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Do people think Harry and Meghan will actually last?

Around a year in I said max 3 to 5 years. However, given Megxit I think he is so blinded by her that they actually could actually last.
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Well, BP are absolutely shut down today:

" Plenty to write and not much time to tweet today. Crisis meetings continue in the Royal Household. Every single person authorised to speak to the media has their phone switched off, as far as I can tell. And it’s not just me they aren’t taking calls from. "

" Similarly, one or two royal correspondents have wondered if there might be grounds for legal action against the couple after some of the wild statements they have made in the past few years. "

Which I doubt would happen even if grounds for suing are there, as it'd open a whole can of worms no one wants to deal with.

" Oh right. Lambeth Palace has also had the phones switched off but now even the couple’s spin doctor is saying they weren’t married three days before. "

Of course they weren't married 3 days before, he fact that they'd claim this bs is astonishing when they didn't meet the legal requirements to be actually married those 3 days before.
"The wedding day didn't feel like ours, so we had a small wedding 3 days before, just us" (not a direct quote, but what they said).
THEY (ie the Ssexes) wanted the fuss and pomp, they wanted the budget, the dress, the jewellery, but it wasn't their day??? Wtf????
They could've easily had a day like Gabriella Kent or like Beatrice, but no, nothing but the best was enough yet no it "wasn't their day"??
Are they absolutely kidding the people and their family?? This thing cost millions, the Windsors even paid for her dress and a whole treasure trove, but it wasn't really them? Really??
I wonder if a lot of the senior pepople pushed for a big wedding as it suited the monarchy.
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There won’t be anything ground breaking, she will have been told what their agenda is and what questions need to be asked. She’s massaging their giant egos and they are keeping in with her purely for her connections and the fee.
ITV viewers won't be pleased if its another mealy mouthed interview, nor will the press. So if you're right the outcome for these pair won't be good but it'll look good for the RF. Maybe thats the agenda.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Prince Harry Is ‘Being Advised to Fly Home’ to Say ‘Goodbye’ to Hospitalized Prince Philip <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; ldec (@ldec12) <a href="">March 3, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
No other media have reported it when all tabloids reported something similar two weeks ago so who knows. Would Barts even allow adult separate household grandkids into say goodbye anyway - it might be the Queen and four kids are the only ones allowed in.
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1001 others

VIP Member
I'm happy to post a link but it's probably not allowed as it's to another forum, but ...

Someone has said that Prince Philip was hospitalised due to a reaction to the COVID vaccination (like Captain Tom) - the other stories are all a cover.
  • Wow
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Active member
One of the dingly steel or something tiaras is even worse than the cyclops! (Vic wore it once or twice as first tiara and Sofia wore it once. Also one of CG's sisters, but she looked fab in it tbh)
I actually like the steel cut tiara on Sofia‘s dark hair, but she doesn’t seem to be allowed to wear any of the Bernadotte jewels after her christening stunt. But yes @annapolly the cyclops gotta go 😂
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Eugenie's dress reminds me of Sleeping Beauty, it's a bit too traditional for me.

For the life of me l can't figure out how a grown woman who is able bodied scalds her feet in the bath
It was like that, I think I just bought into the romanticism of it all, it was very me, I'd have worn it.
Every time I think of the scalding I wince. She had a number of strokes, maybe it was that.
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Well-known member
I don’t think she’ll ever come back to the U.K, not even for the Queens funeral.

Be interesting to see whether baby 2 will ever set foot in the country he’s what 7th in line for?
Absolutely not and neither will Archie again
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I'd hate to be part of it. All that intrusion and interest in your life. People thinking they have rights to you and your children. The lack of chins. Quite frightful

I'll stick to being a commoner.
I thought this was in response to eating posh food at number 10. I’m getting all my threads confused 😂
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I'm the US. What's its like there in UK about all this? Reminds me of the 80s/90s with all the diana and charles drama
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Not sure but if Harry's service in Afghan was anything to go by then l expect he was seen as a liability. Is Andrew the one who failed some military exam so had to be given a special post or was that Edward? 🤔 l vaguely remember a scandal in the early eighties
Edward left the Marines, I dont k ow if it was because he failed an exam or if it was because he couksnt back the training.
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Well yeah the andrew situation doesn’t sit well with me, but also you gotta think we don’t know what’s going on, but it will come out and he will get his commupance.

He is supposedly her fave son but I think that changed to Edward and Sophie is her fave daughter in law and Edwards kids are her fave grandkids.

It’s His girls I feel sorry for the most because they love thier dad and they want to clear his name , did you see the pampered princesses, it was Beatrice who set up the interview he did

but I do get what you saying :) .

Abdicate? No. But I'm sick of hearing about the oath she took. I treat people with the respect they deserve but the Andrew situation really doesn't sit well with me. Allegedly he is her favourite child and she is also his boss, so it's really fucked up.
What do people reckon the Spencer’s will be thinking about all this ?
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Bad Karma

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I find her choice of outfit and dark liner look for the Oprah interview very interesting. I've heard she likes to emulate Diana and often chooses to wear very similar outfits to Diana in similar situations.
This seems to be another one of those.
That was my thought when I saw the clip as well. Meghan never usually as her eyes just as dark but it does look like another time where she is showing, or trying to show, some Diana vibes.
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Papers are saying they've been urged to shelve the interview, like they have a choice.
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I wonder how much of this is coming from her, or if it’s actually her advisors. I can’t imagine her sat in the throne room at Buck House telling her people to ‘finish’ Harry and Meghan.
I reckon she will probably just be hoping karma does it’s rounds and quickly, she can’t finish them off like she supposedly did Diana because that’s to coincidently but some American nut case will probably try to assassinate them.
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Is It true that Andrew’s participation in the Falklands War was exaggerated? In that he went, but didn’t see much in the way of active service once there.
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