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Spraying them with something citrus scented might help, cats hate citrus

Eta the curtains, not the cat
I might have to try that as well. I’ve just caught him hanging from my blinds 🤣. He’s a little menace but so funny and loving as well.

Added photos of the little menace cos he is adorable 🥰


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Yesterday as we left to go on holiday. Poor baby! Yes I know the windows are filthy, as soon as we clean then he shoves his face and paws back on it! He was a little tart with the cat sitter later on.

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View attachment 2847361
Not my babies but wish they were; we went to a cat cafe which partners with a local rescue and helps rehome the cats. These babies are from the beginning of ‘kitten season’
They’re absolutely divine! 😍 The vet practice I work at partners with a fantastic little cat charity and us nurses often take on kitten rearing duties this time of year 👀 That’s how I ended up with Pico! But it was a little too intense for my Darwin last year so I’ve volunteered for bottle feeding my next litter and then one of the other nurses will take over once they’re scampering about 🤣 Here’s Uncle Darwin with the naughtiest of Pico’s sisters Frida 🤣


I really love seeing everyone’s pics on this thread . Such beautiful kitties ❤

I have had a hairy week with my Freddy this week and he has been to see the emergency vet . A few days ago he suddenly stopped eating his food and wasn’t drinking that much water . I first thought that was just being picky ( hadnt twigged about the water at this stage ) but then after 24 hours i knew that something was seriously wrong . Made an appointment at the vet and Bundled Freddy up in his carrier and off we went.

Vet gave Freddy a thorough checking over and did a blood test to see if anything was going on internally . During the check We discovered that Freddy has a chipped molar ( which I didn’t know about) which the vet thought was the problem ( made sense to me as the no eating / drinking had happened overnight rather than being gradual). Blood test came back clear and no other signs of injury / discomfort .

Freddy is now on painkiller medication for a few days and will have to have surgery next week to get the tooth removed. Apparantly it’s quite common for cats to have a hairline crack and a tooth breaks as the cat ages .

I am having a battle now though as Freddy has basically stopped eating any wet/dry whiskers food ( I think this maybe because he is associating pain with the food?🤔). I just know he won’t eat either the wet food nor the biscuits he usually eats. Sooo I have also spent a week looking for alternatives for him and feeding him prices of salmon ( fresh from supermarket - no bones , added in extras like salt etc) as I couldn’t get anything down him . The last few days he has been eating the mon petit intense food from purina but not sure I will carry on with them? They don’t have many options flavour wise and not the best value. I also have Sheba slices to try out as the pack size is better and you get more in a box ) .

As for biscuits - tried him on royal canin which I don’t think he is that keen on. He will eat some of them. So I am thinking I need to try another brand .

all that being said - he is currently much better than he was a few days ago and is now eating / drinking again ( and going to the toilet regularly). He didn’t got at all for about 48 hours . I was extremely worried about him. I am pleased he is out of the woods and that we found the issue . So next step is the tooth surgery this week ( and hopefully he likes Sheba haha).

The patient in his box at the vet
Sending big cuddles and smooches to Freddy! 🥺💖 I always feel so sorry for them when they have dental pain. They’re SO good at hiding it until they go off their food! I’m glad he’s eating bits again - have you tried him with cat soup? I know it’s not complete but just something to keep him chowing down 🥺 Let us know how he gets on!
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Well it isn’t good news about my neighbours cat.
Was found deceased, over the other side of the main road(where we didn’t think she went) she was curled up in a front garden, sounds like she wasn’t hit by a car, so was obviously unwell.
My poor neighbour is regretting moving now.
Im so upset I’ve known her since she was a kitten, her poor sister.
This morning was awful putti my washing out, as they both used to trott over to me for a fuss .
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He’s SO soft! 🥹 I wish he loved a cuddle on the sofa as much as Pico does cos he’s the cosiest boy 🥹

View attachment 2837721
Looks like he's wearing bloomers!
He's absolutely gorgeous and does look pettably soft.
It's funny, my Pooh Bear has to constantly touch me if he's nearby and it's really annoying when I'm trying to do things. Right now he's holding my foot for some reason. Never had such a needy cat before.
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My husband has gone out, within 10 minutes of him leaving his cat brought me a toy mouse.
Happens every time although it's usually a stick with a toy fish on it.
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View attachment 2870528
Little Luna has never left my side all week, she’s been looking after me now that Sleek isn’t here to do it. The worst part is at night when she’s not there on the bed or in the morning when she’s not demanding I wake up and feed her. My two now are just too quiet 💔

Luna purrs but it’s more of a snuffle (sometimes I call her Snuffleupagus) and does the tiniest squeak instead of a meow. She’s usually known as Possum… for absolutely no reason at all!
I feel for you, it's been a week today since I lost my Pooh and it's so weird without him.
In related news I have an actual possum living in the tree outside my window (I live in Australia) and she's a harpy. I don't know if you've ever heard a possum but they sound like a pig dying, she makes a weird groaning noise like something out of a Japanese horror movie.
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“No photos mother am watching greys anatomy”
(In case anyone’s curious, grate on the window is because a certain someone hasn’t realised that if she jumps up on the window, she will fall out of it onto a main road)


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My friends, Pooh Bear has been very sick. He's a bit better after a vet visit (bad UTI) but he's still quite unwell and won't eat. I thought we'd lost him last night as he was unresponsive but then he turned up on the bed purring and wanting cuddles. He's hiding in a wardrobe so I've popped a wool blanket over him (it's quite cold here atm) and he's purring again. The other two are a bit confused as they usually sit in the window together. This was him yesterday, husband and I are both a bit worried but hoping for the best. View attachment 2856908
Poor Pooh bear 🙁.
Is he feeling better now?
Pooh passed away at 11pm. I'm utterly heartbroken. I loved him more than life itself.
View attachment 2857682
Oh no.. just seen this post about Pooh Bear ❤.
I am so sorry for your loss . RIP beautiful boy xx
My heart is breaking with my current foster cat. He is so affectionate with us but whenever he has a meet with a potential adopter he gets all hissy and grumpy. We would love to keep him, but he hates other cats.

We really need someone that will see past his anxiety of someone meeting him for the first time. We’ve put him on herbal meds and getting friends in to visit to get him over his social anxiety. He is so lovely with us bless him.

View attachment 2893862View attachment 2893863
He is beautiful ❤

look at his sweet face ❤
View attachment 2865924
Hello everyone, not posted on here before but this is my angel girl Sleek (real name Mika but it stuck). Now an actual angel as we had to have her put to sleep today, I’m missing her so much and feel like my heart has been smashed into a million pieces. She was nearly 16 and I got her at 6 weeks old, the first night I ever moved into a house of my own. I do have two more fur babies but she was always the most loving and friendly ❤ I thought I could find some understanding here as I haven’t had much in real life ❤
I am so sorry the loss of Sleek. What a beauty. ❤ x
I know! How does their meaty or fishy breathe smell they lick into themselves smell so good!
I always seem to get bum breath 😂
Upset stomach.
We was away over the weekend, got back yesterday n our neighbour said Nala hadn’t touched her food since the night before and there was a smell but couldn’t see any poo in her box ;outside cat). In the night she did a really smelly poo then jumped on the bed…a nice little skid mark on the white cover 🙈 checked her box a loose pop! Let her out and then this morning cleaned out her box 2 loose poos but we’re covered which was why couldn’t see! But when we got back did find a furball sick on the carpet. She hasn’t touched today’s food and I’ve given her a tablet. Hopefully that will kick in. She’s asleep on the sofa.
She’s had this problem before which is why
Hope Nala is much better today ?
I haven’t come onto this thread all month as have had a worrying time with Freddy ( we are possibly still not out of the woods yet).

freddy has had to have three teeth out and will still possibly have to have another 2 removed. The vet gave him Loxicom and he didn’t react well with it. We have had several bouts of him being sick ( from the Loxicom) . His eating habits have completely changed ( he was a greedy guts) but now just picks at his food. I don’t know if this is because he is associating being sick with his food. He is eating still though so that’s the main thing. He has not been himself - very lethargic and wanted to sleep all the time ( Loxicom again). Ended up not giving him any at all after he had been sick for the 4th time (based on vets advice of leaving him 24 hours before trying again).

Petplan have refused to pay for his treatment because of the FIV ( he has an exclusion due to the FIV) . I appealed but they still refused. Its cost me close to £1500 for the treatment/ medicine and vet appointments. No more savings but there is no way I am leaving him suffering.

I am hoping we have turned a corner as he has been more like his usual vocal self ( although eating still not great).

Picture of Sir Dribbles a lot ( new name for him) .


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In 2018 when I was in Crete I rescued a Mummy cat and her kitten via Cretan Animal Protection. They went into foster with a lovely lady called Katerina. We became friends.

We meet every time I got back there and I go out with her to the cat colonies to help trap cats for neutering. It’s her life’s work and she is incredible.

2.5 years ago, she posted about a kitten, as she does almost daily and we adopted him. Best lunatic ever and we adore him. I always said that we wouldn’t take any more (apart from fosters who are kept separate) until after our older boy had passed. But then she posted today with almost the same back story as our little Walter. And we decided to adopt him!

We are going to Crete next week so will get to meet him, and are trying to sort transportation for him. Poor baby will now be safe and loved for ever.

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It's like when they don't get they're no longer tiny kittens and try and get into little boxes they're now way too big for 🤣
Pooh Bear once squeezed himself into a tiny box and sat there all pleased not realising he only fit because he'd blown the sides out on his way in.
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View attachment 2865924
Hello everyone, not posted on here before but this is my angel girl Sleek (real name Mika but it stuck). Now an actual angel as we had to have her put to sleep today, I’m missing her so much and feel like my heart has been smashed into a million pieces. She was nearly 16 and I got her at 6 weeks old, the first night I ever moved into a house of my own. I do have two more fur babies but she was always the most loving and friendly ❤ I thought I could find some understanding here as I haven’t had much in real life ❤
What a sweetheart. Welcome, we all know what it's like. I lost my beautiful boy Pooh on Friday and I'm absolutely heartbroken. Like you, I had three but my Pooh was very special to me.

I would take time off work, Noddy. If you can't concentrate from grief you can't work. And you're amongst friends here, we all know the unique highs and lows of living with our feline friends. They give so much and ask for so little in return, it's no wonder they break our hearts when they leave. Much love to you x
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Can anyones cat tell the difference between brands of treat human foods? I was cooking a piece of fish from m&s for me and some from Tesco for Lily. She sniffed them both and snatched and ate the M&S version , she wouldn’t touch tescos! Same with quite a lot of other foods, she is a little snob!


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