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You got a Chicago dog. Which underneath the pickle, etc. Is still a hot dog (my Chicago family is going to kill me for being a snark on that one).

In DC area you have the Half Smoke (which is (sorry DC people), just a fatter version of a hot dog and does taste a little different, but still a hot dog).

You have a brat, which some people treat as a hot dog.

Those red hot dogs you get in the NE part of the US.

Then you get vegan dog.

End of the day, it is something with meat (well except for the vegan dog) in tube form, in a bun with toppings (unless you have it plain).

Did I miss anything?
You're review is more thorough than Dims could ever be

Followed by, he wouldn't try that many because of something he didn't like 😂 (the infamous mustard dog at Halloween horror nights)
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How long until the stans claim that the nanny is a tax deduction?
Don't you know ole Tim has that worked out? I can hear his accountant now laughing- I know ours would be saying "What the hell are you trying to pull!".. I forgot, attempted to watch that video, nope wasn't worth my time but it will put a sparkle in FRE's eyes... bring it on!
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The Tim Tracker #55: Last of the big tim spenders- packed a lunch to save money LOL

They're missing all that sodium and oils. Theme park fare is not DUHlicious Jenn, it's addictive, temporarily filling and not much more. There's a huge difference. Recognizing that difference is the first step to breaking the cycle.

So sorry that happened to you. No one deserves verbal or physical abuse. I hope you heal in time.
You are too sweet- it was years ago and I learned to forgive but will never forget. It took years to heal but by golly I did and have never been happier.. He's dead and I hope they buried him upside down.
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They filmed the universal one the day they did their 3:00 live and Tim was adamant they had to be done by 4 to “make dinner” so we can assume the nanny was leaving at 4 since they had to be done by then.
Or maybe he has them on a tight schedule?
Gin could have kept talking and talking. Dim was very tight on the time frames.
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VIP Member
Just throwing this out there....
Main Street Moments has taken down the community post about doing “are the Trackashians unrelatable?” as their next podcast.

Either Tim got to them (they are so pro Trackashian ~ might be acquaintances)
The response was so negative they didn’t want to touch this hot potato.
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If anyone sees them, just chuck some bread on the roof, we used to do that as kids when we went on holiday, we only ever had caravan holidays a few miles from home cause we couldn't afford other holidays, we would sneakly throw some bread on the roofs of them an I swear at 6am it must have been like people running over the roofs with the noise the birds made 😂😂

I'd love to see gin being woken at 6am with birds creating hell on the roof 😂
How funny!! At the Fort, the ground keepers are good at leaf blowing like at 8'ish or a little earlier- scared the be-jeepers out of me one morning when sleeping in. I mean leaf blowing all around the cabin and on the deck. :geek:
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He's called Charlie but his channel is penguinz0 an I think he also goes by moist critical but that might be his gaming one

He's VERY forward with his views an makes such exellent points about a lot of things, he's also one of the few that makes it clear he's a vlogger an not your friend so don't expect him to be friends with you, he doesn't sugarcoat anything, apart from his gaming side he's mostly just someone who reviews other vloggers or videos etc
We could use someone with that same fire and reasoning he has up in Washington lobbying to protect these kids. I'm not saying no one can take and share home videos of their kids, that's fine... don't profit off the videos with your kids featured in them. (Maybe remove that story about him when he was 8, that added no value and was just a distraction.)

If you're a professional youtuber, or "influencer" (God I hate that term, as they should influence no one) then your child/ren should not be on your videos at all other than a glimpse here or there. The focus is on you, not the kid.

With them, 8:30 could be a 3rd dinner. I was told not to eat a lot after like 7 because your body can’t digest it fast enough, therefore all of the bad stuff just settles in the wrong places while you sleep. I’m not a nutritionist, so I have idea if that’s valid or not, but if it is, these 2 are in trouble with their late dinners and even later desserts. And who knows how much snacking Jenny5Dinners does after Tim goes to bed while she deletes comments til 3 in the morning.
Jenn doesn't go to bed until 2am, so that means 8:30 is like most folk's 5:30.
Due to working with shifted time zones, I'm the same.
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The Trackers always talk about how much they hated their one experience at Ohana. They complain that they felt rushed when they asked for more food. Must have been good food if they asked for more 🤷‍♀️. The starter portions aren't exactly small.
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Live show is at 3pm EST tomorrow. They really do not care about anyone but themseleves and their convenience. What kind of engagement are you getting from going live at 3 on a Wednesday?

I work from home still, along with lots of other people. On saying that, I get off work at 3pm and I have other things to do before I settle down for the night (take dog out, start thinking about dinner, etc). So if I do listen to the live it won't be until the next day or later in the evening, like 7pm.

Maybe they are counting on people like me who do work from home to listen in while working (barring if they are not on a work related call)?

But yeah, I totally get it. Not everyone who works from home is going to want to listen to a live stream during work hours.
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I guess this will make ya'll look at me different and put me in a lower class (and please don't spread rumors) but when we stay at Ft. Wilderness we actually buy stuff from our local Publix and here it is, we stop at the Publix in Windermere and get frozen stuff... I know I know, why oh why are we sensible? I don't know, breaks my poor heart to think we don't throw our money out the window... boo hoo hoo And when you speak of me, speak kindly... :cry:
I wish we had a publix or H.e.b..... we have winco tho. I'm more excited on saving money than spending money.

I guess we aren't qualified to watch grinfters spend money
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VIP Member
With them, 8:30 could be a 3rd dinner. I was told not to eat a lot after like 7 because your body can’t digest it fast enough, therefore all of the bad stuff just settles in the wrong places while you sleep. I’m not a nutritionist, so I have idea if that’s valid or not, but if it is, these 2 are in trouble with their late dinners and even later desserts. And who knows how much snacking Jenny5Dinners does after Tim goes to bed while she deletes comments til 3 in the morning.
The not eating Disney as a family is weird! They make those stupid boxed meals while J$ gets some sort of frozen shit. Why can’t they grill some chicken & cook some sides? It’s not hard. And yes fasting is good for you- I use to only eat in an 8 hr period. It helps reset your blood sugar & reduces bloating. They could eat dinner with J$ at 5:30 & still have a snack at 7/8.
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VIP Member
3PM seems like an awfully odd time to go live when they don’t have actual jobs during the day and most of their viewers are young people still in school that will not be available. Unless the point is to have less people in the live, therefore less questions to dodge? It’s exhausting trying to figure them out.
Is it J$ nap time by any chance??!!
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