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Kate's dress was also a copy of Grace Kelly's and Isabella Orsini's.
I’m not a mad fan of Kate’s dress. I like the skirt but the top half with the sleeves doesn’t do it for me. Also it was very white and bright which again I’m not a fan of. Didn’t realise how similar it was to Isabella Orsini’s!

Not British Royal Family but I think Queen Soraya of Iran had the most bougie wedding dress: 37 yards of silver lamé studded with pearls, 6,000 diamond pieces, and 20,000 marabou feathers - all combined it weighed a whopping 44 pounds! She wore a veil and mink jacket for the service and afterwards took off the jacket and wore emerald and diamond tiara, necklace, rings and bracelet.
Her life seems to have not been a fairytale though - the Shah divorced her a few years later because she hadn’t conceived. In a sad turn of events, when he later remarried and had a son he was exiled - so the son he needed so badly never got to rule Iran.
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It is probably more comfortable for most people to discuss Harry and Meghan rather than the disgusting details of Andrews alleged conduct. I get that. But the media should still give the public a choice, no way should the Palace be allowed to control the narrative in any way. That is wrong. Although I'm unsure about the timing of this interview and the impact it may have on elderly family members, I can understand the frustration felt by H and M. I'm not interested in them, unless they have info on Uncle Andy. I'm interested in a man who has allegedly behaved dreadfully and appears to be hiding from further questions.
If no questions are off limits, Oprah will ask about Andrew... Do you feel like a scapegoat etc. Won't hold my breath though.
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I’m interested in H&M for the drama but that’s really where it ends for me. Like I’ll watch the interview (probably on YouTube because I ain’t got time for ITVs ad breaks) but they don’t impact my life in the same way that they do for others. Some people have really taken them to their heart in the most dangerous way. Calling Meghan a c word and calling Archie a doll for example.
Yes once you start calling a woman you don't know and who has done absolutely nothing to you the C word and the b word, you need to start taking a long hard look at yourself. She is easily avoidable, but they love it too much, and they know it!
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I wonder if they rushed the interview because Meghan is expecting. Nobody can be horrible to a pregnant woman. Cynical? Who me?
I don't know whats got into me today 😕
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My Mum and Dad are proper cheesed off it’s interferes with the next episode of Unforgotten. I quite agree.

I wonder if Kate wants her offspring to be normal civilians. It’s not what you marry into all that for is it really?
Does she shite want them to be normal citizens, she didn’t want to be a normal citizen herself. William doesn’t know what normal life is, Kate did everything possible to make sure she would never live a normal life again, there is no way they will want their kids to have anything else but the very best and the titles and pomp that come with that.
Even Charles who is very open about his plans to slim down the monarchy would have still taken care of Harry and his children. William will make sure all 3 of his are ok and have the status that he feels his children deserve.
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Patsy Stone

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The thing that’s getting me about all this was Harry in his past called people a p*ki and a raghead - he apologised and said no malice was meant by it. Ah I suppose that makes it alright then? Just feel like it was fobbed off as Army banter. And of course the Nazi fancy dress.

if everything they said overnight is true about the RF he is no better than any of them
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If its going to be a borefest about charity work, I'll not get through 2 hours. I want dirt but not right now, let the elderly people have a bit of peace and quiet with no further annoyance from these pair.
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Fk sake it was probably Prince Phillip, the older generation say this kind of thing without thinking . I think H is an utter bellend, totally henpecked and has betrayed his own family . We loved this couple when they married... and was fab but they’ve acted like toddlers since
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Nobody asked for my opinion but here goes, I met older generations that 100% said what colour the baby be, as literally a throw away comment so I 100% believe it was said and probably by more than one person.
I do think the royal family is a toxic environment, as someone who lost a parent really young, watching Harry having to publicly grieve at her funeral breaks my heart. He’ll have been told to be brave and let’s all remember the queen would have been a driving force when everyone feels sorry for a 94 year old. My grandmother is 92 and let me tell you she had quite the quip tongue still.
Ultimately do I agree with the interview, no.Mostly because lawyers will have gone over it all within an inch so really is was pointless as they wouldn’t have been able to say much. And it reflects badly on them.
I’m not a huge Megan fan but she’s also a human and the media did gun for her
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Genuine question, if it’s not a “race thing” how do you square instances like Danny Baker tweeting the picture of the royals with a monkey (after the birth of Archie)?

It’s an old example, there are more recent ones but I feel like that’s one we all saw.
Knowing that there’s a history of Black people being likened to apes.
And knowing that although Meghan looks like a white woman, there’s been a fixation on her “blackness” in the MSM.
Danny Baker used the monkey as in “circus monkey”. He meant it as an edition to the entertainment show the royals are. He could have used a “show pony” as well (not that this would have been better). Was it meant racist? Probably not. Was it racist? Yes and he got punished for his thoughtlessness and rightly so.
The problem is- this and the two headlines (describing her heritage as exotic and straight out of Compton) are the only racist examples. And yet, they are used all the time to claim she was victim to constant racism in the press. There have been horrific racist posts by private individuals all over the internet in comment sections and discussion boards. If anyone brings them up- fair game. But this is not what people bring up.
I don’t think anyone reasonable will deny that there was racist tabloid coverage but the amount was maybe 5% while the rest was glowing excitement (till the wedding), hard criticism (after the wedding), praise (for the SA tour till the interview) and than only downhill from there.
So, saying it’s not a race thing, means not that there was no racism but that racism is not the BIG underlying issue here.
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The place are getting scared aren’t they?

Actually I think this provides a lot of light relief from all that’s going on in the world at the moment. They can try and spin it all they like but I think they are seething at the fact that have no control over this.
The interest is because it’s slightly more interesting than Covid! Once it’s done though it will be quickly forgotten and then there’s nothing else to say. I don’t think GB will be welcoming them back with open arms. If It was a short sharp 30 mins interview I might watch, but two hours with loads of filler and adverts will water down any shock stories. It’s hard to find sympathy when they are sitting in their multi million pound house, complaining.
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Sorry but i'm embarrassed that people juts take what she says at face level and don't engage their brain. Talking about someones skin colour doesn't automatically make it racist, it could be or it could not be. We weren't there, Meghan wasn't there and Harry is a stupid kunt.

Why must her suicide thing be true? People are always making up suicide stuff for attention. It's a real trend at the moment.

Deceitful little bitch. Makes a vague comment that is very damaging and then pretends she's being nice by being vague to protect them.

Pitty you Harry! She'll dump you when she wants to and she's burnt all your bridges.
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I read a book about the Wallis Simpson debacle and there is plenty of letter evidence suggesting she didn't want to divorce her husband but Edward was a spoiled brat and she felt trapped. I felt really sorry for her, she is still vilified now.
I wouldn’t feel too sorry for her, she was a Nazi.
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Scalding both her feet while getting into the bath on Mustique. Where do you even start?
From what I remember (I find Princess M quite interesting so I’ve read a bit about her but she would have been a nightmare to know!) she went in the shower/bath to wash her hair but she accidentally turned the heat up full whack which meant boiling water from the bath taps ended up directly on her feet. She was apparently too distressed to move until her personal detective broke down the door after one of her staff raised the alarm. I think they saw steam coming from under the door?!
What didn’t help was that Margaret brushed it off and wouldn’t get help until a few weeks later when her -in-waiting, Anne Glenconner, phoned the Queen and she was rushed back home because she needed hospital treatment ASAP. She should have gone to hospital straight away, especially as she had a blood circulation disorder. Even when she was in hospital here she refused medical advice as she was told she would need skin grafts.
There is some thought I’ve read over the years that she was experiencing a mental decline and this affected her ability to understand the gravity of the situation. Some people have said it could have been the start of dementia which wasn’t as understood as it is now in the late 90s/early 00s. Plus the Royal Family have an atrocious track record with members of their family who are mentally unwell. Combine that with her reputation (even her closest friends were too scared to say anything to her) and her heavy drinking and smoking I would say it could lead to very impaired judgement and a rapid decline.
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He had sex with a very young woman who was trafficked which is a crime - I fully believe Virginia Roberts account because what has she to gain from going public with this? God knows what else went on with other victims which hasn't come to light yet the Netflix documentary on Jeffrey is eye opening and Andrew is mentioned several times in it. Also remember the FBI don't just casually talk to everyone - they probably have substantial evidence gathered already.

On another note would you ask those questions if another type of crime was committed? The blame placed on Sexual Assult survivors is horrible, which contributes to the low rate of conviction for this type of crime.
I asked,'What did he do? I mean proven stuff, convictions, stuff you actually saw him do.'

I asked as I live in the UK, am a qualified solicitor and both personally and professionally, believe that the rule of law is paramount. I personally would happily lock my neighbour away for life for constantly lighting barbecues when my washing's on the line and nothing but the death penalty will satisfy me for the scum who don't pick up their dog's shit from playgrounds. But Habeas corpus is a vital part of a just legal system, as is the idea that someone is innocent until proven guilty. You can libel people if you so wish and bay for blood, but I prefer a civilised approach. It's the only way to be better than the bad guys.

I'm not saying I don't believe the accusations, but ultimately that is irrelevant. I will not hold a kangaroo court however unsavoury a person is.
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He slept with a 17 year old. In London, I believe? That’s over the age of consent here.

While that makes him a disgusting creep, it’s not illegal. Last time I looked, he is an outcast. We don’t see him anymore, quite rightly.
Doesn’t matter that it’s it be legal age, she was a trafficked woman. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had intimate knowledge of Epstein’s production, there is no way he was in that deep and has his hanged clean legally.

BP have had a copy of the Oprah interview in advance to determine a response.. and it’s thought M confirms that there was a rift with Catherine
Latest news is that The Queen doesn’t have an advanced copy and will find out the ‘allegations’ (if any) at the same time as everyone else.
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So I read this morning that producers of the Oprah interview are unwilling to change the timing of it, regardless of what were to happen in the UK.

So the Harkles have no control over it - isn't this the opposite of what they wanted?
I wonder how they feel about it. They must really hope that PP recovers.

I feel very bad for PP and TQ seeing all the speculation about his health everywhere. This must be so distressing, difficult and worrying anyway and to have it played out in the press and public - not easy. But they might be used to it, who knows.

In any case, this interview will be the final nail in the coffin for Has - nobody will want to see him again in the UK. How can you bash your country so much? Does he not understand that by blaming the press he also blames the public (the readers)?
The US has nothing to do with the Royal Family. They arent beholdenbtonthem. They just like the gossip. . If whoever has bought the UK rights want to postpone it, it's up to them. CBS have already done the interview so Harry may ask for a postponement but he cant force a huge network to do what they want. It's up to the British press and broadcasters to publish what they want, and they will choose this story.

Pregnant for 5 months, was she on maternity for any? Also she suffers from hyperemesis, which leaves her hospitalised. Think it would be a better comparison if you looked at a year when she wasn't pregnant.
I think both William and Kate's engagements have never gone over about 150 a year. Even if they did one a day that's hardly any, and a lit of the time, these are about half an hour each. They are notoriously lazy.
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