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Do we know that Harry hasn't been in touch with his grandparents? I haven't read anything around that (hark at me making it sound like I read anything, I totally rely on tattle to give me the news 😆😆)

Is everyone watching the interview? I'm not. I wonder if people who say how much they hate Harry and Meghan and their thirst for publicity will actually tune in 😆
I reckon they will. The press will moan about them overshadowing the Queen but they will be the ones printing 100's of articles about it for days, compared to about one tiny article about The Royals and the Commonwealth thing, and they will probably mention Meghan and Harry in that too. They have already started analysing the shit out of the small snippet that was released. The people who most hate them are the ones the most obsessed with them, drinking in every little thing they can about them.
Its being broadcast on ITV. Its nothing to do with Harry who the US channels sell the interview to or when other people decide to broadcast it, but it will be a huge ratings success. I cant be bothered watching 2 hours of drivel from any member of the Royal family but loads of people will.

Also agree that we dont know what Harrys relationship is with his grandparents. Royal reporters know F all too. They just make shit up. Its a bit of a stretch to assume the Queen didnt know Meghan was pregnant until they announced it to the world!
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I'm not quite sure why anyone thinks Meghan owes it to the royals to give up her life for them. I'm not that keen on her but I can see why they left, life as a second string royal must be boring and they got a lot of hassle. I think a lot of the ultra royalists problems are that if senior members can up and leave then they can't be that special, the royal family hinges on the idea they're some how special and different from the rest of us. As soon as they're not, what is the point?
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I haven't watched the program yet I'm just going by what has been posted on social media...

She said that they took her passport away but how does she explain the trips to US for her baby shower and to watch tennis?. What about the holidays she went on to European countries such as The Netherlands, Monaco and Italy etc... after she married? and I'm not even going to mention all the countries she visited for 'work'. Between all the foriegn holidays she took and the royal tours I remember thinking back 2018/19 that she barely spent any time in the UK 🤔.

She also apparently said they took her drivers licence away but that doesn't mean anything if its still valid. She didn't need to have her drivers licence in her possession to drive in the UK. There were also reports that she was seen driving around London. So its not like she couldn't go anywhere.

I sympathise with her if she felt suicidal but her story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese particularly the two points mentioned above 🤷‍♀️.
That's some of the things that came to my mind, as well, which is why I doubt quite a number of the things they said.

Their timeline of things doesn't entirely match, either. For the same thing she said it was during pregnancy and Harry said it was before marriage.
It's no surprise that the family is shite and I have no doubts that Kate is capable of making someone cry like I have no doubts that M is a bully to staff (as are the other Windsors).

It is known they greenlit and collaborated on "Finding Freedom", where it was explicitly said they wanted to head to Sandringham to basically ambush Liz, now they say they were invited to go there as soon as they landed, but the invitation was taken back.
Which one is it, as for both versions they are the source?

They didn't travel just by private jet, they also took commercial planes, plenty of them (incl for tours). You need a passport for that.
A US driver's license is useless in the UK. Why would they take that away?
Why would they take away Meg's documents? She travelled commercially and drove, it doesn't even match reality.

It feels also like she took pointers from Di's interview and then used those herself.
And it is known that Diana told some porkies alongside truth, e.g. she never threw herself down any stairs. She stumbled on the last couple of steps, but was fine, which she then spun into "I threw myself off the stairs and no one cared".
The family's still shite though. That's well known.

It's many layers, innit.
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Is anyone sick to the back teeth of ITV? I know they’ve bought the interview but every single morning TV show does the EXACT same segment 😴😴😴 “Is Meghan evil?” “Is Meghan the reason the Royal family are falling apart?” “Does Meghan hate her family?” “Meghan: The Latest” like it’s actually getting so boring and it doesn’t look good on ITV, it honestly makes me agree with Harry about how the British media are terrible (and bloody weird)
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I have always given Meghan the benefit of the doubt, and I do think she and Harry have been thrown to the wolves to protect Andrew and possibly William as well. But I can’t shake the feeling that she seems to fall out with people a lot, we can’t get on with everyone we know. But sometimes you have to just make an effort and be civil to keep the peace.

Im also interested to know about the dynamic between Meghan and her mother. She was absent for a large part of Meghans childhood which is why Meghan was raised by her Dad and his girlfriend. The girlfriend and Meghan were said to be close, although not any more which seems to the story of Meghan’s life.
That's because nothing's black and white, but a million shades of grey.

None of them come out of this smelling like roses, they all have shit sticking to them.

The Ssexes were thrown to the wolves for Andy and the Cambs.
The Ssexes also behaved terribly and had ideas that are incompatible with royal life, esp. Meghan. It is clear they didn't want to leave, their idea was to stay but also pursue whatever they wanted. Instead, they were given an either or option and that's it. So they were effectively cast out with the option of a return, but last summer it was clear that wasn't happening (Netflix, Spotify deals). Plus her using people, ghosting them etc. Her character never came out looking good, ever.

The Cambs were shit, too. The blind of going shopping in a car to a shop around the corner, meeting Meg on foot, chatting and realizing you go to the same place but not offering a lift? Like, come on. That's crap behaviour from anyone. If Kate preferred to shop alone, fine, could've offered a lift and then gone their espective ways, but she shops all the frikkin time, she could've set a couple of hours aside and shopped with Meg together. She gave birth soon after, but let's not pretend like she's a "normal" mum who's at it alone with 3 sprogs, a working husband and no help. She could've offered a few hours of her precious time every once in a while to get to know Meg and be there for her s-i-l. If they realize they are to different and don't get along, fine, don't meet up anymore. But there wasn't even an attempt at getting to know the new family member and thats shyte behaviour. They lived next to each other and shared offices ffs.
The Cambs also leaked about the Ssexes. Anyone would hate that.

Why the Ssexes think their defence and stories will have the public sympathetic is beyond me. Just the story of them wanting to land from Canada or whereever and go straight to Liz for a talk (confrontation actually) is baffling. You don't spring that on your average grandparent or parent, never mind a 90 year old and never mind your boss. What the heck.

And Liz allowed anything to get her beloved Andy off the heat.

Plus the family's inability to protect their staff from bullying through an employer (Harry begging Jason to drop the "issue") is devastating to their track record as employers.

This all speaks volumes and the conclusion is they're all shyte.
But that's hardly new or news.
It's just confirmation, time and time again.

This is true, my kids are woke.:rolleyes: I think I'm fair in my attitude but the young people will not allow criticism of Meghan. Something has definitely shifted in society, maybe its a good thing 🤔
Not really. It's really bad nowadays I find, because any dicourse is stifled. Criticise something simple, which makes sense, and you're a racist. Praise when there is something to praise and the other camp accuses you of being a sugar or a "paid troll". Not to go toooo OT, but what JK Rowling wrote for instance was good, but it was taken apart and spun into something entirely else and it's "be supportive (of whatever) or be cancelled" and that's not healthy. That's not progress and the opposite of discourse, which is always important in any discussion to allow various opinions for a rounded view.
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Does anyone have an awful feeling that BBC Scotland accidentally ran the obit because he is dead? :(
Gaffes like this have happened before, about other people, too. Someone accidentally published whilst editing and well...

The fail also accidentally published articles on court cases declaring a false win or loss, because they expected one outcome and had articles ready for both, but who published clicked too fast.

I was under the impression that the M&H bullying allegations came from former staff, not from BP?
BP has now launched an investigation. Conveniently, the bullies are no longer with BP.

Most hilarious when companies launch investigations and then find everything to be just dandy, when everyone knows it's not and those at fault left the building already, so any consequence is already dead in the water.

@vikka what was the real reason for his abdication, his association with unmentionables?
I watched several great docus on Ed and Wallis.

The establishment had many problems with Ed, some ridiculous, some serious.

On the serious front was the Nazi plan. No, not his Nazi love (which most people of the Establishment were guilty of, plus media etc), but the plan that the establishment got wind of Hitler invading Britain and Ed ruling under that (and Ed being perfectly fine with this). Germany invading Britain was unacceptable and that was the gravest "Nazi problem", not the support of the movement within Germany per se.

Their problem with Wallis was just that Wallis was friends with various people and they were afraid of pillow talk and that reaching outsiders (eg Wallis seeing the red boxes and blabbing etc). That was their biggest problem with Wallis and that was mostly a small fish to fry.

Their biggest problems, with today's eyes easily deemed ridiculous (frankly, even then anyone with a heart would deem them ridiculous), were Ed's "eccentricities", like dressing too awfully for the golf course (actually quite similar to today's golf attire, back then it was... gauche), him shaking hands with the working class (no one shook hands back then and even Liz only started to shake hands after Diana did so), him wanting to visit working class people (in the docu comparisons were drawn with Diana, same with the question by Liz to Diana why she'd want to see all these ill people and not do "nicer things"), criticising the living and health conditions the working class was subject to (wanting to improve these areas) and all this was sticking his nose where it didn't belong and threatening the status quo. In some areas, like these, he would've made a pretty fine and revolutionary king.

He also didn't want to host the archbishop of Canterbury on his holiday (at Sandringham) as was tradition, saying it's his holiday, why should he work by socializing and entertaining work mates (to put it simply), which frankly I can't fault him for having this attitude.
The establishment was appalled and they had the Yorks host the archbishop, which the Yorks happily did.
The major problem here, though, was that this effectively created a shadow court and the Yorks cosplaying king and queen and setting up their court with the help of the establishment, as they then proceeded to do more things like a shadow court. Everyone was aware of this, no one was an innocent. This is also why it's always whispered that Liz the qm helped get rid of Ed (i.e. helping with his abdication).

And well, misogyny being what it is and the establishment needing a reason to give the public for the abdication, Wallis was put forward as reason.
They could hardly say: "Ed's caring for the working class doesn't gel with us and even though we like Hitler and his party we can't have him invade Britain, so the king has to go."
There are letters surviving which she wrote to her ex-husband explicitly saying that she didn't want to marry Ed and she was happy as is and how miserable marriage would be. She had no choice after the abdication.

There are fantastic docus on YouTube, they aired on the BBC and elsewhere, letters are shown etc. I was quite shocked when I learnt this because the Nazi narrative is so strong and no one wants to say these days that so many of the upper class and the establishment were anti-Semites and in favour of Hitler.

Remember the video of Liz the qm, Margaret and Lizzie doing the Nazi salute?
I mean, fine, kids are kids, but Liz the queen mum was an adult and fully knew what was going on and what she was doing.
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Good riddance to both of them. A pair of spoiled brats acting like they have no money yet both have millions.
They complain that Canada didn't want to foot the bill for security...why should we?! So glad they left and are now in the USA.
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I've avoided TV this morning, especially ITV as I don't want to watch Piers morning jacking off over his "outrage" that meghan doesn't want to be his friend saw what a dick he really is

Im restarting the third series of the Crown though, might as well 😂
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It’s all got a bit embarrassing on both sides now hasn’t it? Harry and Meghan’s stories don’t 100% add up so are being questioned. And the royal family are potentially racist bullies who have cast out their own flesh and blood.
I do think the comments about skin colour is true, yes the Royals mix with a lot of people but having someone curtsy to you and entertaining them for a couple of hours is different to adding those genes into your noble and historical bloodline (not my description). It maybe wasn’t meant with venom and was general musings but it’s dangerous territory especially when Meghan wasn’t present. I’m actually thinking it was Andrew, he is a dick and was a senior royal at the time, he’ll have also been pissed off at his girls being pushed further down the line, the fact that it would be by a mixed raced child could have tipped him over the edge.
None of the them are coming out of this looking good and if any of them have any sense they will publicly make up. Harry because he will need his family incase the worst happens and they do split up and the Royal Family because this has damaged the brand amongst ‘the youths’. It’ll be better for them all if this is put to bed and consigned to history.
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I’m just not sure it’s ok to make serious allegations about someone and not say who. These allegations are too serious to be made on a chat show and if indeed it’s true someone should be held accountable, regardless of age and seniority within the royal family. But it’s been done in totally the wrong arena the way it’s been lumped in with everything else.
This ^. To make a serious allegation like this but only give tantalising, gossipy tidbits was what swung my opinion. They know they have left several people in the lurch here with fingers being pointed everywhere. That's not 'setting the record straight', that's adding more fuel to the fire. I think that's very deliberate. To also put that out in the public domain without discussing Harry's past indiscretions was also very telling to me. It's like they want to apportion blame everywhere else but never take responsibility for their own behaviour. It is most telling that Meghan did not discuss her own trashy family who have publicly done so much worse to her than her in laws. I am no royalist but I can't help but think back to Prince Charles stepping up to walk her down the aisle while her father completely and utterly betrayed her and this is how she behaves. It's just sad.
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What’s so weird Harry knows his grandfather is sick in hospital and rather then put out a statement out sending his wishes to his grandfather to show they are thinking about him.

He does the opposite and appears with her in clips of Oprah.

Meghan has no shame she lost her family and now Harry will do the same, we should have listened to her family when they said what she was like.

His grandparents both have big bdays this year and rather then celebrate with them, Meghan wants to destroy them.

I pray that PP gets through and makes his 100th bday and is reunited with his wife. PP gave up a so much for the queen, he has to obey her he gave it all up , and he did that out of love.

These two are going to be whining and complaining at the same time that Prince Philip has been transferred to a heart hospital and may not even be alive by then 😮

Wow, could they get any lower? 😱
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Puppies for comfort. The palace bringing out the bug guns there (truly, this county is soppy about the Queen and soppy about dogs so they’ve played a blinder there).
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The age of consent doesnt matter if you sleep with a trafficked girl. I cant believe the lengths people go to to defend a middle aged man who wilfully decided to turn a blind eye to hordes of young girls being hawked around for sex at parties he attended. We dont know if he did something illegal or not, because he wont talk to the FBI, preferring to hide behind his mummy.
I completely agree, there is no defending what he is alleged to have done. Let's not forget he was told to step back from royal life after that car crash interview during which he seemed to think the public are idiots.

Edited to sat he also continued to associate Epstein after the allegations came out although he continues to deny the photographic evidence. Who in their right mind associates with people like that, other than like minded people?
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I think if Camilla wouldn't have strong feelings for Charles she would not have put up with all the negativity thrown at her.
It would have been so much easier to look for another wealthy lover and move on.
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People are asking why are the bullying allegations only coming to light now.

Isn't it because the man who has blown the whistle about the bullying is frustrated because he didn't get his moment in Court because Justice Warby didnt allow the letter case to go to court?

He wanted his say about Meghan but has been denied the chance so he's letting rip this way?
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Chatty Member
Does anyone remember when the owner of Leicester City owner’s helicopter crashed killing all on board? Piers tweeted a close up of the burning cockpit where you could clearly see people trapped. It was pretty awful. I think he deleted fairly quickly.
He’s such a pr**k. I remember all the phone hacking stuff too, he was right in the middle of all that and denying it all at the time. I don’t know how people can like him! Even the way he speaks to susannah is awful
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A lot of people I know see any criticism as racism because to them only racists dislike her.

It's a really stupid attitude to believe that any criticism of a member of a different race = racism. It is pretty much reducing the individual to having nothing about them other than their race or the colour of their skin. To my mind that is actually probably more racist than whatever the criticism being accused of racism actually is.
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