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I hope by getting the stans to email. Works against them.

Lego,Seaworld, Merlin Entertainment and others do you really want these type of people representing your brand ?
Honestly it can work against them to get a permanent BAN from Universal because of all this bad traffic to their accounts.
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I just want to see them have to go out and get real jobs. What employable skills do these two have? A decade of video editing experience and Jenn is still dragging her fingers across a trackpad instead of quick keyboard shortcuts like a professional. How would these two even survive if their YouTube revenue suddenly fell off?
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OMG. Shut the fuck up. :mad:

2 hours ago (edited)
Wow! When I thought you guys couldn’t be any more classy and professional. I am so impressed how you handled the trolls! Continuing to support and promote companies that turned their backs, based on mistakes (which I didn’t think they were as bad as it’s made out to be). You guys are amazing, your family is amazing, you deserve the support of the parks for all y’all do for them! 🙂 your transparency in this live was great, I know you guys prefer to be positive and not share the negative. 🧡
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Imagine actually trying to petition a private company to give some bloggers free stuff........
Hopefully this petition will backfire. Disney and Universal aren't going to want to deal with all this bullshit. So much easier to just keep the Trackers off their media lists.
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The power of 3 will set us free

Come, lazy bastards I'll take thee away...

(yeah OK I'm mixing witchy programs!)
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If we can never get rid of Disney vlogging at this point, I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE if they would ban livestreams with e-begging.

I mean, some of these vloggers are simply walking around theme parks taking video as they walk through - taking videos of unsuspecting guests - potentially ruining experiences for guests by talking loudly over rides - while OPENLY taking $$$$$$$$ from viewers.

How is this OK with the theme parks!?!?
Imagine if when this Petition lands on Disneys door step they just say "Enough is Enough" and decide that they will ban the vlogging cos it's causing too much trouble. :love:

They could easily have a vloggers programme where people could register and be vetted by Disney for quality but also child protection reasons.

Disney could easily claim copyright on these videos and they would all be demonetised and then we'd see who is really doing it for the love of the Mouse. This would then enable normal people/families to continue uploading their vacation videos but would put a stop to all this relentless vlogging.
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I’ve been trying to find a screenshot of the Instagram post she did mocking some guy because he had his shirt pulled up a little bit because he was overheated (does anyone have that by chance) but I came across these. Interesting things for a “travel vlogger“ to say

View attachment 745515View attachment 745516View attachment 745517
“Do your research people” that’s rich coming from her. The extent of the Tracker research is rip off other vloggers videos that are posted about an event first, and still get it wrong.
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I’m trying to understand how somebody who has such terrible anxiety they can’t possibly go to the store or a theme park in the day time, or any number of other things, can suddenly be completely at ease and living her best life at an event like HHN. Dark, crowded, unpredictable, people literally jumping out at you and sneaking up on you. How does that work?
It's because Jenn is a liar. She doesn't have anxiety, she just uses it as an excuse for pitty points.
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I’m going to need to pass the torch. Someone else with IG needs to keep up with Jenn in case she starts deleting her stories (she loves to delete). I have to get our son ready for bed, because I’m an actual mom🤣, and my husband is on his way home and I actually enjoy spending time with him.

don’t let Jenn and her bullshit slip past us! We need to keep tabs
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Wow got busy today and then came in here and had pages to catch up on! This thread is going fast thanks to that idiotic love they did. I was telling my hubby about it and he wanted to see the parts where they blame people and I showed him and he was like wtf they are sick. First Tim says it’s a “group of people”, then Jen says it’s 3 people lol. They can’t even get their lies straight between each other. 🙄
Welcome to all the new people in here😊
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And what is deal the with her having to be driven everywhere? Was she in a bad car accident or something? I've only heard her use the excuse of "anxiety", which she seems to be her excuse for anything doesn't or want like to do. Comes across as just laziness to me. Tim literally has to do everything, while she sits on the couch "editing".
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Remember when Ginn berated someone on Twitter when what they typed was misinterpreted and the person in question apologized and said they were autistic and sometimes have issues getting their point across and Jenn went batshit insane telling the person off and not to play the autistic card.
The negative stories about them, especially Jenn, are just never-ending. I just joined this website yesterday and have been getting caught on up on all the drama. Sadly I'm not surprised by any of it. I knew something was off about them from their videos (only started watching some about a year ago). But I had no idea they had such a historically long pattern of bad behavior.
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Chatty Member
Ok, I’ve thought long and hard before posting this, mainly as I’m pretty sure i’ll be ripped to shreds but here goes………
While I’m all for a bit of gossip and good natured banter, I’m really sad that it has descended into what this has become, trying to destroy the Trackers. Ok, we don’t like them, they have made money from some questionable videos and they don’t get why people are angry. But emailing every company that works with them to try and destroy their livelihood, hoping they get audited by the IRS and the personal comments about how they look is getting a bit much for me. I know I’ve made many mistakes in my life, I also know I’ve put on a shed load of weight while being in lockdown. And I’m finding the glee in this thread that things are going wrong for them really uncomfortable and disturbing. As someone who has suffered from anxiety and depression I can only imagine the stress they must be under right now, especially if they do read here! And that atmosphere is not good for the little guy, yet you constantly say you want the best for him. Doing this to his parents is not the best for him. I was a long time lurker before I decided to join and comment but this level of unkindness is bewildering and upsetting to me. If you don’t like them, just don’t watch! And with that I’ll leave you to it. Take care.
Oh honey. allow me to put this into a visual representation of what the Trackers are doing:

Anyone think JellyBeanJimBob is...Jen? Same initials no??
Nah. She could never come across that calm.
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I read somewhere, maybe in a previous thread, about Jenn bullying someone online (maybe Twitter) over credit for a photo. Does anyone remember what happened with this?
Long story short (and he had the nerve to call this a "SERIOUS" issue - OMG)

Universal saw a pic posted on social media. The pic was originally a pic Tim took. The pic wasn't even that unique or anything. Another girl reposted it. Universal thought it was hers and gave her the photo credit.

Tim (well, probably prompted by Jenn because he has no balls or dick) said he contacted Universal and said "are you sure you got the right photo credit?" (I DON'T BELIEVE THIS...) and then immediately went to fucking Twitter to tell everyone that someone stole his fucking photo.

Rather than being like an ADULT and keep it in-house, they basically sent their stans after the girl.

The stans went after her on social media and she had to close her IG account.
Turns out she was like 15 or 16 or perhaps even younger (and the "steal" wasn't done with malicious intent... OMG)

So they bullied a minor. Over a fucking photo.

And then made a half ass apology about it - Starts around 7:40


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Imagine if when this Petition lands on Disneys door step they just say "Enough is Enough" and decide that they will ban the vlogging cos it's causing too much trouble. :love:

It will be priceless if and when someone from Disney or Universal reads the petition because these are the first two comments that show up.

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