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They clearly were coached but she went off script with that unwell comment.

I think @Devilchild-03 should gather up some other workers with Tracker horror stories and approach either local media or a tabloid journalism type company or website. I understand this leads to risk perhaps just stories from former employees would be better.
I’m still on page 10 but I agree:

I think this whole thing was staged to incite a stan riot. It apparently worked because they are FURIOUS.

JENN: YOU and only YOU are “unwell”. You aren’t a mom, you aren’t a wife, shit you aren’t even a housekeeper. Maybe YOU should do some soul searching and figure out exactly what it is that you bring to the table? It’s very obvious that it’s not a lot. Something that many who wind up here at Tattle seem to share is a serious dislike of YOU! It’s not jealousy because you are overweight, built like a linebacker, and as greasy as the food you shove down your throat. I constantly try to find a redeeming quality that you possess and I struggle. I cannot find a single one. You are singlehandedly destroying not only The Tim Tracker channel but Tim and J’s lives. You need to own up to the fact that YOU ARE UNWELL and that YOU are the problem.
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Fyi Tim still has the “ghetto party” picture and comment up on Twitter. He still hasn’t taken it down, so he’s real sorry. 🙄 Also they keep trying to say “urban party” now when they talk about it, thinking that somehow makes it less bad, but the title of the video was always “ghetto party.”


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Newest vlog -

"I didn't get to go to horror nights in um...what was it...2019...which stinks...because it was like one of the best years."

Oh, that's right. You were heavily pregnant with your miracle child. Sure does stink you couldn't go to HHN. :rolleyes:

She really has a way with words - and priorities, doesn't she?
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Evil Texan

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Man it’s just absolutely insane to me that a small group of us here are the only ones who apparently have eyes and brains to see all this bullshit. It’s literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES. Documented for the entire world/internet to see

they are liars and frauds, honestly all the vloggers are
We're not the only ones. I stumbled across a few forums with threads dedicated to our favorite assholes.

I went online to see if I was the lone person that had a problem with them. That's how I found this site. Then I went looking for others. Jenn is the most hated person online that I have ever seen. It blew me away.
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Im sure im not alone.

But what pisses me off with most of theFlorida bloggers. Is they are lucky enough to be in a location with so much to see and do. Yet most of them go to the same places, Show the same food, have little knowledge of the place they spend the majority of their time and have little to know production value to their videos.

It's like living in the Truman show with some.
I feel like in order to have a successful vlog, you need to actually show things from your perspective, or from a perspective most people don't see. Like, what makes you unique? Not just going to the new thing and doing that, like almost all of them do. I like the World of Micah channel because he does in depth looks at history and filming locations - they aren't always the best, but at least it's a different perspective. Also, AllEars does the challenges, and different ways to show the parks, and the team all seem super knowledgable about the parks and characters, movies, etc.

The Trackers don't do this. It's just "go to this hosted thing, go on a vacation, try the new food that's out (that everyone else did yesterday), watch our kid wander around." I don't relate because I can't go on vacation every week, and wandering around a hotel or eating some thing and going "that's delicious" is boring. At least give me a reason why it's delicious or compare it to something so I know if I'd like it - anything.

Also, if you are on social media all day, you should follow some basic Disney/Universal news accounts, so you don't get a lot of your facts wrong, or can actually answer things (this is aimed at Jenn, in case you couldn't tell).
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I'm just so happy that they once again tried to save themselves and failed so poorly. Certainly gave us a lot to talk about, the last month or so didn't give us much content.
It's just so weird that I'm apparently only talking to like 2 other people. She's so stupid. Just because YOU create multiple accounts Jenn to try to save yourself while still sounding the same, doesn't mean we do it too 😂 every single person here has had their own identity and manner of speaking that you wouldn't think hmmm... maybe so and so are the same person. Ok Ellen
Yeah, no one in the FB fan page is really buying that it was only 3 people. Even the people who still are kinda pro-Tracker. There's several who are saying that they're disappointed because at first the Trackers owned up to it and said that it was their poor decision making and now they're suddenly blaming it on "trolls" and "unwell" people and folks are making the very valid point that DUH - it can't be both at the same time, dumbfuck Trackers.

She sure did.

Then Tim said "we can't tell you to do it, but if you waaaant toooooo..."
The thing is, no one is stopping them from seeing the "Trackers take" on something. They can still go to the parks. At the rate Jenn gets videos up, it's not like they beat everyone with posting first anyways.

They just can't get the free shit right now! THAT is what is really burning them. The free shit, the special access, the #hosted, etc.
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Oh yeah, I totally know! She was the ultimate Twitter bully!

I just cannot believe this. They completely sunk to a new low, IMHO, with that bullshit they pulled yesterday in the live vlog.
And I know that's a lot, given them.
Remember when Ginn berated someone on Twitter when what they typed was misinterpreted and the person in question apologized and said they were autistic and sometimes have issues getting their point across and Jenn went batshit insane telling the person off and not to play the autistic card.
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I watched their stupid live- the minute they got to the 3 people using multiple accounts, I couldn’t wait to come here and high 5 the 3! 🤣
After reading the posts in here, I noticed no one mentioned one thing ….Tim whined that these 3 people have contacted EVERY business they work with! Lol That tells me they have heard from more than the theme parks and Tik tok
I think they started panicking lol
Also, I find it funny that Jen is so easily “EXCITED” - that word is her new “delicious” and I want to puke every time she says it. She mentioned watching so many you tubers and tv shows, plus reading tons of comments online, that I don’t know how she has time to do anything else in her day. Oh wait, lol 😆
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Dim has bought yet another camera $3500 Sony A7sIII. It's funny how whatever camera he buys makes no difference because he always shoots in Auto. He might as well buy a video camera. Dim witt.

Also they are taking food with them for J$ to Universal so do we assume they have a suite with cooking facilities? (For the babysitter)
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That's all she knows.

Contrary to what the stans think, Twitter was a window into the REAL Jenn. Not the edited version on YouTube.
Like I’ve never done character dining at Epcot either, I hate the very idea of it, just leave me the hell alone as I’m eating… but if someone asked me for suggestions for character dining at Epcot, why tell them any of that when instead I could try to be a decent person and help them out by saying go to Garden Grill for fur characters or Akershus for princesses…. But then again I also return shopping carts to the proper location when I’m leaving a store, and I’m assuming Jenn is the type who leaves it in the middle of the parking lot, occupying a space until it crashes into your parked car
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I feel like it should have been a wake up call for the slackers to try and put some type of effort into their vlogs. Their content is boring, the editing is horrible, no one wants to see them stuffing their mouths with food in every video zoomed all the way in on their faces.
There are better content creaters that are WAY MORE deserving at a media pass than the slackers. That’s how life works, out with the old, in with the new. I’m actually proud that Universal and Disney made that choice.
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I can’t bear it when they have to touch everything in the shops. Made me laugh when Tim told off Jackson at DS when he touched a button on the Casey shirt - he is only copying what his mum and dad do ALL OF THE TIME.

So we can expect more fingering of the merch at HHN. Wish they wouldn’t touch food items in particular, it’s so unhygienic. do you ever see them sanitise their hands before eating? They have a hand gel hanging off the stroller - I feel if they were to use it, they would make big deal about it and virtual signal the fact to us all.

In a recent Universal vlog, I counted Tim poking 7 x fudge packets. I wouldn’t want The Tracker Trotters fingering my fudge pack thank you very much.
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So sorry.

They should have handled the entire issue through Universal, not after someone that has little to no influence or power. They’re cruel.
I remember it being Jenn sending out the tweet for them to go “ham on me”. Not that it is surprising for her to do that to anyone not on her side.
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God she’s a moron, so why would these ‘unwell’ people impact their media status if their contacts know they are ‘unwell’? Surely they would just ignore them then?

I’m no longer calling her Jenn or J2D she can henceforth be known as The Anus as so much shit comes out of that hole in that thing she calls a face.

She's said a number of moronic things. One thing that always stuck in my mind, unfortunately I can't remember which video it was but I'm pretty sure it was a home vlog within the last year or so. She thought the word "several" meant exactly seven because it starts with "sev" just like seven does. Bad enough to say something so stupid in front of your husband. but she actually left it in the video for all to see.
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New video up at 11:45PM FL time 😆

Jenn had a busy day realizing they F’ed up with their live.
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She got upset at one of the servers because her drink had too much ice in it and the drink was too watery.

She tried to get a free drink but thank god the liquor license outlaws free alcoholic drinks. She was pissed and the server said if she came back for another they would cut her off.
I hope TMs who encounter stuff like this let managers know who can pass information onto PR/Media TMs.
Part of me wishes behavior like that could be shown to the hundreds of "fans" signing that petition, but then I remember they will probably bend over backwards trying to justify it.
"Haven't we all been a little too drunk?" "Maybe the drink WAS poorly made?" "The TMs really had an attitude so she was right to yell at them" "It was her first night without baby, give her a break"
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OMG they are so gross! They made a choice to bully a teenager, instead of taking the time to get the facts of the situation first. And then Jenn has the nerve to blame it all on "technology is weird". And Jenn with her whiny, nasally, poor-me voice 🤮🤮🤮

Plus, as an adult, wouldn't you simply - and privately - contact Universal first - and ONLY Universal - if it really bothered you that much?

Then, wait for their reply, and take it from there. I wouldn't dream of blasting it on Twitter.

Just came across as so fucking petty.
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