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Love how they are annoyed AF with Jackson while they sit on the floor & go on and on and on about who cares what. Shut the F up & play with him. Or do that when he is asleep! He’s being a kid!
And yeah I wanted to grab 2 dinners arms & hold them down when she manhandled him. Just let him damn eat. Tim was letting him have the tiniest bits of his desserts- fat ass doesn’t like sharing 😡
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Regina Phelange

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Honestly that dress looks like the most uncomfortable thing to wear at a hot theme park especially while carrying around a 1 year old.

i hate videos like today where Jenn is in every single shot and we barely hear from Tim. The last 5 minutes of Jenn’s rambling 🤮

I really hope they take Jackson off the videos or only show him from time to time. I find it creepy that stans are so obsessed with him let alone the sickos out there that can find them at any given point in time..
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You know normal people are supposed to eat every 4-5 hours, right? Even people who are disabled and can do nothing but lay in bed need to eat every few hours? Like it's not normal or healthy to eat breakfast and then not eat until 4 pm.

I get that your issue with them is /what/ they eat, but making fun of how often they eat as if that's not a normal period of time between meals?? Are you ok?
They're not eating like normal people, though. That's the biggest thing. They're eating like 800-1500 calories per meal with normal periods between meals. There's nothing normal or healthy about consuming that many calories per meal regularly.
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I wouldn’t put my daughter on YouTube. I have a private Instagram and FB account (close friends and family only) where I will occasionally share photos with her in them, but that’s all. However, that’s me, and there are literally millions of other parents that do share their children on open social media accounts and thousands upon thousands of family YouTube accounts. I think what the other poster was highlighting is that what the Trackers are doing showing J really isn’t uncommon! If your angry at them, are you angry with millions of others?

We also don’t know that they read here and saw the disturbing comment. Hell if I knew there was a hate thread on a gossip site about me, I certainly wouldn’t go there. They delete any slightly negative comments from their own channel, why would they go looking for more??

I do think they read their sub Reddit and I think their rare post on Instagram yesterday was in reply to the thread questioning what J is getting out of going to theme parks every day. Their Instagram post appeared to me to be in response. Highlighting what a magical day J had had.
Jenn has a history of actively seeking out negative comments, often finding the odd one or 2 in a zillion positive ones. You can bet your ass she's reading this site. Must really bug her that she can't delete these comments.

Jenn you were outraged when people supposedly turned up at your gated home when you announced your pregnancy. Why aren't you concerned enough to protect your son now he is being openly threatened? Are you really that lazy and greedy that you're just going to keep putting him at risk for dollars? I hope you don't end up with cause to regret that choice.
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I’m throwing out my guess now, July 1st staycation at a Magic Kingdom resort. Perfect firework view and Jackprop gets to sleep on time.
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Chatty Member
Not even 1 minute in and I'm already annoyed. Jackson is sad to leave. No Jen. That's you. He's got no concept of sadness associated with leaving a hotel. He just knows that he's being uprooted yet again.

His face looks absolutel miserable. Like he's just over all of this. Made my heart hurt so much.

Timbo did resort tours. How did he no remember that each resort has specific things themed for each resort. They've always had that. Ugh...

Kids meal for Jen, I mean Jackson. So she can eat the pasta salad.

This whole video is just making me mad. There is no constitency to them. Sometimes they will let him feed himself other times they have to feed him. It's confusing me and I'm an adult....
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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: These two are fucking trash. They absolutely do not care about their child. They only care about themselves and money. That’s it. Selfish! Disgustingly selfish!

If they gave even two shits about their kid, his face wouldn’t be on social media or YouTube anymore. They would feed him more for lunch than grapes and a muffin. They’d get his hair cut off camera since it obviously bothers him.

As for the rain, I wonder if they just don’t want to get their camera stuff wet. Again, all about the money.

Fucking Trash Trackers
This is beyond harsh. I would not put my children on a youtube channel, but many people do. I have a student who has over 5 million followers on TikTok and is making a lot of money from it. His parents are allowing him to do all his classes online because they feel he has to strike while the iron is hot. I disagree, but people do what they do for money.

I'm curious. If you hate The Trackers so much, why do you watch their videos and make them more money? Life is too short to get so worked up over people you don't even know.
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Chatty Member
OK, my wife has these new video on. Some thoughts both positive and negative...

1) They at least know their kid well enough that they know he won't tolerate a 60 minute wait for Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway

2) Jenn is looking very heft

3) It's very apparent that Tim and Jenn are fake Disney fans

4) There is no quiet...there is only Doc McStuffins.
Was it just me or did it seem like Jenn was over the top being fake when she kept saying Doc McStuffins was J's faaaaaavorite of all the characters?
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VIP Member
Jesus Timbo is supposed to go to bed at 10, but isn't in bed until midnight, and then he's getting up at 5AM to be a duel parent to Jackpot as Jennbo sleeps until 10AM at the minimum....

She's got Tim wrapped around her finger.
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For me its the still being bad at packing after ten years of vlogging. This has to be a gimmick right? Why not just buy a second bottle of baby shampoo and leave it packed? I don't understand unpacking cheap toiletries every time when you are leaving again in two days? I travel a lot so I have a bag with all I need and just resupply it as needed when I return from a trip. If I ever wish I had something while traveling, like a nail clipper or a type of medicine, it gets added to the bag and stays there. Get a damn tripod and put it in your camera bag. Boom. You will never forget it again. Why are you unprepared after ten years? And if you forget it once, why is it happening again when you are a "professional"?
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Best part was when jackpot smacked her in the back with both hands. Probably should have smacked her in the head.
yeah, that was hilarious. But then I noticed how mad Tim looked and it honestly worried me. He was shooting daggers at Jackson for a solid minute after that. He is starting to be more and more grouchy and short tempered with Jackson. He is not liking it at all that Jackson is letting the veil slip and not keeping up the perfect facade they want to portray. And it just blows my mind that they hold a not even two year old to these “perfect” standards that they themselves can’t meet. Jenn pointed out that Jackson had Oreo on his mouth in this video, just like Tim pointed out the ice cream on his mouth in the Blizzard Beach video. Yeah, he’s 19 months old. That’s going to happen assholes.
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I watched the hand grabbing thing, that seems to be more in line with them wanting to make sure he doesn't pierce his hand on the toothpick. We've had servers set hot food plates down in front of the boy before, and it's uhhh, yeah...not a great experience. I think if she had taken his hands and said something like; “We don’t touch sharp things”, “It’s not polite to grab at food” or something along those lines we’d probably be having a different conversation.
BS it wasn’t about his safety at all it was about him ruining the shot because they are too dumb and lazy to do the initial food intro at a different table. If he was quiet and stayed out of the frame they would let him wave around toothpicks, steak knives, fondue forks…
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Well-known member
How does Tim not know why it is called the "Crystal Palace?" These two are so embarrassing. If your full time job is vlogging about Disney, it wouldn't hurt to do some research about your subject every now and then.
At this point it seems like Magic Kingdom is just a place for them to eat expensive meals.
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The one exchange in today's vlog said it all. They were talking about how they each might want something different and Jenn said they should maybe compromise... Tim said, nah, I would rather you just get what you want. He really wanted meatloaf again and Jenn didn't, so he was basically letting her make chicken instead of speaking up. He finally spoke up. But clearly he just wants to keep Jenn happy and not rock the boat 99% of the time. He said he wanted to go to bed and Jenn said "aww I wanted to watch a little TV" and so they watched TV instead. Then he is up at 5 and she is sleeping in after they stayed up late watching TV for her. Still, nobody is to blame but Tim for giving in to her. If he is tired, it's his own fault.
That's actually pretty sad and not a healthy relationship. :( And WHY on earth is that left in the final edit?
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VIP Member
her apology is classic gaslighting. It never gets old. First the non apology, then placing the blame on the viewer(“well your the one that got offended and I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just my sense of humor”) then followed by the lovebombing . Kind of scary how she keeps her voice high and peppy while she talks.It’s getting easier to see how she lures people to her

it was both of them! Here is the video
Yup, you said it better than I did.

What this shows is that even 8 years back she was acting the same as now. It's nothing she's learned to do due to the channel, it's ingrained in who she is to behave this way toward others.

The day will come that Jackson takes a fall, gets hurt and Jenn blames Jackson saying "See, you shouldn't have done that. Did you learn a lesson?" instead of consoling him. She'll be downright angry with him if he's injured so bad that she has to interrupt something fun, or she's made to look bad.

Watched this old video and read some of the comments. Oh my..........times have certainly changed.

View attachment 640212
K S's reply did not age well. 🤣
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VIP Member
I don’t want anything bad to happen to any of them for any reason. I don’t think any of us have any animosity against them as people we just want them to be better vloggers and not do stupid racist, homophobic crap. Plus if they don’t like people giving them parenting tips that’s another reason to keep the child out of the videos.
Yes you’re right, I’d never wish harm on ANY of them.
I just want them to stop acting so entitled, that’s my main gripe.
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New member
Not even 1 minute in and I'm already annoyed. Jackson is sad to leave. No Jen. That's you. He's got no concept of sadness associated with leaving a hotel. He just knows that he's being uprooted yet again.

His face looks absolutel miserable. Like he's just over all of this. Made my heart hurt so much.

Timbo did resort tours. How did he no remember that each resort has specific things themed for each resort. They've always had that. Ugh...

Kids meal for Jen, I mean Jackson. So she can eat the pasta salad.

This whole video is just making me mad. There is no constitency to them. Sometimes they will let him feed himself other times they have to feed him. It's confusing me and I'm an adult....
This poor kid has ZERO stability. He gets comfortable in one area and they move him yet again! Kids need a place they feel comfortable. If you never have him in the same place for more than a week, how is he ever going to feel comfortable in a place. He needs his HOME and his BED!
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