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Chatty Member
What does this tell you about how Amanda really views the Trackers and how they parent…

She put out a request on the passholder page asking for suggestions on what to do with her one year old niece when she brings her to Magic Kingdom for the first time. She wants to make it special.

She also adds that she’s not “overly routined” and can go with the flow.

If you had a bestie who was a “top” Disney vlogger and had two little children, wouldn’t you ask them? Or maybe even she realizes that her bestie would have no idea what to do with a one year old at Disney or how to make their day special, above and beyond doing things that would suit you.
I think the slackers and other vloggers have stopped covering Universal since they have gotten more strict about no filming on rides. They aren’t even allowing strap-ons anymore.
Ok, now I can’t get the image of a full cart of vloggers flying by on the ET bikes all wearing dildos out of my head…
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I just went to scan thru the vlog and see what ya'll were talking about re: his hair, the food, lotto, etc.

From 11:00 straight thru to 38:45, they just talk. It's just the two of them blabbing incessantly. First in the kitchen, next on that damn couch.

That's 27 straight minutes of absolute nonsense.
Longer than an average 1/2 hour sitcom once you remove the commercials (sitcoms are typically 20-22 mins. sans commercials)

THIS is why she won't allow an editor (or allow Tim to edit)

Similar to how @bumpire said she gets off on serving Tim food he doesn't like, she gets off on including ALL this unnecessary footage.

Because SHE is in it. SHE sees herself as the "star." An editor would cut all this shit out.

Tim, you suck for letting her take over your channel.

Case in point 🤮-

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The carnival bit was just awkward for anyone who has genuine relationships with their family and any emotional intelligence. They talked to Buddy like they are distant relatives meeting the kid for the first time who don't know how to interact with children. Or like how you talk to a puppy or something, or like two celebrities who were forced by their agent to go volunteer at a children's hospice for community service and have never interacted with children before.

Going back to Dim's "OMG caffeine in mocktails BAD!!!!" high maintenance situation, that totally tracks (not) for someone who claims he completely stopped drinking (and knows exactly when he stopped drinking) because he wanted to support an alcoholic friend who wanted to stop drinking. Dimster, you have exactly the kind of personality and habits of someone who can't do anything in moderation so I don't know why you can't just admit you had control issues with alcohol. Isn't that one of the first steps or something? By being this weird about alcohol and caffeine, they actually make it seem like a bigger deal than it would be to just admit "yeah I had issues with alcohol".
Yes, Jessica. Kudos to Tim and Jenn for doing their jobs as Disney vloggers eating their way through 2 parks in less than a week!

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I'm convinced all these stans that praise Dim and Ginn for breathing and call it hard work are either perpetually unemployed or employed by their parents or perpetually getting fired if they think what these two lazy incompetent inconsistent braindead lazy turds barely manage to do counts as hardworking and deserving of praise.
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How are they still so fucking bad at this? No one is watching a 90 minute vlog but the Stans. Two 30 minute vlogs about their bullshit and one 15 minute vlog focusing ONLY on DDP would do much better; but that would require real editing. Hahahahaha. Can’t have that!

Also to the religious nutters and trackers—a scratch off is gambling you hypocritical morons.
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This is the kind of picture that makes straight women wish they were lesbians.
As a female-leaning bi, I'm about ready to jump ship thanks to these three. You've got the deflated grizzly bear, the muppet and the hot dog guzzling gameshow host looking git at the front. No ta.
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Still no new voog? I guess these staycations really take a toll on her and her ability to "work". And poor Jen, just when she was so proud of herself at the end of the live for posting videos a whole 8 days in a row in January!

And silence on IG/X today? I wonder if Tim made her stay in the room until she finished editing. Ha, who am I kidding? He'd never.
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I love Amanda saying that we can’t expect Tim out in the parks every day filming bc that “takes a toll on everyone when you have a family”.
huh? It’s called going to work. Omg.
Could you imagine if he ever needed to go back to a full time job "bUt bUuuT I cAnT WoRk tHAt DaY I hAvE 3 KiDssSSs"

I have cousin's in their 20s holding down full time jobs with 3/4 kids an one car between both parents with the kids doing after school activities, one of my cousin's even takes care of her disabled husband as well as her 3 kids all under 6

If going to play in theme parks is taking a "toll" then they honestly should be embarrassed an ashamed of themselves at not being able to manage what everyone else would class as a holiday which is no where near the same level of hard work that actual jobs an family life are
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Mods removed that whole post on Facebook where many Stan’s were calling Jenn out for not posting consistently like she said she would. There’s no way all of those were Tattlers either.
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I made it through the first few culls but sadly got booted as well. Also her TMI/verbal diarrhoea postings on Facebook are just amazing - how does anyone have the time to constantly post 100% drivel on so many SM platforms? She's also in the WDW AP forum posting crap as well.

I had no idea running a sticker empire gave you so much free time.
I watched / listened to a few of her TikToks ramblings about things that happened while "working at ALDI."

Beyond the fact that she thinks people need 5,000 of these play-by-plays (as if no one ever worked in customer service and she singlehandedly had the worst customers ever in the history of the world at her store), she has some friggin awesome memory to remember all these fucking situations WORD FOR WORD with what everyone said to her and she said to them.

In the course of watching a few, she said she was some manager-on-duty or something and man, oh man, was she routinely mouthing off to customers, including telling customer(s) to leaver HER store, etc. when they pissed her off.

I mean, yeah, if what happened was the truth with some of these scenarios, the customer obvs was a jackass but holy shit, I think any other person would get fucking fired for going off and mouthing off to people the way she seemed to assert that she did.

Sometimes, when you're in leadership (if she really WAS in leadership), you need to bite your tongue and ignore the bad customer and just let them go away rather than antagonize them even more and instigate shit with them. And she sure seemed to like to instigate!

She really IS like a mini-Jenn. :rolleyes:
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And since when is a cruise chaotic or whatever words she used. It’s the most leisurely thing I’ve ever done!

You have your scheduled dinner.
There’s scheduled shows
There’s scheduled activities.

All planned for you! All you have to do is simply show up.

This bitch makes drinking water a hectic task. You have to fill the cup and not spill, you lift the cup to your mouth and breathe while drinking but not choke or drown. It’s WILD
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Good morning everyone. I think I’m feeling like a straight woman again after looking at Jeremy Allen White’s Calvin Klein ads again to offset that horrendous picture of manchildren with bland meat on the previous page. 😅
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I wonder what her excuse is going to be this time. She really does suck.

On the Stan page, there are a lot (and I do mean a lot) of comments that are talking about how the channel has changed, how the Stan’s aren’t watching the videos anymore, etc. There are a lot of names I’ve never seen before chiming in. I do think this is the beginning of the end for them. A lot of people there are wising up to how much Jenn sucks.
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Saul's Gal

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The New Disney Dining Plan video is up, and it is an hour and 27 minutes long. Two nights at AKL and a day at AK, they wondered initially if they could eat that much. We all know they can do it.
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I haven't watched the shitshow in front of the live studio audience, but...
Gin, you don't give one dusty fuck about Bandit. Your favorite memory was of someone else taking him somewhere. Sit the fuck down. If your eyes are watering it's because your face is swelling, try unbuttoning your pants, or cutting whatever fleshbinder sheathes you're sporting.
What an asshole.
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She is so unbelievably ridiculous that she refuses to learn to drive to the preschool. It’s close enough. It’s not on major highways. We know she can drive. Hire a driving instructor to help get yourself back in groove. I see a driving instructor around me from the local healthcare system doing “rehabilitative driving” I assume for people who have had medical issues, a version of OT. But those folks are probably trying to improve their lives, I guess that’s the missing piece.
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So Amanda is just shutting down everywhere online, huh? Oh no, how will she endlessly post about every aspect of her mundane life or the whack thoughts she has?? Pretty soon the only one left to talk to will be Potato. And I assume he'll flip one day and scratch a bitch.

Oh, and should Hi Amanda! be the new Hi Marie?
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I really think Tim knows Jenn will lose her shit if he did.

Because that would be an admission on his part (no matter HOW he "sold" it to her) that he doesn't think she does a good job.
(and he KNOWS she doesn't)

He walks on eggshells around her.
it’s so strange though…I mean Jenn losing her shit means what? She yells at him? Cries? Pouts? I mean she could withold sex, give him the silent treatment or leave him but those all seem like wins. She could not help around the house, not edit voogs, spend all his money, demean him…but oh wait she already does all that when she is not mad. What exactly is he so afraid of by pissing her off? Seems nonsensical to me. Just do it man!
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