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VIP Member
I think the companies that employ Beatrice and Eugenie are happy to take the rough of having to only have them in the office occasionally with the smooth of having their name on the letterhead and an office door.
I think so too. They're not making a fortune from those jobs either I presume. I think they just wanted a little part time job to keep them busy until they got married.

Someone spilled the tea a few threads back that this is also the case for Chelsy Davy's "employer".
How much of an advantage could she be to a law firm though? If you need a lawyer you're not going to be impressed by a celeb connection surely!
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VIP Member
I think so too. They're not making a fortune from those jobs either I presume. I think they just wanted a little part time job to keep them busy until they got married.
How much of an advantage could she be to a law firm though? If you need a lawyer you're not going to be impressed by a celeb connection surely!
I think any fancy law firm in London would get bonus points for royal connections no matter how tenuous. Even basic celebrities generate business.
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
I can see how she might get them in the door for a pitch but would a big company really pick their law firm because she was there? I can see how she'd be an advantage to them. I just don't know if she'd be a huge advantage. If I was in trouble legally I wouldn't be impressed by a famous lawyer!
I'm trying to remember what I heard about this but she barely attended either college or maybe an internship but in any case her royal connections came into play at some point. Maybe it's on a very old thread
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Chatty Member
No but at least when they turn up at an event like that you can call them out for the hypocrisy and not have to stand there and clap like a seal and pretend they're amazing.

I'm all for the royals visiting hospitals and raising awareness for causes but you can't tell me that during a time when people are struggling and visiting food banks that they rock up, pretend they care and fuck off back to a mansion that the very people who are visiting these places PAY for doesn't leave a bad taste in peoples mouths....
Taxpayers don't pay for their non privately owned residences, the profits from the Crown Estate and Duchies do.
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VIP Member
that's very interesting about the public unis having tuition fees subsidized. does that mean that nobody going to public unis pay tuition fees? do people just choose to go to a private uni for the reputation then? do community colleges have fees or are they free?

i think there are so many different things about the royals that are just said that people just straight away take as being completely factual. some of them probably are but it's like that meme of harry saying he listens to shenyeng to calm himself down on twitter. i saw so many people on tiktok who genuinely thought it was actually true. the crown is that on steroids because people just take it as gospel.

idk anybody who believes soaps are real. is that an actual thing?!
Public or state universities, used to be free, with tuition included, until about 20 years ago. Tuition fees were introduced then, which have gone up and up. tuition fees here are more of a government loan, than they are in other countries.

although I think its slightly different in Scotland, as I think the govt does pay tuition fees for their scottish uni students!

Not many British people bother with private uni's, They are too specialist I think.

Community colleges vary, The ones closest to us, mainly have sixth form students. Education up to 18 is free, for all students. But if you want as an adult to do a technical course in something like plumbing, you would have to pay a fee.
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VIP Member
Every generation thinks the generations younger than them are entitled, honestly. It's been the conversation of humans for centuries.
But people have commented (and maybe some are the same age or younger than Harry and William) that they both seem very entitled and William in particular doesn't seem to think that he has to pull his weight and is reluctant to take on more work even though he is now the heir. I think its a massive generalisation to say that EVERYONE since the beginning of time think that younger people are entitled.
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VIP Member
I think they were both quite heavily protected after Diana died, and were probably given more leeway than any other heir with regard to having some sort of say over what they did and didn’t do.

The had a childhood of 2 extremes … with Diana being chased by the press and after Diana having a negotiated truce. Even when William was in Anglesey it was a very private, almost non-Royal life. William and Kate have had the longest easing in period in Royal history and I think they got used to it. You can always find reasons not to do something.
Yes I think Kate was spotted in Waitrose in Anglesey several times she was in the queue but with security of course. I wonder if this is the life William would have preferred and has little enthusiasm for the trappings of Royal life which includes a lot of boring stuff.
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VIP Member
I don't know if it's Harry's memoir or just the impact of the current climate, but seeing wealthy royals visiting soup kitchens and trying to be relatable just feels so off to me now.

Reminds me of that awful Rishi "are you in business?" Sunak gaffe at that homeless shelter.

i mean, you can get a £2 steak in the asda essentials range!
But yes, it wasn't a soup kitchen
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VIP Member
Well I wasn't expecting him to marry vicky from the post office and shack up in a semi-d

What him and his wife do to their property is their business - although I'd say his neighbours are pissed off at him after he objected to theirs
Sounds like they want to knock down the old house and rebuild with a new one. Maybe it wasn't in keeping with the area. James' sounds more like they want to renovate existing buildings and structures.
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Well-known member
With Kate and her work, she HAS done some good stuff in past, the Hold Still project was great, the Heads Together campaign really did mark a change in coverage of mental health, she launched Mentally Healthy Schools which seems to be a great bank of resources for schools re childrens mental health and as per their annual report the foundation does distribute a lot of money in grants to various places. I believe they gave a lot of money to set up the shout text service too.

The problem is that early years isn't a quick fix. You're not going to wake up after an awareness campaign and suddenly everything is fine, it will take decades and a lot of funding to see real change. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and see where she goes next/in the next few years and I do think there is value in having such a prominent figure as the chief champion of the topic.

Whilst I don't buy it's her life's passion I also don't necessarily think it's a puff piece/PR project to give her something to do, I think she does genuinely have an interest and want to help, but it's not like climate change, mental health or womens rights where you can see tangiable results from smaller projects, this is going to need long term funding and investment.

One thing the royals have going for them is their convening power. There are many brands who would jump at being involved with a royal project who wouldn't look at it twice otherwise so she could do something like she did for the baby banks (which was a great scheme) on a bigger scale, getting private sector investment.
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VIP Member
Unfortunately I think it could be easily disputed by Andrew that anyone could stamp that text onto the back of the photo these days.
Yes or the back of a completely different photo, unless there is video of it being turned over to prove what’s on both sides.
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VIP Member
I think the talk about modernising the monarchy is really interesting … and the way minute it looks to be inching towards the 21st century it gets hoiked unceremoniously back to the 1950’s.
It's an institution that's been in place over a thousand years. Any progress is going to be slow. I think TRF have been more accessible in recent years than at any other time and I think Charles wants to make changes.
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VIP Member
ITs a listed building though - surely they can't just do what they want? Also as someone says, how the FUCK does someone who walks away over 800K in debt then turn around and buy/renovate a house in the same year. If his wife /family are bank-rolling thus he should hang his head in shame....
You can make alterations if you are given permission. Also depends if the whole building is listed to just part of it.
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Well-known member
I couldn't understand that. Do the Chinese know who he is?

I think Mike Tindall had enough of a profile to be chosen for I'm a Celebrity without the royal connection and he didn't mention them too much while he was out there to be fair. The royal connection definitely boosts his overall profile though and he definitely takes advantage of it. I don't think he should have to stay out of the limelight just because he's married to Zara but he could stay away from things like gambling ads etc. He's not stuck for money and I don't think advertising gambling is a great look for anyone, royal or not. He seems to be cashing in more since the Queen died.
I think the big thing for me is that it definitely seems to be more of a thing since the Queen died and his royal connections are a big boost to his profile. I did appreciate that he didn't speak about the royals hardly at all in the jungle and when he was asked you got the sense he tried to shut the conversation down pretty quickly.

I don't know, I get that Peter, Zara and Mike all have to make a living, but there are ways they could do so without cashing in on the royal connections. Zara could do plenty of work in the equestrian field, Mike rugby and Peter? Well I'm not entirely sure what he's ever done but I'm sure he could find something that wasn't selling milk to the chinese. It will be interesting to see how things change now that it's their Uncle in charge, not their Granny. Although from what I've read Zara and Charles have always been close so he may have more problems with the Yorks than the Phillips side.
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