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VIP Member
I know they’re at a water park but they look so much healthier, happier and well groomed (for a water park). tim is clearly having fun. Such a contrast to current videos
I hate to admit it...but I actually found myself smiling watching him surf. He genuinely looked like he was enjoying himself. Then Jenn opens her fat fucking mouth with those damn pippy teeth and I wanted to scowl🤣🤣
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Jenn was tired FOR A WHOLE DAY after the vaccine?!??

you don’t say?? How is that any different from her everyday...
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Oh, you haven't realized it's all an act yet, have you, Phillip? You must be new around here. And what the hell is "inclusitivioty"?

Phillip Bennett
Phillip Bennett
20 hours ago
Thank you so much for being so inclusive to the lgbt+ community, and teaching Jackson about inclusitivioty. 🌈

No, Chris. Someone that finds a cure for cancer is "amazing." Two adults who are afraid to go home to their house yet film themselves stuffing their faces, getting a free hotel stay, and tie-dying a shirt are not fucking "amazing."

Chris Green
Chris Green
6 hours ago (edited)
Just got round to watching the video Jackson is so cute love the new train set and is new chair 👍💙 Glad you got the oven fixed 👍👍 Cool t shirt might try that my self As ever you guys are amazing 💙

Also, this age group seems to be the bulk of their average fan base now -

19 hours ago
watching you guys be such good parents to jackson makes me excited to be a parent- and I'm only 18 lol
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That Twitter thread is hilarious now as most of the Tweets are deleted or accounts suspended. This is kinda what's left. Jenn, you're such a passive aggressive bitch.

Exactly, I have children of my own. Her child really is not that special. I think she's gross for exploiting him and advertising to the entire world how she and her husband neglect feeding him to talk to the camera and practically give a step by step of how to kidnap him. Just propping him up for any sicko to enjoy. I really try not to talk about the baby because it definitely isn't his fault. To me he's just some baby that had the misfortune of being born to a couple of ignorant, white trash, lottery winners with a serious batch of dysfunction between the two of them. I kinda feel bad for the kid.

I would probably be upset if I saw someone say poor kid while I was pregnant. Actually, I was 19 and not at my best point in life so I did hear some similar snarky comments. All I did was cry it out in my pillow when nobody was looking. I would never let anyone know that they bothered me that easily and then make their point for them by making a total ass of myself.
I'm not saying that it was an acceptable thing to do. I'm sorry idiots upset you at a delicate time. I'm saying she spotted and chose to concentrate on 1 comment, ignoring all the goid will sent their way. It got blown up. Had she ignored it or done her usual delete job, it wouldn't have been such a deal. She dealt with it very publically because she can't handle the thought that someone doesn't luuuurrrrve them and want to sniff her farts. As it turns out, dude was correct. Poor kid. We say it every day.

I'm sure you are a great Mom and proved those idiots wrong.
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So I noticed when they were talking about brushing Jackson's teeth, Jenn had no idea what it was like. Does she not brush her own kids teeth? Is it because she's so busy editing a high school quality video? Honestly after how many years on YouTube how is the quality so bad?
Jenn doesn't do anything motherly for Jackpot anymore. The only thing she did that Tim couldn't was let Jackpot feed off her floppy teats.

Once they stopped breast feeding Dim 100% became the sole caregiver to Jackpot.
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Chatty Member
I’m guessing Tim is physically trapped in those shorts now?

Like the only way he can get out of them is by being cut out but he wants to get his money’s worth out of them first.
Wait till they show us the poop flap they installed so Tim can go to the commode 🤣

Bet they stink, they never see the inside of a washing machine.
That’s why he swims in them now, the chlorine should clean it enough
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I just went to the Nordic Track part of the vlog and he actually says "I know what you're thinking" about having the perfectly good elliptical sitting there and now to buy a bike. Then he says he hasn't been on the elliptical since his birthday, and that he likes bicycling better than running and hopefully they'll be more motivated to do the bike.

Then he says @24:35 that the bike has a screen so they can pick a place and see the scenery and it'll go up and down in elevation as they go through the scenery.

I'm sorry but I just have to shake my head and laugh at that comment. You literally could go to a state park - tons throughout the state of Florida - and see scenery...walk around... bike around... hike... go up and down in elevation. Not all state parks are flat as a pancake. O'Leno State Park. Ravine Gardens State Park. Just two that come to mind that don't even feel like you're in Florida (and within an easy couple hours from Orlando). $5-8 to enter. Hell, you don't even have to go to a state park. Just take a walk. Take a bike ride. See scenery that way.

They need to learn that throwing $$$ at "problems" - whether real or imagined - is not the answer.
The thinking going on here with Tim is "How can I get in shape with minimal effort?" Tim and Jenn are the epitome of lazy, even when it comes to their own health. IMHO, our health is one department we should not allow ourselves ever to be slack in. We're only given one body in this life.
What they should be thinking is "How can I make myself want to do this and stick with it?"

You are correct, outdoors is the answer. Indoor equipment is designed to make our muscles move, but only in limited fashion. I've hurt myself more times than I can count on my treadmill. The thing is a torture device, but it's the only way I can exercise when we have cold out there or pollen (1/2 the year). When I can get outside, I always take that option and the time passes so much faster as I'll be watching nature, people, cursing traffic jenn style. 🤣
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Wanna see a happy and well adjusted kid with two normal (or appear to be normal) parents. Watch Roy’s (Oyby) newest video

the kid featured appears to be Jackson’s age and is happy and smiling and gives thumbs up. He roars when asked “what does a lion say?”, he points at things and goes “wow”. The father is saying words to him in both English and Spanish...Tim and Jenn should watch this vlog and reflect, HEAVILY

Darling little boy! And you're right! He gave a thumbs up, was engaged, his dad let him run around on his own...heck, he even went down the slide by himself! I could hear him yapping (happily) in the background at one point too. And never once did I hear "Do YoU LUUUUV it?" and it was glorious! His parents seem so nice! Thanks for sharing! :)
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😲 I never saw that! WOW. Tim may be a dick in so many respects, but he gets my sympathy with this stuff.
There are so many instances where it’s obvious he TRULY loves her and thinks she’s a “goddess”. Hopefully the blinders are coming off and he’s realizing that she is literally ungrateful trash
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Well-known member
Yep my sentiments exactly.

this is why I sometimes enjoy these deep dives into their older videos. Because it reassures me that I’m not some internet troll picking on an innocent couple “just doing their best”

these two assholes are awful, jenn especially.
Sad part is people make excuses time and time again for them even with the tons of old videos they have up showing who they really are. I could see if they were teens but they were well past grown as hell in their old videos.

Whenever anyone says, “I’m sorry you feel that way,” they are not sorry at all.
Right. Key words being they're just sorry the person feels that way. They aren't sorry they did what they did to make the person feel that way.
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@1:05 - "We want him [Jackson] to be home for his nap and everything like that."

OH so NOW you suddenly care about having Jackson be home for his nap? :rolleyes:

Might want to start doing that more, Jenn.

Less #hosted More #you'reamomnowstayathomewithyoursonwhileyourhusbandgoesoutandfilms
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As much as Tim and Jenn annoy me now. I have to thank Tim for the inspiration to lose 25kg.

Tim was at volcano bay and said he could not ride a ride due to a weight limit. I weighed myself and was quite a few kg heavier than I thought I was and no where near the limit for the ride.

So it's been just under a year and I have hit 25kg and now would easily be light enough to ride !

Obs due to covid I am no closer to getting to Florida. But at least I have slimmed down. dropped a few jeans sizes and feel better than I have in a long time.

So thanks Tim.
If you are talking about Punga racers, it used to be 150 lbs which is honestly pretty insane for even the most fit person. My husband is 6’2” and fairly fit and muscular and he would have to be anorexic to ever see 150. They have since changed it to 300 lbs which Tim apparently is using as his goal weight at this point.
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If she’s not then she is embarrassingly fat, easily a UK size 20
If I'm being honest, that was a horrendous angle. Because you can see she's not *that* big in the prior vlog in shorts and that orange NSB t-shirt.
That dresses does her no favors.

(and yes, I know she's gained weight)
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Chatty Member

Please Nate if you are here reading, wear light colored clothing, get yourself a wearable fan and a headband to catch your sweat. Today's video has you red as a lobster and sweating profusely. I fear you will pass out from heat stroke. Thank you!
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Well-known member
Im not caught up, but watching the current video. What the F#cK are they going to do with a Nordic Track..other than clutter up their home, and give them something else to hang clothing on??? Good God, these 2! What the hell?
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Chatty Member
I sure hope they don't go in September. I am doing a B2B and[/QUOTE]
Do you know how easy it is to fake a vaccination card? Just copy someone else's and modify the name. Poof. Done.

There's also a HIPPA question there... no authority on a national level has yet to say if any company or employer has the right to demand to know anything about your medical situation, that could include vaccinations.
HIPAA has nothing to do with private business. It is about covered entities (medical facilities, medical insurance) not releasing your information. HIPAA has been thrown around incorrectly for well over a year now and it is worse than hearing Jen say, "Do youuuu loooveeeee it???"
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These asshats, who are never home, got a Nordic Track? They could walk all day, every day anywhere they want. They have no jobs. 😂 They are just total showoffs at this point. I would love to see a vlog with Jenn on there exercising. I bet it won't ever happen.
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Chatty Member
These asshats, who are never home, got a Nordic Track? They could walk all day, every day anywhere they want. They have no jobs. 😂 They are just total showoffs at this point. I would love to see a vlog with Jenn on there exercising. I bet it won't ever happen.
They go to Disney or universal just about everyday....instead of leaving after an hour and eating 500,000 calories just walk more there?
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