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VIP Member
So covid or not why I the hell would an Orlando based theme park vlogger plan a trip to Cali at the start of the 50rh anniversary? I get they may not be on the media list but they can still make reservations and go like the rest of the common people. Did they not plan ahead, hoped they would be magically put on the media list or think that a "friend" would help them 😉?
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OMG. The inaccuracies these stans toss around.

best at keeping us current? 🤣
extra day to quarantine? 🤣

Oh - and stans - he wasn't on the SW flight. Can't wait until the stans find out.
And he was never was off of BG's media.

I swear, these fucking morons....

Kudos to Dana, however!

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New member
Check Walmart or Sam's Club online, or CVS .com to check all stores near you. They are sold out in a lot of places. Walmart and Sam's had them $10 cheaper than CVS. They come in a kit of 2 tests. Nasal swab, 1 inch into your nostril, both nostrils swabbed. There is a liquid dropper you drop 6 drops into the hole in the test then slide the swab into the cardboard and over the hole, then shut and seal the cardboard and wait 15 min. Ours came up positive within 10 seconds when we had symptoms early on (we had pcr's a day later for my child and 2 days later for me, and they came back 24-48 hours later as positive as well). I took another a week after my first positive at-home test and it was super faint positive, I could barely see it -- like Jenn. This is why it makes me wonder about her story. I feel like it's possible she was infected and didn't test till the end of it.

I highly recommend everyone get the at-home tests. They work! Yes, they can show false NEGATIVES if you are testing too early, but the positives are pretty much spot on. Our pediatrician offices uses the same tests prior to a pcr and they told me they are accurate. I wish our government was providing these to people to test and offering them for cheap. You know they probably take a dollar to make and they are charging $24 a box of 2 at CVS. We could all be testing before big events, for school, for travel. Yes, we may miss some early positives, but generally it would be a huge help.
I've taken these tests, too, and they clearly state that ANY line - no matter how faint is a positive. Did they even READ the instructions?? I'm surprised they didn't hear me all the way to FL shouting at my tv when Jenn kept saying it was faint so she didn't have it. I wanted to smack her. ...also doesn't add up when they talk about Tim's being faint as he was getting better, but STILL POSITIVE!!! SMH
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Anything for engagement.

Also this man has/had Covid VERY recently. I find it fairly suspect that his isolation magically ended the day of this event. And we know he was still showing symptoms in vlogs 1-2 days ago.

Gross. He and JennyFaintLines could be their own case study in a virology course.
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What a coincidence the Slackers got pretend Covid just in time to not be able to go on the vlogger plane ride they weren’t invited on.
What's sad is that we have to think this way because they've forced us to do so, huh?

Kinda happens that way, Jenn, when you lie all the time and make drama up where there isn't any.
Then, when something REALLY happens to you, no one believes your ass.
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It kind of surprises me when people say they put on weight at Disney. There's so much walking, I always drop a pant size and am hiking up the waist as I head home. (I love it, I need it :) )

With all the walking Tim does combined with his height either the weight he carries indicates that he's either a very efficient walker (LOL) or he's packing in about 6000 calories a day. How does anyone eat like that?
Yeah, but that's the difference between a tourist and a local. A local / vlogger only goes for a few hours (often 3-5 tops) and walks at a leisurely pace w/ lots of stops. Not enough to burn through all the food they eat. A tourist likely goes from open to close (or has a much much lengthier day in comparison) and is constantly actively moving and gets in a higher number of steps overall.
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VIP Member

She didn't realize the steps included the measurements for both the 2 and 4 portion meals.


The regular instructions include the 2 portion measurements, inside the parenthesis you will get the 4 portion measurements.

Does she not know basic cooking instructions anyway? Rice is usually always a 1 to 1 ratio of rice to water.
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I still need to catch up on about 7 pages here, but need to say a few things before I get further distracted. I’m here for the 50th, apologies for no pics, my phone is older and just not holding a charge. Cool stuff starting to ramp up… and yet Disney world is still a side step off from the norm. Here’s a few things these vloggers will not tell you:

  • The resort bus system is mucked up. They’re down buses or drivers, maybe both. Got on one bus to take me from my resort to AK that was clearly a reclaimed Magical Express bus. had another that the driver was normally a tour host driver and gave us the back street tour over to DHS. Super nice guy but he was not cut out for getting people anywhere fast. Will keep note of how bad this gets with the uptick in guests here, and I suspect it will.
  • there are parents everywhere in all the parks training their kids to pose for Instagram pics. Some ridiculous behavior on the parents’ parts here.
  • Vloggers are everywhere. I couldn’t even stand on my room balcony without some dude and his camera panning up to it. Knew he was a blogger by the bag, the gimbal and he was not talking to the camera.
  • Im on a hunt for one pin that is for the 5oth, but it seems the resellers are descending with their families on the counters as soon as they open and buying them out. According to three cast members I spoke with, the vloggers are a part of this buy out problem. Although we know Tim isn’t since he’ll never get to rope drop. There is a limit of 2 items per person, which I think is still 1 too many, and there is nothing to stop them from getting back in line.
  • cast members are currently not allowed any discounts, but AP holders get 20% off. Doesn’t sound fair.
  • The vloggers are obnoxious, but the live streamers are LOUD & obnoxious. Saw Nick (don’t know his channel) and he was yelling at the phone.
I will absolutely echo the second statement. Tim and Jenn aren’t the only asshole parents who constantly exploit their children. You know the video of the little “gentleman” tipping his hat at the princesses?? That’s because his mother is a psychotic bimbo who is grooming him and whoring him out all over social media. It’s gross
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Part of me wonders if her biological clock didn't kick in. My friend's daughter hated children and never wanted any. In her second marriage she decided at the age of 35 she wanted a baby before she got too old. Her marriage ended because her husband married her because he didn't want children either. Long story short, after their divorce she had a brief relationship and was able to get that baby she wanted and she was about 38 at the time. My friend's daughter never regretted having her baby but I'm not convinced Jenn hasn't regretted her decision to have a child. She really seemed to enjoy turning that clock back to pre-baby days at HHN.
I thought that too but im convinced Jenn is dead inside and has no soul or biological clock. She’s an awful mother and has shown zero maternal instinct since conception. I truly think Tim was done and ready to get out and tired of her bullshit
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Chatty Member
Part of me wonders if her biological clock didn't kick in. My friend's daughter hated children and never wanted any. In her second marriage she decided at the age of 35 she wanted a baby before she got too old. Her marriage ended because her husband married her because he didn't want children either. Long story short, after their divorce she had a brief relationship and was able to get that baby she wanted and she was about 38 at the time. My friend's daughter never regretted having her baby but I'm not convinced Jenn hasn't regretted her decision to have a child. She really seemed to enjoy turning that clock back to pre-baby days at HHN.
eh Jenn is a fully selfish person. I doubt it was anything but a way to make sure she was tied with Tim.
there is a clear difference between the "wow it's a childfree night and I needed it, but I'm ready to be back at it" v "I CAN DRINK AND BE WILD AND PRETEND I HAVE NO KID!!!!!!!"
Jenn was clearly the later.
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Do they just not want Jackson to eat vegetables anymore? Or ever again? Maybe growing kids should consume vegetables? (other than potatoes loaded with cheese and butter) Maybe being healthy when your parents have covid would be a good thing? Maybe?

View attachment 783552tView attachment 783553
This looks like one of the most depressing meals ever. I also like how Jennyfaintlines just haphazardly throws some pasta on a paper towel (one less dish to clean, I guess?) for J$.

I don't even like to cook, but even when I babysit my nephews I make sure they've got some balance with their meals. Heck, give him one of those applesauce pouch things or fruit blends. Cut up some strawberries. Give the damn kid some variety. Here's an idea Jennyfaintlines, since money is more important to you: just make a vlog about visiting your local farmer's market where you can 1) pick up some freaking fruit and veggies for the child (and yourselves), and 2) profit from making some smart "I'm a grown adult raising another human being, I should at least maybe google what to feed a toddler since I have no common sense and can't figure it out on my own" decisions!

Plenty of kids grow up getting poor diets but it's usually because they come from working class families where parents find it more affordable to buy processed foods or because both parents are working, they might not have enough time to put together healthy meals. I have a lot more empathy for parents in those situations (I grew up on a lot of tv dinners because both my parents worked FT and my sister and I were latchkey kids, although my mom at least made sure we always had a variety of fruit all cut up and prepared for us in the fridge, which I appreciate). These two have absolutely no excuse. They're not hurting for money and they have SO MUCH TIME if they actually managed their time better. (I'm convinced Jennyfaintlines would utterly fail at any office job - she can't manage her time or multiple projects or priorities if her life depended on it - she has no self-discipline. Not that she could even get herself to work if it means driving - and forget riding a bike or taking public transit, that's for the common people, not her).
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I unsubbed a while ago, so I didn’t realize they went back to “and now it’s time to pay the price”. (I always fucking hated that line.) Guess it’s no longer time to help.
At least the pay the price tag line is more honest about them wanting money. Karma how they're the ones who've had to pay the price though.

Neither Tim nor Jenn have ever cared about helping out any non-profit, ever. Their goal with that time to help thing was to toss a bandage on a festering wound they created in hopes that the mouse might be duped into thinking "Aw, shucks. They're really good people after all."
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I feel like they are under the impression that "Buddy's First Haircut | First Haircut Experience At Harmony Barbershop" is going to be the next 1 million view video when in all reality, I think it'll be an above average home vlog video.

They're still the top dog (viewership-wise) in Disney vlogging, but all of their other content (and even their Disney content from where it once was) is down.
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