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My thinking on the seating is they didn't plan any spots for the children to sit. They figured J$ and crew would be bounding around and probably not eating much anyway, and hot dogs and cupcakes can be eaten while standing or sitting anywhere. So J + 5 friends + their siblings and parents + Tim's family + their weird stan friends = maybe like 45-50 people. It's still really freaking strange to only plan for less than half the seating needed for the full party, but I'm guessing T+J were being stingy with the non-showy aspects of the party, such as seating, dinnerware, etc.
Yeah, that makes sense not to plan for kids to sit but that number - 26 - just pulled out of the air seems to strange. By using Jenn math (with her saying there were 70 people there), that means there were 26 adults and 44 (!!!) children running around?!? Doubtful.
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Looks like another week w/out Timmy Boy on the podcast (I know I'm jumping ahead but we can all see it coming for sure) - I'm so sorry Nicky - you got involved with a selfish ahole. J4D's watched your child once and that was the end of that - she can't even watch her OWN CHILDREN she sure as shit isn't going to watch someone else's. But I guess we will see what Monday brings - maybe I will be wrong :unsure:

also, I started watching Quiet on Set last night - made it thru only the first episode. So sad the way these children were treated. These are shows my children grew up watching - breaks my heart.
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So if they are indeed on the Fantasy and there are 3 sea days, would there be multiple diaper dashes, or is it just one per cruise? Just wondering how many chances da baby has to be da winner.
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While looking at this screenshot posted in the last thread, the strange, small objects behind the OTT never-used grill caught my eye. Upon further inspection, I realized it's two of the fucking lemon pigs! I guess they finally got so gross, moldy, and smelly that even the Disgusting Doublemint Twins didn't want them in their nasty kitchen anymore. :sick:

I can't tell for sure in this pic if the pennies are somehow still attached to their mouths, but I'm assuming they are, since Overly Superstitious Jenn hasn't mentioned them falling out in a home vlog yet. In that case, while I don't believe in any of these stupid superstition rituals they do, I think it's HILARIOUS that the Tracker lemon pigs have held onto their pennies as long as possible in recent years. It's such a perfect symbol of how they will NEVER have the abundant prosperity and luck that they stumbled upon in the past, and you KNOW it eats Jenn alive with every week and month that passes. Add the Lemon Pig to the list of saboteurs, if it isn't already! 👏
What a dweeb.

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They're at Legoland and Dim made his own Lego car (because he's 5) and it made it over some ramp or something and asshole Dim just HAD to put up a number 1 like he's the best. What an immature asshole. Dude. You're not number 1. You didn't get first place in anything. You're not "the best". This is a kid's thing. So cringey.

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Oh, Ginn, honey, sweetie, it's time to retire the shorts.

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That expression, that double chin, wow!
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I really don't know what she wants them to do about the dogs and birds outside of quiet hours and even then there's only so much that can be done. I generally try to keep my two quiet after ten but sometimes if someone slams their door outside loud or an alarm goes off they will bark. It just happens. And I'm sure Potato doesn't meow at al when they're at the park for six plus hours.... Ugh, I really can see her going full Karen on an HOA board if she and the Employee ever con their way into getting enough money for a down payment. Ironically, she'd be the one who'd probably turn in Ft. Pampers for not painting their house the right designated shade of beige.
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Do you think Amanduh is wondering why Jenn showed other vloggers and shouted out their social media, but not hers?
She's honestly probably till oblivious or I could almost see Jenn telling her she doesn't get TikTok and that's why she hasn't done a call out.... :rolleyes: They did mention her stupid sticker store on the Live back in 2023 FWIW. Will be interesting how it holds up with her not mentioning the YT channel. I do think it will be an issue eventually if she actually decides to go through with the channel. I give it 50/50 that she keeps it up, depending on how much of their income is TikTok based and if that bill actually gets passed in the senate (last I heard was it was likely going to be heavily revised) but girl probably doesn't even know what a senate is....let alone how a bill gets passed. Seems she's at AK today playing carnival games....hmmmmm
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Yeah, I think most of their applicants are probably people who are on the younger side and/or are likely desperate for work. She hasn't update said ad in over a year since it looks like it was prior to Ollie and it list J$ as being almost three. I can only imagine what sort of things she'd want them to do now.
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If Tim is upstairs in the room with the two boys, why the fuck is Jenn looking at them with the baby monitor?? Concentrate on your chickpea falafel or whatever. Maybe pay that much attention to your cremated pan.

I hope they ditch that monitor before Jackson hits puberty.
Isn’t it entirely possible dim could roll over on Oliver?😱
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OMG. That just reminded me of that cooking show..."Two Fat Ladies." Do you remember that show? I loved them.

I always laughed when they pronounced Jalapeno's as Ja-la-pen-o's (kinda like jalapy (like my car is a jalapy if I am spelling it correctly)) vs. haa·luh·pay·nyow
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Weather online says its windy at Castaway right now so maybe that's it....

View attachment 2830986
Look it's Ginn and Dim in cat tree form.

Re: Kate - she needs a new PR team. I don't understand why even bother with a weird photoshopped pic and why they let her take the fall for it and I guess they thought the royal kiddos wouldn't hear from their peers about memes about their mother until the kiddos were on Easter break so their peers wouldn't be mean to them? Or I guess so the kiddos wouldn't blab to their friends about their mom? Just weirdly unnecessary and over-the-top, wouldn't expect anything less from a family who lives off of taxpayer money but also feels entitled.
Is that the man eating plant from Little Shop of Horrors?
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I was going to say that, unlike Jen, at least Amanda showers and does her hair before going on camera. But so do like 99% of people, so it's not really that much of an accomplishment. It just continues to show how utterly lazy and gross Jen is.
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Just catching up here, but me I have 2 kids and work full time! We just went on a family camping trip over our spring break and i managed to do all the laundry before and after the trip, make 3 meals a day for my family of 4, make time to play with my kids for about 3 hours, and go grocery shopping on top of all that and that was just in a 24 hour time span. Not to mention my wife and I packed for the trip after we put the kiddos to bed and managed to set up a whole camp site and tear it down while the kids were there, they even helped at times as well as a 5 and 7 year old can! We did all that without a camera in our hand/face and no nanny to help wrangle our kids! These two drive me nuts!
Thank u 4 the new ( disgusting ) avatar of J4d !
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People all over social media saying that it is none of anyone's business and that oh you feel good now that you forced her into a statement. I understand their sentiment but the truth is that public figures, especially leaders actually don't have much privacy, whether right or wrong. It's hard to say where the line should be drawn on that and the moral and humanity aspects but I don't think it's the fault of the people wondering after the photo was botched. I think they actually forced themselves into a statement and again I don't know how much right we have to know details but there is some right to know that she is at least ok, which is what that photo caused. I am perplexed by social media right now because people are attacking those who wanted to know but 1) some people were actually concerned (although some in a gossipy way) 2)they are saying see this is what killed Diana and yes that's true so maybe this institution is harmful and perhaps for actually Kate's sake they should lead normal lives and dissolve it..... royalists don't come at me lol
Seriously, I think they just need to fire their entire press team at this point. I think they were dealing with a double edge sword with the surgery itself. Yes, I get they had to release information but stating that it was non-cancerous from the get go now makes it seem like it was cancerous even if it may have not been initially. The article I found where it stated it was non-cancerous was from February 29th. I want to say that she started treatment around 27th from what I heard today. I just don't know why they couldn't have just said she is recovering from surgery and leave it at that. I do feel like the firm is now using Kate as their sacrificial lamb to avoid their incompetence being shown even further, they probably think the cancer news will overshadow the Mothers Day photo and Kate at the Farmers Market idiocy. Ugh.

And of course Amanduh has an opinion on this too :rolleyes:

Also it's sad I watched Temu Tim's video but I haven't watched Dim stuff himself at Epcot before he has to leave to pick up his child since his wife is too lazy to drive five miles.
My guess is she had a full hysterectomy due to fibroids & then found the cancer. That surgery is 6 weeks of recovery. It’s pretty standard to test those for cancer too. I feel bad for her- she is young with kids she actually cares about. I am sure Charles dictates what they share. He’d a mess
I'm thinking it was something like that too. Ugh, and it is interesting when they were announcing that the surgery was non-cancerous that they announced Charles's cancer like a week or so after that. I've read rumors that QE2 had cancer prior before dying but never publicly said anything. Very different regime between her and her son. I know there were a fair share of Windsor family drama going on in her reign too but it just seems messier now.
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How is it that she didn't have time to prepare for this cruise because the birthday party was so stressfull when there is a whole ass week between both of these events
Because I believe she lies to her stans on a regular basis yet they don’t question her lies nor understand their timelines, so she can blame anything at anytime and get away with it!
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I think it can really go either way and we will never know the truth, because they will never admit to having a DAS if they do and they can lie about purchasing Genie+ pretty easily, they are great liars. It used to be with DAS, the family would have an actual pass to show the CM, and other guests would see them show it. Now it's all on your app and doesn't look any different than a regularly purchased Disney+/LL to other guests. For passholders they even do it for an extended time period, so he wouldn't have to visit Guest Services every single time. The only person who would know would be the CM who set it for them.
I think the attraction CMs can see when you scan in if it’s a DAS or a LL.

I just don’t see them risking something like that. They don’t do enough rides or take the kids to the parks that often anyway.
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