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She is out of breath walking up the stairs around 8:40... FFS these people are pathetic

and lets call this what it is... Pure Flexing hiring a professional organizer because this dumbass bitch is fucking lazy
I heard that! She literally moved art up one flight of steps! She is so out of shape. Can you imagine her chasing after J$? It’s sad really.
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Oh man he’s a literal trip. He’s sassy and snippy just like me. Sometimes quite a handful but I am proud to say, I don’t think he’ll be a pushover. He doesn’t take any shit 🤣

it’s actually a struggle to find good ripped jeans that aren’t too “hole-y” 🤣. Too many holes and they aren’t forgiving. Omg the bike short phase. Id be happy to never see her wear a pair of those ever again
I have a kid just like him. Be prepared for an exhausting stretch of years later, too. 😅 But yep, they will grow up to be tough as nails and won't take any shit from anyone. Love it. 😍

I am really hoping J is like that as a teen one day. Jenn doesn't even know what is going to hit later, if so. 🤣
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Well, he won't get the chance to do that, as it's down for refurbishment still.
Bummer, that's my favorite ride. He might still mention it even though he won't get to go on it. "Aww, gee golly whiz aw shucks, it's down BUT did you know that it's better than the one at Magic Kingdom? Did you know it's the WILDEST ride in the wilderness?"
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That's why, if I was a person who had gone/was going through fertility issues, I'd have long sense stopped being a fan.
She literally filmed herself doing things that even some healthy pregnancies wouldn't do.
As many have speculated here, especially by the end, she was done and willing to let the chips fall where they may.
It's also why I'm pretty sure she lied about being infertile.
I honestly feel bad for any fans that do have problems or did have problems seeing just how careless she treated it all, I haven't tried for kids so I don't know what I'll be like but even I know myself just how careful I need to be an how much I'll need to look after everything from what I do to my diet, even if I do turn out to be fine I still want to go to that effort of being careful, some part of me wonders if she would actually thrive under the fuss if she lost one an she doesn't actually care about looking after herself
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If Tim and Jenn want to burn through their money as fast as it comes in, that's on them. They can hire all the people they want to clean house, take care of their kid, whatever. They can buy horrible pieces of clothing... no skin off me.

They can make the decision to leave their miracle child home alone in a house filled with strangers, telling the baby sitter she has to watch not only their child, but the strangers too. It's excessively odd, and I'd have something to say about if I were the sitter, but whatever, not my life.

It's when they whine about their own piss poor behavior and video advice blaming "the unwell three" or another vlogger for their own demise, that's where I stick the masking tape line down. Lack of responsibility within your own household is one thing, extend it to the general public and make money off it? No.

A note aside from all that: it seems Jenn and Tim are quite comfortable with strangers in their house now. Have to wonder what other services will be arriving.
You win the internet today, bravo😉
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Yeah, I think they are fishing for it. The owner sees they have "63K views" a day later. She knows they have a channel and found it and commented. I can see her offering services for advertisement in the future (whether T and J are good at it or not).
hopefully she just commented to try and grab some Stan business.
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Was pondering last night watching the sad vlog...I started thinking if they have converted Jackpot's crib into a toddler bed. 🤔
I know both of our kids went to a toddler bed before age 2. Me thinks they don't want to change their routine or the room to accommodate this. What's worse is when they finally do I'm sure they will lock him in until morning as to not change their routine.
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Genie and Genie+ already looks to be a dumpster fire.

Lots of bugs, the app crashing left and right, conflicting information, and the terms and conditions and legal information part is a copy paste ipsum lorum spiel.
It’s going to be big news dump day as all these outlets start to test it. Touring Plans has multiple people staying on site & off. I’m sure the DIS & WDWNT does too.
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Sorry - new to Tim Tracker & Co. Is there a wiki? 👀
No but there probably needs to be one. Problem is a lot of things discussed either are hard to totally confirm (the whole media access thing for example) or seem to be in a gray area like discussing Jenn's sister.
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Just wondering thoughts on this...

You think Jenn had Tim take her out during the organizing not only because she was anxious about it, but she was feeling uncomfortable having a bunch of women in their home (they said 5 people came), who were probably her age and younger AND who were diligently working through their piles of junk, and good at doing so quickly? So she goes to get her hair done and Target and keeps him away until they are done?? 😅 It was weird how she kept speaking as if she (Jenn) was the one who did all the talking to the organizer and all the discussions, and Tim was some bystander. He seemed super awkward to me throughout the vlog.
Good point. This might explain the Non-existent change of hair color
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So Hot Chick Eats Poop is still up on their channel but has comments turned off.

T&J why don't you hire an intern to go through your videos and then remove the questionable stuff? Or are your egos too fragile for that?
Serious question, since I'm still learning about how the "business" side of how YT works. Never posted a video to YT and probably never will, just watch them. Anyway, why would you turn off comments but not delete the video? Because there were so many negative comments? How can you tell if a video is monetized? Is it only when an ad pops up before or during a video? Or can a video still make money without any ads? I did notice there wasn't an ad associated with this video (at least at the beginning, I didn't actually watch the video, the title was enough of a deterrent).
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I know others here feel differently about their house, but every time I think back on it all I can see are shipping containers pushed together. That's the outside. On the inside it's pretty much just stuff tossed where ever with no thought to overall style or a plan.

Kind of like that pool they absolutely had to have. How many times did they clean and use it over the last year? No thought, just there. The pool however presents itself as a potential danger to their son, even with a gate all it takes is someone to go in there and leave it ajar. Either maintain it & use it or drain it.
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