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Could it be the ear tubes was a suggestion to help him rather than something he definitely needed to go in for an they are just not bothering because it was only a choice

We know they don't care about the kids so if it's been worded in a way to them that it's just something that could help him rather than be told he needs to go in an get them then they are probably not bothering to book him in an its just another thing they will "get round too" like how they were going get round to going back to Peppa pig land (that they never done)

At least here I know that most doctors will word things as more of a suggestion an it will be up to the parents (unless it's actually a serious thing that needs done) but 99% of the time parents actually care an will go ahead with whatever, however we know they fall into the 1% that don't give af
I think if his hearing is as bad as they claim it was in the hearing test video, they would be completely negligent in not getting him the procedure if it was optional. A lot of people around here have called child abuse so many times, but if what they are saying is really true, and the child cannot hear because he hasn't gotten this easy procedure, I'd call that abuse. I also think there's no way, if his hearing was as bad as they say the test showed AND it was because of the ear infections, no medical provider would let a 4 year old live daily life for almost THREE MONTHS without doing a 10 minute procedure.

They're lying about something. I don't know why or what part is the lie. But none of this tracks.

***I'll add my typical disclaimer for any lurking stans: I am not saying that the Trackers need to share their child's medical information with us, or anyone. In fact, I think NONE of this should have been discussed at all. However, they also can't pick and choose which details to provide or spew lies that would produce better videos for their monetization. ie: If you are going to monetize your kid's hearing appointment AND share the results, the information you provide has to make sense. Letting a child who you claim is now hard of hearing because of ear infections go over 3 months without getting him fixed just doesn't track. This is Orlando. Not Antarctica.
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These stans are hilarious, they pounce on anyone that says anything remotely negative about the Trackers, yet don't see how this comment could be extremely hurtful to super-emotional Nick, who has poured his heart out on these podcasts saying how much the comments bother him and how emotional he is.

Poor Nick. I do kind of feel bad for the guy, but he shouldn't have taken the day off...he's been replaced. If he comes back next week, there will be a ton of "I miss Jenn" comments. Make sure you get yourself two churros this week, dude. You deserve them.

And I know I sound like a Nick stan again....but I feel for the guy. He set himself up for this, but I think when you are up close in a situation, you often don't see the big picture. He's blinded by his stan friendship.

View attachment 2906451
Nick right now

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Were those her words or are you just generalizing and were told specifics?

If the former, I think we would love to know what specifically we said (e.g., much) that wasn't true (or ok) for us to know not repeat untruths or mistruths again (was it about her or the Trackers?)

...and what exact kind of "harm" we did if they aren't even friends and / or we're just an "unwell three" supposedly to be disregarded? 🤔

Ugh. And I had the popcorn popped. 🍿 :cool:
I don't want to get in trouble here by not talking about the Trackers. Everyone knows my burner Twitter now. I feel so cool that I have a burner Twitter. 😂 Oh dear, it's so past my bedtime.

Basically a lot of times we thought it was her--it wasn't. She was not at the Waldorf for starters. They really haven't gotten together that often. They didn't really talk/text outside of their meetings. The farmer's market, soda shoppe, pizza, epcot once, and the birthday party. They randomly met them in a line and introduced themselves. There was no weird stan stalking beforehand. They did not really follow them here to florida, that move was planned for a long time. They aren't really stans, in that sense, I guess. They watched the vlogs to basically learn about the parks they don't really follow the home vlogs/kids. They aren't really long-time viewers. All the history I brought up was before she watched them.

Reading all the stuff said here can do a number on your mental health, especially when a lot of it isn't true and it's not something you signed up for. I guess people on the internet can affect your online business, when that's your livelihood, it can also mess you up.

I'm not going to comment on the neighbors/what she puts out there because that's not something we discussed. I didn't bring that up. I did tell her that she overshared and I'm an old lady and I think that's dangerous to begin with. My mission was her relationship with Jenn. I got my answers. They aren't friends anymore, they probably weren't even real friends to begin with.
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I watched a little bit of the podcast…holy shit, Tim is such a jackass. SUCH a jackass that he’s about to make me sound like I’m defending Jen!

Tim is asking questions about the week. Jen starts to answer. Tim snaps at her that they aren’t supposed to be talking about family yet, it’s the theme park section of the show. Then why the fuck are you asking about her week??? Also, good for her for getting back into therapy. Sincerely.
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It was a huge dick move to bring Jenn on. And they 100% knew what they were doing.

Nick needs to bail on Tim. Nick and his wife have jobs unlike the Trackers. He has an active IG that he seems to enjoy, just keep doing that. I'm sure he had dreams of being able to quit his job but Tim is never going to help him with that. Tim is rife with jealousy at anyone who he perceives as doing better than him.
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Wait, Ginn said she's never actually seen Inside Out, but she also said in the past that she's gotten "cOrE mEmOrIeS" from Inside Out. That tracks. 🙄
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Tim is telling a story to Jenn of how J$ and Da Baby are playing together. It's like sitting here listening to a conversation between Tim and someone who doesn't know his kids and that person is actually their mother. Jenn is just giggling like she doesn't know the people in the story or has any connection to them. This family dynamic is so strange to me. This shouldn't be a podcast. It shouldn't be recorded/on camera. This should be a husband and wife talking about what their kids did today. For them. Privately.
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They did not need that chair.
An upcoming series of events:

• They won't buy the stand from Amazon
• They won't install it by the pool
• They won't read books in the swing
• They won't go swimming in the pool
• They won't go outside at all

If they do install it, they will quickly find out how it is a tipping hazard and it will disappear into the garage. Forever.
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Buddy was clearly extremely uncomfortable during that interaction with Cinderella. But that doesn’t stop Tim from filming it and Jenn from including it in the video.

Then at the end of the video, they talk about taking the baby to Crystal Palace to get him used to the non-face characters because he’s a little scared of them now. I guess they are hoping O becomes the YouTube performer that J has not become.

Horrible parents.
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Sorry, I watched it last night and I'm not rewatching. But wasn't there a point where they were complaining about Oliver not wanting to go to sleep when they put him to bed? It's almost as if they force him to nap too much.
I think that’s part of it but I also think they are putting him to bed too early. They seem to want him to go to sleep very early, sleep through the night and not wake up until they want him to.
They also have him in that sleep sack without his arms free so he isn’t even able to self soothe with his little hands.
In addition, they also don’t understand that all kids are different and some kids don’t sleep through the night until they are older. My oldest slept through the night very early but my youngest who is almost 2, just started sleeping through the whole night recently.
I’m also wondering if he wakes up and makes a little bit of noise and Tim goes running to check on him instead of letting him soothe himself back to sleep.

Like another poster said, I find myself caring about this because I am a mother and it’s so concerning to me to see two 40 year olds who have no fucking clue how to parent.
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Dim is such an asshole. In the latest voog, he goes to Mel's and he says "I haven't even tasted it yet but go eat at Minion's Cafe instead". Dude is being a cry baby because he had to wait a while to get his food and his MELKshake melted a little. Then he says Minion's Cafe takes less time and is better quality food. This is BEFORE he even tries the food at Mels. Then he tastes the sandwich and MELKshake and says it's pretty good and "maybe do eat here" and "I'd eat here again". He's such an idiot.
But it was fine for the sister in law and the cousins to eat melted dole whip at typhoon lagoon so J4D could capture their snacks for the video. 🙄
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She also admonished him when he was joking about Tina Turner dying of a drug overdose in their live show. I think she definitely looks for opportunity to show that she’s slightly better than him about some things compared to him. Meanwhile she’s still the “is gay contagious” chick, so….
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Haha. This is such a nightmare. Every fucking day in legit school J is going to be faced with not winning, not being picked for something, not doing an assignment perfectly, not winning a class or school award, etc., and he will have zero ability to cope with any of it. Congrats, Tim and Jenn. What a disaster. They have time to reverse this now but you know they probably won’t.
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Listening to Jenn tell this story about Jackson asking if he won at Typhoon Lagoon and it was clearly Tim is mind blowing.
People were commenting on what they saw in the video which was Tim beating Jackson down the slide, and it was Tim telling Jackson he won.
She’s telling the story as of it was her sliding and she’s telling Jackson he won.
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Jen just wants to avoid parenting at all costs. I love how they constantly want people to comment about stupid shit, like water softeners, but the second people give them advice about parenting she goes all defensive. You can't have it both ways, if you are going to put your child on the internet then you have to expect people to comment about him.

Jen says they always have these late night de-briefs to talk about their kids when if they don't film them. I call bs on that since it's very often that Tim mentions something about the kids and she has no clue. Just give it up with all the lies, Jen.

It also seems that, despite Tim's constant "yeah's" and "right's" during Jen's parenting tips, he didn't really seem to agree with her.
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Does anyone else think that when Jenn said her and Tim debrief each other every night so they know what’s going on with the kids was a direct response to Tattle? We have often said that Jenn doesn’t seem to know what’s going on with her own kids and we have also said that she and Tim probably don’t talk unless the camera is rolling.
Jenn made sure to say that they may not always film their talks but they are talking to each other every night before bed.
That’s got to be a direct response to Tattle, right?
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I’ve known a few kids myself and I’ve never known one obsessed with winning. That’s not a little-kid thing unless they are taught that. But the Trackers can keep lying to themselves.
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