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Chatty Member
Could be in the sense of ‘do you think the place showed Andrew more support than you?’ or ‘do you think the palace let your unpleasant headlines bury coverage about Andrew?’ I doubt they will get asked but if there were to I would imagine it would be this angle.
Good point. Oprah could ask those questions without using Andrew's name and the majority of viewers would get the implication so that would be a smart idea and maybe even possible
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Why didn’t she understand? I am not dating a prince and I know. Or, so much part of British culture we just absorb it but not so for an American.

Baffling if she wasn’t briefed.
To be fair, we don't know she wasn't. Perhaps the gravity of it didn't sink in.
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I would love to know how much if any communication is happening between Harry and his family particularly William.

Harry, Kate and William seemed to get on so well before Meghan came along.
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Wasn't that more the media though?

Oh God, just when you think the situation can't possibly get worse............. in walks this clown. Can't wait for his comments on picaninnies.
There seemed to be a public furore about it, how we couldn't see the baby etc etc. But I wasn't that arsed about it all then so I could be wrong.

I know, you can't make this up can you about Boris 😩
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@elttat I know it isn't your job to educate me, but I'm slightly concerned that you can see casual racism on this thread, as I haven't. That's the concerning thing, that I perhaps don't recognise it and possibly am unintentionally using it.
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I agree - at the moment it looks like the Palace are trying to smear Meghan and that they don’t take workplace bullying seriously due to the status of the people involved.

Sorry missed the book recommendations! I haven’t read it personally but I’ve seen people enjoy The Shah by Abbas Milani which is quite recent (form 2011) and is an autobiography about the final Shah (Soryana’s husband) of Iran. There is also Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran by Andrew Scott Cooper. Princess by Jean Sasson is on my to read list - it’s told anonymously to Sasson and it’s about the life of a Saudi Princess and talks about ‘forced marriages, sex slavery, honour killings and other outrages against women, both royal and common’. If the Saudi’s interest you there is ‘Inside the Kingdom’ by Robert Lacey.
Blood and sand by the BBC reporter Frank Gardner is good on the middle East.
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Leaving the Harry/Meghan V The Monarchy shit show aside for a minute. I'm rewatching the crown, is it true that Charles wanted to continue his extra marital affair with Camilla but expected Diana to end her shenanigans. That seems most unfair to me. Also it was mentioned on the show and here that Camilla didn't actually love Charles, why would she have continued the affair if she didn't. I always bought into the love story between them but that the big bad monarchy wouldn't allow them to marry. Now I'm not sure.
I am under the impression that Camilla got fed up waiting for him to propose and he was dragging his heels because he had been told he could not marry her. He buggered off on a navy tour and whilst he was away she married APB after presumably the penny dropping that it was never going to happen.

I could absolutely believe Diana was told she could not have affairs. It was acceptable for the males but not the females.

Piers Morgan is stirring things up on insta, I have a feeling all this will come back to bite him on the arse at some point.
I hope so. He's only here for the cheap thrills.

Latest clip from the most leaked interview ever..l can't copy but Meghan struggled with not being able to make her own decisions.. this confirms for me that she didn't understand what she was marrying in to.

I completely agree with the double standards
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I wonder how the lines of communication are between the Palace and California with everything going on. I was really shocked that the Queen was blindsided on the pregnancy and Oprah interview. Would they be keeping H in the loop as much as the others on the health of P Philip ?
I would be surprised. He will certainly be kept informed, but in a more formal way (through an aide, after the working members have been informed). This would be my guess
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Prob someone being trigger happy. There will be a news flash on the TV when he goes.
I don’t think we’d find out until tomorrow morning at 8am now if he has died. But then it would be really hard to keep it quiet on social media these days.
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For sure and if she needed support (be that therapy or whatever else), she should have received that, no questions asked.

But claiming she was suicidal is way too much to be believable, esp as she laid in on so thick with her bs concerning Archie's non-existant titles and "one family member's concern over Archie's skin colour".
Good God.
They must be fuming at the palace right now and will come out swinging in the morning.

I'm out, too, for now, been watching via an IG live stream from some blogger, will wait for actual streams to come, which'll happen after the whole shit show airs 😂 Will watch much later today, though, it's beyond time to hit the sack.
I did think that Oprah asked a very very leading question and almost forced Meghan to say that Archie didn’t get a title because of his skin colour. I thought the interview (what I saw) was going pretty well but this seemed unprofessional to me.
I wonder who said about Archie’s skin colour? I missed that bit.
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Could be in the sense of ‘do you think the place showed Andrew more support than you?’ or ‘do you think the palace let your unpleasant headlines bury coverage about Andrew?’ I doubt they will get asked but if there were to I would imagine it would be this angle.
I think this is quite possible. Cue lots of raised eyebrows and "I think I've said enough" moments.
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The Mail pulling a stunt like little letters would simply shore up H and M support base as it would be easily shareable way for them to argue the media is at fault.
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Could Kate had burst out crying because she recently had given birth and was maybe struggling in that regards? I know she’s very pampered but it could have played a role?
I think that played a big role.
Things weren't going as planned, additional plans needed to be made, throw in the hormones and well...

It's more likely this was a harmless thing that happened that's more due to hormones than Meg.

I believe the bullying claims, diva demands etc, but Meg wouldn't have been an outright witch to her future s-i-l, if she was she's unhinged.

I think also that the recent stories prove how much the palace protected Meg, eg I cannot believe that she wore those earrings. She was advised against, a moron with no sense would know it was bad to wear them and yet she did, after making such a public hoopla over refusing to stay at The Dorchester because of the new owner's bad track record on human rights.
It's not like she was strapped for choice.
The spin that they were "borrowed" was clever but dodgy because the lender was never named.
(for those wondering, as the earrings were an official gift but for her wedding, they belong to the crown ('cause official from one head of state whom the receiver(s) don't know personally), but because it was for her wedding, she can keep them and wear till death, whereupon they go into the vaults of the crown; which also means she can never sell them (not even for charity as I saw suggested)).
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