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This is how he chases me in my nightmares 🤣
What's wrong with your arms?

I hate their coverage of any sort of panel, show, performance, etc. It's like watching someone's home video footage of their kid's Kindergarten Christmas Pageant circa 2002.
Bad quality. Annoying. Never ending. They are always blown away 🙄
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Her eyes are probably all red and puffy because they were told J$ can no longer be enrolled in the school and now he's home full time. Wouldn't be surprised if they were told he needs speech therapy, is unable to feed himself, follow directions or use the bathroom on his own.
And Ginn cried for herself. “Why is this happening to ME?” “Dim, get me another nanny!”

She couldn’t give one shit for her kids or their problems.
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They're so going to be late to Buddy's parent-teacher [and we promise other parents have to go too] conference anyway. Looking all raggedy and disheveled. "Oh sorry we were working soooooo hard! *fake laugh*"
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Live show and Jen is in her torn up shirt from the other “vid”. She also says the baby is being put down for a nap “I think” …. What the F do you mean “I think”
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They actually did a staycation at the Contemporary for D23. 🙄

Da Baby is sick. Ginn says it's because of his flu shot. Bitch sounds sick herself as usual. She looks like a walking germ.

Ginn says "we're going to be back on track in October. We'll be back to normal." LOL, SURE you delusional lazy cunt.
1. JFC. The staycation mentality of these lazy vloggers. Truly something. Why even bother living nearby?
2. Of course he is, he’s been around germ-y ass theme parks and target. Could be anything. Little early for flu. Is she Dr. Ginn, medicine woman?
3. I’d say she has long COVID but she was a dumb ass cunt beforehand. She always sounds sick. Probably mold in Fort Pampers.
4. There never was a normal with these two idiots.
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I will say this did anyone notice that Tim’s eye was just as open as the other one throughout this Vlog. When he is not around her, he is much more rested and relaxed. As soon as he gets around her he looks like death warmed over. Run Tim
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Not Tim on twitter now talking crap about it being $97,000 for no balcony and a view of the smoking area... what Tim? Instead of this being a bucket list experience you know you can't afford so you'll just make it out to be not worth it? You know days ago you were creaming your pants for this suite.
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That house must be more of a tornado than normal if they didn’t film once in the kitchen. They always say they want to do more home vlogs. 95% of your home vlogs are sitting and talking anyways, and “easier to edit”. So just do that instead of complaining about it. They really make their very easy life harder for themselves.
And how messy was the baby buddy's room for Jenn to specifically say--we're going to do a room tour soon. The room is like 98% done (the kid is 6 months old) but he's grown out of all his clothes so the room is a mess with old clothes. What? You put the clothes in a bin, move it to the donation pile or storage. (hopefully donation pile and they realize a 3rd is a bad idea). That takes zero time. The kid doesn't move, so he's not messing up his room. Poor baby probably isn't sleeping because he's in a room full of crap and chaos.
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I think that it would have to take some sort of major event for them to get divorced. Mainly, infidelity but if they lose enough income from the failing channel, that might break them. I do think if Tim had an affair with a dude, she'd give him a pass.

Even if he still sees her at the hot chick, Tim has to be tired of his miserable life right now. He's out there doing some pretty fun stuff and he just comes across as exhausted and hating life. Jenn is a master manipulator. The way she lies to the audience about the 10 hours to edit the videos, she lies to Tim. Tim believes she needs two nannies to get the kids to bed without him. Tim believes it's sooooooooo hard to nurse a baby while also having a 3 year old. Don't get me wrong, those things are challenging, but not the way she makes it seem. Tim might wake up one day and realize that there are single moms out there who work actual, difficult jobs, full time AND take care of their children, alone and don't nonstop complain about it.
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So OG Buddy is going to have another disastrous homemade costume yet again. They couldn’t even make a simple ghost costume for him last year but have deluded themselves that they can make a car costume?
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This sounds like a train wreck of a home vlog and Jenn has been spending her miserable life reading here.

I want to make his costume, I don't want to print out something or get from etsy. Jenn, your kid is old enough now and seemingly has friends...don't let him embarrass himself. Especially in a school where families have money. No one is going to have a poorly made homemade costume.

Why not this, you are always claiming your child is sooooooo smart. Explain to him, Jackson Storm doesn't have a costume, but look, his friend Lightning McQueen does. How cute is this...maybe get all fancy and replace the kid in the photo with J$ head so he can see himself.

Screen Shot 2023-09-16 at 6.13.41 AM.png

Or....and this something you are going to have to learn as a parent, so it give you the opportunity to practice. When something is seemingly impossible, you offer another choice. Look J$. Hotwheels are your absolutely favorite. You have 976 Hot Wheels cars. YOU can be a Hot Wheels!

Screen Shot 2023-09-16 at 6.13.49 AM.png

Didn't he love Mario last week? Another option to present to him.
Screen Shot 2023-09-16 at 6.19.32 AM.png

I'm embarrassed for your son, Tim and Jenn. I'm embarrassed for all the shit (pun intended) you put out there about his life. Buy him a race car costume, design his shirt/hat/pants yourself It's the best of both worlds and kids won't be talking about him for the rest of his elementary school life.
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So, at the beginning of the live show, when someone asks about the baby, Jenn says--he's being put down for a nap...I think. But then Tim says, he's just finishing up some food. So--and again, it's been a while since I've had a 6 month old. If at noon, the baby was JUST finishing up some "food" and "being put down for a nap". Why in the world would he need to be fed 1 hour later? Do they wake a napping baby so Jenn can feel useful? Jenn saying she has to feed the baby is just something she says....I'm not convinced she's even still nursing him anymore. It's for stan attention.

ETA: for Marie and all the stans lurking...I do not give a fuck if Jenn (or anyone) nurses or formula feeds. I truly do not. Fed is best. You do you. What I absolutely cannot stand is the "I NURSE MY BABY!!!!!!!" showmanship. We get it, you're not special, millions of people breastfeed and don't say it outloud every single chance they can get. Also, did you know she has two kids?
Hopefully, it's just her saying it because she just likes sounding useful and Important. Otherwise, if she isn't paying attention to his feeding schedule, no wonder it would seem to her that he "doesn't want to eat" and is unhappy. Maybe cause he already ate and you either forgot or you can't keep track of who fed him and when Ginn. There is seriously no maternal instinct in her whatsoever.
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Goober just posted HHN
No stolen footage this year, and no one giving their footage either. I couldn’t watch much more of him trying to describe each house, so I have no idea if he met up with their friends at Ordinary Adventures. Or is that another “friendship” that has vanished like so many others?
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She couldn't even figure out how to cut out two even eye holes out of a sheet for a ghost costume and make it the right length for a kid, but she must completely design and make a complicated car costume this year rather than the simpler version Tim suggested or buying one. Give us a break, bitch. 🙄
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Mike takes pics and writes up blogs for the Tracker site. I am sure there will be a write-up for D23/Moana/Figment, and pics he took of Tim there.
You mean that shaggy-haired weirdo writes shit like this for them?

These vlogs descriptions are fucking ridiculous and read like a 10th grader got a bit too overzealous with the thesaurus. 🙄

"...Disney magic meets Mother Nature's might..."
"Join us on a whirlwind adventure..."
"...Disney's enchanting resilience..."
"Step into a realm where culinary delights intertwine with spine-tingling chills..."
"Join me on this gripping journey..."
"Embark on an enchanting aquatic adventure..."




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Hopefully, it's just her saying it because she just likes sounding useful and Important. Otherwise, if she isn't paying attention to his feeding schedule, no wonder it would seem to her that he "doesn't want to eat" and is unhappy. Maybe cause he already ate and you either forgot or you can't keep track of who fed him and when Ginn. There is seriously no maternal instinct in her whatsoever.
Even more so, how does she not even know what her 6 month old is up to? It’s not like she was out doing errands by herself before the live. Tim knows what the baby is up to. Where the hell was she? Does she just hole herself up somewhere while Tim and the nanny care for the kids?
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My favorites are the ton of stans who insist they are still media. And they will fight anyone to death if you suggest otherwise. 🤪 Jealous haters!!!!! You just wish you could be on Universal’s media list!!!! That is why you are saying Tim is not on this list when I guarantee that he is!!! I guarantee it!!!!
Ugh, I would like to remind these stans, the Trackers don't give two shits about you! They do not appreciate you because they lack gratitude. So keep defending two idiots who will shadow ban you the second you stop kissing their ass. Idiots.
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