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I know people richer than these two will ever be, and they still don’t spend money on first class or car services or massages or ugly Mickey button-down shirts for grown men. But those people actually got rich through smarts and hard work.

But that’s the difference between legit rich people and nouveau riche trash like these two.
Yep! These two are new money and have no clue how to handle it properly. They are in such a privileged position and are going to squander it all.

They have another "advice" vlog up about aulani, like how are you ever going get advice from these clowns, I could just imagine them stuttering over if someone asked them how to do it on a budget lol they wouldn't have a clue how to answer
I have no desire to watch that. NONE. But hey, can someone tell us all the good stuff? 😛
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I wonder if the nanny signed her life away with NDAs to get this job.
She may be a part of an agency which would already have such things in place. It however does not stop a nanny from reporting any kind of perceived abuse on the child, which she should have been trained to look out for if just to protect herself and her agency.

Not saying Tim and Jenn abuse the kid, I'm saying an NDA is not a zipper on her mouth.
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I'm still not over their selective outrage on the cost of items. Sure, a $100 track suit may seem expensive for a theme park souvenir, but it's 1% of the cost of three one-time-use plane tickets they didn't feel was outrageous to spend on. Same goes for all of their whinging on the cost of park food. Snippysnaps said it best when it's only expensive if they don't like it.
it is also less than the cost of one Disney spirit Jersey 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
meanwhile the all ears crew has thankfully moved on to the DJI Osmo 2s which are much less obtrusive and provide far better quality video with the built in gimbal, but yeah Dim more lenses should help the vertigo causing vlogging. Idiot.
That’s what we have. We also have a mobile as well. We don’t vlog, just hate shakey video. I edit together our photos and videos every year. Image stabilization isn’t for correcting wild camera movements. Especially when Jenn has the camera. But he thinks he looks more professional with a bigger camera.
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Hmmm, might be a vacation for Dawn away from Will. J$ wouldn't even notice his egg donor is gone. Dawn seems to be a cleaning fanatic. Win on the Slacker side for Dimmy.
Will and Gin would fight over who gets to talk more. Too much walking and not a nice enough house for her. Plenty of eating out but no seafood. But she never gets seafood, right?
Maybe Will could help them out and father $2 for them. Euchhhhhhh 🤮🤮
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So, is $3500 a normal price to fly across the US round trip in first class? I near about spit out my drink when they said the price per person.
Many places in the USA to Hawaii, yes $3,500’is about average for that route. New York nonstop on United averages 3-4K a person. If you take delta one (large planes through Atlanta or Minneapolis) it’s similar, same with AA Flagship business though Dallas or Chicago. I have seen Delta 1 and Flagship AA for as low as 2,100 though.

Cheapest way in first is typically City A to California to Hawaii. That’s usually 2-3K because you don’t have the lay flat seat on an international configured plane.
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I wish we had a publix or H.e.b..... we have winco tho. I'm more excited on saving money than spending money.

I guess we aren't qualified to watch grinfters spend money
I heard that!!! I know how it lowers our standards stopping in Windermere but we can't help ourselves- I mean, sensibly speaking, the frozen food would thaw out if not in our Yeti, LOL .. there I can being sensible again, hahahahahaha .... and the trackashians literally have $$$$$$ falling out their ass pockets, rectum they can't help themselves either...

All that, plus

... the circles under his eyes. Allergies? Cold? or other?
... and the state of that "office"
... and if they plan on writing off all their personal vacations as business expenses.
Thank you @love the kitz for adding to that list!
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LOL. In Chicago, my peeps would kill me for liking Ketchup on my dog. Mustard is the way to go. So TTT would hate going to Chicago then. If you do ask for Ketchup they will F with you about it (trust me). So as FRE would say, "Prepare your buttchecks." 😅
We've been to Chicago and that ketchup rule was the first thing i learned in my research prior to going! I told my husband immediately so he wouldn't be embarrassed or shamed 😂

I'm sure Dim would complain 🤣
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Granted my youngest child is 10 so it’s been a hot minute since I’ve had nap routine as a part of my life…but if they are scheduling the live for when he is napping why would they pick 3? I would assume a 2 year old would have one nap smack in the middle like 12-2? If he is napping from 3-4 or 3-5 and then they put him to bed at 7? So confused. Maybe I misunderstood and they chose 3 as that is when he would be awake because nothing is more fun than watching them struggle to try and restrain an active toddler while spewing dumb shit and misinformation. I’m sure he loves that quality time himself. 🙄
Pretty sure they had a babysitter. One of their fans posted a photo with just the two of them at Universal in those clothes.
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A question for long time TTT viewers.

Did the Trashcashians travel this much pre-Jackson? When it was just the two of them.

I know they did Tokyo DL, DL, Universal Hollywood and Dollywood.

But traveling to the extent of their August 2020 to present vacations?

And don’t forget the 3 Disney cruises
• Wish
• 7 night Fantasy
• Double dip Castaway Cay Fantasy
• Plus the Galactic Starcruiser

Theories as to why they needed to be in a local hotel instead of staying home and doing day trip activities starting August 2020?
(Being douchebags is a given)
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The Trackers always talk about how much they hated their one experience at Ohana. They complain that they felt rushed when they asked for more food. Must have been good food if they asked for more 🤷‍♀️. The starter portions aren't exactly small.
To be fair, when we went to Disney I busted my ass to get an Ohana reservation and found it be shockingly mediocre. The food was lukewarm at best, the meat was over cooked, and instead of gradually bringing out courses, they dumped it all at once on our table and basically ghosted.

It was also clear they were trying to move mad tables because they rushed us out of there very quickly.

Overall a very meh experience.
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Or just say... hey guys we'll be gone for a week. See you then with some exciting content. Why promise if you cant deliver?
It's probably to drive up comments about where they are an to keep the focus on them, if they told people they would be gone a week an no videos would be up then people would just quieten off, they fan pages would probably die then cause unless the stans are kissing their ass or worrying about why there isn't a video then what really is there to talk about, they aren't worthy enough for anything else, but why lie to the stans saying they won't leave them in the dark then literally do that weeks later again
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They can’t afford a second place in Hawaii. No way. They obviously make more money on YT than they should considering their shit content but not enough to pay for a second home in HI.
Look at ATW. He had two places and his content got boring twice as fast. CA is such a big state and he limited himself to LA/Orange County. No San Diego. No going into Tajuana. No going into Nevada, etc.

TTT limits themselves when in Orlando to the middle of FL when the do leave Orlando. So going to HI, while great as a tourist, when I was in the Navy and talked with people who where stationed there. While great at 1st. It got old real quick as you get "Island Fever." Plus with the cost of most food barring the few stuff grown or raised on the Islands and Gas. Very expensive.

Websites eventually move on, it's the nature, sure some might last longer than others but eventually somthing else comes along, bebo was the first, everyone had a bebo an it was the hottest thing, they MySpace come out an suddenly bebo was old news, then Facebook come to make old news of MySpace, while Facebook is lasting its because they have tried to branch out to save themselves with Instagram, messanger, if not for those then people would move on, everyone had Snapchat at one point as well an now it's never mentioned

Even other sites get over taking, at one point everyone used ask jeeves, now kids wouldn't event know what that is cause we all use Google

Give it a few years an tictoc, Instagram, Pinterest etc may fade away, maybe somthing else will overtake in popularity or maybe people will grow bored, YouTube is no exception to this, right now it's about the only one of its kind an has now started to branch out with its new YT shorts

The Internet is like what almost 40 years old, an look at the amount of fades it's had that have all come an went

I totally agree with you that people eventually grow bored of things, all it takes is one new thing to come out that people start to show interest in an then suddenly the old sites are no longer interesting

Very true. Other than The Simpsons and Family Guy and CBS Sunday Morning (and SNL and a couple others I am missing, which I don't watch). Most shows have a life expectancy of 10 or so years. So if you view Vloggers as a TV show. The changes of TTT (or ATW or Carpetbagger, etc) being around in 10/15 more years is probably not good. At least Carpetbagger can go back to being a Social Worker. ATW and TTT (and Jen) will have more of a difficult time with things.
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I’m so glad he commented on the people watching and how sad and twisted/intertwined the lives of viewer and viewed become. Ugh. And pointed out how it’s exploitation of bad situations for kids for money.
Yup, Parasocial relationships are a creepy ass phenomena. Now, it's encouraged for monetary gain. It's only a matter of time before something awful happens.
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They said they were "sooo excited for 2022" so many times, they actually sounded super desperate. Like, we all want 2022 (or any year) to be amazing and have things to be excited about it. But they act like if they say they're soooo excited at least 50 times, somehow it'll manifest positive change in their lives without them doing anything of substance to improve their oh-so-fabulous life.

They also said they had a great 2021. Well, of course they did, on the outside. On the inside, they're still soulless and empty no matter how much money they spend.

Also, their attitude was just... off-putting. I just think of everything most of the rest of the world has suffered through these last two years. On the worst end of things. millions of people died. In the US alone, almost 900,000 and counting. So many people lost their jobs. Many of us were lucky to keep our jobs, and a lot of us were even luckier to be able to WFH, but even that came with its own levels of burnout and challenges. I feel like nothing was learned by this family. They spent more, they ate more, they wasted more, they fake laughed more, thank goodness they had such a faaaabulous year! And you can tell they're delusional/in denial/living in their own world because they've made all these plans (well, only some are set in easily chiseled stone), when, if anyone should have learned anything from these past 2 years, is that things are still unpredictable even when you think we're back in the clear. I guess I just find toxic positivity (especially centered around new year expectations) to be as obnoxious as constant negativity.

Regarding Ginn's mania - damn, she loves being an adult child. I think about my cats when I leave the house for the day more than she thinks about her child. She can't even try to tone it down, that's how much she's filled to the brim with glee.
Spot on.
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I fast forwarded closer to the end, in time to hear them sound shocked and surprised about this track suit set being $100. They're SOOOOO inconsistent with what they pretend is too expensive. Who falls for that? You spent $10000 on plane tickets, but you want to complain about 2 clothing items that total $100. Dear lord.
Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 12.55.37 PM.png

Also, holy shit Ginn, your hair is so greasy, it looks wet.
Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 1.01.35 PM.png

They are shocked at a $100 sweatsuit, but just dropped $1,000 on junk from Aulani...really?
Haha, jinx!
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