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Chatty Member
Why did she set up a IG page for the horses but then post everything horse related on her business account. She's such a 'Like' farmer.
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Chatty Member
She claims in this shred most women lose 5% body fat in the first 14 days. I call bullshit. So Kimmy, pipe in here - how many women were in your test group and where can we see their results?
She did the same thing with the first Butt Camp. She has spoken openly about how quickly she put the plan together during the first lockdown, yet in the plan she claims that people had good results repeating the Butt Camp. Nobody had time to even complete one round! Such a fucking liar!! Also, in the actual fb group somebody asked about repeating it and either Kim or one of her coaches told them it wasn’t supposed to be repeated and that jumping back to week one (and back to 1500 cals per day from 1200) would cause weight gain. Why say it in the programme then?

I listened to a podcast with Kim before (before I realised what she really was) and she said in it she had no experience of menopause because she wasn’t in it. Suddenly she’s an expert in the subject! 😠 She’s just a con woman.
Out of interest…are there many (or any) Americans here? Just wondering if they’ve started to see through her across the pond yet.
Wow.. she contradicts herself so badly!
I dont think anyone would be able to lose 5% body weight so quickly.
I would love it if this was the case.
She is such a bloody liar.
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Chatty Member
Was it her son? My son is coming 15 and haven't been in the bathroom with him from be was about 6 and I certainly haven't taken a photo of him since he was a baby and that was in the sink.
Yes it was. Two pictures of him naked in the bath standing up. Put a leaf or something over certain areas.
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VIP Member
I wouldn’t want to meet her on a dark night, that’s for sure! Has she been pumped full of roids? She’s like a brown version of The Hulk 😂
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Chatty Member
Shes also now saying the judges were wrong. Dressage judging is not subjective as she tries to claim. You either perform the movement correctly or you dont. ffs.
She also said she finished on her dressage score. Which she did not for either horse. Which is fine. Eventing is a difficult sport. Time faults and jump faults add to the score. You would never say you finished on your dressage score if you have any faults at all.

Publicly dissing the dressage is not good etiquette either. Hopefully her trainer sets her straight. She did finish square. At this level there is only one judge.(higher levels have multiple judges to help see all angles). So she is correct but should not publicly be dissing the judge.
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Chatty Member
Exactly this!!!! 🙌🏻
i bought her programmes too and was honestly quite excited when I first found her because what she could be about is something that really resonates with me. Unfortunately the real her is just a massive disappointment. And then that disappointment turned to disgust and anger the more I saw of her.

She is an arsehole. And she has no aspirations to be anything other than an arsehole. Never come across anybody with the sense of entitlement she has. None of her customers matter to her at all. Her only interest is having their money and admiration. But repeat custom is what pays the bills long term and I don’t think that’s working out for her. People are seeing through her and she’s having to resort to hopping onto different money making schemes.

The Sculpted Vegan executed in a professional manner by an authentic person should have been a scalable and growing business. It’s going the opposite way for her. And it’s deserved.
Exactly this 👌🏻 spot on 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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New member
Some of us (I speak for myself) only joined tattle to air uncensored opinions on Kim as she deletes posts elsewhere.
Did she seriously come on here and start defending herself under an alias? Details please… 😂

(Got me curious as to why there’s a Jack Munroe thread 🙈)
It was in the first thread I think haha
I’m the same as you! I used to be a follower and then was like am I the only one who thinks she’s whack?! Then she started posting about tattle and ironically is the one who drew me here and made me unfollow her 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
That woman is a hero. Also todays lat pull down form 👀
All her exercises are terrible form, her bent over rows omg dreadful she yanks the weight up 😩 the seated row attachment she used belongs in the bin its useless & don't get me started on her glute kickbacks 🙈 woeful. She's now doing proper pullups with full rom so she's been reading here 👋🏻 hi kimmy as she used to do 1/2 reps. I can do 3 sets of ten with over hand grip so you're not the fittest about that you think you are 🤪
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Chatty Member
Are you saying Lorraine the housekeeper is doing a shit job?
Does Lorraine exist?
I call the following evidence for consideration -
We have called out her vile manky skirting boards many times.
We know that Dimwit stalks this thread
We know that Dimwit really values our input and usually takes some kind of action to address our criticism.
We know that Dimwit would never get down on her knees and scrub her own filthy skirting boards and if she can get someone else to do something for her she will.
Despite all the above they are still dirty. Does said cleaner exist? 🤔
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Chatty Member
Just her way of trying to just

It's Kimbos way of defending the programme without addressing us directly, as she likes to pretend that she doesn't come on here or it doesn't affect her. But let's face it - how can it not when she can't control the dialogue or mute people when their opinion differs? Must be really tough for a control freak.
She has def been on here! I posted about her sales looking like they were less than 1k and now she’s got a post up about her sales. Coincidence? 😏
Pity she doesn’t address the real issue with her crappy programme - that she claims it’s helped people lose a certain percentage of weight but she can’t know this because there was no test group whatsoever. Her minions in group are telling people the coaches and Kim herself used this method and they were the test data. If they had weight to lose then her other programmes must’ve been shit 😂
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VIP Member
None of the credit can be hers? Bahahaha! 🤣 What credit? She’s doing a terrible job at this latest hobby!
Humble only works when it’s sincere.
Exactly… for what?! She’s literally the epitome of “all the gear, no idea”. She won’t stick at this too long.
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I wouldn’t even share that on my own private page 😳 never mind a business page that is accessible to anyone, minors included! Disgusting piece of trailer trash
Trailer Trash 🤣🤣 perfect description

Did she or did she not stand up at that protest in Belfast and say something along the lines of “you may recognise me or know me better as the sculpted vegan” 🤔 the woman believes her own lies I think. I’m embarrassed massively for her but also her friends staff, she would tell that Maia to wipe her arse for her and she would do it. She probably pays them over the odds for what they do so they have it good with her and get the perks of being Kim’s bffs too
She did and no one had heard of her 🤣🤣 the only ones to acknowledge her was the plebs she took with her
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My 70 year old mummy has two fridges also and lives alone without a chef! 🤣 I’m embarrassed she actually said that 🤦‍♀️ American’s have huge fridge freezers.
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Chatty Member
So she "hacked the precise science for fitness for menopausal women" wow I didn't know she was food and diet scientist/nutritionist. I'm not near menopause yet but I know that genetics play a part in how our bodies change.
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