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That top comment is along the lines of "I'm not racist, I've got black friends". Ffs.
The Royals cant be racist because they are desperate to cling to the remnants of Empire is the stupidest argument ever, and no more than I would expect from UKIP 😄. How is it so unbelievable that a family that is literally based on it's own superiority over others and preserving their bloodline is either openly racist or holds racist views?
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The Americans will be interested in Andrew for sure, that's if they have worked out the connection between him and Harry :ROFLMAO:
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I completely agree but they are setting themselves up for that especially living in a country where those things happen.
I think if anyone ever kidnapped either of them they'd soon be returned. Imagine being subjected to a never ending word salad and moaning on about their terrible lives 🤪
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Just been watching BBC Scotland coverage of the Salmond inquiry. The screen went black and cut out for a moment and came back on showing some old archived black and white footage of Prince Philip.

I thought they were about to break with the traditional announcement times and announce it there and then! Was anyone else watching?

Most likely just finalising an obituary in case but makes you wonder! The intern who interrupted the channel with it will be in hot water 🤣
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It's not just coming out now - there have been stories since day one. Journalists and people hearing directly from those working with her that she's haughty, difficult, demanding and high-handed.

To all those complaining about BP not doing anything about the bullying claims - what could they do? It's not like a workplace where they could sack Meghan. She was there to stay and they had to work around that. It sounds like those affected were simply moved elsewhere or were likely well-compensated.
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This is why I don't understand why everyone says this is all down to Meghan (Well I do see why). This was always going to happen with Harry.
if he always planned to leave why accept a £30odd million wedding and titles? The queen offered Meghan the chance to carry on her career and not be a working royal and they said no
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Was just thinking about the apology the Mail have to make, it will be as sincere as making your kids apologise to each other when you’ve no idea who’s in the wrong.

Does anyone else think it’s really cruel the Queen has had two new puppies given her age and the fact that most dogs live for about ten plus years? Obviously they’re not going to end up in Battersea or the Dogs Trist when she finally goes, but will end up with someone else and dogs do grieve their owners much like humans do.
No it’s fine, not as though she takes them for walks and does a poo pick up session in the garden every morning. Let her have a bit of fun, after the shit show her family are having
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One thing that cracks me up is that the same people who are adament that PP had a hand in the death of Diana are the same thinking he couldn't possible have said something like that and that Harry and Meghan should think about his poor fragile heart 🙄
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Thanks for the recs @annapolly and @NOID-phal I’ve covered all the usual BRF book recommendations and now am branching out to other Royal families. It’s interesting how the same types of stories seem to play out across different countries and cultures.
The Swedish Royal family seem pretty messy as do the Monégasque and the Japanese if that’s what your looking for! Though nothing beats the Nepalese Royal Family in terms of modern family drama - the majority were massacred in 2001 by a disgruntled Prince (allegedly, there is some controversy). The monarchy ended in 2008 after, in part, being forced to step down by the government and thus ended the last Hindu monarchy.
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Well yeah the andrew situation doesn’t sit well with me, but also you gotta think we don’t know what’s going on, but it will come out and he will get his commupance.

He is supposedly her fave son but I think that changed to Edward and Sophie is her fave daughter in law and Edwards kids are her fave grandkids.

It’s His girls I feel sorry for the most because they love thier dad and they want to clear his name , did you see the pampered princesses, it was Beatrice who set up the interview he did

but I do get what you saying :) .

What do people reckon the Spencer’s will be thinking about all this ?
I dont know about the sisters but Charles Spencer is scum. Couldnt even give his sister a wing of their huge family home that he didnt even live in when she was alive, then made her funeral all about him before buggering off to South Africa and hardly seeing his nephews again. Hes made money out of her ever since. People forget he basically stood up at his sisters funeral and accused the Royals of abandoning her and leading to her death.
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It would put the monarchy's future once the generation who as whole like Harry and Meghan get into power in 20-35 years time at risk.
I think that ship[s sailed really. My kids barely know who they are, and I don't know a lot of people in their 30's and below who give a shit about the Royals. I think once the Queen goes, Canada, Australia, NZ and some more Caribbean countries will start pushing to become republics, then it all becomes very small and anachronistic.
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Why the call for all this drama? Surely if they wanted a peaceful life away from the press they would have gone away and done charitable work quietly which would have meant more. This in itself shows how nasty she is. Personally I’d have preferred a drama free and quiet life. I really feel sorry for his father which isn’t mentioned often enough, must be so tough for him and The Queen.
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Chatty Member
It isn’t for Meghan to name who made the comment, as it was made to Harry, who revealed the comment and then failed to provide any context whatsoever. I don’t dispute their experience and right to be upset about it. However, Harry has talked about wanting to repair his relationship with his father and brother - who has ultimately sent under the bus. I don’t think there’s any coming back from that. And I also think that acknowledging that the royals are prevented from making comments - which they didn’t like - but then proceeding to make a lot of allegations again people and speak for other people (H saying that C & W are trapped) when you know they don’t have the right to reply isn’t very fair. A lot of this should have been dealt with privately.
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Haha my advice is don’t. I’ve already been told I was in the wrong thread because I didn’t agree with certain things they were saying in there. I think the alleged racism is true as well, the RF have previous for racism, Harry himself. I wonder if Harry will show up to the statue unveiling and how he will be received.

Also, it’s so bizarre that people are just saying that H&M are lying about certain things. Like how does Gary from Bradford know more about what happened than literal Prince Harry?
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What about the fact they got married in secret and got married spent £32 million on another wedding paid by the British public when they were married already.

I’m sure people would have been just as happy for them getting married in secret, if they said to the public we got married in secret I’d have been thrilled.

And also they wanted to continued to be funded when they left during a pandemic and wanted tax payers to pay for security in another country especially during a pandemic when countries were suffering financially.

Canada said they wouldn’t pay for their security either, Harry had an inheritance he could have paid for this and like he said Charles gave them money to help set up their new lives - wasn’t that good enough?

They wanted to be financially independent and pay for things out of their own money this would include security no ?

Those two things annoyed me.

I really do believe we need to know who spoke about Archies skintone being dark ! The palace needs to be sort that because it’s not acceptable I’d it’s one of our future kings they need to be taken off the line of succession.
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How can you speak about racism if you've never experienced it? Piers Morgan may have experienced many things. Racism is not one of them.
He is so awful, at any time. He is so weird about Meghan, I've wondered from the start what the real story is between them.
He doesn't add any insight to any story, it's all vein popping ranting.
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The Royal Family need to comment, they can't not. I assume they will just say they're disappointed. I'm not a Meghan fan, I find her somewhat insincere but she is entitled to share her feelings and her experiences and I would never question someone who says they felt so unsupported that they considered taking their own life. That's as important an issue as the alleged racism.
I didn't expect this to come out in this interview or that I would feel like I do, it now makes sense to me why the Palace issued counter allegations last week.
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