thing in like a 25,000+ sq ft home cause you can have privacy, but just a regular house is too close. Do they pay for her food when they are out? Doesn’t it feel weird going out to eat with another person with you that you pay? Why don’t they ever show her? I mean they told everyone about her. Although there’s a tax deduction for having a live in nanny so maybe that’s why. I mean it’s weird. The whole thing is weird.
I would like to answer this question before I need to go pour bleach into my brain

Step 1: run to the store and grab yourself a can of Vienna Sausages

Step 2: Return home and throw a single sausage down your widest hallway one at a time until you’ve run out

Step 3: Shout “HOLY MACARONI” and run crying to the commode
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The message is time is valuable, don't waste it.
Good point. Which means TTT channel is doomed. They don’t understand time zones or being on time. They have to stay at an attached hotel for flights from an airport 12 minutes from their neighborhood 😂

Each video shouldn’t be 45 minutes of stuffing your face and shopping. That’s not a value-added video in 2022. Sure the crazies eat it up but new followers aren’t coming in anymore. Truly #homemovies and this ride will end one day.
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In the latest video they talk about what room the nanny stayed in and her review of the bed.
She needs to get out whilst she can. The butt fucks have learned nothing. Exploitative of everyone who has the misfortune to end up in their lives. This will end in disaster.
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Yeah, I think like with so much of what they do, they say one thing (again, mostly Jenn does this) and then their actions / behavior tell a whole different story.

Either way, the stans twist themselves into pretzels trying to make excuses for them. When we all know even the most delusional stan HAS to have a part of their brain (even if a tiny tiny portion) wondering what the fuck these two assholes need a helper with them to go to Magic Kingdom when they just go on rides and eat anyways. Not like the lady is taking J. off to ride rides while these two "professional vloggers" go give us a tour of some new area. She's with them the entire time! I swear... what fuckups they're becoming when it comes to raising that miracle child.
He shouldn't even be at the parks imo if she were there to be a tutor for J then why are they using all that time where she's supposed to be teaching him at the parks? If I was paying money for my child to be educated I'd be making sure that's exactly what was happening, I wouldn't be using all that time up to force the person into being a babysitter to trail around at my ass to look after my child while I went off to rides, the stans are constantly trying to say "but people get help when they are working" which fair enough so WHY is he at the park, if the parks are work for you then it doesn't make sense to still bring a kid along when you have the nanny that's supposed to be educating him, that's like me getting a babysitter for my kid cause am at work then STILL bringing the kid with me to work, what the hell is the point in the nanny then if the kids still gonna be there, there's 0 excuse for them not being able to leave the kid who's supposed to be at home daycare an going off to "work" at the parks, J at this stage probably couldn't care less now with theme parks so it's not like he's gonna be throwing tantrums at missing them, they could take him at weekends an make the week his "in home daycare" they insisted they were doing
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Where the fuck has this stan been? Jenn's EVERYWHERE.

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Also - some interesting banter here; the last one sure to be deleted soon. I wonder if the stans will say that Tim and Jen are WoRKinG and that's why she's there to hELp them while they WoRK. Oh wait, wasn't Lynn(e) supposed to stay home with J. so they can go on "day dates" ...errr... I mean wORk without him being there? Yeah. Confusing isn't it, stans? For any of you lurking, not sure how you're still buying this crap they spew. :rolleyes:

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Yes!! Lurkers, we know you are here. It's OK to admit that you don't understand or agree with what they do. Nothing is wrong with that. You can still enjoy vlogging and the parks and wonder why two grown adults can't handle one easy-going kid while they film themselves eating and going on one ride. 🙂

I am actually surprised they are bringing her to the parks with J. I would think they wouldn't want people getting photos of her and SHE wouldn't want to be in random photos people might take of her with them. I also think they might be using her as a photographer when stans ask them for photos. 🙄
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I really would be concerned about her at this point, if I were Tim. The only time she appears to care about her appearance (and not only that, but looking clean) is for live "shows" and she acts like they are for her to talk to her adoring stans. This is just bizarre.
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